function Export-VaultCache([Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$data, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container) { invoke vault write $container "value=$data" -showoutput:$false } function Import-VaultCache([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container) { $retry = $true do { $json = invoke vault read "-format=json" $container -passthru -showoutput:$false -nothrow -passerrorstream | out-string if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { if ($json -match "Code:\s*([0-9]+)") { $code = $matches[1] if ($code -eq "403") { # authorize in vault using stored credentials $vaultCredentials = get-credentialscached -container "vault" if ($vaultCredentials -ne $null) { $r = invoke vault auth "--method=ldap" "username=($vaultCredentials.username)" "password=($vaultcredentials.getnetworkcredential().password)" continue } throw "vault read returned 403, and vault auth failed" } } throw "vault read failed: $json" } # credentials.ps1 expects password in form of encoded securestring $wrapper = ConvertFrom-Json $json $data = $ if ($data.password -ne $null) { # build the securestring instead of using convertto-securestring with plain text, as psscriptanalyzer don't like this # and we really have to create a securestring from plain text $secpass = new-object securestring $data.password.tochararray() | % { $secpass.AppendChar($_) } # $secpass = convertto-securestring $data.password -force -AsPlainText $data.password = convertfrom-securestring $secpass } return $data } while ($retry) } |