.Synopsis Create Traefik image for currently used windows server version. .Description Create a custom Traefik docker image, based on the best generic image version according to your Windows version. This is useful when using Windows Server 2022 for example, where no prebuilt image is provided. .Parameter traefikVersion Version of Traefik to use. Default value is v1.7.33 .Parameter imageName Name of the docker image, which will be created. Default value is mytraefik:$traefikVersion .Parameter doNotUpdateConfig Specifies to only create the traefik image, but not updating the BcContainerHelper configuration to use this Traefik image. .Example Create-CustomTraefikImage -imageName mytraefik #> function Create-CustomTraefikImage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string] $traefikVersion = '', [string] $imageName = '', [switch] $doNotUpdateConfig ) # Set default traefikVersion if not specified if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($traefikVersion)) { $traefikVersion = "v1.7.33" } # Set default imageName if not specified if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($imageName)) { $imageName = "mytraefik:$traefikVersion" } # Add :latest if no tag is specified if ($imageName -notlike "*:*") { $imageName += ":$traefikVersion" } # Use TempFolder under hostHelperFolder $tempFolder = Join-Path $bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder ([GUID]::NewGuid().ToString()) New-Item $tempFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Push-Location -Path $tempFolder try { $bestGenericImage = Get-BestGenericImageName $servercoreVersion = $bestGenericImage.Split(':')[1].Split('-')[0] $serverCoreImage = "$serverCoreVersion" Write-Host "Pulling $serverCoreImage (this might take some time)" if (!(DockerDo -imageName $serverCoreImage -command 'pull')) { throw "Error pulling image" } Download-File -SourceUrl "$traefikVersion/traefik_windows-amd64.exe" -DestinationFile (Join-Path $tempFolder "traefik.exe") @" FROM $serverCoreImage SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "`$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; `$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] COPY traefik.exe traefik.exe EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT [ "/traefik.exe" ] # Metadata LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Traefik Labs" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="" \ org.opencontainers.image.title="Traefik" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="A modern reverse-proxy" \ org.opencontainers.image.version="$traefikVersion" \ org.opencontainers.image.documentation="" "@ | Set-Content 'DOCKERFILE' if (!(DockerDo -command build -parameters @("--tag $imageName") -imageName (Get-Location).Path)) { throw "Docker Build didn't indicate success" } if (!$doNotUpdateConfig) { $bcContainerHelperConfig.TraefikImage = $imageName Write-Host "Set custom Traefik image in BcContainerHelper config" # Only change TraefikImage setting - do not write all settings $bcContainerHelperConfigFile = "C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\BcContainerHelper.config.json" if (Test-Path $bcContainerHelperConfigFile) { $config = Get-Content $bcContainerHelperConfigFile -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json if (!($config.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'TraefikImage')) { $config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TraefikImage' -Value $imageName } else { $config.TraefikImage = $imageName } } else { $config = @{ "TraefikImage" = $imageName } } $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $bcContainerHelperConfigFile } $imageName } finally { Pop-Location Remove-Item $tempFolder -Recurse -Force } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Create-CustomTraefikImage |