#Region './prefix.ps1' -1 Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http #EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 3 #Region './Private/Invoke-BuildCondition.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Constructs a conditional string for querying based on specified field and details. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-BuildCondition function generates a query condition string dynamically based on the input field and details provided. It constructs the condition by iterating over each operation in the details hashtable and formatting it into a string that can be used in a query statement. .PARAMETER field The field name which the conditions will be applied to. .PARAMETER details A hashtable where keys are the operation (like '=', '<', '>', 'LIKE', etc.) and values are the conditions to be applied. These values can be a single value or an array of values for the specified operation. .EXAMPLE $details = @{ '=' = 'Windows' '!=' = 'Linux' } $condition = Invoke-BuildCondition -field 'OS' -details $details # Output: (OS = 'Windows' or OS != 'Linux') .EXAMPLE $details = @{ 'LIKE' = @('Windows%', 'Linux%') } $condition = Invoke-BuildCondition -field 'OS' -details $details # Output: (OS LIKE 'Windows%' or OS LIKE 'Linux%') .NOTES Ensure that the values in the details parameter are correct and that any strings that need to be escaped are handled prior to calling this function, using the 'Escape-FilterValue' function to avoid query errors. .INPUTS String, Hashtable .OUTPUTS String .LINK Invoke-EscapeFilterValue #> function Invoke-BuildCondition([string]$field, [hashtable]$details) { $condition = "" foreach ($op in $details.Keys) { $values = $details[$op] if ($values -isnot [array]) { $values = @($values) # Ensure $values is always an array } $subConditions = @($values | ForEach-Object { $value = Invoke-EscapeFilterValue $_ "$field $op '$value'" }) if ($subConditions.Count -gt 1) { $conditionPart = '(' + ($subConditions -join ' or ') + ')' } else { $conditionPart = $subConditions[0] } $condition += "$conditionPart and " } return $condition.TrimEnd(' and ') } #EndRegion './Private/Invoke-BuildCondition.ps1' 72 #Region './Private/Invoke-EscapeFilterValue.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Escapes special characters in a string for use in filter queries. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-EscapeFilterValue function escapes characters that have special significance in query languages, such as backslashes (\), asterisks (*), and double quotes ("). This is necessary to prevent these characters from being processed as control characters in queries, ensuring the string is treated as literal text. .PARAMETER value The string value that needs escaping. .EXAMPLE $escapedValue = Invoke-EscapeFilterValue -value 'C:\Temp\*file*.txt' # Output: 'C:\\Temp\\*file*\\.txt' .EXAMPLE $userInput = '"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE "%Smith%"' $safeInput = Invoke-EscapeFilterValue -value $userInput # Output: '\"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE \"%Smith%\"' .NOTES This function is typically used before incorporating user input into a query string to avoid SQL injection or similar query manipulation issues. .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS String .LINK Invoke-BuildCondition #> function Invoke-EscapeFilterValue([string]$value) { # Escapes quotes, asterisks, and backslashes return $value -replace '\\', '\\\\' -replace '\*', '\\*' -replace '\"', '\\"' } #EndRegion './Private/Invoke-EscapeFilterValue.ps1' 42 #Region './Public/Close-ApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Closes the current API session. .DESCRIPTION The Close-ApiSession function clears the current API session stored in a script-scoped variable, effectively ending the session. This is typically used to clean up session data after API interactions are complete. .EXAMPLE Close-ApiSession This example demonstrates how to call the Close-ApiSession function to clear the current API session. .NOTES This function checks if the $script:apiSession variable is populated before attempting to clear it to prevent errors. .LINK Get-CurrentApiSession Initialize-ApiSession #> function Close-ApiSession { if(-not $script:apiSession) { return } $script:apiSession.Clear() } #EndRegion './Public/Close-ApiSession.ps1' 28 #Region './Public/ConvertTo-PlainText.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a PSCredential object's password to plain text. .DESCRIPTION The ConvertTo-PlainText function takes a PSCredential object as input and converts the secure string password to plain text. .PARAMETER Credential The PSCredential object whose password is to be converted to plain text. This is a mandatory parameter. .EXAMPLE $cred = Get-Credential ConvertTo-PlainText -Credential $cred This example demonstrates how to use the ConvertTo-PlainText function. It first prompts the user for a username and password (Get-Credential), then converts the password to plain text. .NOTES Be careful when using this function, as it can expose sensitive password information in plain text. #> function ConvertTo-PlainText { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) try { $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.Password) $PlainTextPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr) } finally { if ($null -ne $bstr) { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($bstr) } } return $PlainTextPassword } #EndRegion './Public/ConvertTo-PlainText.ps1' 40 #Region './Public/Get-ApiWebSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current API web session. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ApiWebSession function returns the web session object stored in a script-scoped variable. This session object can be used for making authenticated web requests to the API. .EXAMPLE $session = Get-ApiWebSession This example demonstrates how to retrieve the current API web session and store it in a variable. .NOTES This function is part of the BaseApiBuilder module which provides a set of tools for interacting with RESTful APIs. .LINK Initialize-ApiSession - For initializing a new API session. Close-ApiSession - For closing the current API session. #> Function Get-ApiWebSession { return $script:apiSession.WebSession } #EndRegion './Public/Get-ApiWebSession.ps1' 26 #Region './Public/Get-AuthHeaders.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the authentication headers for the current API session. .DESCRIPTION The Get-AuthHeaders function returns the authentication headers stored in a script-scoped variable. These headers are used for making authenticated requests to the API. If the authentication headers are not set, the function will throw an error instructing to initialize an authentication session. .EXAMPLE $headers = Get-AuthHeaders This example demonstrates how to retrieve the authentication headers for the current API session. .NOTES This function is part of the BaseApiBuilder module which provides a set of tools for interacting with RESTful APIs. It requires an active authentication session initialized by calling Initialize-AuthSession. .LINK Initialize-AuthSession - For initializing the authentication session. Close-ApiSession - For closing the current API session. #> function Get-AuthHeaders { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns','')] [CmdletBinding()] param() if ($null -eq $script:apiSession.AuthHeaders) { Write-Error "Authentication is required. Please call Initialize-AuthSession." exit } return $script:apiSession.AuthHeaders } #EndRegion './Public/Get-AuthHeaders.ps1' 32 #Region './Public/Get-BaseUri.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the base URI for the current API session. .DESCRIPTION The Get-BaseUri function returns the base URI stored in a script-scoped variable if it has been set. If the base URI is not set, it throws an error instructing the user to initialize it using Set-BaseUri. .EXAMPLE $baseUri = Get-BaseUri This example demonstrates how to retrieve the base URI for the current API session. .NOTES This function is part of the BaseApiBuilder module which provides a set of tools for interacting with RESTful APIs. It requires the base URI to be initialized before calling this function. .LINK Set-BaseUri - For initializing the base URI for the API session.. #> function Get-BaseUri { [CmdletBinding()] param () # Check if the apiSession is initialized and contains the BaseUrl if ($script:apiSession -and $script:apiSession.Contains("BaseUri") -and $null -ne $script:apiSession.BaseUri) { return $script:apiSession["BaseUri"] } else { Write-Error "BaseUri is not set. Please initialize it using Set-BaseUri." return $null } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-BaseUri.ps1' 34 #Region './Public/Get-CurrentApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current API session. .DESCRIPTION The Get-CurrentApiSession function returns the current API session object stored in a script-scoped variable. This session object can be used to manage and maintain state across multiple API calls within the same session. .EXAMPLE $session = Get-CurrentApiSession This example demonstrates how to retrieve the current API session and store it in a variable. .NOTES This function is part of the BaseApiBuilder module which provides a set of tools for interacting with RESTful APIs. It is essential for managing the lifecycle of an API session. .LINK Initialize-ApiSession - For initializing a new API session. Close-ApiSession - For closing the current API session. Get-ApiWebSession - For retrieving the web session object. Get-AuthHeaders - For retrieving authentication headers for the current session. #> function Get-CurrentApiSession { return $script:apiSession } #EndRegion './Public/Get-CurrentApiSession.ps1' 26 #Region './Public/Initialize-ApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes an API session by setting up web request headers, a user agent, and an optional base URI. .DESCRIPTION The Initialize-ApiSession function sets up a session for interacting with APIs. It combines authentication and custom headers, sets a user agent, optionally configures a base URI, and initializes a web request session. It closes any existing API session before setting up a new one. .PARAMETER BaseURI The base URI for the API. This is not mandatory but recommended if all requests will use the same base URI. .PARAMETER AuthHeaders A hashtable of authentication headers. Default is an empty hashtable. .PARAMETER CustomHeaders A hashtable of custom headers to be used in the API session. Default is an empty hashtable. .PARAMETER UserAgent The user agent string to be used in the session. Defaults to "PowerShell API Client". .PARAMETER WebSession An existing WebRequestSession object that can be reused. If not provided, a new session will be created. .EXAMPLE $authHeaders = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer your_token" } $session = Initialize-ApiSession -BaseURI "" -AuthHeaders $authHeaders .OUTPUTS Hashtable Returns a hashtable containing session details including time, base URI, authentication headers, and the web request session. #> function Initialize-ApiSession { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$BaseURI, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$AuthHeaders = @{}, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$CustomHeaders = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$UserAgent = "PowerShell API Client", [Parameter()] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$WebSession ) Close-ApiSession $CombinedHeaders = $AuthHeaders + $CustomHeaders if ($UserAgent) { $CombinedHeaders["User-Agent"] = $UserAgent } if ($BaseURI) { #Set-BaseUri -Uri $BaseURI } if (-not $WebSession) { $WebSession = Initialize-WebRequestSession -Headers $CombinedHeaders } $hash = @{ Time = (Get-Date) BaseUri = $BaseURI AuthHeaders = $AuthHeaders WebSession = $WebSession } Set-CurrentApiSession -SessionHash $hash Write-Verbose "API session initialized successfully." return (Get-CurrentApiSession) } #EndRegion './Public/Initialize-ApiSession.ps1' 84 #Region './Public/Initialize-AuthSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes an authentication session for API calls. .DESCRIPTION The Initialize-AuthSession function is designed to create an authentication session using either an API key or user credentials. It returns a hashtable with the necessary authorization headers for making authenticated API requests. If an API key is provided, it uses Bearer authentication; otherwise, it uses Basic authentication with the provided credentials. .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key for Bearer authentication. This parameter is optional and mutually exclusive with the Credentials parameter. .PARAMETER Credentials The user credentials for Basic authentication. This parameter is optional and mutually exclusive with the ApiKey parameter. .EXAMPLE $authSession = Initialize-AuthSession -ApiKey 'your_api_key_here' This example demonstrates how to initialize an authentication session using an API key. .EXAMPLE $creds = Get-Credential $authSession = Initialize-AuthSession -Credentials $creds This example demonstrates how to initialize an authentication session using user credentials. .NOTES This function requires either an ApiKey or Credentials parameter to be provided. If neither or both are provided, it will result in an error. .LINK Get-AuthHeaders - For retrieving authentication headers for the current session. #> function Initialize-AuthSession { [OutputType([hashtable])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$ApiKey = $null, [PSCredential]$Credentials = $null ) if ($ApiKey) { $authSession = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $ApiKey" } return $authSession } elseif ($Credentials) { if ($network) { $Pass = $($Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password) } else { $Pass = (ConvertTo-PlainText -Credential $Credentials) } $authSession = @{ Authorization = "Basic " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($Credentials.UserName):$($Pass)")) } return $authSession } else { Write-Error "No valid authentication method provided." } } #EndRegion './Public/Initialize-AuthSession.ps1' 52 #Region './Public/Initialize-WebRequestSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes and returns a web request session object with custom headers and credentials. .DESCRIPTION The Initialize-WebRequestSession function creates a new web request session, configuring it with optional headers, credentials, and a cookie container to manage cookies across requests. This session can be used with various cmdlets that require a WebRequestSession parameter. .PARAMETER Headers A hashtable containing headers to be added to the web request session. Default is an empty hashtable. .PARAMETER Credentials A PSCredential object containing user credentials for the web request session. .EXAMPLE $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer token" } $creds = Get-Credential $session = Initialize-WebRequestSession -Headers $headers -Credentials $creds Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -WebSession $session .OUTPUTS Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession Returns a WebRequestSession object configured with headers, credentials, and cookie management. #> function Initialize-WebRequestSession { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [hashtable]$Headers = @{}, [Parameter()] [PSCredential]$Credentials ) $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession foreach ($key in $Headers.Keys) { $session.Headers.Add($key, $Headers[$key]) Write-Verbose "Added header: $key with value: $($Headers[$key])" } if ($Credentials) { $session.Credentials = $Credentials Write-Verbose "Credentials set for the session." } $session.Cookies = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer Write-Verbose "Cookie container initialized." # [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 | [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 | [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls Write-Verbose "Web request session object created." return $session } #EndRegion './Public/Initialize-WebRequestSession.ps1' 59 #Region './Public/Invoke-ApiRequest.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes an API request to a specified endpoint. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-ApiRequest function sends an HTTP request to the specified API endpoint. It can handle various HTTP methods and allows for additional query parameters and request body content. .PARAMETER UriPrefix The base URI prefix for the API endpoint. .PARAMETER Endpoint The specific API endpoint to which the request will be sent. .PARAMETER QueryParams A hashtable of query parameters to be appended to the endpoint. Default is an empty hashtable. .PARAMETER Method The HTTP method to be used for the request. Default is "Get". .PARAMETER Body The content body of the request, used with methods like POST or PUT. .EXAMPLE $response = Invoke-ApiRequest -UriPrefix "" -Endpoint "data" -Method "Get" This example sends a GET request to .EXAMPLE $body = @{name="John"; age=30} | ConvertTo-Json $response = Invoke-ApiRequest -UriPrefix "" -Endpoint "users" -Method "Post" -Body $body This example sends a POST request to with a JSON body containing name and age. .OUTPUTS Object Returns the response from the API request. .NOTES Ensure that the API endpoint and UriPrefix are correctly configured within the function. .LINK For more information on HTTP methods: #> function Invoke-ApiRequest { [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$UriPrefix, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Endpoint, [Parameter()] [hashtable]$QueryParams = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$Method = "Get", [Parameter()] [string]$Body ) $BaseURI = Get-BaseUri $CombinedUri = Join-Path $UriPrefix $Endpoint $Uri = New-ApiUri -BaseUri $BaseURI -Endpoint $CombinedUri -QueryParams $QueryParams $webSession = Get-ApiWebSession # Prepare the parameters hashtable for Invoke-RestMethod $restParams = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = $Method WebSession = $webSession } # Conditionally add the Body parameter if it's provided if ($Body) { $restParams['Body'] = $Body } # Execute the API request $response = Invoke-RestMethod @restParams return $response } #EndRegion './Public/Invoke-ApiRequest.ps1' 87 #Region './Public/New-ApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new API session object. .DESCRIPTION The New-ApiSession function initializes a new, empty API session object as a script-scoped hashtable. This session object is used to store session-specific information such as authentication headers, base URI, and other relevant data for making API calls. .EXAMPLE New-ApiSession This example demonstrates how to create a new API session object. .NOTES This function is part of the BaseApiBuilder module which provides a set of tools for interacting with RESTful APIs. It is the first step in establishing a session for API interactions. #> function New-ApiSession { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param () $script:apiSession = @{} } #EndRegion './Public/New-ApiSession.ps1' 26 #Region './Public/New-ApiUri.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new API URI based on base URI, endpoint, and query parameters. .DESCRIPTION The New-ApiUri function constructs a complete URI for API calls. It takes a base URI, an endpoint, and an optional hashtable of query parameters, then returns the constructed URI. If query parameters include nested hashtables, they are converted into a filter string format. .PARAMETER BaseUri The base URI of the API. .PARAMETER Endpoint The specific endpoint to be appended to the base URI. .PARAMETER QueryParams An optional hashtable of query parameters to be appended to the URI. Supports nested hashtables for complex filters. .EXAMPLE $baseUri = "" $endpoint = "data" $queryParams = @{ "filter" = "active"; "sort" = "name" } $uri = New-ApiUri -BaseUri $baseUri -Endpoint $endpoint -QueryParams $queryParams This example constructs a URI for the "data" endpoint on "", with a filter for active items and sorting by name. .NOTES This function is part of a PowerShell module designed to simplify API interactions by generating URIs dynamically based on provided parameters. .LINK - Get-AuthHeaders - For retrieving authentication headers for API calls. - Initialize-ApiSession - For initializing a new API session. #> function New-ApiUri { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$BaseUri, [string]$Endpoint, [hashtable]$QueryParams ) $uriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder $BaseUri $uriBuilder.Path += $Endpoint # Build the query string from the hashtable $query = $QueryParams.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { # Exclude null or empty values $null -ne $_.Value -and ($_.Value -isnot [string] -or -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) } | ForEach-Object { $key = [Uri]::EscapeDataString($_.Key) $value = $_.Value # Handle complex filters stored in a nested hashtable if ($value -is [hashtable]) { # Convert hashtable to a filter string (e.g., "key1='value1' and key2='value2'") $filterConditions = $value.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Value -and ($_.Value -isnot [string] -or -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) } | ForEach-Object { $filterKey = $_.Key $filterValue = $_.Value "$filterKey='$filterValue'" } $value = $filterConditions -join ' and ' } # Prepare the key-value pair for the query string if not empty if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $value = [Uri]::EscapeDataString($value) "$key=$value" } } # Only join non-empty entries $uriBuilder.Query = ($query | Where-Object { $_ }) -join '&' # Return the complete URI return $uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri } #EndRegion './Public/New-ApiUri.ps1' 82 #Region './Public/New-FilterQuery.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Constructs a complete filter query string from a hashtable of filter conditions. .DESCRIPTION The New-FilterQuery function constructs a comprehensive query string by processing a hashtable where each key-value pair represents a field and its associated conditions. It uses the Invoke-BuildCondition function to generate conditional strings for each field, and then combines these conditions into a single query string using logical 'and'. .PARAMETER Filters A hashtable containing the fields and their corresponding conditions. Each key in the hashtable is a field name, and each value is another hashtable where the keys are operators (e.g., '=', '<', 'LIKE') and the values are the conditions to apply with those operators. .EXAMPLE $filters = @{ 'Name' = @{ 'LIKE' = 'John%' } 'Age' = @{ '>=' = 30 } } $query = New-FilterQuery -Filters $filters # Output: (Name LIKE 'John%') and (Age >= '30') .NOTES This function relies on Invoke-BuildCondition to handle the creation of condition strings. Ensure that the filters and values provided are valid and that they are formatted correctly to avoid errors in the query construction. .INPUTS Hashtable .OUTPUTS String .LINK Invoke-BuildCondition Invoke-EscapeFilterValue #> function New-FilterQuery { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$Filters ) $queryParts = @() foreach ($field in $Filters.Keys) { $details = $Filters[$field] $queryParts += Invoke-BuildCondition $field $details } $queryString = $queryParts -join ' and ' return $queryString } #EndRegion './Public/New-FilterQuery.ps1' 63 #Region './Public/Set-BaseUri.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the base URI for API calls. .DESCRIPTION The Set-BaseUri function is used to set the base URI for subsequent API calls. It stores the base URI in a script-scoped variable for use by other functions in the module. .PARAMETER Uri The base URI to be used for API calls. This parameter is mandatory. .EXAMPLE Set-BaseUri -Uri "" This example sets the base URI to "" for all subsequent API calls. .NOTES This function is part of a PowerShell module designed to simplify interactions with RESTful APIs by managing session state, including authentication and base URIs. .LINK - Initialize-AuthSession - For initializing the authentication session. - New-ApiSession - For creating a new API session object. #> function Set-BaseUri { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Uri ) # Ensure the apiSession variable is initialized if (-not $script:apiSession) { $script:apiSession = @{} } # Set the BaseUrl in the apiSession $script:apiSession["BaseUri"] = $Uri Write-Verbose "BaseUri set to: $Uri" } #EndRegion './Public/Set-BaseUri.ps1' 41 #Region './Public/Set-CurrentApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the current API session to a specified session hash. .DESCRIPTION The Set-CurrentApiSession function updates the global variable $script:apiSession with a new session hash. This session hash typically includes session details such as the base URI, headers, and other configurations. .PARAMETER SessionHash A hashtable containing the session details to be set as the current API session. .EXAMPLE $sessionDetails = @{ Time = (Get-Date) BaseUri = '' AuthHeaders = @{ Authorization = "Bearer your_token_here" } } Set-CurrentApiSession -SessionHash $sessionDetails This example sets the current API session to the specified session details. .OUTPUTS None. This function updates a global variable and does not output directly. .NOTES This function is typically used in scripts where API session details need to be maintained across multiple function calls. #> function Set-CurrentApiSession { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [hashtable]$SessionHash ) $script:apiSession = $SessionHash Write-Verbose "API session updated successfully." } #EndRegion './Public/Set-CurrentApiSession.ps1' 39 #Region './Public/Test-ApiSession.ps1' -1 <# .SYNOPSIS Tests the current API session for validity and throws an error if the session is invalid. .DESCRIPTION The Test-ApiSession function checks if the current API session is initialized and if the web session within it is valid. If either condition is not met, the function throws an error that stops execution, indicating that the API session is not valid. This behavior ensures that subsequent API operations are not attempted on an invalid session. .EXAMPLE try { Test-ApiSession # Additional code to run on a valid session } catch { Write-Error "Session validation failed: $_" } This example demonstrates how to call the Test-ApiSession function within a try/catch block to handle possible errors from an invalid API session. .NOTES This function is part of a PowerShell module designed to manage API sessions. It is crucial to use this function to ensure that an API session is properly initialized and valid before attempting to make API calls. The function will halt script execution if the session is found to be invalid. .LINK - Get-CurrentApiSession - For retrieving the current API session. - New-ApiSession - For creating a new API session. #> function Test-ApiSession { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param () $functionName = $(($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name) $VerbosePrefix = "[${functionName}] -" # Check if the API session is initialized $currentSession = Get-CurrentApiSession if (-not $currentSession) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix API session is not initialized." Throw "API session is not initialized." } # Check if the web session is valid if (-not $currentSession.WebSession) { Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Web session is not valid." Throw "Web session is not valid." } Write-Verbose "API session is valid." } #EndRegion './Public/Test-ApiSession.ps1' 49 |