function Get-PropertyNames($obj) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { if ($obj -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { return $obj.keys } return $obj.psobject.Properties | select -ExpandProperty name # } } function ConvertTo-Hashtable([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$obj, [switch][bool]$recurse) { # Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" { $object =$obj if (!$recurse -and ($object -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] -or $object -is [array])) { return $object } if($object -is [array]) { if ($recurse) { for($i = 0; $i -lt $object.Length; $i++) { $object[$i] = ConvertTo-Hashtable $object[$i] -recurse:$recurse } } return $object } elseif ($object -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] -or $object -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] -or $true) { $h = @{} $props = get-propertynames $object foreach ($p in $props) { if ($recurse) { $h[$p] = ConvertTo-Hashtable $object.$p -recurse:$recurse } else { $h[$p] = $object.$p } } return $h } else { throw "could not convert object to hashtable" #return $object } # } } function Get-SyncDir { param($type = $null) if ($type -eq "onedrive") { if (test-path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive") { $prop = get-itemproperty "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\" "UserFolder" if ($prop -ne $null) { $dir = $prop.userfolder } } } elseif ($type -eq "local") { $dir = $env:USERPROFILE } elseif ($type -eq $null) { # try default locations. onedrive then local $syncdir = get-syncdir -type onedrive if ($syncdir -eq $null) { write-warning "couldn't find OneDrive synced folder. Using local storage - settings will not be synced across devices." $syncdir = get-syncdir -type local } return $syncdir } else { throw "unrecognized sync dir type: '$type'" } if ($dir -ne $null) { $syncdir = join-path $dir ".powershell-data" if (!(test-path $syncdir)) { $null = mkdir $syncdir } return $syncdir } } function Set-GlobalPassword { [CmdletBinding()] param( $container = "user-settings", [SecureString] $password = $null ) if ($container -eq "user-settings") { $container = "global-key" } else { $container = "global-key-" + $container } if ($password -eq $null) { # TODO: hash password before storing it - make sure noone can retrieve plaintext password $c = Get-CredentialsCached -message "Global settings password" -reset -container $container } else { $c = new-credentials -username "any" -password $password Export-Credentials -container $container -cred $c } } function Remove-GlobalPassword { param($container = "user-settings") if ($container -eq "user-settings") { $container = "global-key" } else { $container = "global-key-" + $container } Remove-CredentialsCached -container $container } function Update-GlobalPassword { [CmdletBinding()] param( $container = "user-settings", [SecureString] $password ) $newpass = $password if ($newpass -eq $null) { import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Security -verbose:$false $c = Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Get-Credential -message "Global settings password" $newpass = $c.password } # make sure current password is correct - stop on any warning $settings = Import-Settings -container $container -ErrorAction stop # reencrypt everything foreach($kvp in $settings.GetEnumerator()) { $key = $kvp.key if ($kvp.value -is [securestring]) { Export-Setting -container $container -key $key -securevalue $kvp.value -password $newpass -force } } Set-GlobalPassword -container $container -password $newpass $null = Import-Settings -container $container } function _getenckey { [CmdletBinding()] param( [SecureString]$password, $container = "user-settings" ) $pass = $password if ($container -eq "user-settings") { $container = "global-key" } else { $container = "global-key-" + $container } if ($pass -eq $null) { $pass = get-passwordcached -message "Global settings password" -container $container -allowuserui } if ($pass -is [SecureString]) {$pass = ConvertTo-PlainText $pass } $rfc = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes $pass,@(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),1000 $enckey = $rfc.GetBytes(256/8); #write-verbose "key=$($enckey | convertto-base64) length=$($enckey.length)" return $enckey } function New-Credentials( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][SecureString]$password) { return New-Object '' $username,$password } function ConvertTo-PlainText { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=1)][securestring]$password ) return (new-credentials $="dummy" $password).GetNetworkCredential().password } function Import-Settings { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $enckey = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][SecureString] $password = $null, $container = "user-settings" ) $syncdir = get-syncdir if ($syncdir -eq $null) { throw "couldn't determine settings home directory" } $settings = import-cache -container $container -dir $syncdir | convertto-hashtable if ($settings -eq $null) { $settings = @{} } $decrypted = @{} foreach($kvp in $settings.GetEnumerator()) { if ($kvp.value -eq $null) { # just skip nulls continue } if ($kvp.value.startswith("enc:")) { if ($enckey -eq $null) { $enckey = _getenckey -password $password -container $container } try { $encvalue = $kvp.value.substring("enc:".length) $secvalue = convertto-securestring $encvalue -Key $enckey -ErrorAction stop $decrypted[$kvp.key] = $secvalue #$creds = new-object ("dummy",$secvalue) #$pass = $creds.getnetworkcredential().password } catch { write-Error "failed to decode key $($kvp.key): $_" $decrypted[$kvp.key] = $kvp.value } } else { $decrypted[$kvp.key] = $kvp.value } } $settings = $decrypted write-verbose "imported $($settings.Count) settings from '$syncdir'" if ($container -eq "user-settings") { $global:settings = $settings } return $settings } function Export-Settings { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="plaintext")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $settings, $container = "user-settings" ) $syncdir = get-syncdir export-cache -data $settings -container $container -dir $syncdir } function Export-Setting { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="plaintext")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $key, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="plaintext")] $value, [Alias("secure")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="encrypted")][securestring] $securevalue, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="encrypted")] $enckey = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="encrypted")][SecureString] $password = $null, $container = "user-settings", [Switch][bool]$force ) $syncdir = get-syncdir if ($syncdir -eq $null) { throw "couldn't determine settings home directory" } $settings = import-cache -container $container -dir $syncdir | convertto-hashtable if ($settings -eq $null) { $settings = @{} } if ($settings[$key] -ne $null) { if (!$force) { write-warning "a setting with key $key already exists. Use -Force to override" return } } $encrypt = $securevalue -ne $null write-verbose "storing setting $key=$value at '$syncdir'" if ($encrypt) { if ($enckey -eq $null) { $enckey = _getenckey -password $password -container $container } $secvalue = $securevalue $encvalue = convertfrom-securestring $secvalue -key $enckey $settings[$key] = "enc:$encvalue" } else { $settings[$key] = "$value" } export-cache -data $settings -container $container -dir $syncdir if ($container -eq "user-settings") { # make sure settings are imported into global variable $null = import-settings -container $container -password $password } } |