
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Collections
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management

$script:DefaultTemplateTypeMapping = @{}
$script:ModuleConfig = @{
    ExportAggressiveNames = $false
    VerboseLifetimeMessages = $true
    ExportDebugFunctions = $false
    VerboseJson_ArgCompletions = $false
    PrintExtraSummaryOnTabCompletion = $false
    WarnWhen_GetValueCommand_KeyDoesNotExist = $true
    Verbose = @{
        OnCacheWrites = $true
        OnCacheReads = $true
[hashtable]$script:Cache = @{}
if($Script:ModuleConfig.VerboseJson_ArgCompletions) {
    (Join-Path (gi 'temp:\') 'CacheMeIfYouCan.ArgCompletions.log')
    | Join-String -op 'CacheMeIfYouCan: VerboseLogging for ArgCompletions is enabled at: '
    | write-warning
$script:Color = @{
    MedBlue   = '#a4dcff'
    DimBlue   = '#7aa1b9'
    DimFg     = '#cbc199'
    DarkFg    = '#555759'
    DimGreen  = '#95d1b0'
    DimOrange = '#ce8d70'
    DimPurple = '#c586c0'
    Dim2Purple = '#c1a6c1'
    DimYellow = '#dcdcaa'
    MedGreen  = '#4cd189'
function WriteFg {
    # Internal Ansi color wrapper
    param( [object]$Color )
    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return }
    $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb( $Color )
function WriteBg {
    # Internal Ansi color wrapper
    param( [object]$Color )
    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Color ) ) { return }
    $PSStyle.Background.FromRgb( $Color )
function WriteColor {
    # Internal Ansi color wrapper
    if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorFg ) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ColorBg ) ) { return }
    @(  WriteFg $ColorFg
        WriteBg $ColorBg ) -join ''
function Format-CacheMeStatus {
        render the optional color messages
        CacheMe.RenderStatus -Name 'Gci_1' -Status Fresh
        $record = Get-CacheMe (Get-CacheMeKeys|Select -first 1) -PassThru
        CacheMe.RenderStatus -Name $record.Name -Status Hit -Time $record.CalculationDuration

            'Hit', 'Miss',
            'Stale', 'Fresh',
            'Read', 'Write'


    $StateColor = Switch -regex ($Status) {
        'Stale|Write|Miss' { $Color.DimOrange ; break }
        'Hit|Read|Fresh' { $Color.DimGreen  ; break }
        default {

    $CPre1 = WriteFg $Color.DimOrange
    $CPre1 = WriteFg $Color.DimFg
    $CPre2 = WriteFg $Color.DimPurple
    $CPre2 = WriteFg $Color.DimYellow
    $CPre2 = $PSStyle.Reset

    $CPre1 = $PSStyle.Reset
    $CPre2 = WriteFg $Color.DimYellow
    $CPre1 = WriteFg $Color.DarkFg
    $CPre4 = WriteFg $Color.Dim2Purple
    if( $Time ) {
        $TimeAsMs = $Time.TotalMilliSeconds.ToSTring('n1')
        $TimeSuffix = " ${CPre1}(${CPre4}${TimeAsMs} ms${CPre1})"
    } else {
        $TimeSuffix = ''

    $CPre3 = WriteFg $StateColor
    $Space = ': '
    $Space = ''
    "${CPre1}Cache ${CPre2}${Key}${CPre1}${SPace}${CPre3}${Status}${TimeSuffix}"
function Cache._Read {
        Internal helper, that encapsulates reading keys

    # [Alias('Cache._Read')]
    [OutputType( [CachedRecord] )]
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)]
            [ArgumentCompleter( [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] )]

    [bool]$exists? = $script:Cache.ContainsKey( $KeyName )
    if( $ErrorWhenMissing -and -not $exists? ) {
        if($script:ModuleConfig.WarnWhen_GetValueCommand_KeyDoesNotExist) {
                | Join-String -op 'Cmdlet.MyInvo.Script: '
                | Write-Debug
            throw ( $KeyName | Join-String -f 'CacheMe::_Read: Tried reading from a key that does not exist! Key = "{0}"')
        } else {
                | Join-String -f 'CacheMe::_Read: Tried reading from a key that does not exist! Key = "{0}"'
                | Write-Error
                # | Write-Debug

    $record = $script:Cache[ $KeyName ]
    return $record
function Cache._Write {
        Internal helper, that encapsulates writing keys

    # [Alias('Cache._Write')]
        # Name of key
        [ArgumentCompleter( { [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] } )]
        # [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

        # maybe this should allow caching in circumstances
        # [ValidateNotNullOrWhiteSpace()]
        # [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1 )]
    if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CachedRecord')){
        throw 'MissingArgException' }
    if( $CachedRecord -isnot [CachedRecord] ) {
        throw 'ShouldNeverReachInvalidParameterTypeException' }

    $script:Cache[ $KeyName ] = $Record

function WhenContainsSpaces-FormatQuotes {
        $hasSpaces = $Text -match ' '
        $hasSingle = $Text -match "[']+"
        $hasDouble = $Text -match '["]+'

        $splat = @{}
        if($DoubleQuote) {
            $splat.DoubleQuote = $True
        } else {
            $splat.SingleQuote = $True

        $hasSpaces ? (
            Join-String -in $Text @splat
        ) : $Text
class CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter : System.Management.Automation.IArgumentCompleter {
        it supports names with spaces

    [IEnumerable[CompletionResult]] CompleteArgument(
        [string] $CommandName,
        [string] $ParameterName,
        [string] $WordToComplete,
        [CommandAst] $CommandAst,
        [IDictionary] $FakeBoundParameters
    ) {
        [List[CompletionResult]]$Completions = @()

        if($Script:ModuleConfig.VerboseJson_ArgCompletions) {
                | ConvertTo-Json -wa 'ignore' -depth 3
                | set-content -path (Join-Path (gi 'temp:\') 'CacheMeIfYouCan.ArgCompletions.log')
        $script:Cache.GetEnumerator() | %{
            $Item = $_.Value
            $toMatch = $Item.Name

            # $hasSpaces = ($Item.Name -match ' ')
            # $quotedName = if( $hasSpaces ) {
            # Join-String -in $Item.Name -SingleQuote
            # } else {
            # $Item.Name
            # }
            # $toCompleteAs = $quotedName
            $toCompleteAs = WhenContainsSpaces-FormatQuotes -Text $Item.Name
                ) )

        if( $script:ModuleConfig.PrintExtraSummaryOnTabCompletion) {
            "`n" | write-host
                | format-table | out-string
                | write-host  #-bg $Script:Color.DimPurple
            "`n" | write-host
        return $Completions

class CachedRecord { # Todo: make me
    # created by

    [timespan]Age () {
        return [datetime]::Now - $This.EvaluatedAt
    [string] ToString() {
        return '[CacheRecord := Name: {0}, Age: {1} ]' -f @(
            $This.Age().TotalSeconds | Join-String -f '{0:n2}'
    [string] Tooltip() {
        # used for custom rendering for tooltips
        return $This.ToString()
function CacheMe.ColorTest {
    $script:Color.GetEnumerator() | %{
        $_.Key | New-Text -fg $_.Value | Join-String
    }| Join-String -sep "`n"
function Clear-CacheMe {
    'clearing all cached values...' | write-host -fg 'orange'
function Get-CacheMeRecords {
        enumerates the raw [CachedRecord[]] records

    [OutputType( [CachedRecord] )]
    # ( $script:Cache.Keys ).count
    $script:Cache.GetEnumerator() | %{

function CacheMe.ListKeys {
        Returns key names as untouched strings. Writes optional colors to to Write-Information
    Pwsh7 🐒
    > $names = CacheMe.ListKeys
    > $Names -join ', '
            All_Modules, gcm_less
    Pwsh7 🐒
        > $names = CacheMe.ListKeys -infa Continue | Join.UL
        keys => All_Modules, gcm_less
            - All_Modules
            - gcm_less
    Pwsh7 🐒
        > CacheMe.ListKeys | Join-String -sep ', ' -SingleQuote
            'All_Modules', 'gcm_less'
    Pwsh7 🐒>
        foreach($x in (CacheMe.ListKeys)) {
            "DoStuff: $x"


    $PSStyle.OutputRendering = 'ansi'
    Cache._Read -KeyName foo|ft -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Information

    [string[]]$Keys = @($script:Cache).Keys?.Clone()
        | Sort-Object -Unique

        | join-String -sep ', ' -p {
            $_ | New-Text -fg 'gray70' -bg 'gray40'
        }   | Join-String -op 'keys => '
            | Write-Information

    return $Keys

# function # was: CacheMe.Add-CachedValue {

function Set-CacheMeValue {
        # Add a value to the cache, if not already cached, then it's an no-op
        minimal, fast, caching of random results
        Cache.Value -Name 'gmo-noargs' -ScriptBlock { get-module } -Verbose -Force | % Value| Out-Null
        Cache.Value -Name <tab>'gmo-noargs'
            # returns value
        $x = Namo.CachedValue -Name 'gmo-list' { get-module -ListAvailable } -Verbose
        # totalTime: 0.02 ms

        [ArgumentCompleter(  [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] )]

        # echo cached value

        [Alias('Expression', 'SB', 'E')]

    $addCacheMeValueSplat = @{
        Name        = $Name
        PassThru    = $PassThru
        ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
        Force = $True

    Add-CacheMeValue @addCacheMeValueSplat
function Add-CacheMeValue {
        # Add a value to the cache, if not already cached, then it's an no-op
        PassThru will always return a value. If it's not expired, returns the cached value rather then the scriptBlock parameter.
        minimal, fast, caching of scriptblocks
        Cache.Value -Name 'gmo-noargs' -ScriptBlock { get-module } -Verbose -Force | % Value| Out-Null
        Cache.Value -Name <tab>'gmo-noargs'
            # returns value
        $x = Namo.CachedValue -Name 'gmo-list' { get-module -ListAvailable } -Verbose
        # totalTime: 0.02 ms

        [ArgumentCompleter(  [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] )]

        # echo cached value

        [Alias('Expression', 'SB', 'E')]

        # force calculation
    [datetime]$Start = [datetime]::Now
    [datetime]$End = $Start

    [bool]$ValueIsStale = $false
    if($Force) { $valueIsStale = $true }
    if( -not $script:Cache.ContainsKey($Name) ) { $valueIsStale = $true }
    'Value for Key: {0} is stale?: {1}' -f @( $Name, $ValueIsStale )
        | write-verbose

    if( -not $ValueIsStale ) {
        # value because it might not be expired with passthru
        $record = Cache._Read -keyName $Name -ErrorWhenMissing:$False
        if( $PassThru ) { return $record.Value }

    try {
        $newValue = & $ScriptBlock
    } catch {
        'CacheMeIfYouCan:Add-CacheMeValue: Exception: Namo.CachedValue( {0} ) invoked by {1}: {2}' -f @(
        )  | write-verbose
        $_ | write-warning
        $newValue = $Null

    $end = [datetime]::Now
    $delta = $end - $start
    [CachedRecord]$record = @{
        CalculationDuration = $delta
        EvaluatedAt = $Start
        Name = $Name
        ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
        Value = $newValue
        ValueKind = @(
            '{0} of {1} тип {2}' -f @(
                @( $newValue)[0]?.GetType().Name
        Metadata = @{
            SourceCommand = $PSCommandPath
            SourcePSScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
            MyCmdName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
            MyModule = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName
            MyScriptLine = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
            MyScriptName = $MyInvocation.ScriptName
            PathString = $MyInvocation | Join-String -p {
                $_.ScriptName, $_.ScriptLineNumber -join ':' }
    Cache._Write -KeyName $Record.Name -CachedRecord $record
    Format-CacheMeStatus -Key $KeyName -Status Write -Time $Record.CalculationDuration
            | Write-Information -infa 'continue'

    $record = Cache._Read -keyName $Record.Name -ErrorWhenMissing:$False  # return the value because it might not be expired
    if( $PassThru ) { return $record.Value }
function Get-CacheMeValue {
        Read cached values. Key names autocomplete.
        Get-CacheMe -Name 'key'
        Get-CacheMe -Name 'key' -ErrorOnMissingKey
        Get-CacheMe -Name 'key' -PassThru

        [ArgumentCompleter(  [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] )]

        # returns the [CacheRecord] instead of the raw value

        # off means missing keys return nothing, silently
    [CachedRecord]$record = Cache._Read -KeyName $Name -ErrorWhenMissing:$ErrorOnMissingKey
    if( $PassThru ) { return $Record }
    return $record.Value
function CacheMe.ProxyFunc {
        experimenting with a proxy function that supports multiple commandlets
        # is: Add-CacheMeValue
        CacheMe -Name 'gcm' -ScriptBlock { ... }
        # is: Set-CacheMeValue
        CacheMe -Name 'gcm' -ScriptBlock { ... } -Force
        # is: Get-CacheMeValue
        CacheMe -Name 'gcm'
        # is: Get-CacheMeValue
        CacheMe -Name 'missing' -ErrorOnMissingKey
        # is: Get-CacheMeKeys

        [ArgumentCompleter(  [CachedKeyNameArgumentCompleter] )]

        # -PassThru returns the raw [CacheRecord], instead of the value

        [Alias('Expression', 'SB', 'E')]
        # force calculation

        # move to another cmdlet when exporting module
    if( $FullReset ) { Clear-CacheMe }

    $Using_SmartAlias_Set = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName -match '\bSet\b'
    $Param_SB_IsDefined = -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ScriptBlock)

    if( -not $Name ) {

    if( -not $Param_SB_IsDefined ) {
        Get-CacheMe -Name $Name -PassThru:$PassThru -ErrorOnMissingKey:$ErrorOnMissingKey
    } else {
        $AddCacheMeSplat = @{
            Name = $Name
            PassThru = $PassThru
            ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
            Force = $Force
        if( $Using_SmartAlias_Set ) { $AddCacheMeSplat.Force = $True }
        Add-CacheMe @AddCacheMeSplat

function Out-CacheMe {
        Pipe values that you'd update the cache


        # label/key name
        [Alias('KeyName', 'Id', 'Key')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        # pipe anything
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # Normally hide output. Passthru to include it
    begin {
        [List[Object]]$Items = @()
    process {
        $Items.AddRange(@( $InputObject ))
    end {
        'CacheMe::Out-CachMe captured output, saving to key: "{0}"' -f @(
        ) | Write-Information -infa 'Continue'
        Set-CacheMe -Force -Name $Name -ScriptBlock { $Items }

Export-ModuleMember -Function @(

    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportDebugFunctions ) {
        # 'WarnIf.NotType'
    if ($ModuleConfig.ExportAggressiveNames) {
) -Alias @(
    if ($ModuleConfig.ExportAggressiveNames) {
    if( $ModuleConfig.ExportDebugFunctions ) {
        # 'WarnIf.NotType'
) -Variable @(
    # '*CacheMe*'
    # 'CacheMe.*'
    if ($ModuleConfig.ExportAggressiveNames) {
        # 'Cache.*'
        # 'Cached*'

if($ModuleConfig.ExportDebugFunctions) {
    'CacheMeIfYouCan::ExportDebugFunctions is enabled' | Write-warning
if($ModuleConfig.ExportAggressiveNames) {
        | Join-String -op 'CacheMeIfYouCan::ModuleConfig.ExportAggressiveNames: '
        | write-warning