
Get location of latest msbuild installed on the system
It requires modules VSSetup installed in the system, you can install
with standard instruction
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -Force
$msbuildLocation = Get-LatestMsbuildLocation
set-alias msb $msbuildLocation
msb yoursolution.sln

function Get-LatestMsbuildLocation
    [bool] $allowPreviewVersions = $false
    if ($allowPreviewVersions) {
      $latestVsInstallationInfo = Get-VSSetupInstance -All -Prerelease | Sort-Object -Property InstallationVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    } else {
      $latestVsInstallationInfo = Get-VSSetupInstance -All | Sort-Object -Property InstallationVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    Write-Debug "Latest version installed is $($latestVsInstallationInfo.InstallationVersion)"
    if ($latestVsInstallationInfo.InstallationVersion -like "15.*") {
      $msbuildLocation = "$($latestVsInstallationInfo.InstallationPath)\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe"
      Write-Debug "Located msbuild for Visual Studio 2017 in $msbuildLocation"
    } else {
      $msbuildLocation = "$($latestVsInstallationInfo.InstallationPath)\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild.exe"
      Write-Debug "Located msbuild in $msbuildLocation"

    return $msbuildLocation
Get location of latest nuget in temp folder, if nuget.exe is not found it will download
$nugetLocation = Get-NugetLocation
set-alias nuget $nugetLocation
nuget yoursolution.sln

function Get-NugetLocation
    $nugetLocation = "$env:TEMP\nuget.exe"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $nugetLocation)) {

      Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $nugetLocation

    return $nugetLocation

Manipulate all assemblyinfo.vb and assemblyinfo.cs to change version
With legacy .NET project versioning is done with specific attribtues
inside assemblyinfo.cs and assemblyinfo.vb files. This cmdlet
can scan all files and perform a substitution.
This should be done before compiling (and usually after version is
determined with tools like gitversion)
This is a perfect match for Invoke-Getversion function
Source path
.PARAMETER assemblyVersion
.PARAMETER fileAssemblyVersion
.PARAMETER assemblyInformationalVersion
$version = Invoke-GitVersion
Update-SourceVersion -SrcPath PathWithSource -assemblyVersion $version.assemblyVersion -fileAssemblyVersion $version.assemblyFileVersion -assemblyInformationalVersion = $version.assemblyInformationalVersion

function Update-SourceVersion
    [bool]$modifyAssemblyVersion = $true
    if ($fileAssemblyVersion -eq "")
        $fileAssemblyVersion = $assemblyVersion

    if ($assemblyInformationalVersion -eq "")
        $assemblyInformationalVersion = $fileAssemblyVersion
    Write-Debug "Executing Update-SourceVersion in path $SrcPath, Version is $assemblyVersion and File Version is $fileAssemblyVersion and Informational Version is $assemblyInformationalVersion"
    $AllVersionFiles = Get-ChildItem $SrcPath\* -Include AssemblyInfo.cs,AssemblyInfo.vb -recurse
    foreach ($file in $AllVersionFiles)
      Write-Debug "Modifying file $($file.FullName)"
      #save the file for restore
      $backFile = $file.FullName + "._ORI"

      Copy-Item $file.FullName $backFile -Force
      #now load all content of the original file and rewrite modified to the same file
      $content = Get-Content $file.FullName 
      Remove-Item $file.FullName
      if ($modifyAssemblyVersion) 
        $content |
          %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', "AssemblyVersion(""$assemblyVersion"")" } |
          %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', "AssemblyFileVersion(""$fileAssemblyVersion"")" } |
          %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyInformationalVersion\(".*"\)', "AssemblyInformationalVersion(""$assemblyInformationalVersion"")" } |
          Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $file.FullName -Force
      else {
        $content |
          %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', "AssemblyFileVersion(""$fileAssemblyVersion"")" } |
          %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyInformationalVersion\(".*"\)', "AssemblyInformationalVersion(""$assemblyInformationalVersion"")" } |
          Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $file.FullName -Force

Simply allow for easy XML node manipulation in context of classic .NET xml configuration
files. The purpose is to substitute specific part of the configuration file with
predetermined tokens.
Basically takes an XML object and then perform a lookup of a specific part of the XML with
standard XPATH notation and perform a substitution.
$configFile = "somedirecory/web.config"
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $configFile)
Edit-XmlNodes $xml -xpath "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='apiClientSecret']/@value" -value "__APICLIENTSECRET__"

function Edit-XmlNodes {
    param (
        [xml] $doc = $(throw "doc is a required parameter"),
        [string] $xpath = $(throw "xpath is a required parameter"),
        [string] $value = $(throw "value is a required parameter"),
        [bool] $condition = $true
        if ($condition -eq $true) {
            $nodes = $doc.SelectNodes($xpath)
            foreach ($node in $nodes) {
                if ($node -ne $null) {
                    if ($node.NodeType -eq "Element") {
                        $node.InnerXml = $value
                    else {
                        $node.Value = $value

Unzip a zip file using standard .NET framework classes.
Path of zip file
.PARAMETER destinationFolder
Destination folder where to uncompress files
.PARAMETER deleteOld
If $true the routine will delete original file.
.PARAMETER quietMode
if $true it will output less information on output stream

function Expand-WithFramework(
    [string] $zipFile,
    [string] $destinationFolder,
    [bool] $deleteOld = $false,
    [bool] $quietMode = $false
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
    if ((Test-Path $destinationFolder) -and $deleteOld)
          Remove-Item $destinationFolder -Recurse -Force
    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $destinationFolder)

Get location of 7za.exe and download if not present
Get location of 7zip executable (7za) in temp directory,
if the executable is not present it will download and
save on disk. It will return the location of 7za executable
that can be in turn used to compress / uncompress files and dir.
Suppose that we want to compress $source directory in a file
called $Target
$sevenZipExe = Get-7ZipLocation
set-alias sz $sevenZipExe
Write-Output "Zipping folder $Source in file $Target"
sz a -mx=9 -r -mmt=on $Target $Source

function Get-7ZipLocation()
    $exeLocation = "$env:TEMP\7z"
    $sevenZipExe = "$exeLocation\7za.exe"
    Write-Debug "Testing for 7zip executable [$sevenZipExe]"
    if (-not (test-path $sevenZipExe)) 
        Write-Debug "7zip executable [$sevenZipExe] not present, download from to $env:TEMP\"
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\"
        Write-Debug "Unzipping $env:TEMP\ to directory $exeLocation"
        Expand-WithFramework -zipFile "$env:TEMP\" -destinationFolder "$exeLocation" -quietMode $true 
        $sevenZipExe = "$exeLocation\7za.exe"
    return $sevenZipExe 
Check if last command was successful and then print error and take correct action
It uses $? variable to check if last command was successful and then call
Write-LogError cmdlet to log an error and make CI execution fail if we are im
dotnet build foo.sln
Assert-LastExecution -message "Failed to foo the bar." -haltExecution $true
if you are in Continuous Integratino script the cmdlet expects
to have variable $ci_engine set to one of the supported value = ["azdo", "github"]

function Assert-LastExecution(
    [string] $message,
    [bool] $haltExecution = $false) 
    if ($false -eq $?)
        Write-LogError -Message message -HaltExecution $haltExecution
Allow for asking a simple yes/no question
Given a question this function ask for a yes/no response
it handles default value, casing and accepts both y n short answer
or long yes no version
Get-YesNoAnswer -question "Do you want to do this?" -default $true

function Get-YesNoAnswer(
    [string] $question,
    [System.Nullable[bool]] $default = $null) 
  $yesValues = "y", "yes";
  $noValues = "n", "no";
    $realQuestion = $question.TrimEnd(":");
    if ($default -eq $true) 
      $realQuestion += ": (Y/n)" 
    elseif ($default -eq $true) 
      $realQuestion += ": (y/N)" 
      $realQuestion += ": (y/n)" 
    Write-Host $realQuestion -NoNewline
    $answer = Read-Host
    if ($answer -eq '' -and $default -ne $null) 
        return $default
    $answer = $answer.ToLower()
  } while (!$yesValues.Contains($answer) -and !$noValues.Contains($answer))

  return $yesValues.Contains($answer);

Write a log error CI enabled
Simply write a log error to the console and write also a special
command for continous integration engine to have the script signal
an error in the step. Remember to set $ci_engine to the correct value
for your CI engine
Write-LogError -message "Failed to foo the bar." -$haltExecution $true
$ci_engine valid values are ["azdo", "github"]

function Write-LogError(
    [string] $message,
    [bool] $haltExecution = $false) 
    # Trying to detect if we are running inside a CI engine, to try to emit correct error message
    if ("azdo" -eq $ci_engine)
        Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error]$message"
    elseif ("github" -eq $ci_engine)
        Write-Host "::error::$message"
    # Write with Write-error always.
    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red

    if ($true -eq $haltExecution)
        Write-Host "Request script exit!!!!!"
        exit (1)
Get / download nunit test runners and return the folder
with the console runner
$nunitConsoleRunner = GEt-NunitTestsConsoleRunner
set-alias nunit "$nunitConsoleRunner\nunit3-console-exe"

function Get-NunitTestsConsoleRunner
    $nunitLocation = "$env:TEMP\nunitrunners"
    $consoleRunner = ""
    if (Test-Path -Path $nunitLocation) {
      $consoleRunner = Get-ChildItem -Path $nunitLocation -Name nunit3-console.exe -Recurse 
      if ($consoleRunner -eq $null) 
        Write-Debug "no runner found in folder $nunitLocation"
        Remove-Item $nunitLocation -Recurse

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $nunitLocation)) {
      $nugetLocation = Get-NugetLocation
      set-alias nugetinternal $nugetLocation
      nugetinternal install NUnit.Runners -OutputDirectory $nunitLocation | Out-Null

    #Now we need to locate the console runner
    $consoleRunner = Get-ChildItem -Path $nunitLocation -Name nunit3-console.exe -Recurse 
    Write-Debug "Found nunit runner in $nunitLocation\$consoleRunner"
    return "$nunitLocation\$consoleRunner"
It contains all the data needed to work with gitversion as well as a success
property that returns to the caller if the invocation of GitVersion succeeded
or failed.

class GitVersion 
  [bool] $Success

Execute GitVersion using dotnet core version of the tool
This command requires that gitversion tool was already configured in
.config folder of the project in standard dotnet-tools.json file. A simple
content could be
  "version": 1,
  "isRoot": true,
  "tools": {
    "gitversion.tool": {
      "version": "5.2.4",
      "commands": [
.PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
Location of GitVersion.yml file, you can specify full path to the file
$version = Invoke-GitVersion
if ($version.Success) #You can check for success of operation.
Write-Host "Assembly version is $($version.AssemblyVersion)"
Write-Host "File version is $($version.AssemblyFileVersion)"
Write-Host "Nuget version is $($version.NugetVersion)"
Write-Host "Informational version is $($version.AssemblyInformationalVersion)"

function Invoke-Gitversion
      [string] $ConfigurationFile = "GitVersion.yml"

  Write-Information -MessageData "Running Invoke-Gitversion to determine version numbers for current repository."

  $sampleContent = '{
  "version": 1,
  "isRoot": true,
  "tools": {
    "gitversion.tool": {
      "version": "5.2.4",
      "commands": [

  $sampleGitVersion = 'branches: {}
  sha: []
merge-message-formats: {}
mode: ContinuousDeployment'

  $retvalue = [GitVersion]::new()

  Write-Verbose "Checking present of dotnet-tools.json file"
  $toolFile = "./.config/dotnet-tools.json"
  $configFile = "./.config/GitVersion.yml"
  if (-not (Test-Path "./.config"))
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".config"
  if (-not (Test-Path $toolFile))
    Write-Debug "Config file $toolFile does not exists will create one"
    Set-Content -Path $toolFile -Value $sampleContent
  if (-not (Test-Path $configFile))
    Write-Debug "Config file $configFile does not exists will create one"
    Set-Content -Path $configFile -Value $sampleGitVersion

  Write-Verbose "restoring tooling for gitversion"
  dotnet tool restore | Out-Null

  if ($false -eq $?) 
    Write-Error "Unable to run dotnet tool restore, execution of the command failed"
    $retvalue.Success = $false
    return $retvalue

  Write-Verbose "Running gitversion to determine version with config file $ConfigurationFile"
  $gitVersionOutput = dotnet tool run dotnet-gitversion /config $ConfigurationFile | Out-String
  if ($false -eq $?) 
    Write-Error "Unable to run dotnet tool run dotnet-gitversion, execution of the command failed: $gitVersionOutput"
    $retvalue.Success = $false
    return $retvalue

  Write-Verbose "Raw GitVersion output"
  Write-Verbose $gitVersionOutput

  $version = $gitVersionOutput | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json

  Write-Verbose "Parsed value to be returned"
  $retvalue.Success = $true
  $retvalue.AssemblyVersion = $version.AssemblySemVer
  $retvalue.AssemblyFileVersion = $version.AssemblySemFileVer
  $retvalue.NuGetVersion = $version.NuGetVersionV2
  $retvalue.AssemblyInformationalVersion = $version.FullSemVer + "." + $version.Sha
  $retvalue.FullSemVer = $version.FullSemVer

  Write-Verbose "Assembly version is $($retvalue.AssemblyVersion)"
  Write-Verbose "File version is $($retvalue.AssemblyFileVersion)"
  Write-Verbose "Nuget version is $($retvalue.NuGetVersionV2)"
  Write-Verbose "Informational version is $($retvalue.AssemblyInformationalVersion)"
  Write-Verbose "FullSemVer version is $($retvalue.FullSemVer)"

  return $retvalue
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Cmdlet *