
function New-QnaSession {
    Instantiate a new Qna Session object.
    Creates a new Qna Session object and expose it into the current scope. By default, it
    will attempt to link to the qna.exe utility application binary using the following
    search path order:
      1. Directory defined within the environmental variable 'QnA'.
      2. Current working directory.
      3. Directory where the BigFix Client is registered.
      4. Every directory defined within the environmental variable 'PATH', in the order it
         is defined.
    If called with the -ExecutablePath parameter and provided with the full path of the
    qna.exe utility, the session will attempt to link to that binary.
   .Parameter ExecutablePath
    Path to the BigFix Qna utility executable (i.e. qna.exe)
    None. This function does not accept pipeline input.
    An instantiated BigFix.Qna.Session object.
    # Create a new Qna Session using the qna.exe utility application installed as part
    # of the BigFix Client installation.
    # Create a new Qna Session using the qna.exe utility application at the provided path.
    New-QnaSession -ExecutablePath 'C:\Tools\BigFix\qna.exe'

  Param (
      Mandatory = $false,
      HelpMessage = 'Path to the BigFix Qna utility executable (i.e. qna.exe)'
    [string]$ExecutablePath = $null

  try {
    $Session = $null

    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExecutablePath)) {
      $Session = Get-Variable -Name QnaSession -ValueOnly -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -eq $Session) {
      $Session = New-Object -Type BigFix.Qna.Session -ArgumentList $ExecutablePath
      $null = Set-Variable -Name QnaSession -Value $Session -Scope Script -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  } catch {
    throw "Unable to establish a Qna Session! Please check that the BigFix Qna utility executable (i.e. qna.exe) is in the BigFix Client directory, in the system path, or present at the provided path. $_"