function Export-Credentials([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container, $cred, [Alias("dir")]$cacheDir = "pscredentials") { $pass = $null if ($cred.password -eq $null) { throw "missing password" } if ($cred.password -is [SecureString]) { $pass = $cred.Password | convertfrom-securestring } elseif ($cred.password -is [string]) { throw "expected password as securestring" } else { throw "don't know how to handle password with type '$($cred.password.gettype().name)'" } $result = New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -Property @{ Password = $pass; Username = $cred.UserName } export-cache $result -container $container -dir $cacheDir } function Import-Credentials([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $container, [Alias("dir")]$cacheDir = "pscredentials") { $lastcred = import-cache $container -dir $cacheDir if ($lastcred -ne $null) { if (![string]::isnullorempty($lastcred.Password)) { $password = $lastcred.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString $username = $lastcred.Username $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential $username,$password } } return $cred } function Get-PasswordCached { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container, $message, [switch][bool] $allowuserUI, [switch][bool]$secure, [switch][bool]$reset = $false) $cacheDir = "pscredentials" try { $cred = $null if (!$reset) { $cred = import-credentials $container -dir $cacheDir } if ($cred -eq $null) { write-verbose "password not found for container '$container'" if ($allowuserUI) { $cred = Get-CredentialsCached -container $container -message $message -reset:$reset } else { write-verbose "allowuserUI=$allowuserUI. not asking for credentials" return $null } } if ($secure) { return $cred.password } else { return $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password } } catch { throw return $null } } function Get-CredentialsCached { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container, $message, [switch][bool]$reset = $false, [switch][bool] $noprompt) $cred = $null $cacheDir = "pscredentials" if ($reset) { Remove-CredentialsCached $container } if (!$reset) { try { $cred = import-credentials $container -dir $cacheDir } catch { write-error "failed to import credentials from container '$container': $($_.exception.message)" } } else { write-verbose "resetting credentials in container '$container'" } if ($cred -eq $null) { write-verbose "cached credentials not found in container '$container'" if ($message -eq $null) { $message = "Please provide credentials for '$container'" } if ($global:promptpreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' -and !$noprompt) { import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Security -verbose:$false $cred = Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Get-Credential -Message $message } else { write-verbose "promptpreference=$($global:promptpreference). not asking for credentials" return $null } # store aquired credentials export-credentials $container $cred -dir $cacheDir } return $cred } function Remove-CredentialsCached([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$container) { $cacheDir = "pscredentials" remove-cache $container -dir $cacheDir } |