
  Copy AL Source Files
  This function will copy all .al and .xlf files from Path to Destination.
  Information about each file will be sent to the alFileStructure function to determine the relative location of the file.
 .Parameter Path
  Source Path from where you want to copy all AL source files
 .Parameter Destination
  Destination Path
 .Parameter Recurse
  Copy source in subfolders
 .Parameter alFileStructure
  Specify a function, which will determine the location of the individual al source files
  Copy-AlSourceFiles -Path "$sourceFolder\*" -Destination $destinationFolder -Recurse -alFileStructure $TypeFolders

function Copy-AlSourceFiles {
    Param (
        [string] $Path,
        [string] $Destination,
        [switch] $Recurse,
        [ScriptBlock] $alFileStructure

$telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters -includeParameters @()
try {

    Write-Host "Copying Al Source Files from $Path to $Destination"

    if ($alFileStructure) {
        $types = @('enum', 'page', 'table', 'codeunit', 'report', 'query', 'xmlport', 'profile', 'dotnet', 'enumextension', 'pageextension', 'tableextension', 'interface', 'entitlement', 'permissionset', 'permissionsetextension', 'pagecustomization', 'reportextension', 'profileextension')
        $noidtypes = @('profile','profileextension','interface','entitlement','pagecustomization')

        $extensions = @(".al",".xlf",".lcl")

        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse
        $files | Where-Object { ($extensions.Contains($_.Extension.ToLowerInvariant())) -and !($_.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory)) } | ForEach-Object {
            $filename = $_.Name
            $directoryname = $_.DirectoryName
            $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($_.FullName)

            try {
                if ($_.Extension -ne ".al") {
                    $type = $_.Extension
                    $id = ''
                    $name = $_.BaseName
                    $found = $true
                else {
                    $found = $false
                    foreach($Line in $content) {
                        if (-not $found) {
                            $line = $Line.Trim()
                            if ($line -notlike '//*') {
                                $idx = $line.IndexOf(' ')
                                if ($idx -lt 0) {
                                    $type = $line
                                else {
                                    $type = $line.SubString(0,$idx).ToLowerInvariant()
                                if ($types.Contains($type)) {
                                    $found = $true
                    if ($type -eq "dotnet") {
                        $id = ''
                        $name = $_.BaseName
                    else {
                        $line = $line.SubString($type.Length).TrimStart()
                        if ($noidTypes.Contains($type)) {
                            $id = ''
                        else {
                            $id = $line.SubString(0,$line.IndexOf(' '))
                            $line = $line.SubString($id.Length).Trim()
                        if ($line.StartsWith('"')) {
                            $nameendidx = $line.IndexOf('"',1)
                            $name = $line.SubString(1,$nameendidx-1)
                        else {
                            $name = $line

                $newFilename = ""
                if ($found) {
                    if ($alFileStructure.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count -eq 3) {
                        $newFilename = "$($alFileStructure.Invoke($type, $id, $name))"
                    else {
                        $newFilename = "$($alFileStructure.Invoke($type, $id, $name, [ref] $content))"
                if ($newFilename) {
                    $newFilename = $newFilename -replace '[~#%&*{}|:<>?/"]', ''
                    $destFilename = Join-Path $Destination $newFilename
                    $destPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($destFilename)
                    $destName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($destFilename)
                    if (-not (Test-Path $destPath)) {
                        New-Item $destPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

                    if (Test-Path -Path $destFilename) {
                        Write-Warning "$destFilename already exists, adding sequence number"
                        $seq = 1
                        $dotIdx = $destName.IndexOf('.')
                        if ($dotIdx -lt 0) {
                            throw "Cannot add sequence number to $destName"
                        while (Test-Path -Path $destFilename) {
                            $destFilename = Join-Path $destPath $destName.Insert($dotIdx,"$seq")

                    if ($type -eq "report") {
                        0..($content.Count-1) | % {
                            $line = $content[$_]
                            if ($line.Trim() -like "RDLCLayout = '*';" -or $line.Trim() -like "WordLayout = '*';" -or $line.Trim() -like "LayoutFile = '*';") {
                                $startIdx = $line.IndexOf("'")+1
                                $endIdx = $line.LastIndexOf("'")
                                $layoutFilename = $line.SubString($startIdx, $endIdx-$startIdx)
                                $layoutFilename = $layoutFilename.SubString($layoutFilename.LastIndexOfAny(@('\','/'))+1)
                                $layoutFile = $Files | Where-Object { ($ -eq $layoutFilename) -and ($_.DirectoryName -eq $DirectoryName)} 
                                if (!($layoutFile)){
                                    $layoutFile = $Files | Where-Object { $ -eq $layoutFilename }
                                if ($layoutFile) {
                                    $layoutcontent = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($layoutFile.FullName)
                                    if ($alFileStructure.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count -eq 3) {
                                        $layoutNewFilename = "$($alFileStructure.Invoke($layoutFile.Extension, $id, $name))"
                                    else {
                                        $layoutNewFilename = "$($alFileStructure.Invoke($layoutFile.Extension, $id, $name, [ref] $content))"

                                    if ($layoutNewFilename) {
                                        if ($layoutNewFilename.StartsWith('*\')) {
                                            $layoutDestFilename = Join-Path $DestPath $layoutNewFilename.Substring(2)
                                            $layoutDestPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($layoutDestFilename)
                                            $layoutDestName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($layoutDestFilename)
                                            if ($layoutDestName.StartsWith('*.')) {
                                                $layoutDestName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($destFileName) + $layoutDestName.Substring(1)
                                                $layoutDestFileName = Join-Path $layoutDestPath $layoutDestName
                                        elseif ($layoutNewFilename.StartsWith('*.')) {
                                            $layoutDestPath = $destPath
                                            $layoutDestName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($destFileName) + $layoutNewFilename.Substring(1)
                                            $layoutDestFilename = Join-Path $layoutDestPath $layoutDestName
                                        else {
                                            $layoutNewFilename = $layoutNewFilename -replace '[~#%&*{}|:<>?/"]', ''
                                            $layoutDestFilename = Join-Path $Destination $layoutNewFilename
                                            $layoutDestPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($layoutDestFilename)
                                            $layoutDestName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($layoutDestFilename)
                                        if (-not (Test-Path $layoutDestPath)) {
                                            New-Item $layoutDestPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
                                        if (Test-Path -Path $layoutDestFilename) {
                                            Write-Warning "$layoutDestFilename already exists, adding sequence number"
                                            $seq = 1
                                            $dotIdx = $layoutDestName.IndexOf('.')
                                            if ($dotIdx -lt 0) {
                                                throw "Cannot add sequence number to $layoutDestName"
                                            while (Test-Path -Path $layoutDestFilename) {
                                                $layoutDestFilename = Join-Path $layoutDestPath $layoutDestName.Insert($dotIdx,"$seq")

                                        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($layoutDestFilename, $layoutcontent)

                                        $filename = (get-item $layoutDestFilename).FullName
                                        if ($filename.StartsWith($Destination,"InvariantCultureIgnoreCase")) {
                                            $layoutDestFilename = $filename
                                        $content[$_] = $line.SubString(0,$startIdx) + $layoutDestFilename.Substring($destination.Length+1).Replace('\','/') + $line.SubString($endIdx)
                                else {
                                    Write-Warning "Unable to find $layoutFilename"
                    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($destFileName, $content)
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Unexpected error while handling $filename"
    else {
        Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $Destination -Recurse:$Recurse -Force | Out-Null
catch {
    TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_
finally {
    TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope
Export-ModuleMember -Function Copy-AlSourceFiles