<############################################################################ # Add "using" line to end of "using" section in CS file # Just supply package name without "using" or ";" # Don't add if line already exists ############################################################################> Function Edit-CsAddUsing([string]$csFile, [string]$packageName) { [string]$fullLine = "using $($packageName);" $contents = (Get-Content $csFile) if($contents | ?{$_ -match $fullLine}) { # already matches, skip it } else { [int]$lastLineWithUsing = -1 [int]$index = 0 foreach($line in $contents) { if($line -match "^using") { $lastLineWithUsing = $index } elseif($line -match "^[ \t]*$") { # ignore blanks } else { # something other than blank or using, we're done break } $index++ } if($lastLineWithUsing -eq -1) { # No "using" at all, add to top $contents[0] = $fullLine + "`n" + $contents[0] } else { # Add after last "using" $contents[$lastLineWithUsing] = $contents[$lastLineWithUsing] + "`r`n" + $fullLine } $contents | Set-Content $csFile } } |