
# This script contains functions for handling access tokens
# and some utility functions


# Unix epoch time (1.1.1970)
$epoch = Get-Date -Day 1 -Month 1 -Year 1970 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0

# FOCI client ids
# Ref:

$FOCIs = @{
    "00b41c95-dab0-4487-9791-b9d2c32c80f2" = "Office 365 Management"
    "04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" = "Microsoft Azure CLI"
    "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" = "Microsoft Azure PowerShell"
    "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" = "Microsoft Teams"
    "26a7ee05-5602-4d76-a7ba-eae8b7b67941" = "Windows Search"
    "27922004-5251-4030-b22d-91ecd9a37ea4" = "Outlook Mobile"
    "4813382a-8fa7-425e-ab75-3b753aab3abb" = "Microsoft Authenticator App"
    "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763" = "OneDrive SyncEngine"
    "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" = "Microsoft Office"
    "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1" = "Visual Studio"
    "af124e86-4e96-495a-b70a-90f90ab96707" = "OneDrive iOS App"
    "2d7f3606-b07d-41d1-b9d2-0d0c9296a6e8" = "Microsoft Bing Search for Microsoft Edge"
    "844cca35-0656-46ce-b636-13f48b0eecbd" = "Microsoft Stream Mobile Native"
    "87749df4-7ccf-48f8-aa87-704bad0e0e16" = "Microsoft Teams - Device Admin Agent"
    "cf36b471-5b44-428c-9ce7-313bf84528de" = "Microsoft Bing Search"
    "0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c" = "Office UWP PWA"
    "22098786-6e16-43cc-a27d-191a01a1e3b5" = "Microsoft To-Do client"
    "4e291c71-d680-4d0e-9640-0a3358e31177" = "PowerApps"
    "57336123-6e14-4acc-8dcf-287b6088aa28" = "Microsoft Whiteboard Client"
    "57fcbcfa-7cee-4eb1-8b25-12d2030b4ee0" = "Microsoft Flow"
    "66375f6b-983f-4c2c-9701-d680650f588f" = "Microsoft Planner"
    "9ba1a5c7-f17a-4de9-a1f1-6178c8d51223" = "Microsoft Intune Company Portal"
    "a40d7d7d-59aa-447e-a655-679a4107e548" = "Accounts Control UI"
    "a569458c-7f2b-45cb-bab9-b7dee514d112" = "Yammer iPhone"
    "b26aadf8-566f-4478-926f-589f601d9c74" = "OneDrive"
    "c0d2a505-13b8-4ae0-aa9e-cddd5eab0b12" = "Microsoft Power BI"
    "d326c1ce-6cc6-4de2-bebc-4591e5e13ef0" = "SharePoint"
    "e9c51622-460d-4d3d-952d-966a5b1da34c" = "Microsoft Edge"
    "eb539595-3fe1-474e-9c1d-feb3625d1be5" = "Microsoft Tunnel"
    "ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a" = "Microsoft Edge"
    "f05ff7c9-f75a-4acd-a3b5-f4b6a870245d" = "SharePoint Android"
    "f44b1140-bc5e-48c6-8dc0-5cf5a53c0e34" = "Microsoft Edge"
    "be1918be-3fe3-4be9-b32b-b542fc27f02e" = "M365 Compliance Drive Client"
    "cab96880-db5b-4e15-90a7-f3f1d62ffe39" = "Microsoft Defender Platform"
    "d7b530a4-7680-4c23-a8bf-c52c121d2e87" = "Microsoft Edge Enterprise New Tab Page"
    "dd47d17a-3194-4d86-bfd5-c6ae6f5651e3" = "Microsoft Defender for Mobile"
    "e9b154d0-7658-433b-bb25-6b8e0a8a7c59" = "Outlook Lite"

# Resource ids
$RESIDs = @{
    "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" = ""

# Stored tokens (access & refresh)


# Return user's login information
function Get-LoginInformation
    Returns authentication information of the given user or domain
    Returns authentication of the given user or domain
    Get-AADIntLoginInformation -Domain
    Tenant Banner Logo :
    Authentication Url :
    Pref Credential : 6
    Federation Protocol : WSTrust
    Throttle Status : 0
    Cloud Instance :
    Federation Brand Name : MSA Realms
    Domain Name :
    Federation Metadata Url :
    Tenant Banner Illustration :
    Consumer Domain : True
    State : 3
    Federation Active Authentication Url :
    User State : 2
    Account Type : Federated
    Tenant Locale :
    Domain Type : 2
    Exists : 5
    Has Password : True
    Cloud Instance audience urn : urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
    Federation Global Version : -1
    Get-AADIntLoginInformation -UserName
    Tenant Banner Logo :
    Authentication Url :
    Pref Credential : 1
    Federation Protocol :
    Throttle Status : 1
    Cloud Instance :
    Federation Brand Name : Company Ltd
    Domain Name :
    Federation Metadata Url :
    Tenant Banner Illustration :
    Consumer Domain :
    State : 4
    Federation Active Authentication Url :
    User State : 1
    Account Type : Managed
    Tenant Locale : 0
    Domain Type : 3
    Exists : 0
    Has Password : True
    Cloud Instance audience urn : urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
    Desktop Sso Enabled : True
    Federation Global Version :



            $isDomain = $true
            $UserName = "nn@$Domain"

        $subScope = Get-TenantSubscope -Domain $UserName.Split("@")[1]

        # Gather login information using different APIs
        $realm1=Get-UserRealm -UserName $UserName -SubScope $subScope         # common/userrealm API 1.0
        $realm2=Get-UserRealmExtended -UserName $UserName -SubScope $subScope # common/userrealm API 2.0
        $realm3=Get-UserRealmV2 -UserName $UserName -SubScope $subScope       # GetUserRealm.srf (used in the old Office 365 login experience)
        $realm4=Get-CredentialType -UserName $UserName -SubScope $subScope    # common/GetCredentialType (used in the "new" Office 365 login experience)

        # Create a return object
        $attributes = @{
            "Account Type" = $realm1.account_type # Managed or federated
            "Domain Name" = $realm1.domain_name
            "Cloud Instance" = $realm1.cloud_instance_name
            "Cloud Instance audience urn" = $realm1.cloud_audience_urn
            "Federation Brand Name" = $realm2.FederationBrandName
            "Tenant Locale" = $realm2.TenantBrandingInfo.Locale
            "Tenant Banner Logo" = $realm2.TenantBrandingInfo.BannerLogo
            "Tenant Banner Illustration" = $realm2.TenantBrandingInfo.Illustration
            "State" = $realm3.State
            "User State" = $realm3.UserState
            "Exists" = $realm4.IfExistsResult
            "Throttle Status" = $realm4.ThrottleStatus
            "Pref Credential" = $realm4.Credentials.PrefCredential
            "Has Password" = $realm4.Credentials.HasPassword
            "Domain Type" = $realm4.EstsProperties.DomainType

            "Federation Protocol" = $realm1.federation_protocol
            "Federation Metadata Url" = $realm1.federation_metadata_url
            "Federation Active Authentication Url" = $realm1.federation_active_auth_url
            "Authentication Url" = $realm2.AuthUrl
            "Consumer Domain" = $realm2.ConsumerDomain
            "Federation Global Version" = $realm3.FederationGlobalVersion
            "Desktop Sso Enabled" = $realm4.EstsProperties.DesktopSsoEnabled
        # Return
        return New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Return user's authentication realm from common/userrealm using API 1.0
function Get-UserRealm
    Returns authentication realm of the given user
    Returns authentication realm of the given user using common/userrealm API 1.0
    Get-AADIntUserRealm -UserName ""
    ver : 1.0
    account_type : Managed
    domain_name :
    cloud_instance_name :
    cloud_audience_urn : urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
    Get-AADIntUserRealm -UserName ""
    ver : 1.0
    account_type : Federated
    domain_name :
    federation_protocol : WSTrust
    federation_metadata_url :
    federation_active_auth_url :
    cloud_instance_name :
    cloud_audience_urn : urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline

        # Call the API
        $userRealm=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("$(Get-TenantLoginUrl -SubScope $SubScope)/common/userrealm/$UserName"+"?api-version=1.0") -WebSession $webSession -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}

        # Verbose
        Write-Verbose "USER REALM $($userRealm | Out-String)"

        # Return

# Return user's authentication realm from common/userrealm using API 2.0
function Get-UserRealmExtended
    Returns authentication realm of the given user
    Returns authentication realm of the given user using common/userrealm API 2.0
    Get-AADIntUserRealmExtended -UserName ""
    NameSpaceType : Managed
    Login :
    DomainName :
    FederationBrandName : Company Ltd
    TenantBrandingInfo : {@{Locale=0; BannerLogo=
                          ts=111; TileLogo=
                          elogo?ts=112; BackgroundColor=#FFFFFF; BoilerPlateText=From here
                          you can sign-in to Company Ltd services;;
    cloud_instance_name :
    Get-AADIntUserRealmExtended -UserName ""
    NameSpaceType : Federated
    federation_protocol : WSTrust
    Login :
    AuthURL :
    DomainName :
    FederationBrandName : Company Ltd
    TenantBrandingInfo :
    cloud_instance_name :

        # Call the API
        $userRealm=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("$(Get-TenantLoginUrl -SubScope $SubScope)/common/userrealm/$UserName"+"?api-version=2.0") -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}

        # Verbose
        Write-Verbose "USER REALM $($userRealm | Out-String)"

        # Return

# Return user's authentication realm from GetUserRealm.srf (used in the old Office 365 login experience)
function Get-UserRealmV2
    Returns authentication realm of the given user
    Returns authentication realm of the given user using GetUserRealm.srf (used in the old Office 365 login experience)
    Get-AADIntUserRealmV3 -UserName ""
    State : 4
    UserState : 1
    Login :
    NameSpaceType : Managed
    DomainName :
    FederationBrandName : Company Ltd
    CloudInstanceName :
    Get-AADIntUserRealmV2 -UserName ""
    State : 3
    UserState : 2
    Login :
    NameSpaceType : Federated
    DomainName :
    FederationGlobalVersion : -1
    AuthURL :
    FederationBrandName : Company Ltd
    CloudInstanceName :

       # Call the API
        $userRealm=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("$(Get-TenantLoginUrl -SubScope $SubScope)/GetUserRealm.srf?login=$UserName") -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}

        # Verbose
        Write-Verbose "USER REALM: $($userRealm | Out-String)"

        # Return

# Return user's authentication type information from common/GetCredentialType
function Get-CredentialType
    Returns authentication information of the given user
    Returns authentication of the given user using common/GetCredentialType (used in the "new" Office 365 login experience)
    Get-AADIntUserRealmExtended -UserName ""
    Username :
    Display :
    IfExistsResult : 0
    ThrottleStatus : 1
    Credentials : @{PrefCredential=1; HasPassword=True; RemoteNgcParams=; FidoParams=; SasParams=}
    EstsProperties : @{UserTenantBranding=System.Object[]; DomainType=3}
    FlowToken :
    apiCanary : AQABAAA..A
    NameSpaceType : Managed
    Login :
    DomainName :
    FederationBrandName : Company Ltd
    TenantBrandingInfo : {@{Locale=0; BannerLogo=
                          ts=111; TileLogo=
                          elogo?ts=112; BackgroundColor=#FFFFFF; BoilerPlateText=From here
                          you can sign-in to Company Ltd services;;
    cloud_instance_name :
    Get-AADIntUserRealmExtended -UserName ""
    Username :
    Display :
    IfExistsResult : 0
    ThrottleStatus : 1
    Credentials : @{PrefCredential=4; HasPassword=True; RemoteNgcParams=; FidoParams=; SasParams=; FederationRed
    EstsProperties : @{UserTenantBranding=; DomainType=4}
    FlowToken :
    apiCanary : AQABAAA..A

        # Create a body for REST API request
        $body = @{
            "isOtherIdpSupported"   = $true
            "checkPhones"           = $true
            "isRemoteNGCSupported"  = $true
            "isCookieBannerShown"   = $false
            "isFidoSupported"       = $true
            "isAccessPassSupported" = $true
            "originalRequest"       = $OriginalRequest
            "flowToken"             = $FlowToken

        # TAP support can only be requested if originalRequest is provided. Otherwise we'll get error code 6000.
            $body["isAccessPassSupported"] = $true

        # Call the API
        $userRealm=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("$(Get-TenantLoginUrl -SubScope $SubScope)/common/GetCredentialType") -ContentType "application/json; charset=UTF-8" -Method POST -Body ($body|ConvertTo-Json) -WebSession $webSession -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}

        # Verbose & Debug
        Write-Verbose "CREDENTIAL TYPE: Exist=$($userRealm.IfExistsResult), Federated=$(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($userRealm.Credentials.FederationRedirectUrl))"
        Write-Debug "CREDENTIAL TYPE: $($userRealm | Out-String)"

        # Return

# Return OpenID configuration for the domain
# Mar 21 2019
function Get-OpenIDConfiguration
    Returns OpenID configuration of the given domain or user
    Returns OpenID configuration of the given domain or user
    Get-AADIntOpenIDConfiguration -UserName ""
    Get-AADIntOpenIDConfiguration -Domain
    authorization_endpoint :
    token_endpoint :
    token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported : {client_secret_post, private_key_jwt, client_secret_basic}
    jwks_uri :
    response_modes_supported : {query, fragment, form_post}
    subject_types_supported : {pairwise}
    id_token_signing_alg_values_supported : {RS256}
    http_logout_supported : True
    frontchannel_logout_supported : True
    end_session_endpoint :
    response_types_supported : {code, id_token, code id_token, token id_token...}
    scopes_supported : {openid}
    issuer :
    claims_supported : {sub, iss, cloud_instance_name, cloud_instance_host_name...}
    microsoft_multi_refresh_token : True
    check_session_iframe :
    userinfo_endpoint :
    tenant_region_scope : EU
    cloud_instance_name :
    cloud_graph_host_name :
    msgraph_host :
    rbac_url :


            $Domain = $UserName.Split("@")[1]

        # Call the API
        $openIdConfig=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$domain/.well-known/openid-configuration" -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}

        # Return

# Get the tenant ID for the given user/domain/accesstoken
function Get-TenantID
    Returns TenantID of the given domain, user, or AccessToken
    Returns TenantID of the given domain, user, or AccessToken
    Get-AADIntTenantID -UserName ""
    Get-AADIntTenantID -Domain
    Get-AADIntTenantID -AccessToken $at



        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AccessToken', Mandatory=$True)]
                $Domain = $UserName.Split("@")[1]

                $TenantId = (Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$domain" -Headers @{"User-agent" = Get-UserAgent}).TenantId
                return $null


        # Return

# Check if the access token has expired
function Is-AccessTokenExpired
        # Read the token
        $token = Read-Accesstoken($AccessToken)

        # Get the expiration time

        # Compare and return
        $retVal = $now -ge $exp

        return $retVal

# Check if the access token signature is valid
# May 20th 2020
function Is-AccessTokenValid
        # Token sections
        $sections =  $AccessToken.Split(".")
        $header =    $sections[0]
        $payload =   $sections[1]
        $signature = $sections[2]

        $signatureValid = $false

        # Fill the header with padding for Base 64 decoding
        while ($header.Length % 4)
            $header += "="

        # Convert the token to string and json
        $headerObj=$headerArray | ConvertFrom-Json

        # Get the signing key
        Write-Debug "PARSED TOKEN HEADER: $($headerObj | Format-List | Out-String)"

        # The algorithm should be RSA with SHA-256, i.e. RS256
        if($headerObj.alg -eq "RS256")
            # Get the public certificate
            $publicCert = Get-APIKeys -KeyId $KeyId
            Write-Debug "TOKEN SIGNING CERT: $publicCert"

            # Construct the JWT data to be verified
            $dataToVerify="{0}.{1}" -f $header,$payload
            $dataBin = [text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($dataToVerify)

            # Remove the Base64 URL encoding from the signature and add padding
            while ($signature.Length % 4)
                $signature += "="
            $signBytes = [convert]::FromBase64String($signature)

            # Extract the modulus and exponent from the certificate
            for($a=0;$a -lt $certBin.Length ; $a++)
                # Read the bytes
                $byte =  $certBin[$a] 
                $nByte = $certBin[$a+1] 

                # We are only interested in 0x02 tag where our modulus is hidden..
                if($byte -eq 0x02 -and $nByte -band 0x80)
                    if($nbyte -band 0x02)
                        $byteCount = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($certBin[$($a+2)..$($a+1)],0)
                    elseif($nbyte -band 0x01)
                        $byteCount = $certBin[$($a+1)]

                    # If the first byte is 0x00, skip it
                    if($certBin[$a] -eq 0x00)

                    # Now we have the modulus!
                    $modulus = $certBin[$a..$($a+$byteCount-1)]

                    # Next byte value is the exponent
                    if($certBin[$a++] -eq 0x02)
                        $byteCount = $certBin[$a++]
                        $exponent =  $certBin[$a..$($a+$byteCount-1)]
                        Write-Debug "MODULUS: $(Convert-ByteArrayToHex -Bytes $modulus)"
                        Write-Debug "EXPONENT: $(Convert-ByteArrayToHex -Bytes $exponent)"
                        Write-Debug "Error getting modulus and exponent"

            if($exponent -and $modulus)
                # Create the RSA and other required objects
                $rsa = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
                $rsaParameters = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters
                # Set the verification parameters
                $rsaParameters.Exponent = $exponent
                $rsaparameters.Modulus = $modulus
                $signatureValid = $rsa.VerifyData($dataBin, $signBytes,[System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1)

            Write-Error "Access Token signature algorithm $($headerObj.alg) not supported!"

        return $signatureValid 

# Gets OAuth information using SAML token
function Get-OAuthInfoUsingSAML
        # Create the headers. We like to be seen as Outlook.
        $headers = @{
            "User-Agent" = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Tablet PC 2.0; Microsoft Outlook 16.0.4266)"
        $encodedSamlToken= [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($SAMLToken))
        # Debug
        Write-Debug "SAML TOKEN: $samlToken"
        Write-Debug "ENCODED SAML TOKEN: $encodedSamlToken"

        # Create a body for API request
        $body = @{

        # Debug
        Write-Debug "FED AUTHENTICATION BODY: $($body | Out-String)"

        # Set the content type and call the Microsoft Online authentication API
            $jsonResponse=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -ContentType $contentType -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers
            Throw ($_.ErrorDetails.Message | convertfrom-json).error_description

        return $jsonResponse

# Parse access token and return it as PS object
function Read-Accesstoken
    Extract details from the given Access Token
    Extract details from the given Access Token and returns them as PS Object
    .Parameter AccessToken
    The Access Token.
    PS C:\>$token=Get-AADIntReadAccessTokenForAADGraph
    PS C:\>Parse-AADIntAccessToken -AccessToken $token
    aud :
    iss :
    iat : 1589477501
    nbf : 1589477501
    exp : 1589481401
    acr : 1
    aio : ASQA2/8PAAAALe232Yyx9l=
    amr : {pwd}
    appid : 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894
    appidacr : 0
    family_name : company
    given_name : admin
    ipaddr :
    name : admin company
    oid : 1713a7bf-47ba-4826-a2a7-bbda9fabe948
    puid : 100354
    rh : 0QfALA.
    scp : user_impersonation
    sub : BGwHjKPU
    tenant_region_scope : NA
    tid : f2b2ba53-ed2a-4f4c-a4c3-85c61e548975
    unique_name :
    upn :
    uti : -EWK6jMDrEiAesWsiAA
    ver : 1.0
    PS C:\>Parse-AADIntAccessToken -AccessToken $token -Validate
    Read-Accesstoken : Access Token is expired
    At line:1 char:1
    + Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $at -Validate -verbose
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Read-Accesstoken
    aud :
    iss :
    iat : 1589477501
    nbf : 1589477501
    exp : 1589481401
    acr : 1
    aio : ASQA2/8PAAAALe232Yyx9l=
    amr : {pwd}
    appid : 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894
    appidacr : 0
    family_name : company
    given_name : admin
    ipaddr :
    name : admin company
    oid : 1713a7bf-47ba-4826-a2a7-bbda9fabe948
    puid : 100354
    rh : 0QfALA.
    scp : user_impersonation
    sub : BGwHjKPU
    tenant_region_scope : NA
    tid : f2b2ba53-ed2a-4f4c-a4c3-85c61e548975
    unique_name :
    upn :
    uti : -EWK6jMDrEiAesWsiAA
    ver : 1.0


        # Token sections
        $sections =  $AccessToken.Split(".")
        if($sections.Count -eq 5)
            Write-Warning "JWE token, expected JWS. Unable to parse."
        $header =    $sections[0]
        $payload =   $sections[1]
        $signature = $sections[2]

        # Convert the token to string and json
        $payloadString = Convert-B64ToText -B64 $payload
        $payloadObj=$payloadString | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Show dates

            # Check the signature
            if((Is-AccessTokenValid -AccessToken $AccessToken))
                Write-Verbose "Access Token signature successfully verified"
                Write-Error "Access Token signature could not be verified"

            # Check the timestamp
            if((Is-AccessTokenExpired -AccessToken $AccessToken))
                Write-Error "Access Token is expired"
                Write-Verbose "Access Token is not expired"


        # Debug
        Write-Debug "PARSED ACCESS TOKEN: $($payloadObj | Out-String)"
        # Return

# Prompts for credentials and gets the access token
# Supports MFA.
function Prompt-Credentials
        # Set AMR values as needed
        $amr = $null
            $amr = "mfa"
            $amr = "ngcmfa"

        # If we have credentials, try first using ROPC flow
        $response = $null
        if($Credentials -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($amr) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-CredentialType -UserName $Credentials.UserName).Credentials.FederationRedirectUrl))

            Write-Verbose "Domain not federated, credentials provided, and no MFA enforced. Trying ROPC flow."

            # Create a body for REST API request
            $body = @{

            # Debug
            Write-Debug "AUTHENTICATION BODY: $($body | Out-String)"

            # Set the content type and call the Microsoft Online authentication API
            # Headers
            $headers = @{
                "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                "User-Agent"   = Get-UserAgent
                $response=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers
                Write-Verbose "ROPC failed, switching to interactive flow: $(($_.ErrorDetails.Message | convertfrom-json).error_description)"

        if($null -eq $response)
            # Check the tenant
                $Tenant = "common"

            # Get the authorization code
            $authorizationCode = Get-AuthorizationCode -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -Tenant $Tenant -AMR $amr -RefreshTokenCredential $RefreshTokenCredential -Credentials $Credentials -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP -RedirectURI $RedirectURI


                    $RedirectURI = Get-AuthRedirectUrl -ClientId $ClientId -Resource $Resource

                # Construct the body for auth code grant
                $body = @{
                    client_id    = $ClientId
                    grant_type   = "authorization_code"
                    code         = $authorizationCode
                    redirect_uri = $RedirectURI

                # Headers
                $headers = @{
                    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                    "User-Agent"   = Get-UserAgent
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$Tenant/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers

        # return
        return $response


# Gets Office 365 instance names (used when getting ip addresses)
function Get-EndpointInstances
    Get Office 365 endpoint instances
    Get Office 365 endpoint instances
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntEndpointInstances
    instance latest
    -------- ------
    Worldwide 2018100100
    USGovDoD 2018100100
    USGovGCCHigh 2018100100
    China 2018100100
    Germany 2018100100

        Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$clientrequestid"

# Gets Office 365 ip addresses for specific instance
function Get-EndpointIps
    Get Office 365 endpoint ips and urls
    Get Office 365 endpoint ips and urls
    .Parameter Instance
    The instance which ips and urls are returned. Defaults to WorldWide.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntEndpointIps
    id : 1
    serviceArea : Exchange
    serviceAreaDisplayName : Exchange Online
    urls : {,}
    ips : {,,,}
    tcpPorts : 80,443
    expressRoute : True
    category : Optimize
    required : True
    id : 2
    serviceArea : Exchange
    serviceAreaDisplayName : Exchange Online
    urls : {}
    ips : {,,,}
    tcpPorts : 587
    expressRoute : True
    category : Allow
    required : True
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntEndpointIps -Instance Germany
    id : 1
    serviceArea : Exchange
    serviceAreaDisplayName : Exchange Online
    urls : {}
    ips : {,}
    tcpPorts : 80,443
    expressRoute : False
    category : Optimize
    required : True
    id : 2
    serviceArea : Exchange
    serviceAreaDisplayName : Exchange Online
    urls : {}
    tcpPorts : 80,443
    expressRoute : False
    category : Default
    required : True

        Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ("$Instance"+"?clientrequestid=$clientrequestid")

# Gets username from authorization header
# Apr 4th 2019
function Get-UserNameFromAuthHeader
        $type = $Auth.Split(" ")[0]
        $data = $Auth.Split(" ")[1]

        if($type -eq "Basic")
            (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $data).upn

# Creates authorization header from Credentials or AccessToken
# Apr 4th 2019
function Create-AuthorizationHeader

        if($Credentials -ne $null)
            $userName = $Credentials.UserName
            $password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
            $auth = "Basic $([Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$($userName):$($password)")))"
            # Get from cache if not provided
            $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId
            $auth = "Bearer $AccessToken"

        return $auth

# Gets Microsoft online services' public keys
# May 18th 2020
function Get-APIKeys
        $keys=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ""

            $keys.keys | Where-Object -Property kid -eq $KeyId | Select-Object -ExpandProperty x5c

# Gets the AADInt credentials cache
# Jun 14th 2020
function Get-Cache
    Dumps AADInternals credentials cache
    Dumps AADInternals credentials cache
    Get-AADIntCache | Format-Table
    Name ClientId Audience Tenant IsExpired HasRefreshToken
    ---- -------- -------- ------ --------- --------------- 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 82205ae4-4c4e-4db5-890c-cb5e5a98d7a3 False True 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 82205ae4-4c4e-4db5-890c-cb5e5a98d7a3 False True

        $cacheKeys = $script:tokens.keys

        # Loop through the cache elements
        foreach($key in $cacheKeys)

                Write-Warning "Access token with key ""$key"" not found!"

            $parsedToken = Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $accessToken

                # Managed identity
                $name = $parsedToken.xms_mirid.Substring($parsedToken.xms_mirid.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
                $name = $parsedToken.unique_name

            $attributes = [ordered]@{
                "Name" =            $name
                "ClientId" =        $parsedToken.appid
                "Audience" =        $parsedToken.aud
                "Tenant" =          $parsedToken.tid
                "IsExpired" =       Is-AccessTokenExpired -AccessToken $accessToken
                "HasRefreshToken" = $script:refresh_tokens.Contains($key)
                "AuthMethods" =     $parsedToken.amr
                "Device" =          $parsedToken.deviceid

            New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Clears the AADInt credentials cache
# Jun 14th 2020
function Clear-Cache
    Clears AADInternals credentials cache
    Clears AADInternals credentials cache

        $script:tokens =         @{}
        $script:refresh_tokens = @{}

# Adds an access and refresh token to cache
# Aug 30th 2022
function Add-AccessTokenToCache
    Adds the given access token to AADInternals credentials cache
    Adds the given access token to AADInternals credentials cache
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
    The access token to add
    .PARAMETER RefreshToken
    The refresh token to add
    Add-AADIntAccessTokenToCache -AccessToken "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..."
    Name ClientId Audience Tenant IsExpired HasRefreshToken
    ---- -------- -------- ------ --------- --------------- 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 82205ae4-4c4e-4db5-890c-cb5e5a98d7a3 False False
    Add-AADIntAccessTokenToCache -AccessToken "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..." -RefreshToken "0.AXkAnZT_xZYmaEueEwVfGe..."
    Name ClientId Audience Tenant IsExpired HasRefreshToken
    ---- -------- -------- ------ --------- --------------- 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 82205ae4-4c4e-4db5-890c-cb5e5a98d7a3 False True

        [boolean]$ShowCache = $true
        # Parse the token
        $parsedToken = Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $accessToken
        $clientId = $parsedToken.appid
        $resource = $parsedToken.aud.TrimEnd("/")

        # Add to cache
        $Script:tokens["$clientId-$resource"] = $AccessToken
            Add-RefreshTokenToCache -ClientId $clientId -Resource $resource -RefreshToken $RefreshToken
        # Dump the cache

# Adds refresh token to cache
# Apr 25th 2023
function Add-RefreshTokenToCache
        # Strip the trailing slash
        $Resource = $Resource.TrimEnd("/")
        $Script:refresh_tokens["$ClientId-$Resource"] = $RefreshToken

# Gets other domains of the given tenant
# Jun 15th 2020
function Get-TenantDomains
    Gets other domains from the tenant of the given domain
    Uses Exchange Online autodiscover service to retrive other
    domains from the tenant of the given domain.
    The given domain SHOULD be Managed, federated domains are not always found for some reason.
    If nothing is found, try to use <domain>
    Get-AADIntTenantDomains -Domain

        # Get Tenant Region subscope from Open ID configuration if not provided
            $SubScope = Get-TenantSubscope -Domain $Domain

        # Use the correct url
            "DOD" # DoD
                $uri = ""
            "DODCON" # GCC-High
                $uri = ""
            default # Commercial/GCC
                $uri = ""

        # Create the body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:exm="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
        <a:Action soap:mustUnderstand="1"></a:Action>
        <a:To soap:mustUnderstand="1">$uri</a:To>
        <GetFederationInformationRequestMessage xmlns="">

        # Create the headers
            "Content-Type" = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
            "SOAPAction" =   '""'
            "User-Agent" =   Get-UserAgent
        # Invoke
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -uri $uri -Body $body -Headers $headers

        # Return
        $domains = $response.Envelope.body.GetFederationInformationResponseMessage.response.Domains.Domain
        if($Domain -notin $domains)
            $domains += $Domain
        $domains | Sort-Object

# Gets the auth_redirect url for the given client and resource
# Aug 12th 2021
function Get-AuthRedirectUrl

        $oobClients = @(
            "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" # Microsoft Office
            "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" # Microsoft Authentication Broker
        # default
        $redirect_uri = ""

        if($ClientId -eq "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264")     # Teams
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "9bc3ab49-b65d-410a-85ad-de819febfddc") # SPO
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "c44b4083-3bb0-49c1-b47d-974e53cbdf3c") # Azure admin interface
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000000") # Azure AD Account
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "19db86c3-b2b9-44cc-b339-36da233a3be2") # My sign-ins
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" -and $Resource -ne "") # Azure AD Join
            $redirect_uri = "ms-aadj-redir://auth/drs"
        elseif($ClientId -eq "0c1307d4-29d6-4389-a11c-5cbe7f65d7fa") # Azure Android App
            $redirect_uri = "https://azureapp"
        elseif($ClientId -eq "33be1cef-03fb-444b-8fd3-08ca1b4d803f") # OneDrive Web
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763") # OneDrive native client
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "3d5cffa9-04da-4657-8cab-c7f074657cad") # MS Commerce
            $redirect_uri = "http://localhost/m365/commerce"
        elseif($ClientId -eq "4990cffe-04e8-4e8b-808a-1175604b879f") # MS Partner - this flow doesn't work as expected :(
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "fb78d390-0c51-40cd-8e17-fdbfab77341b" -or # Microsoft Exchange REST API Based Powershell
               $ClientId -eq "fdd7719f-d61e-4592-b501-793734eb8a0e" -or # SharePoint Migration Tool
               $ClientId -eq "a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716")    # EXO PS
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "3b511579-5e00-46e1-a89e-a6f0870e2f5a") 
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($ClientId -eq "08e18876-6177-487e-b8b5-cf950c1e598c") # SharePoint Online Web Client Extensibility
            $redirect_uri = "https://*"
        elseif($ClientId -eq "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" -and $Resource -ne "") # AADJoin
        elseif($ClientId -eq "dd762716-544d-4aeb-a526-687b73838a22") # WHfB?
            $redirect_uri = "ms-appx-web://microsoft.aad.brokerplugin/dd762716-544d-4aeb-a526-687b73838a22"
        elseif($ClientId -eq "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca") # Office Web UI
            $redirect_uri = ""
        elseif($oobClients -contains $ClientId)
            $redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"

        return $redirect_uri

# Exports Teams access tokens from the Teams cache
# Sep 26th 2022
function Export-TeamsTokens
    Exports Teams tokens from the provided Cookie database, or from current user's local database.
    Exports Teams tokens from the provided Cookie database, or from current user's local database.
    The Teams Cookies database is SQLite database.
    .PARAMETER CookieDatabase
    Full name of the Teams cookie database. If not provided, uses current user's database.
    .PARAMETER AddToCache
    Adds the tokens to AADInternals token cache
    .PARAMETER CopyToClipboard
    Copies the tokens to clipboard as JSON string
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    office_access_token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6InlsUjJWRmp4SWFqeVVqeklZa3R...
    skypetoken_asm eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEwNiIsIng1dCI6Im9QMWFxQnl...
    authtoken eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6InpsUFY2bnRCUDR5NTFLTkNQR2l...
    SSOAUTHCOOKIE eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6Ik5sbHJiaFlzYl9rVnU3VzVSa01...
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTeamsTokens -CookieDatabase C:\Cookies
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    office_access_token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6InlsUjJWRmp4SWFqeVVqeklZa3R...
    skypetoken_asm eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEwNiIsIng1dCI6Im9QMWFxQnl...
    authtoken eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6InpsUFY2bnRCUDR5NTFLTkNQR2l...
    SSOAUTHCOOKIE eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6Ik5sbHJiaFlzYl9rVnU3VzVSa01...
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTeamsTokens -AddToCache
    3 access tokens added to cache
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTeamsTokens -AddToCache -CopyToClipboard
    3 access tokens added to cache
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTeamsTokens -CopyToClipboard
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard

        # Set the path if database was not provided, depends on the OS we are running.
                    $CookieDatabase="~/.config/Microsoft/Microsoft Teams/Cookies"
                    $CookieDatabase="~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Cookies"
                default # Defaults to Windows


        # Test whether the cookie database exists
        if(-not (Test-Path $CookieDatabase))
            Throw "The Cookie database does not exist: $CookieDatabase"

            # Parse the database
            Write-Verbose "Loading and parsing database $CookieDataBase"
            $parsedDb = Parse-SQLiteDatabase -Data (Get-BinaryContent -Path $CookieDatabase)

            Write-Verbose "Looking for tokens"
            $access_tokens = [ordered]@{}
            foreach($page in $parsedDb.Pages)
                # Cookies data is stored on Table Leaf
                if($page.PageType -eq "Table Leaf" -and $page.CellsOnPage -gt 0)
                    # Which has exactly 19 columns (the last is empty)
                    if($page.Cells[0].Payload.Count -ge 19)
                        Write-Verbose "Found Table Leaf page with $($page.CellsOnPage) cells"
                        <# Columns - updated Oct 20th 2022
                         0: creation_utc
                         1: top_frame_site_key
                         2: host_key
                         3: name
                         4: value
                         5: encrypted_value
                         6: path
                         7: expires_utc
                         8: is_secure
                         9: is_httponly
                        10: last_access_utc
                        12: has_expires
                        13: is_persistent
                        14: priority
                        15: encrypted_value
                        16: samesite
                        17: source_scheme
                        18: source_port
                        19: is_same_party

                        foreach($cell in $page.Cells)
                            $name  = $cell.Payload[3]
                            $value = $cell.Payload[4]

                            if($name -like "*token*" -or $name -eq "SSOAUTHCOOKIE")
                                # Strip the Bearer= and query parameters from the "authToken"
                                if($name -eq "authToken")
                                    $value = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($value).Split("=")[1].Split("&")[0]
                                    $userName = (Read-AccessToken -AccessToken $value).upn

                                # Add access tokens to cache as needed
                                if($AddToCache -and $name -ne "skypetoken_asm")
                                    Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $value | Out-Null
                                    $cached += 1
                                $access_tokens[$name] = $value

            # Print out the username
            Write-Host "User: $userName"

            # Print count cached tokens
                Write-Host "$cached access tokens added to cache"

            # Copy tokens to clipboard and print the count
                $access_tokens | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Clipboard
                Write-Host "$($access_tokens.Count) access tokens copied to clipboard"

            # Return
            if(-not $AddToCache -and -not $CopyToClipboard)
                return $access_tokens
            Throw $_

# Exports Azure CLI access tokens from the msal_token_cache.bin cache
# Sep 29th 2022
function Export-AzureCliTokens
    Exports Azure CLI access tokens from the msal_token_cache.bin cache.
    Exports Azure CLI access tokens from the msal_token_cache.bin cache.
    msal_token_cache.bin is a json file protected with DPAPI in LocalUser context.
    Full name of the MSAL token cache. If not provided, uses msal_token_cache.bin from current user's profile under .Azure
    .PARAMETER AddToCache
    Adds the tokens to AADInternals token cache
    .PARAMETER CopyToClipboard
    Copies the tokens to clipboard as JSON string
    UserName access_token
    -------- ------------ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx...
    PS\:>Export-AADIntAzureCliTokens -MSALCache "C:\Users\user\.Azure\msal_token_cache.bin.old"
    UserName access_token
    -------- ------------ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx...
    PS\:>Export-AADIntAzureCliTokens -AddToCache
    4 access tokens added to cache
    PS\:>Export-AADIntAzureCliTokens -AddToCache -CopyToClipboard
    4 access tokens added to cache
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard
    PS\:>Export-AADIntAzureCliTokens -CopyToClipboard
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard

        # Load assembly
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
        # Parses the object definition string
        # Sep 29th 2022
        function Parse-ObjectDefinition
                # Get the array
                $Definition = $Definition.Substring($Definition.IndexOf("@"))

                # Get the string between @{ and }
                $Definition = $Definition.Substring(2,$Definition.Length-3)

                $attributes = [ordered]@{}
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Definition))
                    # Split to array of name=value pairs
                    $properties = $Definition.Split("; ")

                    # Loop through the properties
                    foreach($property in $properties)
                        # Split & add to attributes
                        $parts = $property.Split("=")
                        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parts[0]))
                            $attributes[$parts[0]] = $parts[1]

                return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $attributes

        # Set the path if database was not provided, depends on the OS we are running.
                default # Defaults to Windows
                    $DPAPI = $true

        # Test whether the MSAL cache exists
        if(-not (Test-Path $MSALCache))
            Throw "The MSAL token cache does not exist: $MSALCache"

            Write-Verbose "Loading and parsing cache $MSALCache"
            # Unprotect the token cache
                $decTokens = Get-BinaryContent $MSALCache
                $tokens = [text.encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($decTokens,$null,'CurrentUser'))
                $tokens  = Get-Content $MSALCache -Encoding UTF8

            $objTokens = $tokens | ConvertFrom-Json

            $users = [ordered]@{}
            foreach($account in ($objtokens.Account | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty))
                # Need to parse the definition manually :(
                $properties = Parse-ObjectDefinition -Definition $account.Definition
                $users[$properties.home_account_id] = $properties.username

            Write-Verbose "Found tokens for $($users.Count) users"

            Write-Verbose "Looking for tokens"
            $access_tokens = @()
            foreach($access_token in ($objtokens.AccessToken | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty))
                Write-Verbose "Parsing access token $($"
                # Need to parse the definition manually :(
                $at_properties = Parse-ObjectDefinition -Definition $access_token.Definition

                # Get the refresh token and parse properties if found
                $rt_properties = $null
                $tenantId = $at_properties.home_account_id.Split(".")[1]
                $rt_name = $"accesstoken","refreshtoken").Replace("-organizations-","--").Replace("-$tenantId-","--")
                $refresh_token = $objtokens.RefreshToken | Get-Member -Name $rt_name

                    Write-Verbose "Parsing refresh token $rt_name"
                    $rt_properties = Parse-ObjectDefinition -Definition $refresh_token.Definition

                # Form the return object
                $attributes = [ordered]@{
                    "UserName"      = $users[$at_properties.home_account_id]
                    "access_token"  = $at_properties.secret
                    "refresh_token" = $rt_properties.secret
                    Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $at_properties.secret -RefreshToken $rt_properties.secret | Out-Null
                $access_tokens += New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

            # Print out the usernames
            Write-Host "Users: $($users.Values -Join ",")"

            # Print count cached tokens
                Write-Host "$($access_tokens.Count) access tokens added to cache."
                Write-Host "Note: AADInternals only stores tokens for one user! The token of last added user is used."

            # Copy tokens to clipboard and print the count
                $access_tokens | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Clipboard
                Write-Host "$($access_tokens.Count) access tokens copied to clipboard"

            # Return
            if(-not $AddToCache -and -not $CopyToClipboard)
                return $access_tokens
            Throw $_

# Exports access tokens from the Token Broker cache
# Oct 20th 2022
function Export-TokenBrokerTokens
    Exports access tokens from the Token Broker cache.
    Exports access tokens from the Token Broker cache.
    .PARAMETER AddToCache
    Adds the tokens to AADInternals token cache
    .PARAMETER CopyToClipboard
    Copies the tokens to clipboard as JSON string
    UserName access_token
    -------- ------------ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx... eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGx...
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTokenBrokerTokens -AddToCache
    4 access tokens added to cache
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTokenBrokerTokens -AddToCache -CopyToClipboard
    4 access tokens added to cache
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard
    PS\:>Export-AADIntTokenBrokerTokens -CopyToClipboard
    4 access tokens copied to clipboard

        # Load assembly
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
        # Test whether the Token Broker cache exists
        $TBRES = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\TokenBroker\Cache\*.tbres"
        if(-not (Test-Path $TBRES))
            Throw "The Token Broker cache does not exist: $TBRES"

        $access_tokens = @()
        $users = [ordered]@{}

        # Get the cache files
        $files = Get-Item -Path $TBRES
        foreach($file in $files)
                Write-Verbose "Parsing $file"
                $data    = Get-BinaryContent -Path $file.FullName
                $content = Parse-TBRES -Data $data

                if($content.WTRes_Token -ne $null -and $content.WTRes_Token -ne "No Token")
                    $parsedToken = Read-AccessToken -AccessToken $content.WTRes_Token
                    # Could be JWE which can't be parsed
                        $users[$parsedToken.oid] = $parsedToken.unique_name

                        # Form the return object
                        $attributes = [ordered]@{
                            "UserName"      = $parsedToken.unique_name
                            "access_token"  = $content.WTRes_Token
                            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $content.WTRes_Token | Out-Null
                        $access_tokens += [PSCustomObject] $attributes
                Write-Verbose "Got exception: $_"

        Write-Verbose "Found tokens for $($users.Count) users"

        # Print out the usernames
        if($users.Count -gt 0)
            Write-Host "Users: $($users.Values -Join ",")"
            Write-Host "No tokens found."

        # Print count cached tokens
            Write-Host "$($access_tokens.Count) access tokens added to cache."
            Write-Host "Note: AADInternals only stores tokens for one user! The token of last added user is used."

        # Copy tokens to clipboard and print the count
            $access_tokens | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Clipboard
            Write-Host "$($access_tokens.Count) access tokens copied to clipboard"

        # Return
        if(-not $AddToCache -and -not $CopyToClipboard)
            return $access_tokens

# Gets RST token
# Mar 3rd 2023
function Get-RSTToken
            $UserName = $Credentials.UserName
            $Password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password
        $requestId = (New-Guid).ToString()

        $now = Get-Date
        $created = $now.toUniversalTime().toString("o")
        $expires = $now.addMinutes(10).toUniversalTime().toString("o")

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s='' xmlns:wsse='' xmlns:saml='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion' xmlns:wsp='' xmlns:wsu='' xmlns:wsa='' xmlns:wssc='' xmlns:wst='' xmlns:ic=''>
        <wsa:Action s:mustUnderstand='1'></wsa:Action>
        <wsa:To s:mustUnderstand='1'>$url</wsa:To>
        <wsse:Security s:mustUnderstand="1">
            <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="_0">
            <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="uuid-$((New-Guid).toString())">
        <wst:RequestSecurityToken Id='RST0'>

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $tokenResponse = $response.Envelope.Body.RequestSecurityTokenResponse
                    # DesktopSSOToken when EndpointAddress is:
                    # urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
                        $token = $tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken.Assertion.DesktopSsoToken
                    # Passport Compact when EndpointAddress is one of:
                        $token = $tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken.BinarySecurityToken.'#text'
                    # Passport Legacy when EndpointAddress is:
                    # http://Passport.NET/tb
                        # TODO: Try to figure out how this is encrypted
                        $cipherData = $tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken.EncryptedData.CipherData.CipherData
                        $keyName    = $tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken.EncryptedData.KeyInfo.KeyName
                        $encAlg     = $tokenResponse.RequestedSecurityToken.EncryptedData.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm

                        Write-Warning "Unable to decrypt legacy passport token, returning encrypted token"
                        $token = $cipherData

                return $token
                $errorDetails = $response.Envelope.Body.Fault.Detail.error.internalerror.text
            $stream = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
            $responseBytes = New-Object byte[] $stream.Length

            $stream.Position = 0
            $stream.Read($responseBytes,0,$stream.Length) | Out-Null
            $responseXml = [xml][text.encoding]::UTF8.GetString($responseBytes)

            $errorDetails = $responseXml.Envelope.Body.Fault.Detail.error.internalerror.text
        throw $errorDetails

# Checks whether the client is a FOCI clientid
# Apr 25th 2023
function IsFOCI
        [int]$FOCI = -1
        # If FOCI = 1 this is 100% a FOCI client

        # Is this a known FOCI client?
        $isFOCI = $Script:FOCIs.ContainsKey($ClientId.ToString())

        Write-Verbose "FOCI: Known FOCI $isFOCI, FOCI indicator $FOCI"
        # Is this a new or deprecated FOCI client?
        if($isFOCI -and $FOCI -eq 0)
            # Found in FOCI list, but no FOCI indicator present
            Write-Warning "Found deprecated FOCI client $ClientId. Please report at"
            $isFOCI = $False
        elseif ($FOCI -eq 1 -and -not $isFOCI)
            # Not found on FOCI list, but FOCI indicator present
            Write-Warning "Found a new FOCI client $ClientId. Please report at"
            $Script:FOCIs[$ClientId] = "UNKNOWN"
            $isFOCI = $True

        return $isFOCI

# Lists FOCI clients
# Apr 26th 2023
function Get-FOCIClientIDs
    Dumps the list of known FOCI client ids
    Dumps the list of Family of known Client IDs (FOCI) client ids
    .Parameter Online
    Get's list online from
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntFOCIClientIDs
    client_id application_name
    --------- ----------------
    00b41c95-dab0-4487-9791-b9d2c32c80f2 Office 365 Management
    04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46 Microsoft Azure CLI
    1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2 Microsoft Azure PowerShell
    1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 Microsoft Teams
    26a7ee05-5602-4d76-a7ba-eae8b7b67941 Windows Search
    27922004-5251-4030-b22d-91ecd9a37ea4 Outlook Mobile
    4813382a-8fa7-425e-ab75-3b753aab3abb Microsoft Authenticator App
    ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763 OneDrive SyncEngine
    d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c Microsoft Office
    872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1 Visual Studio
    af124e86-4e96-495a-b70a-90f90ab96707 OneDrive iOS App
    2d7f3606-b07d-41d1-b9d2-0d0c9296a6e8 Microsoft Bing Search for Microsoft Edge
    844cca35-0656-46ce-b636-13f48b0eecbd Microsoft Stream Mobile Native
    87749df4-7ccf-48f8-aa87-704bad0e0e16 Microsoft Teams - Device Admin Agent
    cf36b471-5b44-428c-9ce7-313bf84528de Microsoft Bing Search
    0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c Office UWP PWA
    22098786-6e16-43cc-a27d-191a01a1e3b5 Microsoft To-Do client
    4e291c71-d680-4d0e-9640-0a3358e31177 PowerApps
    57336123-6e14-4acc-8dcf-287b6088aa28 Microsoft Whiteboard Client
    57fcbcfa-7cee-4eb1-8b25-12d2030b4ee0 Microsoft Flow
    66375f6b-983f-4c2c-9701-d680650f588f Microsoft Planner
    9ba1a5c7-f17a-4de9-a1f1-6178c8d51223 Microsoft Intune Company Portal
    a40d7d7d-59aa-447e-a655-679a4107e548 Accounts Control UI
    a569458c-7f2b-45cb-bab9-b7dee514d112 Yammer iPhone
    b26aadf8-566f-4478-926f-589f601d9c74 OneDrive
    c0d2a505-13b8-4ae0-aa9e-cddd5eab0b12 Microsoft Power BI
    d326c1ce-6cc6-4de2-bebc-4591e5e13ef0 SharePoint
    e9c51622-460d-4d3d-952d-966a5b1da34c Microsoft Edge
    eb539595-3fe1-474e-9c1d-feb3625d1be5 Microsoft Tunnel
    ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a Microsoft Edge
    f05ff7c9-f75a-4acd-a3b5-f4b6a870245d SharePoint Android
    f44b1140-bc5e-48c6-8dc0-5cf5a53c0e34 Microsoft Edge
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntFOCIClientIDs -Online
    client_id application_name
    --------- ----------------
    00b41c95-dab0-4487-9791-b9d2c32c80f2 Office 365 Management
    04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46 Microsoft Azure CLI
    1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2 Microsoft Azure PowerShell
    1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 Microsoft Teams
    26a7ee05-5602-4d76-a7ba-eae8b7b67941 Windows Search
    27922004-5251-4030-b22d-91ecd9a37ea4 Outlook Mobile
    4813382a-8fa7-425e-ab75-3b753aab3abb Microsoft Authenticator App
    ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763 OneDrive SyncEngine
    d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c Microsoft Office
    872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1 Visual Studio
    af124e86-4e96-495a-b70a-90f90ab96707 OneDrive iOS App
    2d7f3606-b07d-41d1-b9d2-0d0c9296a6e8 Microsoft Bing Search for Microsoft Edge
    844cca35-0656-46ce-b636-13f48b0eecbd Microsoft Stream Mobile Native
    87749df4-7ccf-48f8-aa87-704bad0e0e16 Microsoft Teams - Device Admin Agent
    cf36b471-5b44-428c-9ce7-313bf84528de Microsoft Bing Search
    0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c Office UWP PWA
    22098786-6e16-43cc-a27d-191a01a1e3b5 Microsoft To-Do client
    4e291c71-d680-4d0e-9640-0a3358e31177 PowerApps
    57336123-6e14-4acc-8dcf-287b6088aa28 Microsoft Whiteboard Client
    57fcbcfa-7cee-4eb1-8b25-12d2030b4ee0 Microsoft Flow
    66375f6b-983f-4c2c-9701-d680650f588f Microsoft Planner
    9ba1a5c7-f17a-4de9-a1f1-6178c8d51223 Microsoft Intune Company Portal
    a40d7d7d-59aa-447e-a655-679a4107e548 Accounts Control UI
    a569458c-7f2b-45cb-bab9-b7dee514d112 Yammer iPhone
    b26aadf8-566f-4478-926f-589f601d9c74 OneDrive
    c0d2a505-13b8-4ae0-aa9e-cddd5eab0b12 Microsoft Power BI
    d326c1ce-6cc6-4de2-bebc-4591e5e13ef0 SharePoint
    e9c51622-460d-4d3d-952d-966a5b1da34c Microsoft Edge
    eb539595-3fe1-474e-9c1d-feb3625d1be5 Microsoft Tunnel
    ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a Microsoft Edge
    f05ff7c9-f75a-4acd-a3b5-f4b6a870245d SharePoint Android
    f44b1140-bc5e-48c6-8dc0-5cf5a53c0e34 Microsoft Edge

                $FOCIClients = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri ""
                ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "," -InputObject $FOCIClients
                Throw "Unable to get FOCI clients from"
            foreach($key in $Script:FOCIs.Keys)
                    "client_id" = $key
                    "application_name" = $Script:FOCIs[$key]

# Parses config from sites
# May 28th 2023
function Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig
        # Try to get the $Config=
        $c = Get-StringBetween -String $body -Start '$Config=' -End "//]]>"
            # Trim null, carriage return, newline, and ;
            $c = $c.TrimEnd(@(0x00,0x0a,0x0d,0x3B))
            $j = $c | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            # Some verbose
                $s = $j.serverDetails
                Write-Verbose "SERVER: $($s.dc) $($s.ri) $($s.ver.v -join ".")"
                Write-Verbose "Correlation ID: $($j.correlationId)"
                Write-Verbose "Session ID: $($j.sessionId)"

        return $j

# Gets authorization code in interactive mode - Supports MFA
# May 28th 2023
# OAuth 2.0 Auth code grant flow
function Get-AuthorizationCode
        # Use these default values to get the code as some tenants may have blocked others with Conditional Access.
        # You can then use the refresh_token to get access_token for correct resource and clientid.
        [String]$Resource = "",
        [String]$ClientId = "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894",

        # Function for processing ADFS authentication
        function Process-ADFSLogin
                # If authentication type is Federated, we must first authenticate against the identity provider
                # to fetch SAML token and then get access token from Microsoft Online
                    $UserName = $Credentials.UserName
                # Only ADFS is supported
                    Throw "Only ADFS federation is supported."
                # Loop until we get a correct password or get CTRL+C
                $passwordOk = $false
                while(-not $passwordOk)
                    # Set credentials
                        $password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                        # Set Credentials to $null to avoid authentication loop
                        $Credentials = $null
                    # Prompt for password
                        $password = Read-HostPassword -Prompt "Password"

                    if($password -eq $null)
                        return $null

                    # Set the parameters
                    $body = @{
                        "UserName"   = $UserName
                        "Kmsi"         = ""
                        "AuthMethod" = "FormsAuthentication"
                        "Password"     = $password
                        # Authenticate
                        $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $FederationRedirectUrl -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $Headers -WebSession $webSession
                        [xml]$xmlResponse = $response.content
                        # Extract WS-Fed parameters
                        foreach($input in $xmlResponse.html.body.form.input)
                            $body[$] = $input.value
                        $url = ""

                        return Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $webSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Body $body -Headers @{"User-Agent"="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"}
                        # Failed, probably just wrong password

        # Function for processing password & TAP
        function Process-Login
                [boolean]$isTAP = $false,
                # Loop until we get a correct password/TAP or get CTRL+C
                while(-not $passwordOk)
                    # Use the provided TAP
                    if($isTAP -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TAP))
                        $password = $TAP
                    # Use the provided credentials
                        $password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                    # Prompt for password/TAP
                        $pwdPrompt = "Password"
                            $pwdPrompt = "Temporary Access Pass"
                        $password = Read-HostPassword -Prompt $pwdPrompt

                    # Send the password/TAP
                        $url = "$($config.urlPost)"
                        $url = $config.urlPost

                    # Create the body
                    $body = @{
                        "login"      = $userName
                        "passwd"     = $password
                        "ctx"        = $config.sCtx
                        "flowToken"  = $config.sFT
                        "canary"     = $config.canary
                        "client_id"  = $ClientId
                        $body["accesspass"] = $password
                    $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -Body $body -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    $config = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content

                    # Expired password
                    if($config.pgid -eq "ConvergedChangePassword")
                        Write-Verbose "ConvergedChangePassword"
                        $newPasswordOk = $false

                        while($newPasswordOk -eq $false)
                            # Prompt for the password
                            Write-Host "You need to update your password because this is the first time you are signing in, or because your password has expired."
                            $newPassword = Read-HostPassword -Prompt "New password"
                                return $null
                            # SSPR BEGIN
                            $body = @{
                                "Ctx"          = $config.sCtx
                                "FlowToken"    = $config.sFT
                                "OldPassword"  = $password
                                "NewPassword"  = $newPassword
                            $url = "$($config.urlAsyncSsprBegin)"
                            $ssprResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
                            # SSPR POLL
                                $body = @{
                                    "Ctx"               = $ssprResponse.Ctx
                                    "FlowToken"         = $ssprResponse.FlowToken
                                    "CoupledDataCenter" = $ssprResponse.CoupledDataCenter
                                    "CoupledScaleUnit"  = $ssprResponse.CoupledScaleUnit
                                $url = "$($config.urlAsyncSsprPoll)"
                                $ssprResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json; charset=UTF-8"

                            # Complexity requirements..
                                Write-Host $ssprResponse.ErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red
                                $newPasswordOk = $true
                        # SSPR END
                        $body = @{
                            "ctx"              = $ssprResponse.Ctx
                            "flowToken"        = $ssprResponse.FlowToken
                            "currentpasswd"    = $password
                            "confirmnewpasswd" = $newPassword
                            "canary"           = $config.canary
                        $url = "$($config.urlPost)"

                        $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $config = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content

                    # MFA action required
                    if($config.pgid -eq "ConvergedProofUpRedirect")
                        Write-Verbose "ConvergedProofUpRedirect"
                        $MFADays = $config.iRemainingDaysToSkipMfaRegistration
                            Write-Warning "MFA must be set up in $($MFA) days"
                            # Create the body
                            $body = @{
                                "LoginOptions" = 1
                                "ctx"          = $config.sCtx
                                "flowToken"    = $config.sFT
                                "canary"       = $config.canary

                            $url = $config.urlSkipMfaRegistration
                            $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            throw "MFA method must be registered."
                    # Keep me signed in prompt
                    elseif($config.pgid -eq "KmsiInterrupt")
                        Write-Verbose "KMSI"
                        # Create the body
                        $body = @{
                            "LoginOptions" = 1
                            "ctx"          = $config.sCtx
                            "flowToken"    = $config.sFT
                            "canary"       = $config.canary

                        $url = "$($config.urlPost)"
                        $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    # Some weird redirect issue with non-edge Chrome browsers
                        Throw "Chrome redirect issue. Try using Edge or non-chrome User-Agent."
                    # Check the response code
                        # We got an error or MFA prompt
                            $config = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content

                            # Something severe
                                # Wrong redirect URI
                                    Write-Verbose "Invalid redirect URI, trying to get correct one"
                                        $url = "$ClientID&response_type=code"
                                        $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Get -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                                        # Parse from the Location header
                                        if($response.StatusCode -eq 302)
                                            $newRedirectURI = $response.Headers.Location.Substring(0,$response.Headers.Location.IndexOf("?"))
                                            Write-Verbose "Redirect URI: $newRedirectURI"
                                            Write-Warning "Wrong RedirectURI $RedirectURI for client $ClientID."
                                            Write-Warning "Try again with switch -RedirectURI $newRedirectURI"
                                            Write-Error $config.strServiceExceptionMessage

                                        return $null
                                        throw $config.strServiceExceptionMessage
                                    throw $config.strServiceExceptionMessage
                            # Wrong password etc
                            elseif($config.sErrorCode -ne $null)
                                # When using TAP for MFA, the correct error code is not returned
                                if($config.sErrorCode -eq "InvalidAccessPass")
                                    $AADError = "130503: Your Temporary Access Pass is incorrect. If you don't know your pass, contact your administrator."
                                # Get error text from Azure AD
                                    $AADError = Get-Error -ErrorCode $config.sErrorCode
                                # We don't want to loop with provided password/TAP so throw the error
                                if(($Credentials) -or ($isTAP -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TAP))))
                                    Throw $AADError

                                Write-Host $AADError -ForegroundColor Red
                            # MFA
                            elseif($config.arrUserProofs -ne $null)
                                $passwordOk = $true
                                $MFA = $true
                        # Ok, we got the code!
                            $passwordOk = $true


                return [pscustomobject]@{
                    "MFA"      = $MFA
                    "Config"   = $Config
                    "Response" = $response
        # Remove variables
        Remove-Variable -Name "LoginSession" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable -Name "Config" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable -Name "Response" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        # Load certificate if provided
        if(!$Certificate -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PfxFileName))
            $Certificate = Load-Certificate -FileName $PfxFileName -Password $PfxPassword -Exportable

        # Get redirect url
            $RedirectURI = Get-AuthRedirectUrl -ClientId $ClientId -Resource $Resource
        # Create the url
        $loginEndPoint = ""
        $url="$loginEndPoint/$Tenant/oauth2/authorize?resource=$Resource&client_id=$ClientId&response_type=code&redirect_uri=$RedirectURI&client-request-id=$request_id&prompt=login&scope=openid profile&response_mode=query&sso_reload=True"

        # Authentication Method References (AMR), "mfa" or "ngcmfa" will enforce MFA
        # Ref:

        # Headers
        $headers = @{
            "User-Agent" = Get-UserAgent
        # Set RefreshTokenCredential for device authentication
            $headers["x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential"] = $RefreshTokenCredential
            $parsedToken = Read-AccessToken -AccessToken $RefreshTokenCredential
                $url += "&sso_nonce=$($parsedToken.request_nonce)"

        # Make the first request to authorization endpoint. Allow one redirect for sso_nonce
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -SessionVariable "LoginSession" -Method get -MaximumRedirection 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers

        $config   = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content
        # Prompt for user name if not provided
            $userName = $Credentials.UserName
            Write-Host "Logging in to $($config.sCompanyDisplayName)"
            $userName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter email, phone, or Skype"

        # Get credential type
        $credType = Get-CredentialType -UserName $userName -FlowToken $config.sFT -OriginalRequest $config.sCtx -webSession $LoginSession

        # Check whether we are throttling
        if($credType.ThrottleStatus -eq 1)
            Write-Warning "Requests throttled. If authentication fails, wait a minute and try again."

        # Does the user exist?
        if($credType.IfExistsResult -ne 0 -and $credType.IfExistsResult -ne 6 -and $credType.IfExistsResult -ne 5)
            Throw "We couldn't find an account with that username." 

        # Check the credential type (managed vs federated)
        $isFederated = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($credType.Credentials.FederationRedirectUrl)

        # Do the federated domain authentication
            # Create WS-Fed response
            $response = Process-ADFSLogin -Credentials $Credentials -UserName $userName -webSession $loginSession -FederationRedirectUrl $credType.Credentials.FederationRedirectUrl
                # We got an error or MFA prompt
                    $config = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content

                    # Something severe
                        throw $config.strServiceExceptionMessage
                    # Wrong password etc
                    elseif($config.sErrorCode -ne $null)
                        # When using TAP for MFA, the correct error code is not returned
                        if($config.sErrorCode -eq "InvalidAccessPass")
                            $AADError = "130503: Your Temporary Access Pass is incorrect. If you don't know your pass, contact your administrator."
                        # Get error text from Azure AD
                            $AADError = Get-Error -ErrorCode $config.sErrorCode
                        # We don't want to loop with provided password/TAP so throw the error
                        if($isTAP -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TAP)))
                            Throw $AADError

                        Write-Host $AADError -ForegroundColor Red
                    # MFA
                    elseif($config.arrUserProofs -ne $null)
                        $MFA = $true
                # Ok, we got the code!
                    $passwordOk = $true


            #$config = $loginResponse.Config
            #$MFA = $loginResponse.MFA
            #$response = $loginResponse.Response
        # Do the managed domain authentication
            # Ask which account to use (MSA or AAD)
            # MSA not supported at the moment, so skip this
            $accountType = 0 # AAD
            if($credType.IfExistsResult -eq 6)
                $options = @(
                        New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&1 Work or school account"
                        New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&2 Personal account"
                $accountType = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("Choose account","It looks like this email is used with more than one account from Microsoft. Which one do you want to use?",$options,0)

            # Choose authentication method
            $authOptions = @()
            $nAuthOption = 0
            $pwdOption = -2
            $cbaOption = -2
            $tapOption = -2

            # Password?
            if($credType.Credentials.HasPassword -eq $True)
                Write-Verbose "Password enabled."
                $pwdOption = $nAuthOption
                $authOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$nAuthOption Password" 

            # Temporary Access Pass (TAP)?
            if($credType.Credentials.HasAccessPass -eq $True)
                Write-Verbose "Temporary Access Pass enabled."
                $tapOption = $nAuthOption
                $authOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$nAuthOption Temporary Access Pass"

            # Certificate Based Authentication (CBA)?
            if($credType.Credentials.HasCertAuth -eq $True)
                Write-Verbose "CBA enabled."
                    $cbaOption = $nAuthOption
                    $authOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$nAuthOption Certificate"
                    Write-Verbose "No certificate provided, skipping CBA."

            # No supported authentication options found :(
            if($authOptions.Count -eq 0)
                Throw "No supported authentication options found!"
            # Just one option so use that
            elseif($authOptions.Count -eq 1)
                $authOption = 0
            # If we have TAP and it's available, use that
            elseif($tapOption -ge 0 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TAP))
                $authOption = $tapOption
            # Prompt for options
                $authOption = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("Authentication options","Choose authentication method",[System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]$authOptions,0)
                    $cPWD = $true
                    $cCBA = $true
                    $cTAP = $true
                    return $null

            # PWD & TAP
            if($cPWD -or $cTAP)
                $loginResponse = Process-Login -Credentials $Credentials -Config $config -IsTAP ($cTAP -eq $true) -TAP $TAP
                if($loginResponse -eq $null)
                    return $null
                $config   = $loginResponse.Config
                $MFA      = $loginResponse.MFA
                $response = $loginResponse.Response

            # Get MFA types from the config
            $MFATypes = [ordered]@{}
            $MFAOptions = @()
            $m = 1
            foreach($mfaType in $config.arrUserProofs)
                # Certificate not currently supported
                if($mfaType.authMethodId -ne "Certificate")
                    $MFATypes[$mfaType.authMethodId] = $mfaType.display
                    $MFAOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$m $($mfaType.authMethodId) ($($mfaType.display))"

                    # If OTPSecret is provided and whe have PhoneAppOTP option, use that
                    if($mfaType.authMethodId -eq "PhoneAppOTP" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OTPSecretKey))
                        $mfaMethod = $mfaType.authMethodId

            if($MFAOptions.Count -eq 0)
                Throw "No supported MFA methods found!"
            # Ask user to choose MFA method if not automatically chosen
            if(-not $mfaMethod)
                # If there's just one method, use that
                if($MFATypes.Count -eq 1)
                    $mfaMethod = [string]$MFATypes.Keys[0]
                    $mfaSelection = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("MFA options","Choose MFA method",$MFAOptions,0)
                    if($mfaSelection -eq -1)
                        return $null
                    $p = 0
                    foreach($key in $MFATypes.Keys)
                        if($p -eq $mfaSelection)
                            $mfaMethod = $key

            # Start the MFA loop
            $url = $config.urlBeginAuth
            $body = @{
                "AuthMethodId" = $mfaMethod
                "ctx"          = $config.sCtx
                "flowToken"    = $config.sFT
                "Method"       = "BeginAuth"
            # TAP has unique MFA flow
            if($mfaMethod -eq "AccessPass")
                $body["AuthMethodId"] = "PhoneAppOTP"

            $headers = @{
                "User-Agent"   = Get-UserAgent
                "canary"       = $config.apiCanary
                "Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

            # SAS/BeginAuth if not TAP
            if($mfaMethod -eq "AccessPass")
                $beginAuth = $true
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers -Body ($body|ConvertTo-Json)
                $beginAuth = $response.Success -eq $true
                # Prompt for MFA method
                        Write-Host "Open your Authenticator app, and enter the number shown to sign in:​​"
                        Write-Host $response.Entropy
                        # Use provided OTPSecret
                            Write-Host "Using the provided OTP Secret for MFA."
                            # Calculate OTP using the secret key
                            $OTP = New-AADIntOTP -SecretKey $OTPSecretKey
                            # Strip the spaces
                            $additionalAuthData = $OTP.OTP.Replace(" ","")
                            $additionalAuthData = Read-Host "Please type in the code displayed on your authenticator app from your device"
                        $additionalAuthData = Read-Host "We texted your phone $($MFATypes[$mfaMethod]). Please enter the code to sign in"
                        Write-Host "We're calling your phone $($MFATypes[$mfaMethod]). Please answer it to continue."
                        Write-Host "We're calling your phone $($MFATypes[$mfaMethod]). Please answer it to continue."
                        # TAP has a unique flow
                        $loginResponse = Process-Login -Config $config -IsTAP $true -TAP $TAP
                        if($loginResponse -eq $null)
                            return $null
                        $config   = $loginResponse.Config
                        $MFA      = $loginResponse.MFA
                        $response = $loginResponse.Response
                        Throw "MFA method $mfaMethod not supported."

                # SAS/EndAuth
                if($mfaMethod -ne "AccessPass")
                    for($p = 1;$p -le $config.iMaxPollAttempts ; $p++)
                        # If OTP or SMS send a single request
                        if(@("PhoneAppOTP","OneWaySMS") -contains $mfaMethod)
                            $url = $config.urlEndAuth

                            $headers = @{
                                "User-Agent"   = Get-UserAgent
                                "canary"       = $config.apiCanary
                                "Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

                            $body = @{
                                "AdditionalAuthData" = $additionalAuthData
                                "AuthMethodId"       = $mfaMethod
                                "SessionId"          = $response.SessionId
                                "FlowToken"          = $response.FlowToken
                                "Ctx"                = $response.Ctx
                                "Method"             = "EndAuth"

                            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
                        # Poll until we get response or timeout
                            $url = "$($config.urlEndAuth)?authMethodId=$mfaMethod&pollCount=$p"

                            $headers = @{
                                "User-Agent"     = Get-UserAgent
                                "x-ms-sessionId" = $response.SessionId
                                "x-ms-flowToken" = $response.FlowToken
                                "x-ms-ctx"       = $response.Ctx

                            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Get -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Headers $Headers
                        if($response.Success -eq $true)
                            # SAS/ProcessAuth
                            $headers = @{
                                "User-Agent"   = Get-UserAgent
                                "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

                            $url = $config.urlPost

                            $body = @{
                                "request"       = $response.Ctx
                                "mfaAuthMethod" = $mfaMethod
                                "login"         = $userName
                                "flowToken"     = $response.FlowToken
                                "canary"        = $config.canary

                            $response = Invoke-WebRequest2 -Uri $url -WebSession $LoginSession -Method Post -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $Headers -Body $body -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                        elseif($response.Retry -eq $false)
                            Throw "$($response.Message) $($response.ResultValue)"
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $config.iPollingInterval

        # Some weird redirect again
            Write-Warning "Got an error, try using another User-Agent, current is: $(Get-UserAgent)"
            throw "Got unexpected redirect to"

        # Check for errors
        $config = Parse-LoginMicrosoftOnlineComConfig -Body $response.Content
            Write-Warning "Got an error, try using another User-Agent, current is: $(Get-UserAgent)"
            throw $config.strServiceExceptionMessage
        elseif($config.sErrorCode -ne $null)
            $AADError = Get-Error -ErrorCode $config.sErrorCode
            throw $AADError

        $authorizationCode = Parse-CodeFromResponse -Response $response

        return $authorizationCode

# May 21st 2024
# Return tenant subscope from Open ID configuration
function Get-TenantSubscope
        # Get Tenant Region subscope from Open ID configuration
        if($OpenIDConfiguration -eq $null)
            $OpenIDConfiguration = Get-OpenIDConfiguration -Domain $Domain

        return $OpenIDConfiguration.tenant_region_sub_scope

# May 21st 2024
# Return tenant login url based on the subscope
function Get-TenantLoginUrl
        # Use the correct url
            "DOD" # DoD
                return ""
            "DODCON" # GCC-High
                return ""
            default # Commercial/GCC
                return ""

function Add-SyncFabricServicePrincipal
    Adds Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric service principal needed to create BPRTs.
    Adds Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric service principal needed to create BPRTs.
    Requires Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, Directory Synchronization Accounts, Hybrid Identity Administrator, or Global Administrator permissions.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    The Access Token. If not given, tries to use cached Access Token.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>Add-AADIntSyncFabricServicePrincipal
    DisplayName AppId ObjectId
    ----------- ----- --------
    Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric 00000014-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 138018f7-6aa2-454c-a103-a7e682e17d6b

        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        $body = @{
            "accountEnabled"            = "True"
            "appId"                     = "00000014-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
            "appRoleAssignmentRequired" = $false
            "displayName"               = "Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric"
            "tags"                      = @( "WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp" )

        # Call the API
        $result = Call-GraphAPI -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command "servicePrincipals" -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -Method Post

                "DisplayName" = $result.displayName
                "AppId"       = $result.appId
                "ObjectId"    = $result.objectId


# This script contains utility functions for Graph API at
# Office 365 / Azure AD v2, a.k.a. AzureAD module uses this API

# Calls the provisioning SOAP API
function Call-GraphAPI
        # Set the required variables
        $TenantID = (Read-Accesstoken $AccessToken).tid

        if($Headers -eq $null)
        $Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer $AccessToken"

        # Call the API
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$TenantId/$Command`?api-version=$ApiVersion$(if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($QueryString)){"&$QueryString"})" -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8; odata.metadata=none" -Method $Method -Body $Body -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        # Return
            return $response.value 
            return $response


function Get-ServicePrincipals
    Extracts Azure AD service principals
    Extracts Azure AD service principals. If client id(s) are provided, show detailed information.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    The Access Token. If not given, tries to use cached Access Token.
    .Parameter ClientIds
    List of client ids to get detailed information.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntServicePrincipals
    AccountEnabled : true
    Addresses :
    AppPrincipalId : d32c68ad-72d2-4acb-a0c7-46bb2cf93873
    DisplayName : Microsoft Activity Feed Service
    ObjectId : 321e7bdd-d7b0-4a64-8eb3-38c259c1304a
    ServicePrincipalNames : ServicePrincipalNames
    TrustedForDelegation : false
    AccountEnabled : true
    Addresses : Addresses
    AppPrincipalId : 0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
    DisplayName : Microsoft App Access Panel
    ObjectId : a9e03f2f-4471-41f2-96c5-589d5d7117bc
    ServicePrincipalNames : ServicePrincipalNames
    TrustedForDelegation : false
    AccountEnabled : true
    Addresses :
    AppPrincipalId : dee7ba80-6a55-4f3b-a86c-746a9231ae49
    DisplayName : Microsoft AppPlat EMA
    ObjectId : ae0b81fc-c521-4bfd-9eaa-04c520b4b5fd
    ServicePrincipalNames : ServicePrincipalNames
    TrustedForDelegation : false
    AccountEnabled : true
    Addresses : Addresses
    AppPrincipalId : 65d91a3d-ab74-42e6-8a2f-0add61688c74
    DisplayName : Microsoft Approval Management
    ObjectId : d8ec5b95-e5f6-416e-8e7c-c6c52ec5a11f
    ServicePrincipalNames : ServicePrincipalNames
    TrustedForDelegation : false

        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # If client id(s) are provided, get only those (with extra information)
            $body = @{
                "appIds" = $ClientIds

            # Call the API
            Call-GraphAPI -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command "getServicePrincipalsByAppIds" -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -Method Post -QueryString "`$Select="
            # Call the Provisioning API
            Get-ServicePrincipals2 -AccessToken $AccessToken
