
   Gets one or multiple Resource Groups
   Gets one or multiple Resource Groups
   Get-ArmResourceGroup -Name "MyRG"
   Get-ArmResourceGroup -Location "WestEurope"
   The output from this function can be piped to lots of the other get functions to list objects contained in a certain Resource Group

Function Get-ArmResourceGroup
    Param (
        # Name of the resource group
        # Id of the resource (gets the resource group the resource is in)
        # Resource (gets the resource group the resource is in)
        # One of the valid locations of the current subscription (for example "westeurope")
        #This is the basic test we do to ensure we have a valid connection to Azure
        if (!(Test-InternalArmConnection))
            Write-Error "Please use Connect-ArmSubscription"
        $BaseUri = "$($script:CurrentSubscriptionId)/resourcegroups" 
        $ResourceGroups = @()   
        if ($InputObject)
            $ResourceGroupName = $InputObject.ResourceGroupName
        if ($Resource)
            $ResourceId = $Resource.ResourceId
        if ($ResourceId)
            #Calculate resource group from resourceid
            if ($ResourceId.StartsWith("/"))
                $ResourceId = $ResourceId.Remove(0,1).ToLower()
                $ResourceIdAr = $ResourceId.Split("/")
                $RgIndex = [array]::indexof($ResourceIdAr,"resourcegroups")
                $rgindex ++
                $ResourceGroupName = $ResourceIdAr[$rgindex]
        if ($ResourceGroupName)
            $Uri = "$Baseuri/$ResourceGroupName"
            #ResourceGroupName is specified, so we assume a single item
            $ResultResourceGroups = Get-InternalRest -Uri $Uri -ReturnType "Blue.ResourceGroup" -ReturnTypeSingular $true -apiversion "2015-01-01"
            $Uri = $Baseuri
            #ResourceGroupName is not specified, so we assume multiple items returned.
            $ResultResourceGroups = Get-InternalRest -Uri $Uri -ReturnType "Blue.ResourceGroup" -ReturnTypeSingular $false -apiversion "2015-01-01"
        if ($ResultResourceGroups)
            $ResourceGroups += $ResultResourceGroups
        #Fill the ResourceGroupId Attribute
        foreach ($rg in $ResourceGroups)
            $rg.ResourceGroupId = $
        #Filter by location if specified
        if ($Location)
            $ResourceGroups = $ResourceGroups | where {$_.Location -eq $Location}
        if ($ResourceGroups.Count -eq 0)
            if ($ResourceGroupName)
                Write-error "Nothing found"
        elseif ($ResourceGroups.Count -eq 1)
            #If only a single RG, return that instead of the array
            Return $ResourceGroups[0]    
            Return $ResourceGroups
