function New-BicepParameterFile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet("All", "Required")] [string]$Parameters, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$OutputDirectory ) begin { if (-not $Script:ModuleVersionChecked) { TestModuleVersion } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutputDirectory') -and (-not (Test-Path $OutputDirectory))) { $null = New-Item $OutputDirectory -Force -ItemType Directory -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference } if ($VerbosePreference -eq [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Continue) { $FullVersion = Get-BicepNetVersion -Verbose:$false Write-Verbose -Message "Using Bicep version: $FullVersion" } } process { $File = Get-Item -Path $Path $validateBicepFile = Test-BicepFile -Path $File.FullName -AcceptDiagnosticLevel Warning -IgnoreDiagnosticOutput if (!($validateBicepFile)) { Write-Error -Message "$($File.FullName) have build errors, make sure that the Bicep template builds successfully and try again." Write-Host "`nYou can use either 'Test-BicepFile' or 'Build-Bicep' to verify that the template builds successfully.`n" break } if ($File) { $BuildResult = Build-BicepNetFile -Path $file.FullName $ARMTemplate = $BuildResult.Template[0] if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OutputDirectory')) { $OutputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath ('{0}.parameters.json' -f $File.BaseName) } else { $OutputFilePath = $File.FullName -replace '\.bicep','.parameters.json' } if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameters')){ $Parameters='Required' } GenerateParameterFile -Content $ARMTemplate -Parameters $Parameters -DestinationPath $OutputFilePath -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference } else { Write-Error "No bicep file named $Path was found!" } } } |