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function Set-WordFormatting {
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function Set-WordAbstract {
    $absText1 = "This document provides a point-in-time report of the current state of the "
    $absText1 += "System Center Configuration Manager site environment for $CustomerName. "
    $absText1 += "For questions, concerns or comments, please consult the author of this "
    $absText1 += "assessment report."
    $absText2 = "This report was generated using CMHealthCheck $ModuleVer on $(Get-Date)."

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function Set-WordOptions {
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function Set-WordTOC {
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function Set-WordFooter {
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function Write-WordText {
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function Set-DocAppendix {
    param ()
    Write-Log -Message "(Set-DocAppendix)" -LogFile $logfile
    $appendix = @(
        ("ConfigMgr Hardware Recommendations", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Supported Operating Systems", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Supported SQL Server Versions", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Internet-Based Client Management", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Site Size and Scale Information", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Support Lifecycle Information", ""),
        ("ConfigMgr Client Installation Properties", ""),
        ("Best Practices for Managing Software Updates", ""),
        ("Deploy Windows 10 with MDT", ""),
        ("Blogs - WindowsNoob", ""),
        ("Blogs - Deployment Research", ""),
        ("Blogs - SC ConfigMgr", "")
    Write-Log -Message "inserting document Appendix..." -LogFile $logfile
    Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text "Appendix A - Resource References" -Style "Heading 1" -NewLine $true

    foreach ($app in $appendix) {
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        $link = $app[1]
        Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $caption -NewLine $true
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function Set-DocProperties {
    Write-Log -Message "(Set-DocProperties)" -LogFile $logfile
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        $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title")    = "System Center Configuration Manager HealthCheck"
        $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Subject")  = "Prepared for $CustomerName"
        $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Author")   = $AuthorName
        $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Company")  = $CopyrightName
        $doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Category") = "REPORTS"
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function Write-DocReportSections {
    Write-Log -Message "(Write-DocReportSections)" -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -section '1' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -section '2' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -section '3' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -section '4' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -section '5' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    if ($detailed -eq $true) {
        Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '5' -Detailed $true -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
        Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
    Write-WordReportSection -HealthCheckXML $HealthCheckXML -Section '6' -Doc $doc -Selection $selection -LogFile $logfile 
    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle

Function Write-WordReportSection {
    param (
        [parameter()] $HealthCheckXML,
        [parameter()] $Section,
        [parameter()] $Detailed = $false,
        [parameter()] $Doc,
        [parameter()] $Selection,
        [parameter()] $LogFile
    Write-Log -Message "(Write-WordReportSection)" -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Log -Message "section....... $section" -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Log -Message "detail........ $($detailed.ToString())" -LogFile $logfile

    foreach ($healthCheck in $HealthCheckXML.dtsHealthCheck.HealthCheck) {
        if ($healthCheck.Section.ToLower() -ne $Section) { continue }
        $Description = $healthCheck.Description -replace("@@NumberOfDays@@", $NumberOfDays)
        if ($healthCheck.IsActive.ToLower() -ne 'true') { continue }
        if ($healthCheck.IsTextOnly.ToLower() -eq 'true') {
            if ($Section -eq 5) {
                if ($detailed -eq $false) {
                    $Description += " - Overview"
                } else {
                    $Description += " - Detailed"
            Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $Description -Style $healthCheck.WordStyle -NewLine $true
        Write-Log -Message "description... $Description" -LogFile $logfile
        Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $Description -Style $healthCheck.WordStyle -NewLine $true
        $bFound = $false
        $tableName = $healthCheck.XMLFile
        if ($Section -eq 5) {
            if (!($detailed)) {
                $tablename += "summary"
            } else {
                $tablename += "detail"
        foreach ($rp in $ReportTable) {
            if ($rp.TableName -eq $tableName) {
                $bFound = $true
                $filename = $rp.XMLFile
                Write-Log -Message "xmlfile....... $filename" -LogFile $logfile
                if ($filename.IndexOf("_") -gt 0) {
                    $xmltitle = $filename.Substring(0,$filename.IndexOf("_"))
                    $xmltile = ($rp.TableName.Substring(0,$rp.TableName.IndexOf("_")).Replace("@","")).Tolower()
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                        "sitecode"   { $xmltile = "Site Code: " }
                        "servername" { $xmltile = "Server Name: " }
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                        "Heading 2" { $newstyle = "Heading 3" }
                        "Heading 3" { $newstyle = "Heading 4" }
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                if (!(Test-Path ($reportFolder + $filename))) {
                    Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $healthCheck.EmptyText -NewLine $true
                    Write-Log -Message "Table does not exist" -LogFile $logfile -Severity 2
                } else {
                    #Write-Log -Message "importing XML file: $filename" -LogFile $logfile
                    $datatable = Import-CliXml -Path ($reportFolder + $filename)
                    $count = 0
                    $datatable | Where-Object { $count++ }
                    if ($count -eq 0) {
                        Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $healthCheck.EmptyText -NewLine $true
                        Write-Log -Message "Table......... 0 rows" -LogFile $logfile -Severity 2
                    switch ($healthCheck.PrintType.ToLower()) {
                        "table" {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... table" -LogFile $logfile
                            $Table = $Null
                            $TableRange = $Null
                            $TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
                            $Columns = 0
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                            } # foreach
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                            Write-Log -Message "table style... $TableStyle" -LogFile $logfile
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                            $table.PreferredWidth = 100
                            $i = 1;
                            Write-Log -Message "structure..... $count rows and $Columns columns" -LogFile $logfile
                            Write-Log -Message "writing table column headings..." -LogFile $logfile
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                $Table.Cell(1, $i).Range.Font.Bold = $True
                                $Table.Cell(1, $i).Range.Text = $field.Description
                                #Write-Log -Message "--column: $($field.Description)" -LogFile $logfile
                            } # foreach
                            $xRow = 2
                            $records = 1
                            Write-Log -Message "writing data rows for table body..." -LogFile $logfile
                            foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported..... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                $i = 1;
                                foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                    if ($section -eq 5) {
                                        if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                        elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                    $Table.Cell($xRow, $i).Range.Font.Bold = $false
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $row.$($field.FieldName);
                                    #Write-Log -Message "--value: $($TextToWord.ToString())" -LogFile $logfile
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) {
                                        $TextToWord = " "
                                        $val = " "
                                    } elseif (Test-Numeric $TextToWord) {
                                        #Write-Log -Message "rounding numeric value precision" -LogFile $logfile
                                        $val = ([math]::Round($TextToWord,2)).ToString()
                                    } else {
                                        $val = $TextToWord.ToString()
                                    $Table.Cell($xRow, $i).Range.Text = $val
                                } # foreach
                            } # foreach
                            $selection.EndOf(15) | Out-Null
                            $selection.MoveDown() | Out-Null
                            $doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = 0
                            $selection.EndKey(6, 0) | Out-Null
                            if ($count -gt 2) {
                                Write-Verbose "SORT OPERATION - SORTING TABLE"
                                Write-Log -Message "NEW: appending row count label below table" -LogFile $logfile
                                Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text "$count items found" -Style "Normal" -NewLine $true
                        "simpletable" {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... simpletable" -LogFile $logfile
                            $Table = $Null
                            $TableRange = $Null
                            $TableRange = $doc.Application.Selection.Range
                            $Columns = 0
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                            } # foreach
                            $Table = $doc.Tables.Add($TableRange, $Columns, 2)
                            $table.Style = $TableSimpleStyle
                            # added to force table width consistency in 1.0.4 (Issue 13)
                            $table.PreferredWidthType = 2
                            $table.PreferredWidth = 100
                            $i = 1;
                            Write-Log -Message "structure..... $Columns rows and 2 columns" -LogFile $logfile
                            $records = 1
                            foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                if ($section -eq 5) {
                                    if (($detailed) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('1','2'))) { continue }
                                    elseif ((!($detailed)) -and ($field.groupby -notin ('2','3'))) { continue }
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported..... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                $Table.Cell($i, 1).Range.Font.Bold = $true
                                $Table.Cell($i, 1).Range.Text = $field.Description
                                $Table.Cell($i, 2).Range.Font.Bold = $false
                                if ($poshversion -ne 3) {
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName))
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName))
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $datatable.Rows[0].$($field.FieldName)
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                    $Table.Cell($i, 2).Range.Text = $TextToWord.ToString()
                                } else {
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($datatable.$($field.FieldName))
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($datatable.$($field.FieldName))
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = $datatable.$($field.FieldName)
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                    $Table.Cell($i, 2).Range.Text = $TextToWord.ToString()
                            } # foreach
                            $selection.EndOf(15) | Out-Null
                            $selection.MoveDown() | Out-Null
                            $doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = 0
                            $selection.EndKey(6, 0) | Out-Null
                        default {
                            Write-Log -Message "table type.... default" -LogFile $logfile
                            $records = 1
                            foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                                if ($records -ge 500) {
                                    Write-Log -Message ("Exported...... $(500*($y+1)) records") -LogFile $logfile
                                    $records = 1
                                foreach ($field in $HealthCheck.Fields.Field) {
                                    $TextToWord = "";
                                    switch ($field.Format.ToLower()) {
                                        "message" {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + (Get-MessageInformation -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))))
                                        "messagesolution" {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + (Get-MessageSolution -MessageID ($row.$($field.FieldName))))
                                        default {
                                            $TextToWord = ($field.Description + " : " + $row.$($field.FieldName))
                                    } # switch
                                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TextToWord)) { $TextToWord = " " }
                                    Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text ($TextToWord.ToString()) -NewLine $true
                                } # foreach
                            } # foreach
                        } # end of default switch case
                    } # switch
                    Write-WordTableGrid -Caption "Review Comments" -Rows 3 -ColumnHeadings $ReviewTableCols -StyleName $ReviewTableStyle
        } # foreach
        if ($bFound -eq $false) {
            Write-WordText -WordSelection $selection -Text $healthCheck.EmptyText -NewLine $true
            Write-Log -Message ("Table does not exist") -LogFile $logfile -Severity 2
    } # foreach

function Write-WordTableGrid {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Caption,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][int] $Rows,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string[]] $ColumnHeadings,
        [parameter()][string] $StyleName = $DefaultTableStyle
    Write-Log -Message "(Write-WordTableGrid) Caption = $Caption" -LogFile $logfile
    if ($Caption -eq 'Review Comments') {
        $Selection.Style = "Heading 3"
    } else {
        $Selection.Style = "Heading 1"
    $Cols  = $ColumnHeadings.Length
    $Table = $doc.Tables.Add($Selection.Range, $rows, $cols)
    Write-Log -Message "table style: $StyleName" -LogFile $logfile
    $Table.Style = $StyleName
    for ($col = 1; $col -le $cols; $col++) {
        $Table.Cell(1, $col).Range.Text = $ColumnHeadings[$col-1]
    for ($row = 1; $row -lt $rows; $row++) {
        $Table.Cell($row+1, 1).Range.Text = $row.ToString()
    # set table width to 100%
    $Table.PreferredWidthType = 2
    $Table.PreferredWidth = 100
    # set column widths for more than 2 columns
    if ($cols -gt 2) {
        $Table.Columns.First.PreferredWidthType = 2
        if ($ColumnHeadings[0].length -lt 5) {
            # squeeze first column if heading is "No.", etc.
            $Table.Columns.First.PreferredWIdth = 5
        } else {
            $Table.Columns.First.PreferredWIdth = 7
        $Table.Columns(2).PreferredWidthType = 2
        $Table.Columns(2).PreferredWIdth = 7
    } else {
        # set column widths for 1 or 2 columns only
        $Table.Columns.First.PreferredWidthType = 2
        $Table.Columns.First.PreferredWidth = 7
    $Selection.EndOf(15) | Out-Null
    $Selection.MoveDown() | Out-Null
    $doc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.view.SeekView = 0
    $Selection.EndKey(6, 0) | Out-Null

function Get-WordTempSource {
    Copy Source Document File to Destination
    Copies a source DOCX file to a temporary name and returns the new filename
    .PARAMETER SourceFile
    Path and name of source document file
    $newfile = Get-WordTempSource -SourceFile "c:\files\myfile.docx"
    $newfile == "c:\users\johndoe\documents\cmhealthreport.docx"

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Name of Template File")]
        [string] $SourceFile
    if (Test-Path -Path $SourceFile) {
        $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath $TempFilename
        Write-Log -Message "copying source [$Template] to temp file [$newFile]..." -LogFile $logfile
        try {
            Copy-Item -Path $Template -Destination $newFile -ErrorAction Stop
            $result = $True
        } catch {
            Write-Log -Message "ERROR: Failed to clone template from $Template" -Severity 3 -LogFile $logfile
    Write-Output $newFile