# ExportSolution.ps1 function Get-DataverseSolution { Param( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $StartPath, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SelectedSolution ) try { $SolutionName = $SelectedSolution ######################## EXPORT SOLUTION ##Update version file Set-DataverseSolutionVersion $patchFilesFolderPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "Patches\") $deployfilesfolderpath = (Join-Path $StartPath "Deploy\") ## No Patches If (!$PatchQuery.CrmRecords) { Remove-Item $patchFilesFolderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item $deployfilesfolderpath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore # Export and unpack Unpack-Solution "$SolutionName" -IsPatchExport $false } else { ##Export Patches $patchSolutionNames = @() foreach ($PatchSolution in $PatchQuery.CrmRecords) { $patchSolutionNames += $PatchSolution.uniquename # Export and unpack Unpack-Solution "$($PatchSolution.uniquename)" -IsPatchExport $true } $exportedPatchSolutionNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $patchFilesFolderPath -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $filteredPatchSolutionNames = $exportedPatchSolutionNames | Where-Object { $patchSolutionNames -notcontains $_ } foreach ($patchSolutionName in $filteredPatchSolutionNames) { Write-Host "Deleting patch: $patchSolutionName" # Remove the folder and its contents Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $patchFilesFolderPath $patchSolutionName) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Remove the managed and unmanaged zip files Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $deployfilesfolderpath "$") -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $deployfilesfolderpath "$($patchSolutionName)") -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "Deleted patch: $patchSolutionName" } } Get-FlowsToBeDeployed "$StartPath" $SelectedSolution Get-ExportDataValid } catch { Write-Host $_ pause } finally { } } function Unpack-Solution { Param( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ExportSolutionName, [bool] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IsPatchExport = $false ) try { $pacexepath = "$env:APPDATA\Capgemini.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe" $deployfilesfolderpath = (Join-Path $StartPath "Deploy\") # Define the full path for the exported ZIP file $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath = Join-Path $deployfilesfolderpath "$" Write-Host "Unmanaged solution file name: $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath" if (!(Test-Path -Path $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath)) { # Export the unmanaged solution to a ZIP file $unmanagedExportCommand = "solution export -n $ExportSolutionName -p $deployfilesfolderpath --managed false --async --max-async-wait-time 120" Write-Host "Running export command: $pacexepath $unmanagedExportCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Capgemini.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution export -n $ExportSolutionName -p $deployfilesfolderpath --managed false --async --max-async-wait-time 120 # Export the unmanaged solution to a ZIP file $managedExportCommand = "solution export -n $ExportSolutionName -p $deployfilesfolderpath --managed true --async --max-async-wait-time 120" Write-Host "Running export command: $pacexepath $managedExportCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Capgemini.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution export -n $ExportSolutionName -p $deployfilesfolderpath --managed true --async --max-async-wait-time 120 # Check if the export was successful if (Test-Path -Path $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath) { Write-Host "Solution exported successfully: $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath" # If $IsPatchExport unpack to Patches folder. Otherwise unpack to src folder if ($IsPatchExport) { Write-Host "Patch solution exported" $destinationfolderpath = (Join-Path $StartPath "Patches\$ExportSolutionName\") } else { Write-Host "Full solution exported" Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "src\.") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore $destinationfolderpath = (Join-Path $StartPath "src\") } Write-Host "Unpacking to destination folder path - " $destinationfolderpath # Unpack the solution (extract the content) $unpackCommand = "solution unpack --zipfile $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath --folder $destinationfolderpath --packagetype Both --processCanvasApps true" Write-Host "Running unpack command: $pacexepath $unpackCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Capgemini.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution unpack --zipfile $unmanagedExportedZipFilePath --folder $destinationfolderpath --packagetype Both --processCanvasApps true } else { Write-Host "Solution export failed!" } } } catch { Write-Host $_ pause } } function Get-FlowsToBeDeployed { Param( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $StartPath, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SelectedSolution ) try { Write-Host "Generating Flows_Default.json to Support Flow Activation" $SolutionName = $SelectedSolution $SolutionPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "src\Workflows") $FlowJSON = @() $Workflows = Get-ChildItem -Path $SolutionPath -Filter *.json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Workflows) { $Workflows | ForEach-Object { $FlowName = $_.BaseName.SubString(0, $_.BaseName.Length - 36) $FlowID = $_.BaseName.Replace($FlowName, '') $FlowJSON += @([ordered]@{FlowID = $FlowID; FlowName = $FlowName; ActivateAsUser = ""; }) } ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 $FlowJSON | Format-Json | Out-FileUtf8NoBom $StartPath\Flows_Default.json } } catch { Write-Host $_ pause } } |