<# .SYNOPSIS Generate a Markdown list of the commands in the module and their summary. .DESCRIPTION Generate a Markdown list of the commands in the module and optionally format as links. .PARAMETER HelpDoc A HelpDoc object. .PARAMETER AsLinks Format each list item as a link to a `{commandname}.md`. .LINK New-HelpDock .EXAMPLE Get-HelpModuleData build-docs | New-HelpDoc | Add-ModuleCommand -AsLinks | select -exp Text - [Add-HelpDocText]( _Return a markdown formatted text._ - [Add-ModuleCommand]( _Generate a Markdown list of the commands in the module._ - [Add-ModuleProperty]( _Return a markdown formatted value for the given property._ … Generate a list of commands with links to the commands' help documents. #> function Add-ModuleCommand { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSCustomObject] $HelpDoc, [Parameter()] [switch] $AsLinks ) begin { $formatString = if ($AsLinks) { '- [{0}]({0}.md) _{1}_{2}' } else { '- {0} _{1}_{2}' } } process { foreach ($command in $HelpDoc.HelpModuleData.Commands) { $name = $command.Name $desc = if ($command.Synopsis -match $name) { 'No help description' } else { $command.Synopsis } $HelpDoc.Text += $formatString -f $name, $desc, [System.Environment]::NewLine } $HelpDoc | Write-Output } end { } } |