.SYNOPSIS Prints a Report created by createSupportReport.ps1 .DESCRIPTION Allows to show a human readable textreport of a json supportReport .PARAMETER raw The Json containing the SupportReport .PARAMETER showSLA If SLA breaches should be shown. Defaults to $True .PARAMETER showBilling If billed amount should be shown. Defaults to $True .EXAMPLE Creates a Report based on a json report .\createSupportReport.ps1 -tcCustomerNames "Opticon" -to 2020-01-31 | .\ConvertTo-Txt.ps1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $raw, [Boolean] $showSLA = $True, [Boolean] $showBilling = $True ) $data = $raw | ConvertFrom-Json $customers = $data | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "isClosed"; Descending = $True}, @{Expression = "type"; Descending = $False}, @{Expression = "categoryNumber"; Descending = $False} | Group-Object -Property customerCode foreach($customer in $customers) { $totalHours = $($customer.Group | Measure-Object -Property durationBilled -Sum).Sum $totalAmount = $($customer.Group | Measure-Object -Property amountBilled -Sum).Sum $line = "Details zu $($customer.Name) - $($customer.Count) - $($totalHours.ToString('0.##'))h"; if($showBilling) { $line += " - $($totalAmount.ToString('C'))"; } Write-Output $line; $items = $customer.Group | Group-Object -Property subType foreach($subType in $items) { $totalHours = $($subType.Group | Measure-Object -Property durationBilled -Sum).Sum $totalAmount = $($subType.Group | Measure-Object -Property amountBilled -Sum).Sum $line = "### $($subType.Count) $($subType.Name) - $($totalHours.ToString('0.##'))h"; if($showBilling) { $line += " - $($totalAmount.ToString('C'))"; } $line += " ###" Write-Output $line foreach($item in $subType.Group) { $duration = $Null; $start = [datetime]$item.beginDate; $end = [datetime]$item.endDate; if($start.Date -eq $end.Date) { $duration = "am $($start.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy'))"; } else { $duration = "im Zeitraum $($start.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy'))-$($end.ToString('dd.MM.yyyy'))"; } if($item.isClosed) { if($item.durationBilled -gt 0) { $unbilledInfo = "" if($item.durationUnbilled -gt 0) { $unbilledInfo = "(+$($item.durationUnbilled)h nicht verrechnet) " } $line = " geschlossen : $($item.categoryName) $($item.taskCode) ($($item.taskDescription)) - $duration $($item.durationBilled.ToString('0.##'))h ${unbilledInfo}"; if($showBilling) { $line += "zu $($item.hourlyRate.ToString('C'))/h = $($item.amountBilled.ToString('C'))" } Write-Output $line } else { $line = " geschlossen : $($item.categoryName) $($item.taskCode) ($($item.taskDescription)) - $duration $($item.durationUnbilled.ToString('0.##'))h (nicht verrechnet)"; if($showBilling) { $line += " = $("0".ToString('C'))" } Write-Output $line } } else { $line = " noch offen : $($item.categoryName) $($item.taskCode) ($($item.taskDescription)) - $duration $($item.durationBilled.ToString('0.##'))h"; if($showBilling) { $line += " zu $($item.hourlyRate.ToString('C'))/h = $($item.amountBilled.ToString('C'))" } Write-Output $line } if($item.type -eq "Ticket" -and $showSLA -and ($item.firstResponseSLAViolation -or $item.resolutionSLAViolation)) { Write-Host " SLA : First Response SLA violation: $($item.firstResponseSLAViolation), Resolution SLA violation: $($item.resolutionSLAViolation) " -fore yellow } foreach($booking in $item.bookings) { Write-Output " : $($booking.beginTime) - $($booking.endTime) : $($booking.Description) : $($booking.user)" } } } } |