
# TODO: #155 Update and add tests

        Adds a package to a business unit.
        Adds a package to a business unit.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnitName
        The name of the business unit.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaPackageToBusinessUnit -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion 'v3.0' -PackageType Computer -BusinessUnitName 'HeadQuarterBronx'
        for more information, see

function Add-CapaPackageToBusinessUnit {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User', '1', '2')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddPackageToBusinessUnit($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $BusinessUnitName)

    return $value

# TODO: #156 Update and add tests

        Adds a package to a group.
        Adds a package to a group.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER GroupName
        The name of the group.
    .PARAMETER GroupType
        The type of the group, either Dynamic_ADSI, Calendar, Department, Dynamic_SQL, Reinstall, Security or Static.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaPackageToGroup -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion 'v3.0' -PackageType Computer -GroupName 'Bronx' -GroupType 'Dynamic_ADSI'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaPackageToGroup {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Dynamic_ADSI', 'Calendar', 'Department', 'Dynamic_SQL', 'Reinstall', 'Security', 'Static')]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.AddPackageToGroup($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $GroupName, $GroupType)
    Return $bool

# TODO: #157 Update and add tests

        Adds a package to a management server.
        Adds a package to a management server.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER ServerName
        The name of the server.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaPackageToManagementServer -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion 'v3.0' -PackageType Computer -ServerName 'Server1'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaPackageToManagementServer {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddPackageToManagementServer($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $ServerName)
    return $value

# TODO: #158 Update and add tests

        Clone a package in Root Point.
        Clone a package in Root Point.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER NewVersion
        The new version of the package.
        PS C:\> Clone-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion 'v3.0' -PackageType Computer -NewVersion 'v3.1'
        For more information, see

function Clone-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $value = $CapaSDK.ClonePackage($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $NewVersion)
    return $value

# TODO: #159 Update and add tests

        Copy a package in Root Point.
        Copy a package in Root Point.
        the CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name of the package.
    .PARAMETER NewVersion
        The new version of the package.
        PS C:\> Copy-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion 'v3.0' -PackageType Computer -NewName 'Winrar' -NewVersion 'v3.1'
        For more information, see

function Copy-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.CopyPackage($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $NewName, $NewVersion)
    return $value

        Custom funktion to copy a package relations.
        Custom funktion to copy a package relations, that uses other CapaSDK functions.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER FromPackageName
        The name of the package to copy relations from.
    .PARAMETER FromPackageVersion
        The version of the package to copy relations from.
    .PARAMETER FromPackageType
    The type of the package to copy relations from, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER ToPackageName
        The name of the package to copy relationsto.
    .PARAMETER ToPackageVersion
        The version of the package to copy relations to.
    .PARAMETER ToPackageType
        The type of the package to copy relations to, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER CopyGroups
        If set to All, all groups will be copied. If set to None, no groups will be copied.
    .PARAMETER CopyUnits
        If set to All, all units will be copied. If set to None, no units will be copied.
    .PARAMETER UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage
        If set to true, all groups and units will be unlinked from the existing package.
    .PARAMETER DisableScheduleOnExistingPackage
        If set to true, the schedule will be disabled on the existing package.
    .PARAMETER CopySchedule
        If set to true, the schedule will be copied from the existing package.
        PS C:\> Copy-CapaPackageRelation @(
            CapaSDK = $CapaSDK
            FromPackageType = 'Winrar'
            FromPackageName = 'v3.0'
            FromPackageVersion = 'Computer'
            ToPackageType = 'Winrar'
            ToPackageName = 'v3.1'
            ToPackageVersion = 'Computer'
            CopyGroups = 'All'
            CopyUnits = "None"
            UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage = $true
            DisableScheduleOnExistingPackage = $true
            CopySchedule = $true
        Custom command.

function Copy-CapaPackageRelation {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$CopyGroups = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$CopyUnits = $false,
        [bool]$UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage = $false,
        [bool]$DisableScheduleOnExistingPackage = $false,
        [bool]$CopySchedule = $false

    $AGroupCopyHasFailed = $false
    $AUnitCopyHasFailed = $false
    $AGroupUnlinkHasFailed = $false
    $AUnitUnlinkHasFailed = $false
    $FuctionSuccessful = $true

    #region Get data if needed
    if ($CopyGroups -or $UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
        $AllFromGroups = Get-CapaPackageGroups -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $FromPackageName -PackageVersion $FromPackageVersion -PackageType $FromPackageType
        $AllToGroups = Get-CapaPackageGroups -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $ToPackageName -PackageVersion $ToPackageVersion -PackageType $ToPackageType
    if ($CopyUnits -or $UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
        $AllFromUnits = Get-CapaPackageUnits -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $FromPackageName -PackageVersion $FromPackageVersion -PackageType $FromPackageType
        $AllToUnits = Get-CapaPackageUnits -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $ToPackageName -PackageVersion $ToPackageVersion -PackageType $ToPackageType
        $AllUnits = Get-CapaUnits -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Type $FromPackageType
    if ($CopySchedule) {
        $FromPackage = Get-CapaPackages -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Type $FromPackageType | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $FromPackageName -and $_.Version -eq $FromPackageVersion }

    ##region Copy Groups and unlik groups
    if ($CopyGroups -or $UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
        $Count = 1
        foreach ($Group in $AllFromGroups) {
            if ($CopyGroups) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Copying group $($Group.Name)" -Status 'Progress' -PercentComplete (($Count / $AllFromGroups.Count) * 100)

                $AllreadyLinked = $AllToGroups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Group.Name -and $_.Type -eq $Group.Type }
                if ($AllreadyLinked.Count -eq 0) {
                    try {
                        $bool = Add-CapaPackageToGroup -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $ToPackageName -PackageVersion $ToPackageVersion -PackageType $ToPackageType -GroupName $Group.Name -GroupType $Group.Type
                        if ($bool -eq $false) {
                            Write-Error "Error: Failed to link group $($Group.Name)"
                            $AGroupCopyHasFailed = $true
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error "Error while copying group: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                        $AGroupCopyHasFailed = $true

            if ($UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Unlinking group $($Group.Name)" -Status 'Progress' -PercentComplete (($Count / $AllFromGroups.Count) * 100)

                try {
                    $bool = Remove-CapaPackageFromGroup -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $FromPackageName -PackageVersion $FromPackageVersion -PackageType $FromPackageType -GroupName $Group.Name -GroupType $Group.Type
                    if ($bool -eq $false) {
                        Write-Error "Error: Failed to unlink group $($Group.Name)"
                        $AGroupUnlinkHasFailed = $true
                } catch {
                    Write-Error "Error while unlinking group: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                    $AGroupUnlinkHasFailed = $true


        Write-Progress -Activity 'Copying groups' -Status 'Completed' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed

    #region Copy Units and unlink units
    if ($CopyUnits -or $UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
        $Count = 1
        foreach ($Unit in $AllFromUnits) {

            switch ($Unit.TypeName) {
                'Computers' {
                    $UnitType = 'Computer'
                'Users' {
                    $UnitType = 'User'
                Default {
                    $UnitType = $Unit.TypeName

            $UnitUUID = $AllUnits | Where-Object { $_.GUID -eq $Unit.GUID } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UUID

            if ($CopyUnits) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Copying unit $($Unit.Name)" -Status 'Progress' -PercentComplete (($Count / $AllFromUnits.Count) * 100)

                $AllreadyLinked = $AllToUnits | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Unit.Name -and $_.Type -eq $UnitType }
                if ($AllreadyLinked.Count -eq 0) {
                    try {
                        $bool = Add-CapaUnitToPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $ToPackageName -PackageVersion $ToPackageVersion -PackageType $ToPackageType -UnitName $UnitUUID -UnitType $UnitType
                        if ($bool -eq $false) {
                            Write-Error "Error: Failed to link unit $($Unit.Name)"
                            $AUnitCopyHasFailed = $true
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error "Error while copying unit: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                        $AUnitCopyHasFailed = $true

            if ($UnlinkGroupsAndUnitsFromExistingPackage) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Unlinking unit $($Unit.Name)" -Status 'Progress' -PercentComplete (($Count / $AllFromUnits.Count) * 100)

                try {
                    $bool = Remove-CapaUnitFromPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $FromPackageName -PackageVersion $FromPackageVersion -PackageType $FromPackageType -UnitName $Unit.Name -UnitType $UnitType
                    if ($bool -eq $false) {
                        Write-Error "Error: Failed to unlink unit $($Unit.Name)"
                        $AUnitUnlinkHasFailed = $true
                } catch {
                    Write-Error "Error while unlinking unit: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                    $AUnitUnlinkHasFailed = $true


        Write-Progress -Activity 'Copying units' -Status 'Completed' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed

    # Disable Schedule On Existing Package
    if ($AGroupCopyHasFailed -eq $false -and $AUnitCopyHasFailed -eq $false -and $AGroupUnlinkHasFailed -eq $false -and $AUnitUnlinkHasFailed -eq $false) {
        if ($DisableScheduleOnExistingPackage -eq $true) {
            try {
                $bool = Disable-CapaPackageSchedule -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $FromPackageName -PackageVersion $FromPackageVersion -PackageType $FromPackageType
                if ($bool -eq $false) {
                    Write-Error "Error: Failed to disable schedule on package $($FromPackageName)"
                    $FuctionSuccessful = $false
            } catch {
                Write-Error "Error while disabling schedule: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                $FuctionSuccessful = $false

            if ($CopySchedule) {
            $ScheduleSettings = Get-CapaSchedule -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Id $FromPackage.ScheduleId
            try {
                $Splatting = @{
                    CapaSDK        = $CapaSDK
                    PackageName    = $ToPackageName
                    PackageVersion = $ToPackageVersion
                    PackageType    = $ToPackageType
                if ($ScheduleSettings.ScheduleStart) {
                    $Time = Get-Date $ScheduleSettings.ScheduleStart -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'
                    $Splatting['ScheduleStart'] = $Time
                if ($ScheduleSettings.ScheduleEnd) {
                    $Time = Get-Date $ScheduleSettings.ScheduleEnd -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'
                    $Splatting['ScheduleEnd'] = $Time
                if ($ScheduleSettings.IntervalStart) {
                    $Splatting['ScheduleIntervalBegin'] = $ScheduleSettings.IntervalStart
                if ($ScheduleSettings.IntervalEnd) {
                    $Splatting['ScheduleIntervalEnd'] = $ScheduleSettings.IntervalEnd
                if ($ScheduleSettings.Recurrence) {
                    if ($ScheduleSettings.Recurrence -eq 'Periodical') {
                        if ($ScheduleSettings.Run -eq 'Daily') {
                            $Splatting['ScheduleRecurrence'] = 'PeriodicalDaily'
                        } else {
                            $Splatting['ScheduleRecurrence'] = 'PeriodicalWeekly'
                    } else {
                        $Splatting['ScheduleRecurrence'] = $ScheduleSettings.Recurrence
                if ($ScheduleSettings.RecurrencePattern) {
                    $Splatting['ScheduleRecurrencePattern'] = $ScheduleSettings.RecurrencePattern

                $bool = Set-CapaPackageSchedule @Splatting
                if ($bool -eq $false) {
                    Write-Error "Error: Failed to set schedule on package $($ToPackageName)"
                    $FuctionSuccessful = $false
            } catch {
                Write-Error "Error while setting schedule: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                $FuctionSuccessful = $false

    if ($AGroupCopyHasFailed -or $AUnitCopyHasFailed -or $AGroupUnlinkHasFailed -or $AUnitUnlinkHasFailed) {
        $FuctionSuccessful = $false

    if ($FuctionSuccessful -eq $false) {
        Write-Error 'Error: Copying package relations has errors'

    Return $FuctionSuccessful

# TODO: #162 Update and add tests

        Disable a packages schedule.
        Diable a packages schedule if a schedule is set.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Disable-CapaPackageSchedule -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0' -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Disable-CapaPackageSchedule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.DisablePackageSchedule($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    Return $bool

# TODO: #163 Update and add tests

        Enable a packages schedule.
        Eanble a packages schedule if a schedule is set.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
                For more information, see
        Additional information about the function.

function Enable-CapaPackageSchedule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.EnablePackageSchedule($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    return $value

# TODO: #164 Update and add tests

        Verifies if a package exists.
        Veirfies if a package exists.
        The CapaSDK object.
        The name of the package.
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER Version
        The version of the package.
                PS C:\> Exist-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Name 'TestPackage' -Version 'v1.0.0' -Type 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Exist-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.ExistPackage($Name, $Version, $Type)
    return $value

# TODO: #165 Update and add tests

        Export a package.
        Eports a package to a folder.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER ToFolder
        Path to the folder where the package should be exported to.
                PS C:\> Export-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0' -ToFolder 'C:\Temp'
        For more information, see

function Export-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.ExportPackage($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $ToFolder)
    Return $bool

# TODO: #166 Update and add tests

        Gets all inventory packages.
        Gets all inventory packages.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaAllInventoryPackages -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaAllInventoryPackages {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$PackageType = ''

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetAllInventoryPackages($PackageType)

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name               = $aItem[0];
            Version            = $aItem[1];
            Type               = $aItem[2];
            DisplayName        = $aItem[3];
            IsMandatory        = $aItem[4];
            ScheduleId         = $aItem[5];
            Description        = $aItem[6];
            GUID               = $aItem[7];
            ID                 = $aItem[8];
            IsInteractive      = $aItem[9];
            DependendPackageID = $aItem[10];
            IsInventoryPackage = $aItem[11];
            CollectMode        = $aItem[12];
            Priority           = $aItem[13];
            ServerDeploy       = $aItem[14]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #167 Update and add tests

        Get a description of a package.
        Get a description of a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackageDescription -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0' -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackageDescription {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.GetPackageDescription($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    return $value

# TODO: #169 Update and add tests

        Get the folder structure of a package.
        Get the folder structure of a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackageFolder -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackageFolder {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackageFolder($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    Return $aUnits

# TODO: #170 Update and add tests

        Get grops linked to a package.
        Get grops linked to a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackageGroups -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackageGroups {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackageGroups($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name        = $aItem[0];
            Type        = $aItem[1];
            UnitTypeID  = $aItem[2];
            Description = $aItem[3];
            GUID        = $aItem[4];
            ID          = $aItem[5]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #173 Update and add tests

        Get a list of packages.
        Get a list of packages and if a BusinessUnit is specified, get the packages on that BusinessUnit.
        The CapaSDK object.
        If specified, only get packages of this type. Can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnit
        If specified, only get packages on this BusinessUnit.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackages -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Type 'Computer'
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackages -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Type 'Computer' -BusinessUnit 'TestBusinessUnit'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackages {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [string]$Type = '',
        [String]$BusinessUnit = ''

    $oaUnits = @()

    if ($BusinessUnit -eq '') {
        $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackages($Type)
    } else {
        $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackagesOnBusinessUnit($BusinessUnit)

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name               = $aItem[0];
            Version            = $aItem[1];
            Type               = $aItem[2];
            DisplayName        = $aItem[3];
            IsMandatory        = $aItem[4];
            ScheduleId         = $aItem[5];
            Description        = $aItem[6];
            GUID               = $aItem[7];
            ID                 = $aItem[8];
            IsInteractive      = $aItem[9];
            DependendPackageID = $aItem[10];
            IsInventoryPackage = $aItem[11];
            CollectMode        = $aItem[12];
            Priority           = $aItem[13];
            ServerDeploy       = $aItem[14]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #174 Update and add tests

        Get a list of packages on a management server.
        Get a list of packages on a management server.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ServerName
        The name of the management server.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackagesOnManagementServer -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -ServerName 'TestServer' -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackagesOnManagementServer {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetOSDiskConfiguration($ServerName, $PackageType)

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name               = $aItem[0];
            Version            = $aItem[1];
            Type               = $aItem[2];
            DisplayName        = $aItem[3];
            IsMandatory        = $aItem[4];
            ScheduleId         = $aItem[5];
            Description        = $aItem[7];
            GUID               = $aItem[8];
            ID                 = $aItem[9];
            IsInteractive      = $aItem[10];
            DependendPackageID = $aItem[11];
            IsInventoryPackage = $aItem[12];
            CollectMode        = $aItem[13];
            Priority           = $aItem[14];
            ServerDeploy       = $aItem[15]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #171 Update and add tests

        Gets a list of packages and their status on a unit.
        Gets a list of packages and their status on a unit.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER UnitName
        The name of the unit, can also be the UUID.
    .PARAMETER UnitType
        The type of unit, can be either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackageStatus -CapaSDK $value1 -UnitName 'Value2' -UnitType Computer
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackageStatus {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackageStatus($UnitName, $UnitType)

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            UnitName       = $aItem[0];
            PackageName    = $aItem[1];
            PackageVersion = $aItem[2];
            Status         = $aItem[3];
            DisplayStatus  = $aItem[4]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #172 Update and add tests

        Gets a list of units linked to a package.
        Gets a list of units linked to a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapaPackageUnits -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaPackageUnits {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetPackageUnits($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name         = $aItem[0];
            Created      = $aItem[1];
            LastExecuted = $aItem[2];
            Status       = $aItem[3];
            Description  = $aItem[4];
            GUID         = $aItem[5];
            ID           = $aItem[6];
            TypeName     = $aItem[7]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #175 Update and add tests

        Returns all none inventory packages.
        Returns all none inventory packages.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Get-CapatAllNoneInventoryPackages -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Get-CapatAllNoneInventoryPackages {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$PackageType = ''

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetAllNoneInventoryPackages($PackageType)

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            Name               = $aItem[0];
            Version            = $aItem[1];
            Type               = $aItem[2];
            DisplayName        = $aItem[3];
            IsMandatory        = $aItem[4];
            ScheduleId         = $aItem[5];
            Description        = $aItem[6];
            GUID               = $aItem[7];
            ID                 = $aItem[8];
            IsInteractive      = $aItem[9];
            DependendPackageID = $aItem[10];
            IsInventoryPackage = $aItem[11];
            CollectMode        = $aItem[12];
            Priority           = $aItem[13];
            ServerDeploy       = $aItem[14]

    Return $oaUnits

        Imports a package into CapaInstaller.
        Imports a package into CapaInstaller.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Specifies the path to the zip file containing the package.
    .PARAMETER OverrideCIPCdata
        If the zip file contains metadata used by the Package Creator, setting this to true will override these metadata if any already exists in the CMS database.
    .PARAMETER ImportFolderStructure
        Determines wether or not the folder structure will be imported from the exported package.
        If this is true, the package will be placed in the folder it was located in, when it was exported. Any folders in that structure that doesn't already exist, will be created in CMS.
    .PARAMETER ImportSchedule
        Determines wether or not the schedule will be imported from the package.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        An optional comment to add to the changelog.
                PS C:\> Import-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $value1 -FilePath 'C:\Temp\' -OverrideCIPCdata $true -ImportFolderStructure $true -ImportSchedule $true
        For more information, see

function Import-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.ImportPackage($FilePath, $OverrideCIPCdata, $ImportFolderStructure, $ImportSchedule, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #177 Update and add tests

        Initializes a package promotion.
        Initialize a package promotion.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
                PS C:\> Initialize-CapaPackagePromote -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50'
        For more information, see

function Initialize-CapaPackagePromote {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.PackagePromote($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    Return $bool

        Create a package in the CapaInstaller.
        Create a new package in the CapaInstaller.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER UnitType
        The type of unit.
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        The display name of the package.
                PS C:\> New-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'TestPackage' -PackageVersion 'v1.0.0' -UnitType 'Computer' -DisplayName 'Test Package'
        For more information, see

function New-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $value = $CapaSDK.CreatePackage($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $UnitType, $DisplayName)
    return $value

        Creates a new capa package with Git support
        Creates a local folder structure you can use with Git to manage your deployment of Capa packages.
        There is both a simple and advanced mode.
        It is recommended to read the documentation before using this function.
        .PARAMETER PackageName
            The name of the package
        .PARAMETER PackageVersion
            The version of the package
        .PARAMETER SoftwareName
            The name of the software
        .PARAMETER SoftwareVersion
            The version of the software
        .PARAMETER PackageType
            The type of the package, either VBScript or PowerPack
        .PARAMETER BasePath
            The base path where the package folder will be created
        .PARAMETER CapaServer
            The Capa server name
        .PARAMETER SQLServer
            The SQL server name
        .PARAMETER Database
            The Capa database name
        .PARAMETER DefaultManagementPoint
            The default management point
        .PARAMETER PackageBasePath
            The path of where CapaInstaller is saving the packages, example E:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs
        .PARAMETER Advanced
            When specified the advanced setup will be used
        New-CapaPackageWithGit -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -PackageType 'VBScript' -BasePath 'C:\Temp' -CapaServer 'CISERVER' -SQLServer 'CISERVER' -Database 'CapaInstaller' -DefaultManagementPoint '1' -PackageBasePath 'E:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs'
        New-CapaPackageWithGit -SoftwareName 'Test1' -SoftwareVersion 'v1.0' -PackageType 'PowerPack' -BasePath 'C:\Temp' -CapaServer 'CISERVER' -SQLServer 'CISERVER' -Database 'CapaInstaller' -DefaultManagementPoint '1' -PackageBasePath 'E:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs' -Advanced
        This is a custom function that is not part of the CapaSDK

function New-CapaPackageWithGit {
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NotAdvanced', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NotAdvanced', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Advanced', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Advanced', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('VBScript', 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Advanced', Mandatory = $true)]

    Try {
        #region Parameters
        $GitIgnoreFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\.gitignore'
        $UpdatePackageScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\UpdatePackage.ps1'

        if ($Advanced) {
            $PackagePath = Join-Path $BasePath "Capa_$($SoftwareName -replace ' ', '_')"
            $ScriptPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Scripts'
            $KitPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Kit'
            $GitHubActionsPath = Join-Path $PackagePath '.github\workflows'
            $GitHubActionsFile1 = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\main.yml'
            $GitHubActionsFile2 = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\versioning.yml'
            $SettingsPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Settings.json'
            $SettingsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\Settings.json'
            $SetStatusScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\MinorVersionSetSameStatus.ps1'
        } Else {
            $PackagePath = Join-Path $BasePath "Capa_$($PackageName -replace ' ', '_')"
            $VersionPath = Join-Path $PackagePath $PackageVersion
            $ScriptPath = Join-Path $VersionPath 'Scripts'
            $KitPath = Join-Path $VersionPath 'Kit'

        if ($PackageType -eq 'VBScript') {
            $InstallScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\Install.cis'
            $UninstallScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\Uninstall.cis'

            $InstallScriptDestination = Join-Path $ScriptPath "$PackageName$SoftwareName.cis"
            $UninstallScriptDestination = Join-Path $ScriptPath "$($PackageName)$($SoftwareName)_Uninstall.cis"
        } ElseIf ($PackageType -eq 'PowerPack') {
            $InstallScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\Install.ps1'
            $UninstallScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies\Uninstall.ps1'

        #region Create folder and dummy files
        New-Item -Path $ScriptPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
        New-Item -Path $KitPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        $DummyFile = Join-Path $KitPath 'CapaInstaller.txt'
        New-Item -Path $DummyFile -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
        Set-Content -Path $DummyFile -Value 'This is a dummy file'

        if ($Advanced) {
            New-Item -Path $GitHubActionsPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        #region Copy files
        Copy-Item -Path $GitIgnoreFile -Destination $PackagePath -Force | Out-Null
        if ($Advanced) {
            Copy-Item -Path $GitHubActionsFile1 -Destination $GitHubActionsPath -Force | Out-Null
            Copy-Item -Path $GitHubActionsFile2 -Destination $GitHubActionsPath -Force | Out-Null
            Copy-Item -Path $SetStatusScript -Destination $PackagePath -Force | Out-Null

        #region Copy Settings.json
        if ($Advanced) {
            Copy-Item -Path $SettingsFile -Destination $PackagePath -Force | Out-Null

            $Setting = Get-Content $SettingsPath | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Setting.SoftwareName = $SoftwareName
            $Setting.SoftwareVersion = $SoftwareVersion
            $Setting.CapaServer = $CapaServer
            $Setting.SQLServer = $SQLServer
            $Setting.Database = $Database
            $Setting.DefaultManagementPoint = $DefaultManagementPoint
            $Setting.PackageBasePath = $PackageBasePath
            $Setting | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $SettingsPath -Force

        #region Copy UpdatePackage.ps1
        if (!(Test-Path "$PackagePath\UpdatePackage.ps1") ) {
            $UpdatePackageScriptPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'UpdatePackage.ps1'

            Copy-Item -Path $UpdatePackageScript -Destination $PackagePath -Force | Out-Null

            # Replace in UpdatePackage.ps1
            if ($Advanced -eq $false) {
                if ($null -ne $CapaServer) {
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = Get-Content $UpdatePackageScriptPath
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = $UpdatePackageScriptContent.Replace('$CapaServer = ' + "''", '$CapaServer = ' + "'$CapaServer'")
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent | Out-File -FilePath $UpdatePackageScriptPath -Force
                if ($null -ne $SQLServer) {
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = Get-Content $UpdatePackageScriptPath
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = $UpdatePackageScriptContent.Replace('$SQLServer = ' + "''", '$SQLServer = ' + "'$SQLServer'")
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent | Out-File -FilePath $UpdatePackageScriptPath -Force
                if ($null -ne $Database) {
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = Get-Content $UpdatePackageScriptPath
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = $UpdatePackageScriptContent.Replace('$Database = ' + "''", '$Database = ' + "'$Database'")
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent | Out-File -FilePath $UpdatePackageScriptPath -Force
                if ($null -ne $DefaultManagementPoint) {
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = Get-Content $UpdatePackageScriptPath
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = $UpdatePackageScriptContent.Replace('$DefaultManagementPointDev = ' + "''", '$DefaultManagementPointDev = ' + "'$DefaultManagementPoint'")
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent | Out-File -FilePath $UpdatePackageScriptPath -Force
                if ($null -ne $PackageBasePath) {
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = Get-Content $UpdatePackageScriptPath
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent = $UpdatePackageScriptContent.Replace('$PackageBasePath = ' + "''", '$PackageBasePath = ' + "'$PackageBasePath'")
                    $UpdatePackageScriptContent | Out-File -FilePath $UpdatePackageScriptPath -Force

        #region Copy Install/Uninstall script
        If ($PackageType -eq 'VBScript') {
            $InstallContent = Get-Content $InstallScript
            $InstallContent = $InstallContent.Replace('PACKAGENAME', "$PackageName$SoftwareName")
            $InstallContent = $InstallContent.Replace('PACKAGEVERSION', "$PackageVersion$SoftwareVersion")
            $InstallContent = $InstallContent.Replace('CREATEDBY', $env:username)
            $InstallContent = $InstallContent.Replace('TIME', (Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'))
            New-Item -Path $InstallScriptDestination -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
            $InstallContent | Out-File -FilePath $InstallScriptDestination -Force

            $UninstallContent = Get-Content $UninstallScript
            $UninstallContent = $UninstallContent.Replace('PACKAGENAME', "$PackageName$SoftwareName")
            $UninstallContent = $UninstallContent.Replace('PACKAGEVERSION', "$PackageVersion$SoftwareVersion")
            $UninstallContent = $UninstallContent.Replace('CREATEDBY', $env:username)
            $UninstallContent = $UninstallContent.Replace('TIME', (Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'))
            New-Item -Path $UninstallScriptDestination -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
            $UninstallContent | Out-File -FilePath $UninstallScriptDestination -Force
        } else {
            Copy-Item -Path $InstallScript -Destination $ScriptPath -Force | Out-Null
            Copy-Item -Path $UninstallScript -Destination $ScriptPath -Force | Out-Null



        return $true
    } Catch {
        return $false

        Creates a new PowerPack in CapaInstaller
        Creates a new PowerPack in CapaInstaller using the CapaSDK and the SqlServer module
        The CapaSDK object
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        The display name of the package, if not specified then the package name and version will be used
    .PARAMETER InstallScriptContent
        The install script content of the package, if not specified then the default install script will be used
    .PARAMETER UninstallScriptContent
        The uninstall script content of the package, if not specified then the default uninstall script will be used
    .PARAMETER KitFolderPath
        The path to the kit folder, if not specified then a dummy kit folder will be created
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The changelog comment of the package
    .PARAMETER SqlServerInstance
        The SQL Server instance
    .PARAMETER Database
        The Capa database name
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The SQL Server credential
        .PARAMETER PointID
                The ID of the point to rebuild the kit file on, if not specified then the kit file will not be rebuilt.
                Requires that KitFolderPath is specified.
        .PARAMETER AllowInstallOnServer
                Allow the package to be installed on the server
        New-CapaPowerPack -CapaSDK $oCMSDev -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -DisplayName 'Test1' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
        New-CapaPowerPack -CapaSDK $oCMSDev -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -DisplayName 'Test1' -InstallScriptContent 'Write-Host "Hello World"' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
        New-CapaPowerPack -CapaSDK $oCMSDev -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -DisplayName 'Test1' -KitFolderPath 'C:\Temp\Kit' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
                New-CapaPowerPack -CapaSDK $oCMSDev -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -DisplayName 'Test1' -KitFolderPath 'C:\Temp\Kit' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database -PointID 1
        This is a custom function that is not part of the CapaSDK

function New-CapaPowerPack {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$DisplayName = "$PackageName $PackageVersion",
        [string]$ChangelogComment = '',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [pscredential]$Credential = $null,
        [bool]$AllowInstallOnServer = $false
    $XMLFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies' 'ciPackage.xml'
    $KitFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Dependencies' 'CapaInstaller.kit'
    $TempFolder = "C:\Users\$env:UserName\AppData\Local\CapaInstaller\CMS\TempScripts"
    $TempTempFolder = Join-Path $TempFolder 'Temp'
    $PackageTempFolder = Join-Path $TempTempFolder "$($PackageName)_$($PackageVersion)"
    $PackageZipFile = Join-Path $TempTempFolder "$($PackageName)_$($PackageVersion).zip"

    Try {
        # Create Temp Folder
        If (!(Test-Path $TempFolder)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TempTempFolder -Force | Out-Null
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$PackageTempFolder\Zip" -Force | Out-Null
        Copy-Item -Path $KitFile -Destination "$PackageTempFolder\Zip\CapaInstaller.kit" -Force | Out-Null
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$PackageTempFolder\Scripts" -Force | Out-Null

        # Create XML File
        $XML = [xml](Get-Content $XMLFile)
        $XML.Info.Package.Name = $PackageName
        $XML.Info.Package.Version = $PackageVersion
        $XML.Info.Package.DisplayName = $DisplayName
        if ($AllowInstallOnServer) {
            $XML.Info.Package.ServerDeploy = 'True'

        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InstallScriptContent) -eq $false) {
            $InstallScriptContentBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$InstallScriptContent")
            $XML.Info.Package.InstallScriptContent = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($InstallScriptContentBytes)

        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UninstallScriptContent) -eq $false) {
            $UninstallScriptContentBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$UninstallScriptContent")
            $XML.Info.Package.UnInstallScriptContent = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($UninstallScriptContentBytes)

        # Format XML content
        $settings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
        $settings.Indent = $true

        $writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create("$PackageTempFolder\ciPackage.xml", $settings)

        # Create kit folder
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($KitFolderPath) -eq $false) {
            Copy-Item -Path $KitFolderPath -Destination "$PackageTempFolder\Kit" -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
            if ($null -eq $PointID) {
                Rebuild-CapaKitFileOnPoint -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName $PackageName -PackageVersion $PackageVersion -PointID $PointID -PackageType Computer
        } else {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$PackageTempFolder\Kit" -Force | Out-Null
            New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$PackageTempFolder\Kit\Dummy.txt" -Force | Out-Null
            Add-Content -Value 'Placeholder for the build of CapaInstaller.kit' -Path "$PackageTempFolder\Kit\Dummy.txt"

        # Create zip file
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($PackageTempFolder, $PackageZipFile)

        # Add to CI
        $Status = Import-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -FilePath $PackageZipFile -OverrideCIPCdata $true -ImportFolderStructure $true -ImportSchedule $true -ChangelogComment $ChangelogComment

        # The SDK is missing support for PowerPack, so we need to use SqlServer module to edit in job table
        $SqlServerDeploy = ''
        if ($AllowInstallOnServer) {
            $SqlServerDeploy = ', [SERVERDEPLOY] = 1'

        $Query = "UPDATE JOB
    Set POWERPACK = 'True', INSTALLSCRIPTCONTENT = '$($XML.Info.Package.InstallScriptContent)', UNINSTALLSCRIPTCONTENT =' $($XML.Info.Package.UnInstallScriptContent)'$SqlServerDeploy
    Where NAME = '$PackageName'
    AND VERSION = '$PackageVersion'"

        if ($Null -eq $Credential) {
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $Query -TrustServerCertificate
        } else {
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $Query -Credential $Credential

        # Remove Temp Folder
        Remove-Item -Path $TempTempFolder -Recurse -Force | Out-Null

        return $Status
    } Catch {
        return -1

# TODO: #180 Update and add tests

        Removes a package.
        Delete a package, if business units are specified, the package will only be removed from that business unit.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package, can be either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnitName
        The name of the business unit to remove the package from.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Force deletion of the package regardless of any linked units, groups, or business units.
                PS C:\> Remove-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -Force $true
                PS C:\> Remove-CapaPackage -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -Force $true -BusinessUnitName 'MyBusinessUnit'
        For more information, see

function Remove-CapaPackage {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [String]$BusinessUnitName = '',
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [string]$Force = 'True'

    if ($BusinessUnitName -eq '') {
        $value = $CapaSDK.DeletePackage($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $Force)
    } else {
        $value = $CapaSDK.RemovePackageFromBusinessUnit($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $BusinessUnitName)

    Return $value

# TODO: #181 Update and add tests

        Removes a package from a group.
        Removes a package from a group.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package to remove from the group.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package to remove from the group.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package to remove from the group.
    .PARAMETER GroupName
        The name of the group to remove the package from.
    .PARAMETER GroupType
        The type of group to remove the package from.
                PS C:\> Remove-CapaPackageFromGroup -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -GroupName 'MyGroup' -GroupType 'Static'
        For more information, see

function Remove-CapaPackageFromGroup {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Dynamic_ADSI', 'Calendar', 'Department', 'Dynamic_SQL', 'Reinstall', 'Security', 'Static')]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.RemovePackageFromGroup($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $GroupName, $GroupType)
    Return $bool

# TODO: #182 Update and add tests

        Removes a package from a management server.
        Removes a package from a management server.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package to remove from the management server.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package to remove from the management server.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package to remove from the management server.
    .PARAMETER ServerName
        The name of the management server to remove the package from.
                PS C:\> Remove-CapaPackageFromManagementServer -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -ServerName 'MyServer'
        For more information, see

function Remove-CapaPackageFromManagementServer {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.RemovePackageFromManagementServer($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $ServerName)
    return $value

# TODO: #183 Update and add tests

        Set the description of a package.
        Set the description of a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package to set the description of.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package to set the description of.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package to set the description of.
    .PARAMETER Description
        The description to set.
                PS C:\> Set-CapaPackageDescription -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -Description 'This is a description'
        For more information, see

function Set-CapaPackageDescription {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.SetPackageDescription($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $Description)
    return $value

        Set the folder structure of a package.
        Set the folder structure of a package.
        Returns True if the folder structure was set, otherwise False.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of package to set the folder structure of, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package to set the folder structure of.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package to set the folder structure of.
    .PARAMETER FolderStructure
        The folder structure to set, for example 'Folder1\Folder2'.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogText
        An optional changelog text to set.
                PS C:\> Set-CapaPackageFolder -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageType 'Computer' -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -FolderStructure 'Folder1\Folder2' -ChangelogText 'This is a changelog'
        For more information, see

function Set-CapaPackageFolder {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $bool = $CapaSDK.SetPackageFolder($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $FolderStructure, $ChangelogText)

    Return $bool

# TODO: #185 Update and add tests

        Sets an package property.
        Sets an package property.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package.
    .PARAMETER Priority
        The priority of the package, default is 500.
                PS C:\> Set-CapaPackagePriority -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer' -Priority 500
        For more information, see

function Set-CapaPackagePriority {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', 'Computer', 'User')]
        [Int]$Priority = 500

    if ($PackageType -eq 'Computer') {
        $PackageType = '1'
    if ($PackageType -eq 'User') {
        $PackageType = '2'

    $value = $CapaSDK.SetPackagePriority($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $Priority)
    return $value

# TODO: #186 Update and add tests

        Sets the schedule of a package.
        Sets the schedule of a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleStart
        The start date of the schedule, for example '2015-05-15 12:00'.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleEnd
        The Schedule start date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" eg. "2015-04-15 12:05". If no end date is wanted, leave empty.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleIntervalBegin
        The Schedule Interval begins time in the format HH:mm" eg. "06:00". If left empty it is set to 00:00.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleIntervalEnd
        The Schedule Interval end time in the format HH:mm" eg. "12:00". If left empty it is set to 00:00.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleRecurrence
        The Schedule Recurrence for the schedule, either Once, PeriodicalDaily, PeriodicalWeekly or Always.
    .PARAMETER ScheduleRecurrencePattern
        Is used to further detail the Schedule Recurrence when set to PeriodicalDaily or PeriodicalWeekly
            Possible values:
            ScheduleRecurrence = "PeriodicalDaily"
                ScheduleRecurrencePattern = "RecurEveryWeekDay" sets the recurrence pattern to run every weekday
                ScheduleRecurrencePattern = "" Sets the recurrence pattern to recur every day including weekend days.
            ScheduleRecurrence = "PeriodicalWeekly"
                ScheduleRecurrencePattern = "1,3,5" Will set the schedule pattern to run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All weekdays can be combined with a comma (,) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
                    Monday = 1
                    Tuesday = 2
                    Wednesday = 3
                    Thursday = 4
                    Friday = 5
                    Saturday = 6
                    Sunday = 7
                ScheduleRecurrencePattern = "" Will set the schedule recurrence pattern to run every weekday
                PS C:\> Set-CapaPackageSchedule @(
                    CapaSDK = $CapaSDK
                    PackageName = 'Winrar'
                    PackageVersion = '5.50'
                    PackageType = 'Computer'
                    ScheduleStart = '2015-05-15 12:00'
                    ScheduleEnd = '2015-05-15 12:00'
                    ScheduleIntervalBegin = '06:00'
                    ScheduleIntervalEnd = '12:00'
                    ScheduleRecurrence = 'PeriodicalDaily'
                    ScheduleRecurrencePattern = 'RecurEveryWeekDay'
        For more information, see

function Set-CapaPackageSchedule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Once', 'PeriodicalDaily', 'PeriodicalWeekly', 'Always')]
        [String]$ScheduleRecurrencePattern = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.SetPackageSchedule($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType, $ScheduleStart, $ScheduleEnd, $ScheduleIntervalBegin, $ScheduleIntervalEnd, $ScheduleRecurrence, $ScheduleRecurrencePattern)
    return $value

# TODO: #187 Update and add tests

        Performs a update now on a package.
        Performs the Update now procedure on a package. This will create a SyncJob to the CiSync service residing on the Point-server with the 'AutoJob' bit set which
        will (after completion) in turn create 'auto-syncjobs' to child servers as well as BaseAgent-DistributionServers when/if the package is assigned or the child
        servers are 'replica' servers.
        This function is equivalent to the CM-plugin right-click action on a package.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package, either Computer or User.
                PS C:\> Update-CapaPackageNow -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -PackageName 'Winrar' -PackageVersion '5.50' -PackageType 'Computer'
        For more information, see

function Update-CapaPackageNow {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Computer', 'User')]

    $value = $CapaSDK.PackageUpdateNow($PackageName, $PackageVersion, $PackageType)
    return $value

        Use this function to update a package script and kit in Capa.
        Use this function to update a package script and kit in Capa.
        You will need SqlServer module installed if you want to update a PowerPack script.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
        The name of the package.
    .PARAMETER PackageVersion
        The version of the package.
    .PARAMETER ScriptContent
        The content of the script.
    .PARAMETER ScriptType
        The type of the script. Valid values are: Install, Uninstall, UserConfiguration.
    .PARAMETER PackageType
        The type of the package. Valid values are: PowerPack, VBScript.
    .PARAMETER PackageBasePath
        The path to the package folder. Example: \\CISRVKURSUS.CIKURSUS.local\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs
    .PARAMETER SqlServerInstance
        The name of the SQL Server instance.
    .PARAMETER Database
        The name of the database.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use when connecting to the SQL Server instance.
        Default is to use the current user's credentials.
    .PARAMETER KitFolderPath
        The path to the folder containing files to set as kit.
        $ScriptContent = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\CIKursus\Downloads\InstallScript.ps1' | Out-String
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent $ScriptContent -ScriptType 'Install' -PackageType 'PowerPack' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent "Write-Host 'Hello World'" -ScriptType 'Install' -PackageType 'PowerPack' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent "Write-Host 'Hello World'" -ScriptType 'Uninstall' -PackageType 'PowerPack' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Test1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent "Write-Host 'Hello World'" -ScriptType 'Install' -PackageType 'PowerPack' -SqlServerInstance $CapaServer -Database $Database -PackageBasePath 'D:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs' -KitFolderPath 'C:\Users\CIKursus\Downloads\Kit'
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Opgave 1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent "Write-Host 'Hello World'" -ScriptType 'Install' -PackageType 'VBScript' -PackageBasePath 'D:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs'
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Opgave 1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -ScriptContent "Write-Host 'Hello World'" -ScriptType 'Uninstall' -PackageType 'VBScript' -PackageBasePath 'D:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs'
        Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit -PackageName 'Opgave 1' -PackageVersion 'v1.0' -PackageBasePath 'D:\CapaInstaller\CMPProduction\ComputerJobs' -KitFolderPath 'C:\Users\CIKursus\Downloads\Kit\'
        This is a custom function that is not part of the CapaSDK

function Update-CapaPackageScriptAndKit {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScript')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScriptWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScript')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScriptWithKit')]
        [ValidateSet('Install', 'Uninstall', 'UserConfiguration')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScript')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScriptWithKit')]
        [ValidateSet('PowerPack', 'VBScript')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScript')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScriptWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPack')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'PowerPackWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VBScriptWithKit')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Kit')]
    # Parameters
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageBasePath) -eq $false) {
        if ($PackageBasePath -like "*\$PackageVersion" -or $PackageBasePath -like "*\$PackageVersion\") {
            $PackagePath = $PackageBasePath
        } elseif ($PackageBasePath -like "*\$PackageName" -or $PackageBasePath -like "*\$PackageName\") {
            $PackagePath = Join-Path $PackageBasePath $PackageVersion
        } else {
            $PackagePath = Join-Path $PackageBasePath $PackageName $PackageVersion

        if ((Test-Path $PackagePath) -eq $false) {
            Write-Error "PackagePath: $PackagePath does not exist"
            throw 'Cannot find the package. Check PackageBasePath'

        $ScriptPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Scripts' $ScriptName
        $KitPath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Kit'

    if ($ScriptType -eq 'Install') {
        $ScriptName = "$PackageName.cis"
    } elseif ($ScriptType -eq 'Uninstall') {
        $ScriptName = "$($PackageName)_Uninstall.cis"
    } elseif ($ScriptType -eq 'UserConfiguration') {
        $ScriptName = "$($PackageName)_Us.cis"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScriptPath) -eq $false) {
        $ScriptFile = Join-Path $ScriptPath $ScriptName

    # Script
    try {
        # Update script
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'PowerPack*') {
            $ScriptContentBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$ScriptContent")
            $ScriptContentBase64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($ScriptContentBytes)

            $SqlQuery = "UPDATE JOB
            Set $DBColumnName = '$ScriptContentBase64'
            Where NAME = '$PackageName'
            AND VERSION = '$PackageVersion'"

            If ($Credential) {
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $SqlQuery -Credential $Credential -TrustServerCertificate
            } else {
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $SqlQuery -TrustServerCertificate
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'VBScript*') {
            Set-Content -Path $ScriptFile -Value $ScriptContent -Force

        # Update Kit
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*Kit') {
            Get-ChildItem -Path $KitPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
            Copy-Item -Path "$KitFolderPath\*" -Destination $KitPath -Recurse -Force | Out-Null

        return $true
    } catch {
        throw $PSitem
