
function Set-ModuleFunctions {
        EXPIRIMENTAL: Set FunctionsToExport in a module manifest


        EXPIRIMENTAL: Set FunctionsToExport in a module manifest

                Deserialize your PSD1 file
                Update the FunctionsToExport
                Re-serialize via New-ModuleManifest

            Your comments will be lost in this, and there is a chance
            that serialization may mangle or miss items.

        Name or path to module to inspect. Defaults to ProjectPath\ProjectName

        Major thanks to Joel Bennett for the code behind writing the new PrivateData




        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        if(-not $Name)
            $BuildDetails = Get-BuildVariables
            $Name = Join-Path ($BuildDetails.ProjectPath) (Get-ProjectName)

        $params = @{
            Force = $True
            Passthru = $True
            Name = $Name

        $Module = ( Import-Module @params )
        if(-not $Module)
            Throw "Could not find module '$Name'"

        if(-not $FunctionsToExport)
            $FunctionsToExport = @( $Module.ExportedCommands.Keys )

        $Parent = $Module.ModuleBase
        $File = "$($Module.Name).psd1"
        $ModulePSD1Path = Join-Path $Parent $File
        if(-not (Test-Path $ModulePSD1Path))
            Throw "Could not find expected module manifest '$ModulePSD1Path'"

        $ModuleManifest = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $Parent -FileName $File
        If(-not $ModuleManifest)
            Throw "Could not import module manifest from '$ModulePSD1Path'"
        $ModuleManifest.FunctionsToExport = $FunctionsToExport
        $PrivateData = ConvertTo-Metadata $ModuleManifest.PrivateData
        $ModuleManifest.PrivateData = 'Ze Private Data!1'
        New-ModuleManifest @ModuleManifest -Path $ModulePSD1Path -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        $ManifestText = Get-Content $ModulePSD1Path -Raw
        $ManifestText = $ManifestText -replace "'Ze Private Data!1'", $PrivateData
        Out-File -FilePath $ModulePSD1Path -InputObject $ManifestText