<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.0.1 .GUID 026e99cd-b540-440b-bcd9-4868e2b7f1da .AUTHOR Mark Garner .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION CIS4Azure #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$TemplatePath ) function Test-StorageAccounts { Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object] $StorageAccountsToTest ) foreach ($storageAccount in $StorageAccountsToTest) { It "3.1 - Ensures that 'Secure transfer required' is set to 'Enabled'" { $expectedValue = $true $templateProperty = $ $templateProperty | Should Be $expectedValue } It "3.2 - Ensures that 'Storage service encyption' is set to Enabled for Blob Service" { $expectedValue = $true $templateProperty = $ $templateProperty | Should Be $expectedValue } It "3.6 - Ensures that 'Storage service encyption' is set to Enabled for File Service" { $expectedValue = $true $templateProperty = $ $templateProperty | Should Be $expectedValue } } } function Test-StorageContainers { Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object] $ContainersToTest ) # loop through these items foreach ($container in $ContainersToTest) { It "3.7 - Ensures that 'Public access level' is set to Private for blob containers" { $expectedValue = "None" $templateProperty = $ $templateProperty | Should Be $expectedValue } } } # load text of arm template $templateARM = Get-Content $TemplatePath -Raw -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # load template into object $template = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $templateARM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # select only resources in the arm template that are of this type $storageAccountsToTest = $template.resources | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" } # select only resources in the arm template that are of this type $containersToTest = $template.resources | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers" } Describe 'CIS Benchmark for Azure - Stroage' { Context '1 Identity and Access Management - Level 1' { # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # loop through these items # foreach ($iam in $iamToTest) { It -Pending "1.1 - Ensure that multi-factor authentication is enabled for all privileged users" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.3 - Ensure that there are no guest users" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.5 - Ensure that 'Number of methods required to reset' is set to '2'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.6 - Ensure that 'Number of days before users are asked to re-confirm their authentication information' is not set to '0'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.7 - Ensure that 'Notify users on password resets?' is set to 'Yes'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.15 - Ensure that 'Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal' is set to 'Yes'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.21 - Ensure that 'Enable `"All Users`" group' is set to 'Yes'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } It -Pending "1.22 - Ensure that 'Require Multi-Factor Auth to join devices' is set to 'Yes'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # } } Context '1 Identity and Access Management - Level 2' { It -Pending "1.2 - Ensure that multi-factor authentication is enabled for all non-privileged users" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.4 - Ensure that 'Allow users to remember multi-factor authentication on devices they trust' is 'Disabled'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.8 - Ensure that 'Notify all admins when other admins reset their password?' is set to 'Yes'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.9 - Ensure that 'Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.10 - Ensure that 'Users can add gallery apps to their Access Panel' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.11 - Ensure that 'Users can register applications' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.12 - Ensure that 'Guest users permissions are limited' is set to 'Yes'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.13 - Ensure that 'Members can invite' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.14 - Ensure that 'Guests can invite' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.16 - Ensure that 'Self-service group management enabled' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.17 - Ensure that 'Users can create security groups' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.18 - Ensure that 'Users who can manage security groups' is set to 'None'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.19 - Ensure that 'Users can create Office 365 groups' is set to 'No'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.20 - Ensure that 'Users who can manage Office 365 groups' is set to 'None'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "1.23 - Ensure that no custom subscription owner roles are created" { # need a test here } } Context '2 Security Center - Level 1' { # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # loop through these items # foreach ($iam in $iamToTest) { It -Pending "rec # - title" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.2 - Ensure that 'Automatic provisioning of monitoring agent' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.3 - Ensure that 'System updates' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.4 - Ensure that 'Security Configurations' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.5 - Ensure that 'Endpoint protection' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.6 - Ensure that 'Disk encryption' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.7 - Ensure that 'Network security groups' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.8 - Ensure that 'Web application firewall' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.9 - Ensure that 'Next generation firewall' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.10 - Ensure that 'Vulnerability assessment' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.11 - Ensure that 'Storage Encryption' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.12 - Ensure that 'JIT Network Access' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.13 - Ensure that 'Adaptive Application Controls' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.14 - Ensure that 'SQL auditing & Threat detection' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.15 - Ensure that 'SQL Encryption' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.16 - Ensure that 'Security contact emails' is set" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.17 - Ensure that security contact 'Phone number' is set" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.18 - Ensure that 'Send me emails about alerts' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "2.19 - Ensure that 'Send email also to subscription owners' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # } } Context '2 Security Center - Level 1' { It -Pending "2.1 - Ensure that standard pricing tier is selected" { # need a test here } } Context '3 Storage Acounts - Level 1' { Test-StorageAccounts -StorageAccountsToTest $storageAccountsToTest } Context '3 Storage Acounts - Level 2' { Test-StorageContainers -ContainersToTest $containersToTest } Context '4 SQL Services - Level 1' { # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # loop through these items # foreach ($iam in $iamToTest) { It -Pending "4.1.1 - Ensure that 'Auditing' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.2 - Ensure that 'Threat Detection' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.3 - Ensure that 'Threat Detection types' is set to 'All'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.4 - Ensure that 'Send alerts to' is set" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.5 - Ensure that 'Email service and co-administrators' is 'Enabled'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.6 - Ensure that 'Auditing' Retention is 'greater than 90 days'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.7 - Ensure that 'Threat Detection' Retention is 'greater than 90 days'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.1.8 - Ensure that Azure Active Directory Admin is configured" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.1 - Ensure that 'Auditing' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.2 - Ensure that 'Threat Detection' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.3 - Ensure that 'Threat Detection types' is set to 'All'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.4 - Ensure that 'Send alerts to' is set" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.5 - Ensure that 'Email service and co-administrators' is 'Enabled'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.6 - Ensure that 'Data encryption' is set to 'On'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.7 - Ensure that 'Auditing' Retention is 'greater than 90 days'" { # need a test here } It -Pending "4.2.8 - Ensure that 'Threat' Retention is 'greater than 90 days'" { # need a test here } # TODO: determine if we need to loop through a list of resources # } } Context '5 Logging - Level 1' { It -Pending "5.1 - Ensure that a Log Profile exists" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.2 - Ensure that Activity Log Retention is set 365 days or greater" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.3 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create Policy Assignment" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.4 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create or Update Network Security Group" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.5 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Network Security Group" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.6 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create or Update Network Security Group Rule" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.7 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Network Security Group Rule" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.8 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create or Update Security Solution" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.9 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Security Solution" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.10 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create or Update SQL Server Firewall Rule" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.11 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete SQL Server Firewall Rule" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.12 - Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Update Security Policy" { # need a test here } It -Pending "5.13 - Ensure that logging for Azure KeyVault is 'Enabled'" { # need a test here } } Context '6 Networking - Level 1' { It -Pending "6.1 - Ensure that RDP access is restricted from the internet" { # need a test here } It -Pending "6.2 - Ensure that SSH access is restricted from the internet" { # need a test here } It -Pending "6.3 - Ensure that SQL server access is restricted from the internet" { # need a test here } It -Pending "6.5 - Ensure that Network Watcher is 'Enabled'" { # need a test here } } Context '6 Networking - Level 2' { It -Pending "6.4 - Ensure that Network Security Group Flow Log retention period is 'greater than 90 days'" { # Need to add logic for a real test here. } } Context '7 Virtual Machines - Level 1' { It -Pending "7.1 - Ensure that VM agent is installed" { # need a test here } It -Pending "7.2 - Ensure that 'OS disk' are encrypted" { # need a test here } It -Pending "7.3 - Ensure that 'Data disks' are encrypted" { # need a test here } It -Pending "7.4 - Ensure that only approved extensions are installed" { # need a test here } It -Pending "7.5 - Ensure that the latest OS Patches for all Virtual Machines are applied" { # need a test here } It -Pending "7.6 - Ensure that the endpoint protection for all Virtual Machines is installed" { # need a test here } } } |