Function Send-ADUsersToBB { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the user information from the pipeline that is already converted to a GoBright object, and send it to the GoBright system .DESCRIPTION The pipeline should contain the converted user information .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiUrl Address of the GoBright API, e.g.: (please get this from the 'General Settings' page of the portal) .PARAMETER BrightBookingApiKey API key of the user to use to process the import .PARAMETER BrightBookingIntegrationName Name of the integration to link the users to .PARAMETER UserRoleNameForNewUsers Name of the GoBright userrole to link new users to .PARAMETER DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded Deactivate users that exist in the platform in the same integration but are not loaded anymore from AD (e.g. because they are not anymore in the group you filter on) .PARAMETER ProcessingModeToPlatform By default the command will wait until the synchronization is processed by the platform and the result is known, and the result will be shown. Use the value "FireAndForget" if you want to fire the contents to the platform and not want to wait for the result. Please note that because of throttling you still have to wait untill the processing is finished and the new set is allowed before you can start a new synchronization .EXAMPLE Get-ADUsersForBB -Filter * | Convert-ADUsersToBBUserExport | Send-ADUsersToBB -BrightBookingApiUrl "" -BrightBookingApiKey "[your api key]" -BrightBookingIntegrationName "Office 365" # Get all users in the Active Directory and let GoBright process it directly .EXAMPLE Get-ADUsersForBB -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Office,DC=Company,DC=com" | Convert-ADUsersToBBUserExport | Send-ADUsersToBB -BrightBookingApiUrl "" -BrightBookingApiKey "[your api key]" -BrightBookingIntegrationName "Office 365" # Get the users in the Active Directory, which are member of the given group and let GoBright process it directly .EXAMPLE Get-ADUsersForBB -Filter { memberOf -RecursiveMatch "CN=Administrators,DC=Company,DC=com" } -SearchBase "OU=Office,DC=Company,DC=com" | Convert-ADUsersToBBUserExport -ADUserPincodePropertyName PersonnelNumber | Send-ADUsersToBB -BrightBookingApiUrl "" -BrightBookingApiKey "[your api key]" -BrightBookingIntegrationName "Office 365" # Get the users in the Active Directory, which in the specified SearchBase path, and use the custom property 'PersonnelNumber' as pincode and let GoBright process it directly .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [System.Object[]]$pipelineConvertedADUsers, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$BrightBookingApiUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$BrightBookingApiKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$BrightBookingIntegrationName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$UserRoleNameForNewUsers, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [bool]$SyncIncludesUserNFCId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [bool]$SyncIncludesUserPincode, [switch]$DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded ) Begin { $convertedUsers = @() } Process { Foreach ($user in $pipelineConvertedADUsers) { $convertedUsers += $user } } End { Write-Output "" $countConvertedUsers = $convertedUsers | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count; Write-Output "Will process $countConvertedUsers users from retreived data..." Write-Output "" Write-Output "Connecting to the GoBright API..." Write-Output "" # get an access token $access_token = Get-BBAccessToken -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiKey $BrightBookingApiKey # check if we can start a new session at all $status = Get-BBUserSyncStatus -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiToken $access_token -IncludeLastSyncResult $false -ValidateCanStartNew $true # get the user roles from the API $userroles = Get-BBUserRole -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiToken $access_token If ($DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded.IsPresent -eq $True) { # get active users to compare $resturi = [System.Uri]::new([System.Uri]::new($BrightBookingApiUrl), "/api/users/synchronize-get-data") $GetQueryParameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $GetQueryParameters['integrationname'] = $BrightBookingIntegrationName $GetRequest = [System.UriBuilder]($resturi) $GetRequest.Query = $GetQueryParameters.ToString() $GetHdrs = @{} $GetHdrs.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + $access_token) $usersViewForSync = $null Try { Write-Output "Getting comparison data (this might take a while)..." $response = Invoke-WebRequest -TimeoutSec 1200 -Uri $GetRequest.Uri -Method Get -Headers $GetHdrs -UseBasicParsing If ($response.StatusCode -eq 200 -or $response.StatusCode -eq 201) { $usersViewForSync = ConvertFrom-Json $([String]::new($response.Content)) # will proceed below... } Else { throw "Could not get comparison data, unexpected statuscode $response.StatusCode" } } Catch { $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ $responseText = $_.ErrorDetails.Message Try { If ($responseText) { $jsonresponse = $responseText | ConvertFrom-Json If ($jsonresponse.SyncRoot) { $statusMessage = $jsonresponse.SyncRoot | Select-Object * | Format-List | Out-String } Else { $statusMessage = $responseText } } } Catch { $statusMessage = $responseText } Write-Warning "Could not get comparison data" Write-Warning "Statuscode: $statusCode" If ($statusMessage) { Write-Warning "Statusdetails:" $statusMessage = $statusMessage.Trim() Write-Warning $statusMessage } throw "Could not get comparison data" } ## # process comparison Write-Output "Comparing..." If ($usersViewForSync) { If ($usersViewForSync.ActiveUsersInIntegration) { $amountToBeDeactivated = 0; # compare to get the users which are now not in the resultset from AD, and are still active in the platform -> so must be disabled Foreach ($activeUserInIntegration in $usersViewForSync.ActiveUsersInIntegration) { $activeUserInIntegrationFound = $false; # exists this one in the $convertedUsers? Foreach ($convertedUser in $convertedUsers) { $found = ((-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($convertedUser.UniqueImportID)) -And ($convertedUser.UniqueImportID -ceq $activeUserInIntegration.UUI)) -Or ((-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($convertedUser.EmailAddress)) -And ($convertedUser.EmailAddress -eq $activeUserInIntegration.EA)); If ($found) { $activeUserInIntegrationFound = $true; Break; } } If (-Not $activeUserInIntegrationFound) { # should be disabled $outputUserPropertiesHash = [ordered]@{ EmailAddress = $activeUserInIntegration.EA UniqueImportID = $activeUserInIntegration.UII Active = $false } $outputUser = New-Object PSObject -Property $outputUserPropertiesHash $convertedUsers += $outputUser $amountToBeDeactivated++; } } Write-Output "Will deactivate $amountToBeDeactivated users..." } } } Else { Write-Output "Skipping checking for deactivation of users that exist in the platform but are not loaded anymore from AD (e.g. because they are not anymore in the group you filter on). Please use the -DeactivateExistingUsersInSameIntegrationThatAreNotLoaded switch parameter to enable deactivation checking." } Write-Output "" # do additional preprocessing for users $preprocessedUsers = @() Foreach ($convertedUser in $convertedUsers) { # translate the mapped roles, and remove the property (because it should not be tranfered to the CSV, only the translated value should) $mappedUserroleIds = @() If ($convertedUser.UserMappedRoles) { Foreach ($convertedUserMappedRole in $convertedUser.UserMappedRoles) { $filterProductType = 0 If ($convertedUserMappedRole.RoleType) { If ($convertedUserMappedRole.RoleType -eq "View") { $filterProductType = 1 } Else { $filterProductType = 0 } } # map to an userroleid # search in the userdefined roles $userroleId = ($userroles | Where-Object { $_.IsUserDefined -and ($_.Name -eq $convertedUserMappedRole.RoleName) -and ($_.Product -eq $filterProductType) } | Select-Object Id).Id; If (-not $userroleId) { # if not found, search all roles $userroleId = ($userroles | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq $convertedUserMappedRole.RoleName) -and ($_.Product -eq $filterProductType) } | Select-Object Id).Id; } If ($userroleId) { # only add if not already in, nobody like duplicates If (-not ($mappedUserroleIds -contains $userroleId)) { $mappedUserroleIds += $userroleId } } Else { Write-Error " - Role '$($convertedUserMappedRole.RoleName)' not found via API, user $($convertedUser.EmailAddress) cannot be mapped correctly, check the names of the roles in the mapping, they probably do not match the role names in the portal" } } } # remove the UserMappedRoles property $convertedUser = $convertedUser | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty UserMappedRoles # add the RoleIds property $mappedUserroleIdsAsString = $mappedUserroleIds -join "," $convertedUser | Add-Member RoleIdsOrNames $mappedUserroleIdsAsString -Force $preprocessedUsers += $convertedUser } # generate the csv file contents, generate to string $csvtext = $preprocessedUsers | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-String # post stuff to the api $resturi = [System.Uri]::new([System.Uri]::new($BrightBookingApiUrl), "/api/users/batch-import-csv/schedule") $QueryParameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $QueryParameters['integrationname'] = $BrightBookingIntegrationName $QueryParameters['userrolename'] = $UserRoleNameForNewUsers $QueryParameters['import_structure_version'] = 2 If ($SyncIncludesUserPincode) { Write-Output "Sync does include user pincodes..." $QueryParameters['syncincludesuserpincode'] = "true" } Else { $QueryParameters['syncincludesuserpincode'] = "false" } If ($SyncIncludesUserNFCId) { Write-Output "Sync does include user NFC ids..." $QueryParameters['syncincludesusernfcid'] = "true" } Else { $QueryParameters['syncincludesusernfcid'] = "false" } $Request = [System.UriBuilder]($resturi) $Request.Query = $QueryParameters.ToString() # convert the text so the encoding is correct to handle special characters $body = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($csvtext) $hdrs = @{} $hdrs.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + $access_token) Try { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Starting processing users in GoBright..." Write-Output "" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -TimeoutSec 1200 -Uri $Request.Uri -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/text' -Headers $hdrs -UseBasicParsing If ($response.StatusCode -eq 200 -or $response.StatusCode -eq 201) { Write-Output "Succesfully started user synchronization to GoBright, we will now wait for the result (this will take a while)" Write-Output "" Write-Output "Processing..." # wait for processing finished $keepprocessing = $true $waitseconds = 30 $totalwaitedseconds = 0 While ($keepprocessing) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitseconds $totalwaitedseconds = $totalwaitedseconds + $waitseconds $status = Get-BBUserSyncStatus -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiToken $access_token -IncludeLastSyncResult $false If ($status.IsCurrentlyProcessing) { Write-Output "Processing..." If ($waitseconds -lt 60) { $waitseconds = $waitseconds + 5; } } Else { # finished processing Break } } Write-Output "Processing..." Write-Output "" # sleep another 32 seconds to overcome the 30 sec limit that is neccessary to do a next call to satisfy the 30sec window (doing 2 sec extra for clockskew) Start-Sleep -Seconds 32 # get the result status $status = Get-BBUserSyncStatus -BrightBookingApiUrl $BrightBookingApiUrl -BrightBookingApiToken $access_token -IncludeLastSyncResult $true If ($status.LastResult.Succeeded) { Write-Output "Finished synchronizing users to GoBright successfully" } Else { Write-Error "Synchronizing users to GoBright failed" } Write-Output "Results:" Write-Output $(' Succeeded : {0}' -f $status.LastResult.Succeeded) Write-Output $(' Created : {0}' -f $status.LastResult.AmountCreated) Write-Output $(' Updated : {0}' -f $status.LastResult.AmountUpdated) Write-Output $(' Not needed to process : {0} (already up to date, or because duplicate)' -f $status.LastResult.AmountExcludedInPreProcessing) Write-Output $(' Ignored : {0} (because invalid)' -f $status.LastResult.AmountIgnored) Foreach ($ignoredUser in $status.LastResult.IgnoredUsers) { Write-Output $(' - Ignored user: {0}' -f $ignoredUser.Identifier) Write-Output $(' - Validation errors:') Foreach ($validationError in $ignoredUser.ValidationErrors) { Write-Output $(' -> Property: {0}' -f $validationError.Property) Write-Output $(' -> ErrorCode: {0}' -f $validationError.ErrorCode) Write-Output $(' -> Value: {0}' -f $validationError.Value) } } If ((-not $status.LastResult.Succeeded) -or ($status.LastResult.AmountIgnored -gt 0)) { Throw "Processing the synchronization failed." } } Else { Write-Output "Could not start synchronization of users to GoBright , unexpected statuscode $response.StatusCode" } } Catch { $statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ $responseText = $_.ErrorDetails.Message Try { If ($responseText) { $jsonresponse = $responseText | ConvertFrom-Json If ($jsonresponse.SyncRoot) { $statusMessage = $jsonresponse.SyncRoot | Select-Object * | Format-List | Out-String } Else { $statusMessage = $responseText } } } Catch { $statusMessage = $responseText } Write-Warning "Synchronizing users to GoBright failed, please check the user data you have selected from your AD" Write-Warning "Statuscode: $statusCode" If ($statusMessage) { Write-Warning "Statusdetails:" $statusMessage = $statusMessage.Trim() Write-Warning $statusMessage } Throw "Synchronizing users failed" } } } |