
    Returns an object representation of the help available for the given module.
    Returns an object representation of the help available for the given module. This includes the help for each command in the module.
    The name of the module to interrogate for help data.
    Get-HelpModuleData build-docs
    Name : build-docs
    Commands : {@{Name=Add-HelpDocText; Synopsis=
                    Add-HelpDocText [-Text] <string> [-HelpDoc] <psobject> [<CommonParameters>]
                    Add-HelpDocText [-Text] <string> [-HelpDoc] <psobject> [-H3] [<CommonParameters>]
                    Add-HelpDocText [-Text] <string> [-HelpDoc] <psobject> [-H2] [<CommonParameters>]

    Returns an object representation of the help available for the given module.

function Get-HelpModuleData {
    param (
            Position = 0,

    begin {
        $moduleToMd = [scriptblock] {
            param([string]$heading = '#')

            '{0} {1}{2}' -f $heading, $this.Name, [System.Environment]::NewLine

            '{0}# Commands{1}' -f $heading, [System.Environment]::NewLine

            foreach ($command in $this.Commands) {
                '- [{0}]({0}.md) {1}' -f $command.Name, $command.Synopsis

    process {
        $module = Get-Module -Name $Name
        $commands = $module.ExportedFunctions.Keys

        $moduleData = [PSCustomObject]@{
            PSTypeName      = 'HelpModuleData'
            Name            = $Name
            Commands        = $commands | Get-HelpCommandData
            Author          = $module.Author
            Description     = $module.Description
            HelpInfoUri     = $module.HelpInfoUri
            LicenseUri      = $module.LicenseUri
            ProjectUri      = $module.ProjectUri
            RequiredModules = $module.RequiredModules
            Tags            = $module.Tags
            Version         = $module.Version

        $moduleData | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToMD -Value $moduleToMd
        $moduleData | Write-Output


    end {
