Function Invoke-CCApproveMergePullRequest { [CmdletBinding()] Param( $RepositoryName, $ProfileName, $Region, $PullRequestId ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $Repo = @{RepositoryName = $RepositoryName} $AWSProfile = @{ ProfileName = $ProfileName Region = $Region } if ($PullRequestId){ $PullRequestId = @{PullRequestId = $PullRequestId} } Else { Write-Warning "No Pull Request Id specified, getting latest one" If (($LatestPullRequest = @(Get-CCPullRequestList @Repo @AWSProfile -PullRequestStatus OPEN)[0])) { $PullRequestId = @{PullRequestId = $LatestPullRequest} } else { Write-Error "-PullRequestId not specified and there are no open Pull Requests" } } $PullRequest = (Get-CCPullRequest @PullRequestId @AWSProfile) If ($PullRequest.PullRequestStatus.Value -EQ "CLOSED"){ Write-Error "Pull Request $($PullRequestId.PullRequestId) is already closed and can not be merged" } $PullRequestId.RevisionId = $PullRequest.RevisionId $DiffParams = @{ AfterCommitSpecifier = $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.DestinationCommit BeforeCommitSpecifier = $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.SourceCommit } Write-Host "Changes for Pull Request " $PullRequestId.PullRequestId foreach ( $Change in Get-CCDifferenceList @Repo @AWSProfile @DiffParams){ switch ($Change.ChangeType.Value) { "M" { Write-Host "Modified " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host $Change.AfterBlob.Path $AfterBlob = (Get-CCBlob -BlobId $Change.AfterBlob.BlobId @Repo @AWSProfile) $AfterString = ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($AfterBlob)).ReadToEnd() -split '\r?\n' $BeforeBlob = (Get-CCBlob -BlobId $Change.BeforeBlob.BlobId @Repo @AWSProfile) $BeforeString = ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($BeforeBlob)).ReadToEnd() -split '\r?\n' $Compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $AfterString -DifferenceObject $BeforeString -IncludeEqual $LineCount = 0 foreach ($Line in $Compare){ $LineCount ++ if($Line.SideIndicator -EQ "<="){ $LineColor = "Red" $LineMarker = "-" Write-Host $LineCount" " -NoNewline Write-Host $LineMarker $Line.InputObject -ForegroundColor $LineColor } elseif ($Line.SideIndicator -EQ "=>"){ $LineColor = "Green" $LineMarker = "+" Write-Host $LineCount" " -NoNewline Write-Host $LineMarker $Line.InputObject -ForegroundColor $LineColor } } Write-Host "" } "D" { Write-Host "Added " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host $Change.BeforeBlob.Path $BeforeBlob = (Get-CCBlob -BlobId $Change.BeforeBlob.BlobId @Repo @AWSProfile) $BeforeString = ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($BeforeBlob)).ReadToEnd() -split '\r?\n' $LineCount = 0 foreach ($Line in $BeforeString){ $LineCount ++ Write-Host $LineCount -NoNewline Write-Host " + " $Line -ForegroundColor Green } Write-Host "" } "A" { Write-Host "Deleted " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Change.AfterBlob.Path Write-Host "" } "R" { Write-Host "Renamed File " $Change.BeforeBlob.Path "to" $Change.AfterBlob.Path } } } Write-Host "Hit Ctrl-C to abort, or to approve and merge " Pause Update-CCPullRequestApprovalState @PullRequestId @AWSProfile -ApprovalState APPROVE $MergeOptionsParams = @{ DestinationCommitSpecifier = $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.DestinationCommit sourceCommitSpecifier = $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.SourceCommit } $MergeOptionsList = (Get-CCMergeOption @Repo @MergeOptionsParams @AWSProfile).MergeOptions $Mergeable = (Get-CCMergeConflict -MergeOption $MergeOptionsList[0] @Repo @AWSProfile @MergeOptionsParams).Mergeable If($Mergeable) { Write-Host "Merging by" $MergeOptionsList[0] $MergeParams = @{ PullRequestId = $PullRequestId.PullRequestId SourceCommitId = $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.SourceCommit } If ("FAST_FORWARD_MERGE" -In $MergeOptionsList){ Merge-CCPullRequestByFastForward @MergeParams @AWSProfile @Repo | Out-Null } elseif ('SQUASH_MERGE'-In $MergeOptionsList){ Write-Host "Details needed for Squash Commit: " $MergeParams.AuthorName = Read-Host "Name" $MergeParams.Email = Read-Host "Email" $MergeParams.CommitMessage = Read-Host "Commit message" Merge-CCPullRequestBySquash @MergeParams @AWSProfile @Repo | Out-Null } Start-Sleep 2 if (($PullRequest = Get-CCPullRequest -PullRequestId $PullRequestId.PullRequestId @AWSProfile).PullRequestStatus -EQ "Closed"){ Write-Host "Merge Successful, removing branch" $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.SourceReference Remove-CCBranch @Repo @AWSProfile -BranchName $PullRequest.PullRequestTargets.SourceReference } } else { Write-Error "There are Merge Conflicts, please resolve" } } |