

if ($null -eq (get-command VBoxManage.exe -errorAction silentlyContinue) ) {
  $env:path = "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox;$env:path"

$LockType_Shared = 1
$LockType_Write = 2


class Box {
  [string] $Name
  [string] $Address

function Connect-VBox() {
    [Parameter(position = 0, mandatory = $True)]
    [string] $Name 

  # get Ip from $Name

  Connect-Ssh -Ip ""

function Get-VBoxProcess {

  Get all VirtualBox related processes
  Find all running processes related to VirtualBox.
  PS C:\> Get-VBoxProcess
  Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName
  ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- -----------
      401 56 36272 27956 139 36.63 1876 VBoxHeadless
      754 129 103736 52940 244 76.85 12244 VBoxHeadless
     3444 17 16076 11844 109 1,351.14 8176 VBoxSVC
      193 15 19416 55140 137 1.28 12212 VirtualBox
  Get all running VirtualBox related processes
  NAME : Get-VboxProcess
  VERSION : 0.9
  LAST UPDATED: 6/13/2011
  AUTHOR : Jeffery Hicks
  Process object

  Write-Verbose "Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
  Try {
    $processes = Get-Process -ErrorAction "Stop" | Where { $_.path -match "oracle\\virt" }
    Write-Verbose "Found $($processes | measure-object).Count processes)"
  Catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to find any VirtualBox related processes." -ForegroundColor Magenta
  Finally {
    Write-Verbose "Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"

function Get-VBox() {

  $vbox = Get-VBoxCom
  $machines = $vbox.Machines
  Write-Host ($machines | Format-Table -GroupBy Name -Property Name, State | Out-String)

function Get-VBoxCom {
  if (-Not($global:vboxcom)) {
    $global:vboxcom = New-Object -ComObject "VirtualBox.VirtualBox"
    $status = "VirtualBox v{0} rev.{1}" -f $global:vboxcom.version, $global:vboxcom.revision
    Write-Host $status -ForegroundColor Cyan
  return $global:vboxcom

# https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html#vboxmanage-dhcpserver
function Get-VBoxHostOnlyAdpater {

  vboxmanage showvminfo core | grep "NIC 1:" | awk '{print tolower($4)}' | sed 's/.\{2\}/&:/g' | sed 's/.\{2\}$//'
arp -a | grep 08:00:27:a5:db:a3 | awk '{print $2}' | tail -c +2 | head -c -2
        #vboxmanage hostonlyif ipconfig $ifname --ip --netmask
        #vboxmanage dhcpserver modify --ifname $ifname --disable


  # ip -o -4 addr
  # IP address for the host
  # DHCP-Server Range -
  # The IP range limiting the IP addresses that will be provided to the guest systems -

  # TODO get name from ComObject

  $if = vboxmanage list hostonlyifs
  $name = $if | Select-String '^Name:\s+(.+)'
  # TODO test
  if (-Not($name)) {
    Write-Error ("host-only interface not found")

  return $name.matches.groups[1]

function Get-VBoxPath {
    [string] $Name

  $path = Get-BoxPath -Path "vbox"
  if ($Name) {
    $path = Join-Path $path $Name
  return $path

function New-VBox() {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $Name,
    [switch] $Update

  $box = [Box]::new()
  $box.Name = $Name
  $box.Address = ""

  Write-Host("Creating machine '${Name}' ...")

  # Ubuntu
  # $imagePath = Get-Ubuntu -Path "releases/noble/release" -File "ubuntu-24.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova" -Update $Update
  $imagePath = Get-CoreOSImage

  #vboxmanage import $imagePath --vsys 0 --vmname $box.Name --options importtovdi --basefolder (Get-VBoxPath)
  #vboxmanage modifyvm $box.Name --nic1 nat
  #vboxmanage modifyvm $box.Name --nic2 hostonly --hostonlyadapter2 (Get-VBoxHostOnlyAdpater)
  # Ubuntu
  # $seedImg = New-CloudInit -Path (Get-VBoxPath -Name $box.Name) -Hostname $box.Name -Address $box.Address
  # vboxmanage storageattach $box.Name --storagectl IDE --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium $seedImg

  $config = Get-CoreOSIgnitionConfig -Hostname $box.Name
  vboxmanage guestproperty set $box.Name "/Ignition/Config" $config


function New-VboxCoreOS {

function New-VBoxTmp {

  Write-Verbose "Creating the VirtualBox COM object"
  $vbox = New-Object -ComObject "VirtualBox.VirtualBox"
  $machines = $vbox.Machines
  Write-Host ($machines | Format-List | Out-String)

  # https://gitlab.com/xtec/box/-/blob/acc37ba85b4650806904c50306ecd12962b7090a/box.ps1


function Remove-VBox() {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Enter a virtual machine name")]
    [string] $Name 

  try {
    $vbox = Get-VBoxCom
    $vbox.FindMachine($Name) | Out-Null
    Stop-VBox $Name
    Write-Host("Removing machine '${Name}' ...")
    vboxmanage unregistervm $Name --delete
  catch {
    Write-Host -f Yellow $_

  Remove-Item -Path (Get-VBoxPath $Name) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

#$json = $vm | ConvertTo-Json


# https://www.virtualbox.org/sdkref/interface_i_console.html

function Start-VBox() {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Enter a virtual machine name", ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
    [string] $Name,
    [switch] $New 

  try {
    $vbox = Get-VBoxCom
    $machine = $vbox.FindMachine($name)
  catch {
    if ($New) {
      New-VBox $Name
    else {
      Write-Host -f Yellow $_

  if ($machine.State -lt 5) {
    $session = New-Object -ComObject "VirtualBox.Session"

    Write-Host("Starting machine '${Name}' ...")
    vboxmanage startvm $Name --type headless

    #$machine.GetType() | Out-Host
    # https://www.virtualbox.org/sdkref/interface_i_machine.html#aa75e76da42ef908795d235d995262c6f
    #$machine.GetSerialPort(1) | Out-Host
    #$machine.LockMachine($session, 1)
    #$progress = $machine.LaunchVMProcess($session, "headless", "")
    #Write-Host("Starting VM ...")
  else {
    Write-Host "I can only start machines that have been stopped." -ForegroundColor Magenta


function Stop-VBox() {

    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Power off (stop) a running VM.")]
    [string] $Name 

  try {
    $vbox = Get-VBoxCom
    $machine = $vbox.FindMachine($Name)
  catch {
    Write-Host -f Yellow $_

  # Virtual machine must be Running, Paused or Stuck to be powered down.
  if (@(5, 6, 7) -Contains $machine.State) {
    $session = New-Object -ComObject "VirtualBox.Session"
    $machine.LockMachine($session, $LockType_Shared)
    $progress = $session.Console.PowerDown()
    Write-Host("Stopping machine '${Name}' ...")

function StateAsString {
    [int] $State

  Switch ($vstate) {
    1 { "Stopped" }
    2 { "Saved" }
    3 { "Teleported" }
    4 { "Aborted" }
    5 { "Running" }
    6 { "Paused" }
    7 { "Stuck" }
    8 { "Snapshotting" }
    9 { "Starting" }
    10 { "Stopping" }
    11 { "Restoring" }
    12 { "TeleportingPausedVM" }
    13 { "TeleportingIn" }
    14 { "FaultTolerantSync" }
    15 { "DeletingSnapshotOnline" }
    16 { "DeletingSnapshot" }
    17 { "SettingUp" }

if ($null -eq (get-command VBoxManage.exe -errorAction silentlyContinue) ) {
    $env:path = "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox;$env:path"