ConvertFrom-StringData @'
GettingPfxStatusMessage = Getting Pfx existence '{0}' in '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0001) CertificateInstalledMessage = Certificate '{0}' with private key is found in '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0002) CertificateInstalledNoPrivateKeyMessage = Certificate '{0}' exists in '{1}' store '{2}' but private key is not available. (PI0003) CertificateNotInstalledMessage = Certificate '{0}' does not exist in '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0004) TestingPfxStatusMessage = Testing Pfx '{0}' existence in '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0005) SettingPfxStatusMessage = Setting Pfx '{0}' existence in '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0006) ImportingPfxMessage = Importing Pfx '{0}' into '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0007) RemovingCertficateMessage = Removing certificate '{0}' from '{1}' store '{2}'. (PI0008) CertificatePfxFileNotFoundError = Certificate Pfx file '{0}' not found. (PI0010) SettingCertficateFriendlyNameMessage = Setting Certificate '{0}' from '{1}' store '{2}' friendly name to '{3}'. (PI0011) CertificateFriendlyNameMismatchMessage = The Fiendly Name of Certificate '{0}' from '{1}' store '{2}' is set to '{3}', but should be '{4}'. (PI0012) '@ |