

    Creates a new CAMConfig object
    Use this function to create a new CAMConfig object to pass to functions within the module if you dont want to read from a configuration file.
    The id of your AAD Application that has access to the KeyVault.
.PARAMETER AADApplicationKey
    An encrypted key for authenticating to the AAD Application. You will need either a key or a certificate and password to authenticate to the AAD Application.
    The TenantId of the Azure Service Principal registered to your AAD Application.
.PARAMETER KeyVaultCertificate
    The name of the certificate file you are using to authenticate to the AAD Application.
.PARAMETER KeyVaultCertificatePassword
    The password of the certificate file you are using to authenticate to the AAD Application.
    The KeyVault you wish to retrieve certificates from.
.PARAMETER Environment
    The environment name for the current service the Module is being run from.

function New-CAMConfig() {

        [parameter(ParameterSetName="KeyAuth", mandatory=$true)]


        [parameter(ParameterSetName="CertificateAuth", mandatory=$true)]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName="CertificateAuth", mandatory=$true)]





        [bool]$LogToWindowsEventLog = $false

    return [PSCustomObject]@{
        PSTypeName = "CAMConfig" 
        AADApplicationId = $AADApplicationId
        AADApplicationKey = $AADapplicationKey
        TenantId = $TenantId
        KeyVaultCertificate = $KeyVaultCertificate
        KeyVaultCertificatePassword = $KeyVaultCertificatePassword
        KeyVault = $KeyVault
        Environment = $Environment
        ApiAADApplicationId = $ApiAADApplicationId
        APIBaseUrl = $ApiBaseUrl
        SID = $SID
        LogToWindowsEventLog = $LogToWindowsEventLog



function Write-InfoLog {
        [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    Write-CAMEventLog -Message $Message -Type "Information" -EventId $EventId -OnlyEvent $OnlyEvent -CAMConfig $CAMConfig

function Write-WarningLog {
        [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    Write-CAMEventLog -Message $Message -Type "Warning" -EventId $EventId -Error $true -OnlyEvent $OnlyEvent -CAMConfig $CAMConfig

function Write-ErrorLog {
        [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    Write-CAMEventLog -Message $Message -Type "Error" -EventId $EventId -OnlyEvent $OnlyEvent -CAMConfig $CAMConfig

function Write-CAMEventLog {
        [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    if (!$OnlyEvent){
        if (!$Error) {
            Write-Output $Message
        else {
            Write-Error $Message
    if ($CAMConfig.LogToWindowsEventLog){
        if (((Get-EventLog -List).Log.Contains("CertificateAllocationModule"))){
            New-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "CertificateAllocationModule"
        Write-EventLog -LogName Application -EventID $EventId `
            -EntryType $Type -Source "CertificateAllocationModule" -Message $Message



function Update-Manifest {
[PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    #Get list of the latest versions of each certificate
    $OverallCertificatesList = Get-ApiCertificateVersionList -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
    if ($OverallCertificatesList -eq $null) {
        return $Manifest

    #iterate through certificate objects in manifest
    if ($null -ne $Manifest.certificates) {
        foreach ($Certificate in $Manifest.Certificates) {
            if ($Certificate.DeployStrategy -ne "Ignore") {
                # get latest api entry data
                $update = $true
                # Check if API entry latest version is in the manifest
                foreach($certVersion in $Certificate.certVersions) {
                    # check that this certificate is listed as active in the manifest
                    if ($certVersion.Deploy -notcontains $false){
                        # check that this certificate is on the Overall list
                        $certIsCurrent = $OverallCertificatesList | Where-Object { $_[1] -contains $certVersion[0].certVersion }
                        if ($certIsCurrent) {
                            $update = $false
                        else { 
                            $newVersionId = ($OverallCertificatesList | Where-Object { $_[0] -contains $Certificate.certName })[1]
                if ($update){
                    # the api entry has a new version not present in the manifest
                    # Add the certificate version to the manifest with deploy=true <#
                    $NewVersion = @{}
                    # iterate through current certificate version and copy properties
                    $Certificate.certVersions[0].PsObject.Properties | foreach-object {
                        $NewVersion.Add($, $_.value)
                    # update certVersion property and deploy property
                    $NewVersion.certVersion = $newVersionId
                    if ($NewVersion.Deploy -eq @("False")) { $NewVersion.Deploy -eq @("True") }
                    # prepend NewVersion
                    $Certificate.certVersions = , (New-Object PSObject -Property $NewVersion) + $Certificate.certVersions
                    if ($Certificate.DeployStrategy -eq "Persist"){
                        # Set the second most recent certificate deploy=false
                        if ($Certificate.certVersions[1]){
                            $Certificate.certVersions[1].Deploy = @("True")
                    else {
                        if ($Certificate.certVersions[1]){
                            $Certificate.certVersions[1].Deploy = @("False")
                    # if a third (or more) certificate version exists, delete it
                    $Certificate.certVersions = @($Certificate.certVersions[0] , $Certificate.certVersions[1])
    # Iterate through secret objects in manifest
    if ($null -ne $Manifest.Secrets) {
        foreach ($Certificate in $Manifest.Secrets) {
            if ($Certificate.DeployStrategy -ne "Ignore") {
                # get latest api entry data
                $update = $true
                # Check if API entry latest version is in the manifest
                foreach($certVersion in $Certificate.certVersions) {
                    # check that this certificate is listed as active in the manifest
                    if ($certVersion.Deploy -notcontains $false){
                        # check that this certificate is on the Overall list
                        $certIsCurrent = $OverallCertificatesList | Where-Object { $_[1] -contains $certVersion[0].certVersion }
                        if ($certIsCurrent) {
                            $update = $false
                        else { 
                            $newVersionId = ($OverallCertificatesList | Where-Object { $_[0] -contains $Certificate.certName })[1]
                if ($update) { 
                    # the api entry has a new version not present in the manifest
                    # Add the certificate version to the manifest with deploy=true
                    $NewVersion = @{}
                    # iterate through current certificate version and copy properties
                    $Certificate.certVersions[0].PsObject.Properties |  foreach-object {
                        $NewVersion.Add($, $_.value)
                    # update certVersion property and deploy property
                    $NewVersion.certVersion = $newVersionId
                    if ($NewVersion.Deploy -eq @("False")) { $NewVersion.Deploy -eq @("True") }
                    # prepend NewVersion
                    $Certificate.certVersions = , (New-Object PSObject -Property $NewVersion) + $Certificate.certVersions
                    if ($Certificate.DeployStrategy -eq "Persist"){
                        # Set the second most recent certificate deploy=false
                        if ($Certificate.certVersions[1]){
                            $Certificate.certVersions[1].Deploy = @("True")
                    else {
                        if ($Certificate.certVersions[1]){
                            $Certificate.certVersions[1].Deploy = @("False")
                    # if a third (or more) certificate version exists, delete it
                    $Certificate.certVersions = @($Certificate.certVersions[0] , $Certificate.certVersions[1])

    # Update the manifest in the Key Vault
    Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -SecretName "$($CAMConfig.KeyVault)-Manifest" -SecretValue (($Manifest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
    return $Manifest

function Get-ApiCertificateVersionList(){
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $VersionList = @()
    foreach ($SID in $CAMConfig.SID){
        $Url = "$($CAMConfig.ApiBaseUrl)/v1/api/services/$($SID.SID)/certificates/ReadyToDeploy"
        $Token = Acquire-Token -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
        for ($x = 0; $x -lt 3; $x++){
            try {
                $Response = (Invoke-WebRequest $url -TimeoutSec 30 -Headers @{ 
                    "Authorization"="Bearer $Token" 
                }).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            catch {
                Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Unable to reach url: $url" -EventId 2017 -OnlyEvent $true -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
                if ($x -eq 0) {
                    # we have exhausted 3 retries with no results
                    return $null
        # iterate through certificates and find latest versions id
        foreach ($entry in $Response.Certificates) {
            # iterate through multiple versions stored in an entry
            foreach ($version in $entry.Versions){
                # if latest version and ready, add it to the version list with the cert name
                if ($version.Latest -eq $true -and $version.Ready -eq $true){
                    $VersionList += , @($entry.CertName,$version.VersionId)
    return $VersionList

function Acquire-Token {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig,
    [string]$Path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
    $clientId = $CAMConfig.AADApplicationId
    $resourceId = $CAMConfig.ApiAADApplicationId
    $authority = "$($CAMConfig.TenantId)"
    $authenticationContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority)
    if ($CAMConfig.AADApplicationKey) {
        $clientCredential = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential]::new($clientId, $CAMConfig.AADApplicationKey)     
        $Token = $authenticationContext.AcquireToken($resourceId, $clientCredential).AccessToken
    else {
        $pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2("$($Path)\$($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate).pfx", $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword)
        $clientCredential = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientAssertionCertificate]::new($clientId,$pfx)
        $Token = $authenticationContext.AcquireToken($resourceId, [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientAssertionCertificate]$clientCredential).AccessToken    
    return $Token


# Script level variable for fallbacks during development, should store these in config or pass in to individual functions.
$script:CAMConfig = New-CamConfig -AADApplicationId "MyAADApp" -AADApplicationKey ("MyAADKey" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -force) -TenantId "12345" -KeyVault "MyKeyVault" -Environment "PROD"

    Install AAD Application certificate from an optionally given path
    Install the certificate you will use to authenticate to your AAD Application. If the certificate is not stored in the same directory as the module pass in the path to the directory it is in with the "Path" parameter.
    The Path to the directory that houses the certificate you will use to authenticate to your AAD Application. This defaults to the current directory.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present CAMConfig file.
    C:\PS> Install-AADAppCertificate -Path "C:\Certificates\AADApp" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Install-AADAppCertificate() {
    [string]$Path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    if (Test-Path "$($Path)\$($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate).pfx") {
        try {
            $Pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
            $Pfx.Import("$($Path)\$($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate).pfx", $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword, "PersistKeySet")
            if (-not $Pfx.FriendlyName) {
                $Pfx.FriendlyName = $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate

            $Store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("My", "LocalMachine")
            $PfxFriendlyName = $Pfx.FriendlyName
            return $PfxFriendlyName
        catch {
            Write-ErrorLog -Message "certificate $($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate) could not be imported with given password"`
                 -EventId 2001 -OnlyEvent $true -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
            throw "certificate $($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate) could not be imported with given password"
    else {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "AAD App certificate was not found at $($Path)"`
                 -EventId 2002 -OnlyEvent $true -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
        throw "AAD App certificate was not found at $($Path)"

    Read the CAMconfig file from an optionally given path, or pass in your own custom configuration object.
    Read the CAMconfig file from an optionally given path, or pass in your own custom configuration object to override the fallback variable and any present CAMconfig file.
    The Path to the directory that houses the CAMConfig you will use. This defaults to the current directory.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Read-CAMConfig -Path "C:\CAM\Config" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Read-CAMConfig() {
    [string]$Path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig 
    if ($CAMConfig -ne $script:CAMConfig) {
        $script:CAMConfig.AADApplicationID = $CAMConfig.AADApplicationId
        $script:CAMConfig.AADApplicationKey = $CAMConfig.AADApplicationkey
        $script:CAMConfig.TenantId = $CAMConfig.TenantId
        $script:CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate = $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate
        $script:CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword = $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword
        $script:CAMConfig.KeyVault = $CAMConfig.KeyVault
        $script:CAMConfig.Environment = $CAMConfig.Environment
        $script:CAMConfig.ApiAADApplicationId = $CAMConfig.ApiAADApplicationId
        $script:CAMConfig.ApiBaseUrl = $CAMConfig.ApiBaseUrl
        $script:CAMConfig.SID = $CAMConfig.SID
        $script:CAMConfig.LogToWindowsEventLog = $CAMConfig.LogToWindowsEventLog
    if (Test-Path "$($Path)\CAMConfig.json") {
        try {
            $Json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($Path)\CAMConfig.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            # reset hardcoded fallback values
            $script:CAMConfig.AADApplicationID = $Json.AADApplicationId
            if ($Json.AADApplicationkey) {
                $script:CAMConfig.AADApplicationkey = ($Json.AADApplicationkey | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
            $script:CAMConfig.TenantId = $Json.TenantId
            $script:CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate = $Json.KeyVaultCertificate
            if ($Json.KeyVaultCertificatePassword) {
                $script:CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword = ($Json.KeyVaultCertificatePassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
            $script:CAMConfig.KeyVault = $Json.KeyVault
            $script:CAMConfig.Environment = $Json.Environment
            if ($Json.ApiBaseUrl) {
                $script:CAMConfig.ApiBaseUrl = $Json.ApiBaseUrl
            if ($Json.SID) {
                $script:CAMConfig.SID = $Json.SID
            if ($Json.ApiAADApplicationId) {
                $script:CAMConfig.ApiAADApplicationId = $Json.ApiAADApplicationId
            if ($Json.LogToWindowsEventLog) {
                $script:CAMConfig.LogToWindowsEventLog = $Json.LogToWindowsEventLog
            else {
                $script:CAMConfig.LogToWindowsEventLog = $false
            return $true
        catch {
            Write-WarningLog -Message "Unable to read config at $($Path)\CAMConfig.json, defaulting to hardcoded fallback values."`
                -EventId 2003 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
    else {
        Write-WarningLog -Message "Unable to read config at $($Path)\CAMConfig.json, defaulting to hardcoded fallback values."`
                -EventId 2003 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig

    Schedule CAM to run every 5 minutes
    Create a scheduled task that will run the CAM module's Install-KVCertificates cmdlet at intervals, with 5 minutes being the default.
.PARAMETER LocalManifest
    (optional) The path to the local manifest to be used instead of a manifest in the KeyVault.
.PARAMETER Frequency
    The frequency in minutes that the module should be run. This defaults to 5 minutes.
    The path to the directory that houses the CAM module you will use. This defaults to the current directory.
    C:\PS> New-CAMSchedule -Path "C:\CAM"

function New-CAMSchedule() {
    [int]$Frequency = 5,
    [string]$Path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
    try {
        if ($LocalManifest) {
            $LocalManifest = " -LocalManifest " + '"' + $LocalManifest + '"'

        $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' -WorkingDirectory "$Path" -Argument "Import-Module .\CAM.psm1; Install-KVCertificates$LocalManifest"

        $trigger =  New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date) -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes $Frequency) 

        Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "CAM" -RunLevel Highest
        return $true
    catch {
        Write-WarningLog -Message "Unable to schedule CAM task. Error: $_"
            -EventId 2004



    Function for authenticating using user profile
    Authenticate to azure using your personal azure account credentials. If there is a .ctx or .json azure profile file available in the directory the function is run from it will default to authenticating with it.
    C:\PS> Authenticate-WithUserProfile

function Authenticate-WithUserProfile() {
    # Log in to Azure
    $Path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
    if (Test-Path "$Path\myAzureRmProfile.json") {
        Select-AzureRmProfile -Path "$Path\myAzureRmProfile.json" -ErrorAction Stop
    elseif (Test-Path "$Path\profile.ctx") {
        Import-AzureRmContext -Path "$Path\profile.ctx" -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
        Write-InfoLog -Message "Please log into Azure now" -EventId 1001
        Login-AzureRMAccount -ErrorAction stop

    Function for authenticating to AAD through AAD app certificate
    Authenticate to AAD Application using a certificate that has been whitelisted with an applicable service principal.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Authenticate-WithCertificate -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Authenticate-WithCertificate() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    try {
        $KeyVaultCertificateThumbprint = (Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -match $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate}).Thumbprint
        Login-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal -CertificateThumbprint $KeyVaultCertificateThumbprint -ApplicationId $CAMConfig.AADApplicationID -TenantId $CAMConfig.TenantId -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog "Unable to login with Certificate $($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate). Error: $_" -Message -EventId 2005 -OnlyEvent $true -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
        throw "Unable to login with Certificate $($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate). Error: $_"

    Function for authenticating to AAD through AAD app key
    Authenticate to AAD Application using a encrypted key that has been whitelisted with an applicable service principal.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    (optional) An AAD application key to be used if it differs from the one being used in the CAMConfig.
    C:\PS> Authenticate-WithKey -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Authenticate-WithKey() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig,
    [SecureString]$Key = $CAMConfig.AADApplicationKey
    try {
        $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($CAMConfig.AADApplicationID, $Key)
        Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Credential -Tenant $CAMConfig.TenantId -ServicePrincipal -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog "Unable to login with Key. Error: $_" -Message -EventId 2006 -OnlyEvent $true -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
        throw "Unable to login with Key. Error: $_"

    Function for trying to authenticate to AAD app with Certificate, Key, or User profile.
    Authenticate to azure by attempting to authenticate first to an AAD Application with either a whitelisted key or certificate. If that fails, attempt to use local users credentials.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Authenticate-ToKeyVault -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Authenticate-ToKeyVault() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    Try {
        if ($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate) {
            Authenticate-WithCertificate -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
        else {
            Authenticate-WithKey -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
    # If that doesn't work use local user profile
    Catch {


    Install and delete certificates as specified within the manifest file provided or saved in the KeyVault.
    Ensure the module is authenticated to an AAD Application. Load a manifest file stored in the KeyVault or provided locally. Break apart the manifest into a secret and certificate section.
    Iterate through the secrets and download or delete the certificate as specified in the certificateVersion "deploy" property. Repeat this process for the certificate section.
.PARAMETER LocalManifest
    (optional) The full path to a valid json manifest file to be used in place of a passed in object or manifest available in the KeyVault.
    (optional) A PSCustom object containing the manifest information to override a local or keyvault sourced manifest.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Install-KVCertificates -LocalManifest "C:\CAM\testingmanifests\test.json" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig
function Install-KVCertificates() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    #Read CAMConfig object if present and update fallback values
    if ($CAMConfig -ne $script:CAMConfig) {
        Read-CAMConfig -CAMConfig $CAMConfig | Out-Null
    else {
        Read-CAMConfig | Out-Null

    #if ($Manifest.KeyVault) {
    # $CAMConfig.KeyVault = $Manifest.KeyVault

    Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Config loaded" -EventId 1002 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig

    #If certificate authentication is being used, install the required certificate
    if ($CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificate -and $CAMConfig.KeyVaultCertificatePassword) {
        Install-AADAppCertificate -CAMConfig $CAMConfig | Out-Null

    #Authenticate with AAD App and KeyVault
    Authenticate-ToKeyVault -CAMConfig $CAMConfig | Out-Null

    Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Authenticated to KeyVault" -EventId 1003 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig    

    # local path passed in
    if ($LocalManifest) { 
        $json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($localmanifest)" | ConvertFrom-Json 
    # object passed in
    elseif ($Manifest) {
        if ($Manifest.gettype().tostring() -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") {
            $json = $Manifest
        else {
            Write-ErrorLog "CAM: Manifest object was not of type System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" -EventId 2007 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
    # retrieve manifest from keyvault
    else {
        # Load manifest from the KeyVault
        $manifestName = "$($CAMConfig.KeyVault)-manifest"
        $manifest = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $manifestName -ErrorAction Stop 
        $json = $manifest.SecretValueText | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Manifest retrieved from Key Vault"        
        if ($CAMConfig.ApiBaseUrl) {
            # if manifest has not been updated within the last hour, check API
            if ($manifest.attributes.updated -lt ((Get-Date)-(New-Timespan -Hours 1))) { 
                try {
                    # create an updated verison of manifest
                    $update = (Update-Manifest -Manifest $json -CAMConfig $CAMConfig)
                    # reset our json if succesfully updated
                    $json = $update
                    Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Manifest was out of date, and updated in Key Vault" -EventId 1010
                catch {
                    Write-WarningLog -Message "CAM: Failed to update manifest in Key Vault. Error: $_" -EventId 2018 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig               

    $DefaultKeyVault = $CAMConfig.KeyVault

    Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: $($ManifestName)Manifest loaded" -EventId 1004 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig    

    # Iterate through Certificates section
    if ($null -ne $json.certificates) {
        foreach ($Certificate in $json.Certificates) {
            $CertificateName = $Certificate.CertName
            $CertificateVersions = $Certificate.CertVersions
            $KeyStorageFlags = "DefaultKeySet"
            $PublicKeyOnly = $false
            if ($Certificate.KeyStorageFlags) {
                $KeyStorageFlags = $Certificate.KeyStorageFlags
            if ($Certificate.PublicKeyOnly){
                $PublicKeyOnly = $true
            # Iterate through Certificate versions
            foreach ($CertificateVersion in $CertificateVersions) {
                $CertificateStoreLocation = "LocalMachine"
                if ($CertificateVersion.StoreLocation) {
                    $CertificateStoreLocation = $CertificateVersion.StoreLocation
                $CertificateStoreName = "My"
                if ($CertificateVersion.StoreName) {
                    $CertificateStoreName = $CertificateVersion.StoreName
                $downloaded = $false
                # Iterate through deployment array to decide if cert should be installed or deleted
                foreach ($deployment in $CertificateVersion.Deploy) {
                    if ($deployment -eq "True" -or $deployment -eq $CAMConfig.Environment) { 
                        # Install Certificate
                        Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Installing Certificate: $($CertificateName)" -EventId 1005 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig    
                        Install-KVCertificateObject -CertName $CertificateName -CertVersion $CertificateVersion.CertVersion `
                            -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation `
                            -KeyStorageFlags $KeyStorageFlags -Export $Certificate.Export -PublicKeyOnly $PublicKeyOnly -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
                        # Grant user access to private keys
                        if ($null -ne $Certificate.GrantAccess) {
                            Grant-CertificateAccess -CertName $CertificateName -User $CertificateVersion.GrantAccess -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName `
                            -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation
                        $downloaded = $true
                # Delete Certificate
                if (!$downloaded) {
                    Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Deleting Certificate: $($CertificateName)" -EventId 1006 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig    
                    $RetrievedCertificate = Get-AzureKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $CertificateName -Version $CertificateVersion.CertVersion
                    Remove-Certificate -certName $CertificateName -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation `
                     -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName -certThumbprint $RetrievedCertificate.Thumbprint
    # Iterate through Secrets section
    if ($null -ne $json.Secrets) {
        foreach ($Secret in $json.Secrets) {
            $CertificateName = $Secret.CertName
            $CertificateVersions = $Secret.CertVersions
            $Unstructured = $false
            $KeyStorageFlags = "DefaultKeySet"
            $PublicKeyOnly = $false
            if ($Secret.Unstructured) {
                $Unstructured = $true
            if ($Secret.KeyStorageFlags) {
                $KeyStorageFlags = $Secret.KeyStorageFlags
            if ($Secret.PublicKeyOnly){
                $PublicKeyOnly = $true
            if ($Secret.KeyVault) {
                $CAMConfig.KeyVault = $Secret.KeyVault
            else { 
                $CAMConfig.KeyVault = $DefaultKeyVault 
            # Iterate through Certificate versions
            foreach ($CertificateVersion in $CertificateVersions) {
                $CertificateStoreLocation = "LocalMachine"
                if ($CertificateVersion.StoreLocation) {
                    $CertificateStoreLocation = $CertificateVersion.StoreLocation
                $CertificateStoreName = "My"
                if ($CertificateVersion.StoreName) {
                    $CertificateStoreName = $CertificateVersion.StoreName
                $download = $false
                # Iterate through deployment array to decide if cert should be downloaded or deleted
                foreach ($deployment in $CertificateVersion.Deploy) {
                    if ($deployment -eq "True" -or $deployment -eq $CAMConfig.Environment) { 
                        # Install Certificate
                        Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Installing Certificate: $($CertificateName)" -EventId 1005 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig    
                        Install-KVSecretObject -CertName $CertificateName -CertVersion $CertificateVersion.CertVersion `
                            -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation -Unstructured $Unstructured `
                            -KeyStorageFlags $KeyStorageFlags -Export $Secret.Export -PublicKeyOnly $PublicKeyOnly -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
                        # Grant user access to private keys
                        if ($null -ne $Secret.GrantAccess) {
                            Grant-CertificateAccess -CertName $CertificateName -User $CertificateVersion.GrantAccess -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName `
                            -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation
                        $download = $true
                # Delete Certificate
                if (!$download) {
                    Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Deleting Certificate: $($CertificateName)" -EventId 1006 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
                    $Thumbprint = Get-SecretThumbprint -CertName $CertificateName -CertVersion $CertificateVersion.CertVersion -Unstructured $Unstructured -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
                    Remove-Certificate -CertName $CertificateName -CertStoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation`
                     -CertStoreName $CertificateStoreName -CertThumbprint $Thumbprint

    This function will download and install a certificate object from a key vault and install it on local machine.
    This script runs through key vault commands to download a certificate object from a key vault and install it locally.
    Secret name in key vault.
.PARAMETER CertVersion
    (optional) Version GUID of the secret you want to retrieve.
    (optional) Path to folder where the public key should be exported as .cert file.
.PARAMETER CertStoreName
    (optional) Certificate Store Name that you would like the certificate installed to. Defaults to "My"
.PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
    (optional) Certificate Store Location that you would like the certificate installed to. Defaults to "LocalMachine"
.PARAMETER KeyStorageFlags
    (optional) Key storage flags to be used when the certificate is imported to the store. Defaults to "PersistKeySet"
.PARAMETER ReturnOutput
    (optional) A switch to indicate you want the HashTable returned with the Friendly Name and Thumbprint of the certificate
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Install-KVCertificateObject -CertName "MyCertificate" -CertVersion "0000-0000-0000-0000" `
            -CertStoreName "My" -CertStoreLocation "LocalMachine" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Install-KVCertificateObject() {
    [string]$CertStoreName = "My",
    [string]$CertStoreLocation = "LocalMachine",
    [string]$KeyStorageFlags = "DefaultKeySet",
    [bool]$PublicKeyOnly = $false,
    $CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    if (!$SkipAuth) {
        if (!(LoggedIn -CAMConfig $CAMConfig)) {
            Authenticate-ToKeyVault -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
    if ($CertVersion) {
        $Cert = Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert -CertName $CertName -CertVersion $CertVersion -CAMConfig $CamConfig
    else {
        $Cert = Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert -CertName $CertName -CAMConfig $CamConfig
    if (-not $Cert) {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($certName) does not exist in $($CAMConfig.KeyVault) KeyVault" -EventId 2008 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
    try {
        $CertBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Cert.SecretValueText)
        $Pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($CertBytes, "", $keyStorageFlags)
        if ($PublicKeyOnly -and $Pfx.HasPrivateKey) {
            $Pfx.PrivateKey = $null
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Certificate $Certname could not be imported with password. Error: $_" -EventId 2009 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
    $Pfx.FriendlyName = $CertName
    $Store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($CertStoreName, $CertStoreLocation)
    if ($Export) {
        $Bytes = $Pfx.Export("Cert")
        [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$Export\$CertName.cer", $Bytes)
    $Output = @{
    Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Installed Certificate $($CertName) to $CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName store" -EventId 1007 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig             
    if ($ReturnOutput) {
        return $Output

    This function will download and install a certificate from a json object that was encrypted and stored as a KeyVault secret.
    This function will download and install certificates that have been stored in KeyVault as encrypted json objects. These json objects are made up of two properties. "data" which stores the raw certificate data,
    and "password" which stores the password to the Pfx.
    Cert name in key vault
.PARAMETER CertVersion
    (optional) Version GUID of the secret you want to retrieve.
    (optional) Path to folder where the public key should be exported as .cert file.
.PARAMETER CertStoreName
    (optional) Certificate Store Name that you would like the certificate installed to. Defaults to "My"
.PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
    (optional) Certificate Store Location that you would like the certificate installed to. Defaults to "LocalMachine"
.PARAMETER KeyStorageFlags
    (optional) Key storage flags to be used when the certificate is imported to the store. Defaults to "PersistKeySet"
.PARAMETER Unstructured
    If true, will download the secret without disassembling it as a JSON object, and import with no password. Defaults to "false"
.PARAMETER ReturnOutput
    (optional) A switch to indicate you want the HashTable returned with the Friendly Name and Thumbprint of the certificate
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Install-KVSecretObject -CertName "MyCertificate" -CertVersion "0000-0000-0000-0000" `
            -CertStoreName "My" -CertStoreLocation "LocalMachine" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig
function Install-KVSecretObject() {
    [string]$CertStoreName = "My",
    [string]$CertStoreLocation = "LocalMachine",
    [string]$keyStorageFlags = "DefaultKeySet",
    [bool]$PublicKeyOnly = $false,
    [bool]$Unstructured = $false,
    $CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    if (!$SkipAuth) {
        if (!(LoggedIn -CAMConfig $CAMConfig)) {
            Authenticate-ToKeyVault -CAMConfig $CAMConfig
    if ($CertVersion) {
        $Secret = Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert -CertName $CertName -CertVersion $CertVersion -CAMConfig $CamConfig
    else {
        $Secret = Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert -CertName $CertName -CAMConfig $CamConfig
    if (-not $Secret) {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($certName) does not exist in $($CAMConfig.KeyVault) KeyVault" -EventId 2008 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
    if ($Unstructured) {
        $CertBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Secret.SecretValueText)
    else {
        try {
            $KvSecretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Secret.SecretValueText))
            $CertJson = $KvSecretBytes | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Password = $CertJson.password
            $CertBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($
        catch {
            Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Certificate $($CertName) has invalid JSON, Unable to install" -EventId 2010 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                     
    try {
        if ($Unstructured) {
            $Pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($CertBytes, '', $keyStorageFlags)
        else {
            $Pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($CertBytes, $Password, $keyStorageFlags)
        if ($PublicKeyOnly -and $Pfx.HasPrivateKey) {
            $Pfx.PrivateKey = $null
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Certificate $Certname could not be imported with password. Error: $_" -EventId 2009 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
    $Pfx.FriendlyName = $CertName
    $Store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($CertStoreName, $CertStoreLocation)
    if ($Export) {
        $Bytes = $Pfx.Export("Cert")
        [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$Export\$CertName.cer", $Bytes)
    $Output = @{
    Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Installed Certificate $($CertName) to $CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName store" -EventId 1007 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig             
    if ($ReturnOutput) {
        return $Output

    This function retrives a KeyVault secret based on the name and version. If the version is not specified it retrieves the most current version.
    Cert name in key vault
.PARAMETER CertVersion
    (optional) Version GUID of the secret you want to retrieve.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert -CertName "MyCertificate" -CertVersion "0000-0000-0000-0000" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Get-PrivateKeyVaultCert() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    if ($CertVersion) {
        return Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $CertName -Version $CertVersion
    else {
        return Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $CertName

    This function lets you remove a cert from a provided store location and store name.
    If this function is not provided a thumbprint, it will search the provided store location and store name for certificates with a friendly name that match the provided CertName parameter
    and select the one with the earliest expiry. Once the certificate has been selected by earliest expiry or provided thumbprint, it is removed from the store.
    The friendly name of the certificate you would like to remove.
.PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
    The store location where the certificate is installed.
.PARAMETER CertStoreName
    The store name where the certificate is installed.
.PARAMETER CertThumbprint
    (optional) The thumbprint of the certificate you would like to remove. If not provided, the certificate that matches the CertName parameter with the earliest expiry will be selected.
    C:\PS> Remove-Certificate -CertName "MyCertificate" -CertStoreLocation "LocalMachine" -CertStoreName "My" -CertificateThumbprint "0000000000000000000000000000"

function Remove-Certificate() {
    try {
        if (-not $CertThumbprint) {
            try {
                #find the certificate with the earliest expiry of those matching the CertName parameter
                $CertLocation = (Get-ChildItem "Cert:\$CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName" | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -match $CertName} | Sort-Object -Property NotAfter)[0].PSPath
                Write-WarningLog -Message "CAM: Certificate Thumbprint not provided for $CertName, attempting to delete certificate with earliest expiry." `
                    -EventId 2011 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig             
            catch {
                Write-ErrorLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($certName) does not exist in $($CAMConfig.KeyVault) KeyVault" -EventId 2008 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
        else {
            #Create path to cert
            $CertLocation = "Cert:\" + $CertStoreLocation + "\" + $CertStoreName + "\" + $CertThumbprint
        if (test-path $CertLocation) {
            Remove-Item $CertLocation
            Write-InfoLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($CertName) deleted from $($CertStoreLocation)\$($CertStoreName) store" -EventId 1008 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
        else {
            Write-ErrorLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($CertName) does not exist in $($CertStoreLocation)\$($CertStoreName) store" -EventId 2012 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Failed to delete certificate $($CertLocation). Error: $_" -EventId 2013 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         

    This function grants access to a supplied user for a certificates private key.
    This function grants access to a supplied user (defaulted to Network Service) for a certificates private key.
    The friendly name of the certificate you would like to remove.
    (optional) The user you want to give access to.
.PARAMETER CertStoreName
    The store name where the certificate is installed.
.PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
    The store location where the certificate is installed.
    C:\PS> Grant-CertificateAccess -CertName "MyCertificate" -User "Network Service" -CertStoreLocation "LocalMachine" -CertStoreName "My"

function Grant-CertificateAccess() {
    [string]$User = "Network Service",
    [string]$CertStoreName = "My",
    [string]$CertStoreLocation = "LocalMachine"

    try {
        $Certificate = (Get-ChildItem "Cert:\$CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName" `
                        | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $CertName}).PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName
        if ($Certificate) {
            $keyPath = $env:ProgramData + "\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\"
            $fullpath = $keypath+$Certificate
            try {
                $acl=(Get-Item $fullpath -ErrorAction Stop).GetAccessControl('Access')
            catch {
                Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Unable to find Machine Key path for certificate $($CertName), Grant-CertificateAccess failed." -EventId 2014 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                         
            $permission=$User, "Read", "Allow"
            $accessRule=new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $permission
            try {
                Set-Acl -Path $fullPath -AclObject $acl
                Write-InfoLog -Message "CAM: Granted access to $User for certificate $CertName in $CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName store." -EventId 1009 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                         
            catch {
                Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Unable to grant access to $User for certificate $CertName in $CertStoreLocation\$CertStoreName store. Error: $_" `
                    -EventId 2015 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                         
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Grant-CertificateAccess failed. Error: $_" -EventId 2016 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                         

    This function retrieves a thumbprint from a secret object.
    This function retrieves a secret object from the KeyVault and then returns its thumbprint. It is only used to identify the thumbprint of a secret object to be deleted.
    The friendly name of the certificate you would like to remove.
.PARAMETER CertVersion
    (optional) Version GUID of the secret you want to retrieve.
.PARAMETER Unstructured
    If true, will download the secret without disassembling it as a JSON object, and import with no password. Defaults to "false"
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> Get-SecretThumbprint -CertName "MyCertificate" -CertVersion "0000-0000-0000-0000" -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function Get-SecretThumbprint() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    if (-not $CertVersion) {
        $Secret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $CertName -ErrorAction Stop
    else {
        $Secret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $CAMConfig.KeyVault -Name $CertName -Version $CertVersion -ErrorAction Stop
    $Password = ''
    if (-not $Secret) {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message  "CAM: Certificate $($certName) does not exist in $($CAMConfig.KeyVault) KeyVault" -EventId 2008 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig 
    if ($Unstructured) {
        $CertBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Secret.SecretValueText)
    else {
        try {
            $KvSecretBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Secret.SecretValueText))
            $CertJson = $KvSecretBytes | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Password = $CertJson.password
            $CertBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($
        catch {
            Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Certificate $($CertName) has invalid JSON, Unable to install" -EventId 2010 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig                     
    try {
        $Pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($CertBytes, $Password, "PersistKeySet")
    catch {
        Write-ErrorLog -Message "CAM: Certificate $Certname could not be imported with password. Error: $_" -EventId 2009 -CAMConfig $CAMConfig         
    $Thumbprint = $Pfx.Thumbprint
    return $Thumbprint

    This function checks if the powershell session has been authenticated by the context provided in the CAMConfig
    This function checks to see if the current powershell session has been authenticated with the same TenantId as specified in the CAMConfig.
    (optional) A configuration object used to override the fallback variable and any present configuration files.
    C:\PS> LoggedIn -CAMConfig $CustomConfig

function LoggedIn() {
    [PSTypeName("CAMConfig")]$CAMConfig = $script:CAMConfig
    $Context = Get-AzureRmContext
    if ($null -ne $Context.Tenant -and $Context.Tenant.Id -eq $CAMConfig.TenantId) {
        return $true
    return $false

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-CamConfig

Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-AADAppCertificate
Export-ModuleMember -Function Read-CAMConfig
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-CAMSchedule

Export-ModuleMember -Function Authenticate-WithUserProfile
Export-ModuleMember -Function Authenticate-WithCertificate
Export-ModuleMember -Function Authenticate-WithKey
Export-ModuleMember -Function Authenticate-ToKeyVault

Export-ModuleMember -Function Grant-CertificateAccess

Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-KVCertificates
Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-KVCertificateObject
Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-KVSecretObject
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-Certificate