
CSRtoCER.ps1 is used to view the information from a CSR file and generate the certificate based on the CSR file. This PowerShell will grab the information such as "Subject", "Key Length", "SANs", "Template" from the CSR file. If the SANs is not empty in the CSR file, the script will use the CSR file’s setting. If there's no SANs in CSR file, script will use “CN” as th
CSRtoCER.ps1 is used to view the information from a CSR file and generate the certificate based on the CSR file. This PowerShell will grab the information such as "Subject", "Key Length", "SANs", "Template" from the CSR file. If the SANs is not empty in the CSR file, the script will use the CSR file’s setting. If there's no SANs in CSR file, script will use “CN” as the SANs. The script will also list the Template that used in the CSR file, If there's no Template in the CSR file, script will list all the available Certificate Templates from your AD, when you pick up one, script will list the CA Server which has the Template you picked up.

 Version:        1.32
 Creation Date:  <07/04/2022>
 Purpose/Change: Fix the bug that when the CSR file contains duplicated CN.
 Version:        1.31
 Creation Date:  <02/25/2021>
 Purpose/Change: Fix the bug that when the CSR file contains SANs can't generate SANs in Certificate correctly.

 Version:        1.30
 Creation Date:  <01/29/2020>
 Purpose/Change: Add the feature that can manually input SANS. If the SANs not contain CN the script will auto add it.

 Version:        1.20
 Creation Date:  <10/08/2019>
 Purpose/Change: Fix the CertUtil version compare issue

Before you run the script Install the PSPKI module in your PowerShell running environment.


<Install-Module -Name PSPKI>

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name CSRtoCER

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • banhao@gmail.com


This script has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.32 (current version) 87 7/4/2022
1.31 50 2/25/2021
1.30 60 1/29/2020
1.20 38 10/8/2019
1.12 36 9/26/2019
1.11 26 9/20/2019
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