
        Set error code that the application is already installed.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        Exit message to be displayed.
        Exit-PpApplicationAlreadyInstalled -ExitMessage "The application is already installed."
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpApplicationAlreadyInstalled {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3330 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3330


        Set error code that the command failed.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpCommandFailed -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandFailed {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3305 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3305

        Set error code that the command handling failed.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        Exit message to set.
        Exit-PpCommandHandlingFailed -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandHandlingFailed {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3306 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript 3306

        Set error code that the command was not delivered.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        Exit message to be displayed.
        Exit-PpCommandNotDelivered -ExitMessage 'The command was not delivered.'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandNotDelivered {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3302 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3302

        Set error code that the command is not recognized.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        Exit message to be displayed.
        Exit-PpCommandNotRecognized -ExitMessage "The command was not recognized."
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandNotRecognized {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3307 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3307

        Set error code that the command is obsolete.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        Exit message to display.
        Exit-PpCommandObsolete -ExitMessage "This command is obsolete."
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandObsolete {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3303 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3303

        Set error code that the command succeded.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpCommandSucceded -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandSucceded {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3300 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3300

        Set error code that the command timed out.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpCommandTimedOut -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpCommandTimedOut {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3304 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3304

        Set error code that there is missing disk space.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpMissingDiskSpace -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpMissingDiskSpace {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3333 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3333

        Set error code that the module was not found.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpModuleNotFound -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpModuleNotFound {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3301 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3301

        Set error code that the package is cancelled.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpPackageCancelled -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpPackageCancelled {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3328 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3328

        Set error code that the package failed to install.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpPackageFailedInstall -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpPackageFailedInstall {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3329 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3329

        Set error code that the package failed to uninstall.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpPackageFailedUninstall -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpPackageFailedUninstall {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3332 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3332

        Set error code that the package is not compliant.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpPackageNotCompliant -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpPackageNotCompliant {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3327 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3327

        Set error code that the PowerShell execution failed.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpPowerShellExecutionFailed -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpPowerShellExecutionFailed {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3311 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3311

        Set error code that a reboot is requested.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package error.
        Exit-PpRebootRequested -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpRebootRequested {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3010 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3010

        Set package retry later.
        Uses the Exit-PpScript that comes from PSlib.psm1, to set the package retry later.
        Exit-PpRetryLater -ExitMessage 'Test where I set ExitMessage'
        Custom command.

function Exit-PpRetryLater {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($ExitMessage) {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3326 -ExitMessage $ExitMessage
    } else {
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3326

        Exit the script with a given exit code and message.
        Exit the script with a given exit code and message.
    .PARAMETER ExitCode
        The exit code to exit the script with.
    .PARAMETER ExitMessage
        The message to write to the log before exiting the script.
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 0 -ExitMessage "Script ended successfully"
        Exit-PpScript -ExitCode 3305
        Command from PSlib.psm1

function Exit-PpScript() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $Global:Cs.AutoSectionHeader = $false
    if ($ExitMessage) { 
        Job_WriteLog -Text $ExitMessage
    $IgnoreAndContinueErrors = @(3010)

    if ($ExitCode.count -eq 0) { 
        $ExitNumber = 0
        [string]$ErrorMessage = "SCRIPT ENDED WITH EXITCODE: $($ExitNumber)" 
    } elseif ($ExitCode -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) {
        $ExitNumber = $ExitCode[0].Exception.HResult
        if (!$IgnoreAndContinueErrors.Contains($ExitNumber)) { 
            Job_WriteLog -Text "$($ExitCode[0].Exception.Message)"
        $ErrorMessage = "SCRIPT ENDED WITH EXITCODE: $($ExitNumber) - in line: $($ExitCode[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"
    } else {
        # Must be integer - handle as such
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExitCode)) { 
            $ExitCode = 0 
        if ($IgnoreAndContinueErrors.Contains($ExitCode)) {
            $Ex = New-Object System.ApplicationException
            $Ex.hresult = $ExitCode
            Write-Error -Exception $Ex -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        } else {
            $ExitNumber = $ExitCode
            [string]$ErrorMessage = "SCRIPT ENDED WITH EXITCODE: $($ExitNumber)"
    Job_WriteLog -Text $ErrorMessage
    if ($InputObject) {
        $InputObject.ExitCode = $ExitNumber 
    exit $ExitNumber