
# TODO: #134 Update and add tests

        Add a new Enforce Passcode payload or edit an existing one.
        Add a new Enforce Passcode payload or edit an existing payload in the specified profile.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileId
        The ID of the profile to add the payload to.
    .PARAMETER Passcode
        The passcode to enforce.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaEnforcePasscodeAndroid -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -ProfileId 1 -Passcode '12345678' -ChangelogComment 'Adding Enforce Passcode payload to profile'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaEnforcePasscodeAndroid {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddEditEnforcePasscodeAndroid($ProfileId, $Passcode, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #135 Update and add tests

        This will add a new Exchange payload to a profile.
        This will add a new Exchange payload to a profile.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileID
        The ID of the profile you wish to add the Exchange payload to.
    .PARAMETER AccountName
        Name of the Exchange ActiveSync/Web Services account.
    .PARAMETER DomainandUserName
        The domain and username of the Exchange account.
        If missing, the devices prompts for it during profile installation.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password of the Exchange account.
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        Specifies the full email address for the account. The owners (primary user) email address must be injected upon delivery to the device.
        If not present in the payload, the device prompts for this string during profile installation.
    .PARAMETER ExchangeActiveSyncHost
        Specifies the Exchange server host name (or IP address).
        Specifies whether the Exchange server uses SSL for authentication.
    .PARAMETER PastDaysofMailtoSync
        The number of past days of mail to synchronize. No limit = 0. Allowed values: 0,1,3,7,14,31.
    .PARAMETER AllowMove
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, messages may not be moved out of this email account into another account.
        Also prevents forwarding or replying from a different account than the message was originated from.
    .PARAMETER UseOnlyinMail
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, this account will not be available for sending mail in third party applications.
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, this account supports S/MIME.
    .PARAMETER AllowRecentAddressSyncing
        If true, this account is excluded from address Recents syncing. This defaults to false.
    .PARAMETER Syncinterval
        How often the device will sync with the Exchange server. Allowed values: Automatic Push, Manually, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes.
    .PARAMETER SyncEmail
        Whether to synchronize email between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER SyncCalendar
        Whether to synchronize calendar between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER SyncContacts
        Whether to synchronize contacts between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER SyncTasks
        Whether to synchronize tasks between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        Comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaExchangePayloadToProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK @(
            ID = 1
            AccountName = 'Test'
            DomainandUserName = ''
            Password = '123456'
            EmailAddress = ''
            ExchangeActiveSyncHost = ''
            UseSSL = 'True'
            PastDaysofMailtoSync = 14
            AllowMove = 'True'
            UseOnlyinMail = 'False'
            UseSMIME = 'False'
            AllowRecentAddressSyncing = 'True'
            Syncinterval = '30 minutes'
            SyncEmail = 'True'
            SyncCalendar = 'True'
            SyncContacts = 'True'
            SyncTasks = 'True'
            ChangelogComment = 'Adding Exchange payload to profile'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaExchangePayloadToProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [securestring]$Password = '',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('0', '1', '3', '7', '14', '31')]
        [int]$PastDaysofMailtoSync = 0,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$AllowMove = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$UseOnlyinMail = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$UseSMIME = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$AllowRecentAddressSyncing = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic Push', 'Manually', '15 minutes', '30 minutes', '60 minutes')]
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncEmail = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncCalendar = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncContacts = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncTasks = $false,
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddExchangePayloadToProfile($ProfileID, $AccountName, $DomainandUserName, $Password, $EmailAddress, $ExchangeActiveSyncHost, $UseSSL, $PastDaysofMailtoSync, $AllowMove, $UseOnlyinMail, $UseSMIME, $AllowRecentAddressSyncing, $Syncinterval, $SyncEmail, $SyncCalendar, $SyncContacts, $SyncTasks, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #136 Update and add tests

        Add a new key/value setting to an existing AppConfig payload in the specified profile.
        Add a new Key/Value setting to an existing AppConfig payload in the specified profile.
        If a setting with the specified key and type already exists, its value will be overwritten with the new value instead of creating a new setting.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER DeviceApplicationID
        The ID of the Device Application you wish to edit.
        The key of the new setting.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value of the new setting.
    .PARAMETER KeyValueType
        The type of the new setting. Valid types are: String, Bool, Hidden, Integer
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        the comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaKeyValueToAppConfigAndroid -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -DeviceApplicationID 1 -Key 'AllowSync' -Value 'True' -KeyValueType 'Bool' -ChangelogComment 'Adding new key/value setting to AppConfig payload'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaKeyValueToAppConfigAndroid {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('String', 'Bool', 'Hidden', 'Integer')]
        $ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddKeyValueToAppConfigAndroid($DeviceApplicationID, $Key, $Value, $KeyValueType, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #137 Update and add tests

        Add a new key/value setting to an existing AppConfig payload in the specified profile.
        Add a new Key/Value setting to an existing AppConfig payload in the specified profile.
        If a setting with the specified key and type already exists, its value will be overwritten with the new value instead of creating a new setting.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER DeviceApplicationID
        The id of the Device Application you wish to edit.
        The Key of the new setting.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The Value of the new setting.
    .PARAMETER KeyValueType
        The type of the new setting. Valid types are: String, Boolean, Int, Float, DateTime. (DateTime format: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss).
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaKeyValueToAppConfigIOS -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -DeviceApplicationID 1 -Key 'AllowSync' -Value 'True' -KeyValueType 'Boolean' -ChangelogComment 'Adding new key/value setting to AppConfig payload'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaKeyValueToAppConfigIOS {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('String', 'Boolean', 'Int', 'Float', 'DateTime')]
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddKeyValueToAppConfigIOS($DeviceApplicationID, $Key, $Value, $KeyValueType, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #138 Update and add tests

        Link profile to a device.
        The Add-CapaUnitToProfile function links a profile to a device.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER UnitName
        The unit name of the unit.
        The UUID of the unit.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the MDM profile.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        A comment that will be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaUnitToProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -UnitName 'Testdev01' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        PS C:\> Add-CapaUnitToProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Uuid '4eea2959-fb4c-4afe-b61f-810cb3019cd6' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        PS C:\> Add-CapaUnitToProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -UnitName 'Testdev01' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings' -ChangelogComment 'Linking profile to device'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaUnitToProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NameType',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Uuid',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'Uuid' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.AddUnitToProfile($UnitName, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)
        'NameType' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.AddUnitToProfile($Uuid, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)

    return $value

# TODO: #139 Update and add tests

        Add a new WiFi payload to a profile.
        Add a new WiFi payload to a profile.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileID
        The ID of the profile to add the payload to.
    .PARAMETER NetworkName
        The name of the WiFi network the devices should join. This is a mandatory parameter.
    .PARAMETER HiddenNetwork
        Enable if target network is not open or broadcasting.
    .PARAMETER AutoJoin
        Automatically join this wireless network.
    .PARAMETER SecurityType
        The type of WiFi security used on the WiFi network. Options are: None, WEP, WPA and Any.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password used to authenticate against the WiFi network. This setting is mandatory if SecurityType is WEP, WPA or Any.
    .PARAMETER ProxyType
        Configures proxy settings to be used with this network. Options are: Automatic, Manual, None.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
        The proxy server's network address. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyPort
        The proxy server's port. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyAuthentication
        The username used to authenticate to the proxy server. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyPassword
        The password used to authenticate to the proxy server. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServerConfigURL
        The URL of the PAC file that defines the proxy configuration. Mandatory if proxyType is Automatic.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Add-CapaWifiPayloadToProfile @(
            CapaSDK = $CapaSDK
            ProfileID = 1
            NetworkName = 'MyWiFiNetwork'
            HiddenNetwork = $false
            AutoJoin = $true
            SecurityType = 'WPA'
            Password = '12345678'
            ProxyType = 'None'
            ProxyServer = ''
            ProxyPort = ''
            ProxyAuthentication = ''
            ProxyPassword = ''
            ProxyServerConfigURL = ''
            ChangelogComment = 'Adding WiFi payload to profile'
        For more information, see

function Add-CapaWifiPayloadToProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$HiddenNetwork = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$AutoJoin = $true,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('None', 'WEP', 'WPA', 'Any')]
        [string]$Password = '',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Manual', 'None')]
        [string]$ProxyServer = '',
        [string]$ProxyPort = '',
        [string]$ProxyAuthentication = '',
        [string]$ProxyPassword = '',
        [string]$ProxyServerConfigURL = '',
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    if ($Password -eq '' -and $SecurityType -ne 'None') {
        Write-Error "Password cannot be NULL when choosing SecurityType: $SecurityType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyServer -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyServer cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyPort -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyPort cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyAuthentication -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyAuthentication cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyPassword -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyPassword cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Automatic' -and $ProxyServerConfigURL -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyServerConfigURL cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } Else {
        $value = $CapaSDK.AddWifiPayloadToProfile($ProfileID, $NetworkName, $HiddenNetwork, $AutoJoin, $SecurityType, $Password, $ProxyType, $ProxyType, $ProxyServer, $ProxyPort, $ProxyAuthentication, $ProxyPassword, $ProxyServerConfigURL, $ChangelogComment)
        return $value

# TODO: #140 Update and add tests

        Assign a profile to a business unit.
        Assign a profile to a business unit.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileId
        The ID of the profile you wish to assign to a business unit.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnitName
        The name of the business unit you wish to assign the profile to.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Assign-CapaProfileToBusinessUnit -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -ProfileId 1 -BusinessUnitName 'My Business Unit' -ChangelogComment 'Assigning profile to business unit'
        For more information, see

function Assign-CapaProfileToBusinessUnit {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AssignProfileToBusinessUnit($ProfileId, $BusinessUnitName, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #141 Update and add tests

        Clone an existing Device Application and its payloads.
        Clone an existing Device Application and its payloads.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER DeviceApplicationID
        The id of the Device Application you wish to clone.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The name of the new Device Application.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Clone-CapaDeviceApplication -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -DeviceApplicationID 1 -NewName 'My New Device Application' -ChangelogComment 'Cloning Device Application'
        For more information, see

function Clone-CapaDeviceApplication {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.CloneDeviceApplication($DeviceApplicationID, $NewName, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #142 Update and add tests

        Create a new profile in the Default Management Point.
        Create a new profile in the Default Management Point. If BusinessUnitName is specified, the profile will be linked to the specified business unit.
        The CapaSDK object.
        The name of the new profile.
    .PARAMETER Description
        The description of the new profile.
    .PARAMETER Priority
        The priority of the new profile.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnitName
        The name of the business unit you wish to assign the profile to.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Create-CapaProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Name 'My Profile' -Description 'My Profile Description' -Priority 1 -ChangelogComment 'Creating new profile'
        PS C:\> Create-CapaProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Name 'My Profile' -Description 'My Profile Description' -Priority 1 -ChangelogComment 'Creating new profile' -BusinessUnitName 'My Business Unit'
        For more information, see

function Create-CapaProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$ChangelogComment = '',
        [string]$BusinessUnitId = ''

    if ($BusinessUnitId -eq '') {
        $value = $CapaSDK.CreateProfile($Name, $Description, $Priority, $ChangelogComment)
    } else {
        $value = $CapaSDK.CreateProfileInBusinessUnit($Name, $Description, $Priority, $ChangelogComment, $BusinessUnitId)

    return $value

# TODO: #143 Update and add tests

        Editing an existing Exchange Payload.
        Editing an existing Exchange Payload in the specified profile.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileID
        The ID of the profile you wish to add the exchange payload to.
    .PARAMETER CurrentAccountName
        The account name of the exchange payload you wish to edit.
    .PARAMETER AccountName
        Name for the Exchange ActiveSync/Web Services Account.
    .PARAMETER DomainandUserName
        This string specifies the user name for this Exchange account. If missing, the devices prompts for it during profile installation.
        Format is "<domain>\<username>" e.g. "\$LoginName$"
    .PARAMETER Password
        Optional. The password of the account. Use only with encrypted profiles.
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        Specifies the full email address for the account. The owners (primary user) email address must be injected upon delivery to the device.
        If not present in the payload, the device prompts for this string during profile installation. In OS X, this key is required.
    .PARAMETER ExchangeActiveSyncHost
        Specifies the Exchange server host name (or IP address). In OS X, this key is required.
        Specifies whether the Exchange server uses SSL for authentication.
    .PARAMETER PastDaysofMailtoSync
        The number of past days of mail to syncronize. No limit = 0. Allowed values: 0,1,3,7,14,31.
    .PARAMETER AllowMove
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, messages may not be moved out of this email account into another account.
        Also prevents forwarding or replying from a different account than the message was originated from.
    .PARAMETER UseOnlyinMail
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, this account will not be available for sending mail in third party applications.
        Optional. Default false. If set to true, this account supports S/MIME.
    .PARAMETER AllowRecentAddressSyncing
        If true, this account is excluded from address Recents syncing. This defaults to false.
    .PARAMETER Syncinterval
        How often the device will sync with the Exchange server. Allowed values: Automatic Push, Manually, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes.
    .PARAMETER SyncEmail
        Whether to synchronize calendar between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER SyncContacts
        Whether to synchronize contacts between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER SyncTasks
        Whether to synchronize tasks between the device and the server.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        Comment to add to the changelog when calling this function.
        PS C:\> Edit-CapaExchangePayload @(
            CapaSDK = $CapaSDK
            ProfileID = 1
            CurrentAccountName = "Test"
            AccountName = "Test"
            DomainandUserName = "Domain\Test"
            Password = "1234"
            EmailAddress = ""
            ExchangeActiveSyncHost = ""
            UseSSL = $true
            PastDaysofMailtoSync = 7
            AllowMove = $true
            UseOnlyinMail = $false
            UseSMIME = $false
            AllowRecentAddressSyncing = $true
            syncinterval = "30 minutes"
            SyncEmail = $true
            SyncContacts = $true
            SyncTasks = $false
            ChangelogComment = "Editing Exchange Payload"
        For more information, see

function Edit-CapaExchangePayload {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [securestring]$Password = '',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('0', '1', '3', '7', '14', '31')]
        [int]$PastDaysofMailtoSync = 0,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$AllowMove = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$UseOnlyinMail = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$UseSMIME = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$AllowRecentAddressSyncing = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic Push', 'Manually', '15 minutes', '30 minutes', '60 minutes')]
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncEmail = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncContacts = $false,
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$SyncTasks = $false,
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.EditExchangePayload($ProfileID, $CurrentAccountName, $AccountName, $DomainandUserName, $Password, $EmailAddress, $ExchangeActiveSyncHost, $UseSSL, $PastDaysofMailtoSync, $AllowMove, $UseOnlyinMail, $UseSMIME, $AllowRecentAddressSyncing, $Syncinterval, $SyncEmail, $SyncContacts, $SyncTasks, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #144 Update and add tests

        Edit an existing WiFi payload.
        Edit an existing WiFi payload in the specified profile.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileID
        The ID of the profile you wish to edit.
    .PARAMETER CurrentNetworkName
        The network name (SSID) of the wifi payload you wish to edit.
    .PARAMETER NetworkName
        The name of the WiFi network the devices should join. This is a mandatory parameter.
    .PARAMETER HiddenNetwork
        Enable if target network is not open or broadcasting.
    .PARAMETER AutoJoin
        Automatically join this wireless network.
    .PARAMETER SecurityType
        The type of WiFi security used on the WiFi network. Options are: None, WEP, WPA and Any.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password used to authenticate against the WiFi network. This setting is mandatory if securityType is WEP, WPA or Any.
    .PARAMETER ProxyType
        Configures proxy settings to be used with this network. Options are: Automatic, Manual, None.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServer
        The proxy server's network address. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyPort
        The proxy server's port. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyAuthentication
        The username used to authenticate to the proxy server. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyPassword
        The password used to authenticate to the proxy server. Mandatory if proxyType is Manual.
    .PARAMETER ProxyServerConfigURL
        AThe URL of the PAC file that defines the proxy configuration. Mandatory if proxyType is Automatic.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        Comment you wish to be added to the changelog.
                PS C:\> Edit-CapaWifiPayload @(
                    CapaSDK = $CapaSDK
                    ProfileID = 1
                    CurrentNetworkName = "Test"
                    NetworkName = "Test"
                    HiddenNetwork = $false
                    AutoJoin = $true
                    SecurityType = "WEP"
                    Password = "1234567890"
                    ProxyType = "None"
                    ProxyServer = ""
                    ProxyPort = ""
                    ProxyAuthentication = ""
                    ProxyPassword = ""
                    ProxyServerConfigURL = ""
                    ChangelogComment = "Editing WiFi Payload"
        For more information, see

function Edit-CapaWifiPayload {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('False', 'True')]
        [bool]$HiddenNetwork = $false,
        [ValidateSet('True', 'False')]
        [bool]$AutoJoin = $true,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('None', 'WEP', 'WPA', 'Any')]
        [string]$Password = '',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Manual', 'None')]
        [string]$ProxyServer = '',
        [string]$ProxyPort = '',
        [string]$ProxyAuthentication = '',
        [string]$ProxyPassword = '',
        [string]$ProxyServerConfigURL = '',
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    if ($Password -eq '' -and $SecurityType -ne 'None') {
        Write-Error "Password cannot be NULL when choosing SecurityType: $SecurityType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyServer -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyServer cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyPort -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyPort cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyAuthentication -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyAuthentication cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Manual' -and $ProxyPassword -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyPassword cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } elseif ($ProxyType -eq 'Automatic' -and $ProxyServerConfigURL -eq '') {
        Write-Error "ProxyServerConfigURL cannot be NULL when choosing ProxyType: $ProxyType"
    } Else {
        $value = $CapaSDK.EditWifiPayload($ProfileID, $CurrentNetworkName, $NetworkName, $HiddenNetwork, $AutoJoin, $SecurityType, $Password, $ProxyType, $ProxyType, $ProxyServer, $ProxyPort, $ProxyAuthentication, $ProxyPassword, $ProxyServerConfigURL, $ChangelogComment)
        return $value

# TODO: #145 Update and add tests

        Get all the Device Applications.
        Get all the Device Applications from the Default Management Point.
        The CapaSDK object.
        PS C:\> Get-CapaDeviceApplications -CapaSDK $CapaSDK
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaDeviceApplications {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetDeviceApplications()

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            ID          = $aItem[0];
            Name        = $aItem[1];
            Description = $aItem[2];
            Priority    = $aItem[3];
            Version     = $aItem[4];
            CMPID       = $aItem[5];
            GUID        = $aItem[6]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #146 Update and add tests

        Get all profiles.
        Get all profiles from the Default Management Point.
        The CapaSDK object.
        PS C:\> Get-CapaProfiles -CapaSDK $CapaSDK
        For more information, see

function Get-CapaProfiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $oaUnits = @()

    $aUnits = $CapaSDK.GetProfiles()

    foreach ($sItem in $aUnits) {
        $aItem = $sItem.Split(';')
        $oaUnits += [pscustomobject]@{
            ID          = $aItem[0];
            Name        = $aItem[1];
            Description = $aItem[2];
            Priority    = $aItem[3];
            Version     = $aItem[4];
            CMPID       = $aItem[5];
            GUID        = $aItem[6]

    Return $oaUnits

# TODO: #147 Update and add tests

        Link an existing profile to a group.
        LINK an existing profile to a group.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER ProfileId
        The ID of the profile.
    .PARAMETER GroupName
        The name of the Group.
    .PARAMETER GroupType
        The type of the Group.
    .PARAMETER BusinessUnitName
        The name of the Business Unit where the group is located. If en empty string is specified, the group will be found in Global.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        A comment that will be added to the changelog entry on the proifile and the group.
        PS C:\> Link-CapaProfileToGroup -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -ProfileId 1 -GroupName 'Test Group' -GroupType 'Static'
        For more information, see

function Link-CapaProfileToGroup {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('AD', 'Department', 'Dynamic', 'Static')]
        [string]$BusinessUnitName = '',
        [string]$ChangelogComment = ''

    $value = $CapaSDK.AddProfileToGroup($ProfileId, $GroupName, $GroupType, $BusinessUnitName, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #148 Update and add tests

        This function will remove a profile from a device.
        This function will remove a profile from a device, subsequently when the device reports successful removal of the profile, the relation is then removed from the database
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER UnitName
        The unit name of the unit.
        The UUID of the unit.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the MDM profile.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        The comment that will be added to the changelog.
        PS C:\> Remove-CapaProfileFromDevice -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -UnitName 'Testdev01' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        PS C:\> Remove-CapaProfileFromDevice -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Uuid '4eea2959-fb4c-4afe-b61f-810cb3019cd6' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        PS C:\> Remove-CapaProfileFromDevice -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -UnitName 'Testdev01' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings' -ChangelogComment 'Removing profile from device'
        For more information, see

function Remove-CapaProfileFromDevice {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NameType',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Uuid',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'NameType' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.RemoveUnitFromProfile($UnitName, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)
        'Uuid' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.RemoveUnitFromProfile($UUID, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value

# TODO: #149 Update and add tests

        Unlink profile from a device.
        This will unlink a profile from a device and not remove the profile from the physical device.
        The CapaSDK object.
    .PARAMETER UnitName
        The unit name of the unit.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the MDM profile.
    .PARAMETER ChangelogComment
        A comment that will be added to the changelog.
        The UUID of the unit.
        PS C:\> Unlink-CapaUnitFromProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -UnitName 'Testdev01' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        PS C:\> Unlink-CapaUnitFromProfile -CapaSDK $CapaSDK -Uuid '4eea2959-fb4c-4afe-b61f-810cb3019cd6' -ProfileName 'Wi-Fi settings'
        For more information, see

function Unlink-CapaUnitFromProfile {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Uuid')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NameType',
            Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Uuid',
            Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'NameType' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.UnlinkUnitFromProfile($UnitName, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)
        'Uuid' {
            $value = $CapaSDK.UnlinkUnitFromProfile($Uuid, $ProfileName, $ChangelogComment)
    return $value