
function Set-BuildEnvironment {
        Normalize build system and project details into environment variables


        Normalize build system and project details into environment variables

        Creates the following environment variables:
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>ProjectPath via Get-BuildVariables
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>BranchName via Get-BuildVariables
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>CommitMessage via Get-BuildVariables
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>BuildNumber via Get-BuildVariables
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>ProjectName via Get-ProjectName
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>PSModuleManifest via Get-PSModuleManifest
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>ModulePath via Split-Path on PSModuleManifest
            $ENV:<VariableNamePrefix>BuildOutput via BuildOutput parameter
            $ENV:BHPSModulePath Legacy, via Split-Path on PSModuleManifest

        If you don't specify a prefix or use BH, we create BHPSModulePath (This will be removed July 1st)

        Path to project root. Defaults to the current working path

    .PARAMETER VariableNamePrefix
        Allow to set a custom Prefix to the Environment variable created. The default is BH such as $Env:BHProjectPath

    .PARAMETER BuildOutput
        Specify a path to use for build output. Defaults to '$ProjectPath\BuildOutput'

        You may use build variables produced in this same call. Only include the variable, not ENV or the prefix. Use a literal $.

            -BuildOutput '$ProjectPath\BuildOutput'
            -BuildOutput 'C:\Build'
            -BuildOutput 'C:\Builds\$ProjectName'

    .PARAMETER Passthru
        If specified, include output of the build variables we create

    .PARAMETER GitPath
        Path to git. Defaults to git (i.e. git is in $ENV:PATH)

    .PARAMETER Force
        Overrides the Environment Variables even if they exist already

        We assume you are in the project root, for several of the fallback options


        Get-Item ENV:BH*

        Set-BuildEnvironment -VariableNamePrefix '' -Force

        Get-Item ENV:*

        Set-BuildEnvironment -Path C:\sc\PSDepend -BuildOutput 'C:\Builds\$ProjectName'

        # Set BuildEnvironment pointing at C:\sc\PSDepend
        # Assuming ProjectName evaluates to PSDepend, BuildOutput variable will be set to C:\Builds\PSDepend






        [validatescript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })]
        $Path = $PWD.Path,

        $VariableNamePrefix = 'BH',

        [string]$BuildOutput = '$ProjectPath\BuildOutput',



            if(-not (Get-Command $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
                throw "Could not find command at GitPath [$_]"
    $GBEParams = @{
        Path = $Path
        As = 'hashtable'
        BuildOutput = $BuildOutput
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GitPath')) {
        $GBEParams.add('GitPath', $GitPath)
    $BuildHelpersVariables = Get-BuildEnvironment @GBEParams
    foreach ($VarName in $BuildHelpersVariables.Keys) {
        if($null -ne $BuildHelpersVariables[$VarName]) {
            $Output = New-Item -Path Env:\ -Name ('{0}{1}' -f $VariableNamePrefix,$VarName) -Value $BuildHelpersVariables[$VarName] -Force:$Force
    if($VariableNamePrefix -eq 'BH' -and $BuildHelpersVariables.ModulePath)
        # Handle existing scripts that reference BHPSModulePath
        $Output = New-Item -Path Env:\ -Name BHPSModulePath -Value $BuildHelpersVariables.ModulePath -Force:$Force