function New-ArmTemplateDeployment { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='inputFile')] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] $InputFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='inputFile')] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] $InputParamFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ResourceGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $DeploymentName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Incremental", "Complete")] $Mode="Incremental" ) Begin { $ApiVersion = "2016-02-01" if (!(Test-InternalArmConnection)) { Write-Error "Please use Connect-ArmSubscription" break } $BaseUri = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$($script:CurrentSubscriptionId)/resourcegroups" } Process { $ResourcesBefore = Get-ArmResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName $Uri = "$BaseUri/$ResourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.resources/deployments/$DeploymentName" $Data = "" | Select template, parameters, mode $Data.template = get-content $InputFile | convertfrom-json $Data.parameters = get-content $InputParamFile | convertfrom-json | select -ExpandProperty Parameters $Data.mode = $Mode $Data2 = "" | select properties $Data2.properties = $Data $Result = Post-InternalRest -uri $Uri -Data $Data2 -method "Put" -apiversion $ApiVersion #Get the status of the whole thing $ListOptsUri = "$Uri/operations" $DeploymentStatus = Get-InternalRest -Uri $uri -apiversion "2016-02-01" $LastDepStatus = "" $KnownOperations = @() $Counter = 0 do { $DeploymentStatus = Get-internalrest -uri $uri -apiversion "2016-02-01" $DepStatus = $DeploymentStatus.properties.provisioningState if ($LastDepStatus -ne $Depstatus) { $LastDepStatus = $DepStatus Write-Verbose "Deploymentstatus is $DepStatus" } $operationstatus = Get-internalrest -uri $ListOptsUri -apiversion "2016-02-01" foreach ($Op in $operationstatus.value) { if ($KnownOperations -notcontains ($op.operationId)) { $KnownOperations += $op.operationId write-verbose " Operation added to deployment: $($op.properties.provisioningOperation) $($Op.properties.targetResource.resourceName) ($($Op.properties.targetResource.resourceType)) (Op id: $($op.operationId))" } } #Start sleeping after a while with a bit of easing back if ($counter -gt 5 -and $counter -lt 10) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } ElseIf ($counter -gt 11 -and $counter -lt 50) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } ElseIf ($counter -gt 50 -and $counter -lt 999) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } $counter ++ } until ("Failed","Succeeded" -contains $DepStatus) $OutHash = @{} if ($DeploymentStatus.properties.outputs) { $out = $DeploymentStatus.properties.outputs $OutNames = $out | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty | select -ExpandProperty Name foreach ($outname in $outnames) { $OutHash.Add($OutName,$DeploymentStatus.properties.outputs.$outname.value) } } $Resources = @() $ResourcesAfter = Get-ArmResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName $UpdatedOrNotChanged = @() $Created = @() $Deleted = @() Foreach ($Resource in $ResourcesAfter) { if ($ResourcesBefore | where {$_.Name -eq $Resource.Name}) { #Already existed $UpdatedOrNotChanged += $resource } Else { $Created += $Resource } } Foreach ($Resource in $ResourcesBefore) { if ($ResourcesAfter | where {$_.Name -eq $Resource.Name}) { #Not deleted } Else { $Deleted += $Resource } } Write-Verbose "Number of resources Updated or without change: $($UpdatedOrNotChanged.count)" Write-Verbose "Number of resources Created: $($Created.count)" Write-Verbose "Number of resources Deleted: $($Deleted.count)" <# foreach ($provider in $DeploymentStatus.Properties.providers) { $resTypes = $Provider.ResourceTypes foreach ($restype in $restypes) { $Resources += $resType } } start-sleep -Seconds 1 do { $operationstatus = Get-internalrest -uri $ListOptsUri -apiversion "2016-02-01" } until ($OperationStatus.Value.Count -gt $Resources.count) $operationstatus = Get-internalrest -uri $ListOptsUri -apiversion "2016-02-01" Write-Verbose "Template Operations:" $Operations = @() foreach ($Op in $operationstatus.value) { $operations += $op.operationId write-verbose "$($Op.properties.targetResource.resourceName) ($($Op.properties.targetResource.resourceType)): $($op.properties.provisioningOperation)" } #> <# Do { $OperationStatus = Get-internalrest -uri $ListOptsUri -apiversion "2016-02-01" } until ($true) $StatusResult = $statusResults[0] $state = $statusResult.value.properties.provisioningstate $StatusCode = $statusResult.value.properties.provisioningstate Do { $VeryBaseUri = "https://management.azure.com" $DeploymentOperationUri = "$VeryBaseUri$($statusResult.value.id)" $StatusResult = Get-InternalRest -Uri $ListOptsUri -apiversion "2016-02-01" $state = $statusresult.properties.provisioningstate } until ($State -eq "Succeeded") #> } End { if ($OutHash) { $OutHash } } } |