.SYNOPSIS This cmdlet edits a 'flyway.conf' file. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will edit a 'flyway.conf' file using the arguments passed. Returns the full path of the file that was edited. .PARAMETER Path The full path of the configuration file. .PARAMETER Url The jdbc url to use to connect to the database. .PARAMETER User The user to use to connect to the database .PARAMETER Password The password to use to connect to the database. .PARAMETER Locations A list of locations to scan recursively for migrations. .INPUTS System.String System.IO.FileInfo System.IO.DirectoryInfo System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .OUTPUTS System.String .EXAMPLE Edit-FlywayConf "c:\tools\flyway\flyway.conf" -url "localhost" -usr "john" -pwd "pa551"; In this example, the 'flyway.conf' file is modified using the specified values. .LINK #> function Edit-FlywayConf() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] Param( [Alias('c', 'conf', 'path')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject = "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)\bin", [string]$Url, [Alias('u', 'usr')] [string]$User, [Alias('p', 'pwd')] [SecureString]$Password, [Alias('l', 'loc')] [string[]]$Locations = @() ) # Extract a path from the InputObject if possible. $configFile = ""; if ($InputObject.ConfigFile -ne $null) { $configFile = $InputObject.ConfigFile; } elseif (Test-Path $InputObject -PathType Leaf) { $configFile = $InputObject.ToString(); } else { try { $configFile = Get-ChildItem $InputObject -Recurse -Filter "flyway.conf" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1; } catch { throw "the input object does not represent a 'flyway.conf' file."; } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($configFile) -or (-not (Test-Path $configFile -PathType Leaf))) { throw "cannot find '$configFile'."; } else { # Tranform the given values into compatible flyway args. for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Locations.Length; $i++) { if (-not $Locations[$i].StartsWith("filesystem")) { $Locations[$i] = "filesystem:$($Locations[$i])"; } } $loc = [String]::Join(",", $Locations); $pwd = (New-Object pscredential "usr", $Password).GetNetworkCredential().Password; # Edit the 'flyway.conf' file. $content = (Get-Content $configFile | Out-String).Trim(); $map = @{"url"=$Url;"user"=$User;"password"=$pwd;"locations"="$loc"}; foreach ($key in $map.Keys) { $value = $map[$key]; if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $content = $content -replace "(#\s*)?flyway\.$key=.*", "flyway.$key=$value"; Write-Verbose "flyway.$key was set to '$value'."; } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($configFile)) { $content | Out-File $configFile -Encoding utf8; Write-Verbose "modified '$configFile'."; } } return $configFile; } |