.Synopsis Download Artifacts .Description Download artifacts from artifacts storage .Parameter artifactUrl Url for artifact to use. .Parameter includePlatform Add this switch to include the platform artifact in the download .Parameter force Add this switch to force download artifacts even though they already exists .Parameter forceRedirection Add this switch to force download redirection artifacts even though they already exists .Parameter basePath Load the artifacts into a file structure below this path. (default is c:\bcartifacts.cache) .Parameter timeout Timeout in seconds for each file download. .Example $artifactPaths = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform $appArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[0] $platformArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[1] .Example $appArtifactPath = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl #> function Download-Artifacts { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $artifactUrl, [switch] $includePlatform, [switch] $force, [switch] $forceRedirection, [string] $basePath = "", [int] $timeout = $bccontainerHelperConfig.artifactDownloadTimeout ) function DownloadPackage { Param( [string] $artifactUrl, [string] $destinationPath, [int] $timeout = 300 ) $tmpFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($destinationPath)) ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) $zipFile = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "$([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()).zip" $retry = $false do { Download-File -sourceUrl $artifactUrl -destinationFile $zipFile -timeout $timeout Write-Host "Unpacking artifact to tmp folder " -NoNewline try { Expand-7zipArchive -Path $zipFile -DestinationPath $tmpFolder -use7zipIfAvailable:(!$retry) $retry = $false } catch { Remove-Item -path $zipFile -force if (Test-Path $tmpFolder) { Remove-Item $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force } if ($retry) { throw "Error trying to unpack artifact, downloaded package is corrupt" } else { if ($artifactUrl -match '^https:\/\/(.+)\.azureedge\.net\/(.*)$') { Write-Host "Error unpacking platform artifact downloaded from CDN, retrying download from direct download URL" $artifactUrl = "https://$($Matches[1])$($Matches[2])" $retry = $true } } } } while ($retry) $result = $false try { $attempts = 0 while (!(Test-Path $destinationPath)) { try { Rename-Item -Path $tmpFolder -NewName ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($destinationPath)) -Force $result = $true } catch { if ($attempts++ -eq 5) { throw } $waittime = 5*$attempts Write-Host "Could not rename '$tmpFolder' retrying in $waittime seconds." Start-Sleep -Seconds $waittime Write-Host "Retrying..." } } } finally { if (Test-Path $zipFile) { Remove-Item -path $zipFile -force } if (Test-Path $tmpFolder) { Remove-Item $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force } } return $result } $telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters -includeParameters @("artifactUrl","includePlatform") try { if ($basePath -eq "") { $basePath = $bcContainerHelperConfig.bcartifactsCacheFolder } if (-not (Test-Path $basePath)) { New-Item $basePath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $appMutexName = "dl-$($artifactUrl.Split('?')[0].Substring(8).Replace('/','_'))" $appMutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, $appMutexName) try { try { if (!$appMutex.WaitOne(1000)) { Write-Host "Waiting for other process downloading artifact '$($artifactUrl.Split('?')[0])'" $appMutex.WaitOne() | Out-Null Write-Host "Other process completed download" } } catch [System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException] { Write-Host "Other process terminated abnormally" } do { $redir = $false $appUri = [Uri]::new($artifactUrl) $appArtifactPath = Join-Path $basePath $appUri.AbsolutePath $exists = Test-Path $appArtifactPath if ($exists -and $force) { Remove-Item $appArtifactPath -Recurse -Force $exists = $false } if ($exists -and $forceRedirection) { $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json if ($ -eq "applicationUrl") { # redirect artifacts are always downloaded Remove-Item $appArtifactPath -Recurse -Force $exists = $false } } if (-not $exists) { Write-Host "Downloading artifact $($appUri.AbsolutePath)" DownloadPackage -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -destinationPath $appArtifactPath -timeout $timeout | Out-Null } try { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText((Join-Path $appArtifactPath 'lastused'), "$([datetime]::UtcNow.Ticks)") } catch {} $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" if (Test-Path $appManifestPath) { $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json # Patch wrong license file in ONPREM AU version 20.5.45456.45889 if ($artifactUrl -like '*/onprem/20.5.45456.45889/au') { Write-Host "INFO: Patching wrong license file in ONPREM AU version 20.5.45456.45889" Download-File -sourceUrl '' -destinationFile (Join-Path $appArtifactPath 'database/Cronus.flf') } $cuFixMapping = @{ '11.0.48794.0' = 'cu53'; '11.0.48962.0' = 'cu54'; '11.0.49061.0' = 'cu55'; '11.0.49175.0' = 'cu56'; '11.0.49240.0' = 'cu57'; '11.0.49345.0' = 'cu58'; '11.0.49497.0' = 'cu59'; '11.0.49618.0' = 'cu60'; } if ($appManifest.version -in $cuFixMapping.Keys) { $ = $cuFixMapping[$appManifest.version] $appManifest | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $appManifestPath } if ($ -eq "applicationUrl") { $redir = $true $artifactUrl = $appManifest.ApplicationUrl if ($artifactUrl -notlike 'https://*') { $artifactUrl = "https://$($appUri.Host)/$artifactUrl$($appUri.Query)" } } } } while ($redir) $appArtifactPath if ($includePlatform) { if ($ -eq "platformUrl") { $platformUrl = $appManifest.platformUrl } else { $platformUrl = "$($appUri.AbsolutePath.Substring(0,$appUri.AbsolutePath.LastIndexOf('/')))/platform".TrimStart('/') } if ($platformUrl -notlike 'https://*') { $platformUrl = "https://$($appUri.Host.TrimEnd('/'))/$platformUrl$($appUri.Query)" } $platformUri = [Uri]::new($platformUrl) $PlatformMutexName = "dl-$($platformUrl.Split('?')[0].Substring(8).Replace('/','_'))" $PlatformMutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, $PlatformMutexName) try { try { if (!$PlatformMutex.WaitOne(1000)) { Write-Host "Waiting for other process downloading platform artifact '$($platformUrl.Split('?')[0])'" $PlatformMutex.WaitOne() | Out-Null Write-Host "Other process completed download" } } catch [System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException] { Write-Host "Other process terminated abnormally" } $platformArtifactPath = Join-Path $basePath $platformUri.AbsolutePath $exists = Test-Path $platformArtifactPath if ($exists -and $force) { Remove-Item $platformArtifactPath -Recurse -Force $exists = $false } if (-not $exists) { Write-Host "Downloading platform artifact $($platformUri.AbsolutePath)" $downloadprereqs = DownLoadPackage -ArtifactUrl $platformUrl -DestinationPath $platformArtifactPath -timeout $timeout if ($downloadprereqs) { $prerequisiteComponentsFile = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath "Prerequisite Components.json" if (Test-Path $prerequisiteComponentsFile) { $prerequisiteComponents = Get-Content $prerequisiteComponentsFile | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Host "Downloading Prerequisite Components" $prerequisiteComponents.PSObject.Properties | % { $skip = ($_.Name -eq "Prerequisite Components\Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office\OpenXMLSDKv25.msi") -and (([System.Version]$appManifest.Version).Major -ge 21) $path = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath $_.Name if ((-not $skip) -and (-not (Test-Path $path))) { $dirName = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path) if (-not (Test-Path $dirName)) { New-Item -Path $dirName -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $url = $_.Value Download-File -sourceUrl $url -destinationFile $path -timeout $timeout } } $dotnetCoreFolder = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath "Prerequisite Components\DotNetCore" if (!(Test-Path $dotnetCoreFolder)) { New-Item $dotnetCoreFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Download-File -sourceUrl "" -destinationFile (Join-Path $dotnetCoreFolder "DotNetCore.1.0.4_1.1.1-WindowsHosting.exe") -timeout $timeout } } # Patch potential wrong version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll $newtonSoftDllPath = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath 'ServiceTier\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\210\Service\Newtonsoft.Json.dll' if (Test-Path $newtonSoftDllPath) { 'Applications\testframework\TestRunner\Internal\Newtonsoft.Json.dll','Test Assemblies\Newtonsoft.Json.dll' | ForEach-Object { $dstFile = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath $_ $file = Get-item -Path $dstFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($file -and $file.Length -eq 686000) { Write-Host "INFO: Patching wrong version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll in $dstFile" Copy-Item -Path $newtonSoftDllPath -Destination $dstFile -Force } } } $ad1DLL = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath 'Applications\testframework\TestRunner\Internal\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll' $ad2DLL = Join-Path $platformArtifactPath 'ServiceTier\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\Management\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll' if ((Test-Path $ad1DLL) -and (Test-Path $ad2DLL)) { if ((Get-Item $ad1DLL).Length -ne (Get-Item $ad2DLL).Length) { Write-Host "INFO: Patching wrong version of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll in $ad1DLL" } Copy-Item -Path $ad2DLL -Destination $ad1DLL -Force } } } try { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText((Join-Path $platformArtifactPath 'lastused'), "$([datetime]::UtcNow.Ticks)") } catch {} $platformArtifactPath } finally { $platformMutex.ReleaseMutex() } } } finally { $appMutex.ReleaseMutex() } } catch { TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_ throw } finally { TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Download-Artifacts |