
Function Get-BGUAccessToken {
        This function is used to obtain the access token for the BackTheGraph Up commandlets, This will store a global variable with the access token for your current session.
        This function is used to obtain the access token for the BackTheGraph Up commandlets, This will store a global variable with the access token for your current session.
        This module requires the Connect-AZAD_Token module to be installed, if this is not already installed, It will install it for you.
        PS C:\> Get-BGUAccessToken
        This will connect you to the tenant your account is associated with.
        PS C:\> Get-BGUAccessToken -TenantID <TenantID>
        This will allow you connect to another tenant even as a guest account as long as you have the privileges.
        PS C:\> Get-BGUAccessToken -DelegateID <ClientApplicationID>
        This will be required to manage conditional access modules, as these require additional permissions not granted to the Default Powershell Module.
        PS C:\> Get-BGUAccessToken -TenantID <TenantID> -ClientID <ClientApplicationID> -ClientSecret <ClientSecret>
        This will connect you to a tenant without been prompted to login.
        -TenantID : Used to connect to another Tenant
        -ClientID : Used to connect to the Graph API using a Client ID and Secret, Also requires TenantID (AKA. Application Access)
        -ClientSecret : See ClientID
        -DelegateID : This will be required to manage conditional access modules, as these require additional permissions not granted to the Default Powershell Module.
        $BGUAccessToken : This contains all of the information used in other modules.

    param (
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        #Your Azure Tenent ID
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion",

    begin {
        $RequireMod = Get-Module -Name "Connect-AzAD_Token" -ListAvailable
        if (!($RequireMod)) {
            try {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Attempting to Install the Connect-AzADToken Powershell module..."
                Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                Install-Module "Connect-AzAD_token" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                Throw "Failed to install the AzureAD PowerShell Module" 

        Import-Module Connect-AzAD_Token

        $ConnectParams = @{}
        IF ($ClientID) { $ConnectParams.Add('ClientID', $ClientID) }
        IF ($ClientSecret) { $ConnectParams.Add('ClientSecret', $ClientSecret) }
        IF ($DelegateID) { $ConnectParams.Add('DelegateID', $DelegateID) }
        IF ($TenantId) {
            $ConnectParams.Add('Tenant', $TenantId)
        ELSE {
            $TenantID = $UserInfo.TenantID

    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $global:BGUAccessToken = Connect-AzAD_Token @ConnectParams
        catch {
            throw "Failed to obtain access token"

#region AdminTemplates
Function Get-AdminTemplates {
        This function is used to get Administrative Template policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Administrative Template policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-AdminTemplates
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-AdminTemplates -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            createdDateTime : 2020-11-19T09:40:16.901865Z
            displayName : Prod - AdminTemplate
            description :
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}
            id : 7f0bb273-xxx-xxx-xx-823aff445xxx
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2020-11-19T09:40:17.4799505Z

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"
        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-AdminTemplate {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                $ImportObject_Settings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject_Settings', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject_Settings', $ImportObject_Settings)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the Import_File Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $Import_File = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $File_Info = Get-Item $Import_File | Select-Object -Property *

                $ImportSettingsFile = Join-Path -Path $File_Info.DirectoryName -ChildPath ($File_Info.BaseName + "_settings.json")
                if (Test-Path -Path $ImportSettingsFile) {
                    $Settings = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $ImportSettingsFile -Raw))
                $BasePolicyJSON = Get-Content $Import_File | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Object {
                $BasePolicyJSON = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
                $Settings = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject_Settings
        $GraphBasePolicyImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations"
            BODY        = $BasePolicyJSON
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        $BasePolicyImport_Request = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphBasePolicyImportParams

        IF ($BasePolicyImport_Request) {
            foreach ($Setting in $Settings) {
                IF ($Setting.presentationValues) {
                    $CurrentSettings = $Setting.presentationValues | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty presentation, id, lastmodifieddatetime, createddatetime
                    $Setting.presentationValues = @()
                    $Setting.presentationValues += $CurrentSettings
                $GraphImportParams = @{
                    Method      = "POST"
                    URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations/$($"
                    BODY        = ($Setting | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
                Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Get-AdminTemplate_Settings {
        This function is used to get Administrative Template policy settings from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Administrative Template policy settings from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function accepts the Object input from Get-AdminTemplates
        PS C:\> Get-AdminTemplates_Settings -InputObject (Get-AdminTemplates -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>)
        This will return all of the policy settings for that AdminTemplate
        -InputObject : The object output of Get-AdminTemplates
            Name Value
            ---- -----
            enabled True
            enabled True

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    Process {
        $adm_settings = @()
        # Get all policies set for the profile
        $GraphDefinitionValuesParam = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations/$($`$expand=definition"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader
        $Definition_Values = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphDefinitionValuesParam
        #For Each definition value, Get the presentation value with its settings
        foreach ($Def in $Definition_Values.value) {
            # Get presentation values for the passed in object
            $GraphPresentationValuesParams = @{
                METHOD  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations/$($$($`$expand=presentation"
                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
            $presnetation_values = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphPresentationValuesParams
            $adm_obj = @{
                "enabled"               = $Def.enabled
                "definition@odata.bind" = "$($GraphURI)/deviceManagement/groupPolicyDefinitions('$($')"

            #If presentation_Values is not blank, Get the settings
            if ($presnetation_values.value) {
                # Policy presentation values
                $adm_obj.presentationValues = @()
                $presnetation = $null
                foreach ($presentation in $presnetation_values.value) {
                    $presentation | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "presentation@odata.bind" -Value "$($GraphURI)/deviceManagement/groupPolicyDefinitions('$($')/presentations('$($')"
                    $adm_obj.presentationValues += $presentation
            $adm_settings += $adm_obj
function Export-AdminTemplate {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/groupPolicyConfigurations/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force

                    # Export the settings from the Admin Template
                    $adm_settings = Get-AdminTemplate_Settings -InputObject $export_obj
                    ConvertTo-Json $adm_settings -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$($export_obj.displayName)_Settings.json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-AdminTemplate {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"

        $BaseObject = Export-AdminTemplate -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        $BaseObject_Settings = Get-AdminTemplate_Settings -InputObject $BaseObject
        Import-AdminTemplate -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject -ImportObject_Settings $BaseObject_Settings
#endregion Admin Templates

#region Scripts
function Invoke-Encoder {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Encode', 'Decode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    switch ($Type) {
        Encode { 
        Decode {
Function Get-IntuneScript {
        This function is used to get Intune Based Scripts from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Intune Based Scripts from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-IntuneScript
        This will return all of the scripts within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-IntuneScripts -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single script for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            enforceSignatureCheck : False
            runAs32Bit : False
            id : 5ab5bc74-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-64e12xxxabcb
            displayName : ScriptDisplay
            description : Updated 04/23/2021 08:26:41
                                    Updated 04/23/2021 08:28:51
            scriptContent :
            createdDateTime : 2021-04-20T14:00:12.9934699Z
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2021-04-23T07:28:51.4886844Z
            runAsAccount : system
            fileName : ScriptDisplay.ps1
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"
        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-IntuneScript {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $Import_File = $PSBoundParameters.File

        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $File_Info = Get-Item $Import_File | Select-Object -Property *

                $ImportScript = Join-Path -Path $File_Info.DirectoryName -ChildPath ($File_Info.BaseName + ".ps1")
                $ImportObject = Get-Content $Import_File | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags
                if (Test-Path -Path $ImportScript) {
                    $ImportObject.scriptContent = (Invoke-Encoder -Type Encode (Get-Content $ImportScript -Raw))
                $ImportJSON = $ImportObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Object {
                $ImportJSON = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts"
            BODY        = $ImportJSON
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-IntuneScript {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File', 'ScriptOnly')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary
            ScriptOnly {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
                    Invoke-Encoder -Type Decode -Value $export_obj.ScriptContent | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).PS1" -Encoding ascii -Force
                ScriptOnly {
                    Invoke-Encoder -Type Decode -Value $export_obj.ScriptContent | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).PS1" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-IntuneScript {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"

        $BaseObject = Export-IntuneScript -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"

        Import-IntuneScript -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
function Update-IntuneScript {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion",

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $PSAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $PSAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom PSAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ScriptFile = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ScriptFile', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ScriptFile', $ScriptFile)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ScriptObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ScriptObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ScriptObject', $ScriptObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ScriptFile) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.ScriptFile)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.ScriptFile"
            else {
                $ScriptImport = $PSBoundParameters.ScriptFile
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    Process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"

        $Policy = Get-IntuneScript -Type FilterQuery -FilterID $PolicyID

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $Policy.ScriptContent = Invoke-Encoder -Type Encode -Value (Get-Content $ScriptImport -Raw)
            Object {
                $Policy.ScriptContent = Invoke-Encoder -Type Encode -Value $ScriptObject
        switch ($DoNotAppendDescription) {
            false {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Policy.description)) {
                    $NewDescription = "Updated $(Get-Date)"
                else {
                    $CurrentDescription = $Policy.description
                    $NewDescription = "$CurrentDescription `nUpdated $(Get-Date)"
                $Policy.description = $NewDescription

        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "PATCH"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts/$PolicyID"
            BODY        = ($Policy | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Edit-IntuneScript {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion",

    DynamicParam {

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            $TempFile = "$env:TEMP\$(($export_obj.displayName)).PS1"
            Invoke-Encoder -Type Decode -Value $export_obj.ScriptContent | Out-File $TempFile -Encoding ascii -Force

            Start-Job -Name "EditIntuneScript_$($export_obj.displayname)" -ScriptBlock { param($TempFile) Start-Process notepad -ArgumentList "$TempFile" -wait } -ArgumentList $TempFile | Wait-Job | Out-Null
            #Start-Process "NotePad.exe" -ArgumentList "$TempFile" -Wait
            switch ($DoNotAppendDescription) {
                false { 
                    Update-IntuneScript -PolicyID $PolicyID -Type File -ScriptFile $TempFile
                true {
                    Update-IntuneScript -PolicyID $PolicyID -Type File -ScriptFile $TempFile -DoNotAppendDescription
            Remove-Item -Path $TempFile -Force
#endregion Scripts

#region AppProtection Policies
Function Get-AppProtectionPolicies {
        This function is used to get App Protection policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get App Protection policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-AppProtectionPolicies
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-AppProtectionPolicies -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            @odata.type : #microsoft.graph.windowsInformationProtectionPolicy
            displayName : AppProtection Policy Name
            description :
            createdDateTime : 2021-04-13T06:58:28.6163181Z
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2021-04-13T06:58:28.6163181Z
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}
            id : W_24415669-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5b4598e23da4
            version : 0.0
            enforcementLevel : encryptAuditAndPrompt
            enterpriseDomain :
            protectionUnderLockConfigRequired : False
            dataRecoveryCertificate :
            revokeOnUnenrollDisabled : False
            rightsManagementServicesTemplateId :
            azureRightsManagementServicesAllowed : False
            iconsVisible : False
            enterpriseIPRangesAreAuthoritative : False
            enterpriseProxyServersAreAuthoritative : False
            indexingEncryptedStoresOrItemsBlocked : False
            isAssigned : False
            revokeOnMdmHandoffDisabled : False
            mdmEnrollmentUrl :
            windowsHelloForBusinessBlocked : False
            pinMinimumLength : 4
            pinUppercaseLetters : notAllow
            pinLowercaseLetters : notAllow
            pinSpecialCharacters : notAllow
            pinExpirationDays : 0
            numberOfPastPinsRemembered : 0
            passwordMaximumAttemptCount : 0
            minutesOfInactivityBeforeDeviceLock : 0
            daysWithoutContactBeforeUnenroll : 90
            enterpriseProtectedDomainNames : {}
            protectedApps : {}
            exemptApps : {}
            enterpriseNetworkDomainNames : {}
            enterpriseProxiedDomains : {}
            enterpriseIPRanges : {}
            enterpriseProxyServers : {}
            enterpriseInternalProxyServers : {}
            neutralDomainResources : {}
            smbAutoEncryptedFileExtensions : {}

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"
        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-AppProtectionPolicies {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File

        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, version, "@odata.context", apps@odata.context, deployedAppCount 
                $ImportApps = $ImportBody.apps | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id, version
                $ImportBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'apps' -Value @($ImportApps) -Force
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, version, "@odata.context", apps@odata.context, deployedAppCount
                $ImportApps = $ImportBody.apps | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id, version
                $ImportBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'apps' -Value @($ImportApps) -Force
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies"
            BODY        = ($ImportBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-AppProtectionPolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                    Switch ($export_obj.'@odata.type') {
                        "#microsoft.graph.androidManagedAppProtection" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/androidManagedAppProtections/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=apps"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'apps' -Value @($appExport_obj.apps)                            
                        "#microsoft.graph.iosManagedAppProtection" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/iosManagedAppProtections/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=apps"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'apps' -Value @($appExport_obj.apps)
                        "#microsoft.graph.windowsInformationProtectionPolicy" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/windowsInformationProtectionPolicies/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=protectedAppLockerFiles,exemptAppLockerFiles"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'protectedAppLockerFiles' -Value @($appExport_obj.protectedAppLockerFiles)
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'exemptAppLockerFiles' -Value @($appExport_obj.exemptAppLockerFiles)
                        "#microsoft.graph.mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicy" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicies/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=protectedAppLockerFiles,exemptAppLockerFiles"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'protectedAppLockerFiles' -Value @($appExport_obj.protectedAppLockerFiles)
                            $export_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name 'exemptAppLockerFiles' -Value @($appExport_obj.exemptAppLockerFiles)

                File {
                    #Get Apps Assigned to the Policy
                    Switch ($export_obj.'@odata.type') {
                        "#microsoft.graph.androidManagedAppProtection" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/androidManagedAppProtections/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=apps"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            ConvertTo-Json $app_Export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force

                        "#microsoft.graph.iosManagedAppProtection" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/iosManagedAppProtections/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=apps"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            ConvertTo-Json $app_Export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
                        "#microsoft.graph.windowsInformationProtectionPolicy" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/windowsInformationProtectionPolicies/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=protectedAppLockerFiles,exemptAppLockerFiles"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            ConvertTo-Json $app_Export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
                        "#microsoft.graph.mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicy" {
                            $GraphObjectParams = @{
                                METHOD  = "GET"
                                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicies/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=protectedAppLockerFiles,exemptAppLockerFiles"
                                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
                            $appExport_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams
                            ConvertTo-Json $app_Export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force

function Copy-AppProtectionPolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"

        $BaseObject = Export-AppProtectionPolicies -Type Object $PolicyID | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, version, "@odata.context", apps@odata.context, deployedAppCount
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"

        Import-AppProtectionPolicies -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion AppProtection Policies

#region Compliance Policies
Function Get-CompliancePolicies {
        This function is used to get Compliance Policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Compliance Policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-CompliancePolicies
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-CompliancePolicies -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            @odata.type : #microsoft.graph.windows10CompliancePolicy
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}
            id : 148f61df-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e0202a883a7c
            createdDateTime : 2020-10-30T05:52:25.7143691Z
            description :
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2020-10-30T05:52:25.7143691Z
            displayName : Compliance_Device_Security
            version : 1
            passwordRequired : False
            passwordBlockSimple : False
            passwordRequiredToUnlockFromIdle : False
            passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock :
            passwordExpirationDays :
            passwordMinimumLength :
            passwordMinimumCharacterSetCount :
            passwordRequiredType : deviceDefault
            passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount :
            requireHealthyDeviceReport : False
            osMinimumVersion :
            osMaximumVersion :
            mobileOsMinimumVersion :
            mobileOsMaximumVersion :
            earlyLaunchAntiMalwareDriverEnabled : False
            bitLockerEnabled : False
            secureBootEnabled : False
            codeIntegrityEnabled : False
            storageRequireEncryption : False
            activeFirewallRequired : True
            defenderEnabled : False
            defenderVersion :
            signatureOutOfDate : False
            rtpEnabled : False
            antivirusRequired : True
            antiSpywareRequired : False
            deviceThreatProtectionEnabled : False
            deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel : unavailable
            configurationManagerComplianceRequired : False
            tpmRequired : False
            deviceCompliancePolicyScript :
            validOperatingSystemBuildRanges : {}
            scheduledActionsForRule@odata.context :$metadata#deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies('148f61df-e7a3-40f2-b728-e0202a883a7c')/microsoft.graph.windows10CompliancePolicy/schedul
            scheduledActionsForRule : {@{id=148f61df-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e0202a883a7c; ruleName=; scheduledActionConfigurations@odata.context=$metadata#deviceManagement/deviceComplianc
                                                        figurations; scheduledActionConfigurations=System.Object[]}}

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies?`$expand=scheduledActionsForRule(`$expand=scheduledActionConfigurations)"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"
        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-CompliancePolicies {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, lastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, scheduledActionsForRule@odata.context
                IF (-Not ($ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule)) {
                    $SAFRuleOBJ = @(
                            "ruleName"                      = "PasswordRequired" 
                            "scheduledActionConfigurations" = @(
                                    "actionType"                = "block"
                                    "gracePeriodHours"          = 0
                                    "notificationTemplateId"    = ""
                                    "notificationMessageCCList" = @()
                    $ImportBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "scheduledActionsForRule" -Value $SAFRuleOBJ
                else {
                    $CurrentSettings = $ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id, scheduledActionConfigurations@odata.context
                    $CurrentSettings_SAC = $CurrentSettings.scheduledActionConfigurations | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id
                    IF ($CurrentSettings_SAC.notificationTemplateId -match "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") {
                        $CurrentSettings_SAC.notificationTemplateId = ""
                    $CurrentSettings.scheduledActionConfigurations = @($CurrentSettings_SAC)
                    $ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule = @($CurrentSettings)
                    #$ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule.scheduledActionConfigurations = $CurrentSettings_SAC
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, lastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime
                IF (-Not ($ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule)) {
                    $SAFRuleOBJ = @(
                            "ruleName"                      = "PasswordRequired" 
                            "scheduledActionConfigurations" = @(
                                    "actionType"                = "block"
                                    "gracePeriodHours"          = 0
                                    "notificationTemplateId"    = ""
                                    "notificationMessageCCList" = @()
                    $ImportBody | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "scheduledActionsForRule" -Value $SAFRuleOBJ
                else {
                    $CurrentSettings = $ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id, scheduledActionConfigurations@odata.context
                    $CurrentSettings_SAC = $CurrentSettings.scheduledActionConfigurations | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id
                    IF ($CurrentSettings_SAC.notificationTemplateId -match "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") {
                        $CurrentSettings_SAC.notificationTemplateId = ""
                    $CurrentSettings.scheduledActionConfigurations = @($CurrentSettings_SAC)
                    $ImportBody.scheduledActionsForRule = @($CurrentSettings)
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"
            BODY        = ($ImportBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-CompliancePolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/$($PolicyID)?`$expand=scheduledActionsForRule(`$expand=scheduledActionConfigurations)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-CompliancePolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-CompliancePolicies -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"

        Import-CompliancePolicies -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Compliance Policies

#region Conditional Access Policies
Function Get-ConditionalAccessPolicies {
        This function is used to get Conditional Access policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Conditional Access policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-ConditionalAccessPolicies
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-ConditionalAccessPolicies -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
        This requires you to call the Get-BGUAccess Token with a Delegate ID, Use Get-Help -Name Get-BGUAccessToken -Full for more details and visit for additional Information

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion" 

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilName = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilName)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/identity/conditionalAccess/policies"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"

        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-ConditionalAccessPolicies {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, ModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, ModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/identity/conditionalAccess/policies"
            BODY        = ($ImportBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-ConditionalAccessPolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/identity/conditionalAccess/policies/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-ConditionalAccessPolicies {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-ConditionalAccessPolicies -Type Object -PolicyID $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        Import-ConditionalAccessPolicies -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Conditional Access Policies

#region Configuration Profiles
Function Get-ConfigurationProfiles {
        This function is used to get Configuration Profiles from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Configuration Profiles from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-ConfigurationProfiles
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-ConfigurationProfiles -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
        This covers all policies, excluding the settings catalogue, Administrative Templates and Endpoint Security Profiles

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"

        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-ConfigurationProfiles {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion" 

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object] , $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations"
            BODY        = $ImportBody
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams

function Export-ConfigurationProfiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-ConfigurationProfiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-ConfigurationProfiles -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        Import-ConfigurationProfiles -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Configuration Profiles

#region Endpoint Security Profiles
Function Get-EndpointSecurityProfiles {
        This function is used to get Endpoint Security Profile policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Endpoint Security Profile policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-EndpointSecurityProfiles
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-EndpointSecurityProfiles -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            id : f460338c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e41053d5227f
            displayName : Firewall_Policy
            description :
            isAssigned : False
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2021-04-16T14:23:07.5112048Z
            templateId : c53e5a9f-2eec-4175-98a1-2b3d38084b91
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/intents"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"

        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-EndpointSecurityProfiles {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion" 

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [array] , $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $JSONContent = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json
                $TemplateID = $JSONContent.templateID
                $ImportBody = $JSONContent | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty templateID
            Object {
                $TemplateID = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject.templateID

                $ImportBody = @{
                    "displayName"     = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject.displayName
                    "description"     = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject.description
                    "settingDelta"    = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject.settingDelta
                    "roleScopeTagIds" = @($PSBoundParameters.ImportObject.roleScopeTagIds)
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/templates/$($TemplateID)/createinstance"
            BODY        = ($ImportBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 )
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams

function Export-EndpointSecurityProfiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {

        $GraphDeviceIntentParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/Intents/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $IntentPolicy = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphDeviceIntentParams

        if ($IntentPolicy) {       

            $GraphTemplateCategoriesParams = @{
                METHOD  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/templates/$($IntentPolicy.templateId)/categories"
                HEADERS = $GraphHeader
            $IntentPolicy_Template_Categories = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphTemplateCategoriesParams
            $All_IntentPolicy_Template_Categories = @()
            $All_IntentPolicy_Template_Categories += $IntentPolicy_Template_Categories
            while ($IntentPolicy_Template_Categories.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $IntentPolicy_Template_Categories.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $IntentPolicy_Template_Categories = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_IntentPolicy_Template_Categories += $IntentPolicy_Template_Categories
            $IntentPolicy_Settings = @()
            FOREACH ($Category in $All_IntentPolicy_Template_Categories.value) {
                $GraphIntentSettingParams = @{
                    METHOD  = "GET"
                    URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/intents/$($IntentPolicy.Id)/categories/$($"
                    HEADERS = $GraphHeader

                $IntentPolicy_Settings += Invoke-RestMethod @GraphIntentSettingParams
                $All_IntentPolicy_Settings = @()
                $All_IntentPolicy_Settings += $IntentPolicy_Settings
                while ($IntentPolicy_Settings.'@odata.nextLink') {
                    $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                        Method      = "GET"
                        URI         = $IntentPolicy_Settings.'@odata.nextLink'
                        Headers     = $GraphHeader
                        ContentType = "application/JSON"
                    $IntentPolicy_Settings = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                    $All_IntentPolicy_Settings += $IntentPolicy_Settings
            $export_obj = @{
                "displayName"     = $IntentPolicy.displayName
                "templateID"      = $IntentPolicy.templateId
                "description"     = $IntentPolicy.description
                "settingsDelta"   = $All_IntentPolicy_Settings.value
                "roleScopeTagIds" = $IntentPolicy.roleScopeTagIds

            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-EndpointSecurityProfiles {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-EndpointSecurityProfiles -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        Import-EndpointSecurityProfiles -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Endpoint Security Profiles

#region OEMConfig
Function Get-OEMConfigProfile {
        This function is used to get OEMConfig Profiles from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get OEMConfig Profiles from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-OEMConfigProfile
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-OEMConfigProfile -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
        This covers all policies, excluding the settings catalogue, Administrative Templates and Endpoint Security Profiles

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/mobileAppConfigurations?`$filter=microsoft.graph.androidManagedStoreAppConfiguration/appSupportsOemConfig%20eq%20true"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"

        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-OEMConfigProfile {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion" 

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object] , $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/mobileAppConfigurations"
            BODY        = $ImportBody
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-OEMConfigProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceAppManagement/mobileAppConfigurations/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-OEMConfigProfile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-OEMConfigProfile -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        Import-OEMConfigProfile -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Configuration Profiles

#region OEMConfig
Function Get-EnrolmentConfiguration {
        This function is used to get Enrolment Status Page from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Enrolment Status Page from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-EnrolmentConfiguration
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-EnrolmentConfiguration -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
        This covers all policies, excluding the settings catalogue, Administrative Templates and Endpoint Security Profiles

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    #Process The Function
    Process {
        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed,"

        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)
Function Import-EnrolmentConfiguration {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion" 

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object] , $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the JSONImport Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $JSONImport = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $ImportBody = Get-Content $JSONImport | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, LastModifiedDateTime, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, Priority | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Object {
                $ImportBody = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Version, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, lastModifiedDateTime, Priority | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        $GraphImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations"
            BODY        = $ImportBody
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        Invoke-RestMethod @GraphImportParams
function Export-EnrolmentConfiguration {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {
        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/deviceEnrollmentConfigurations/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                File {
                    # Export The Base Admin Template
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 10 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($export_obj.displayName)).json" -Encoding ascii -Force
function Copy-EnrolmentConfiguration {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-EnrolmentConfiguration -Type Object $PolicyID
        $BaseObject.displayName = "$PolicyPrefix-$($BaseObject.displayName)"
        Import-EnrolmentConfiguration -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject
#endregion Enrolment Configurations

#region SettingsCatalog
Function Get-SettingsCatalog {
        This function is used to get Settings Catalog policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Settings Catalog policies from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        It is possible to filter these by using -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <policyID>, you can also user Where-Object to filter these.
        PS C:\> Get-SettingsCatalog
        This will return all of the policies within your connected tenant
        PS C:\> Get-SettingsCatalog -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>
        This will return the single policy for the ID you specify
        -Type : Used when you want to specify if you want to Filter the ID.
        -FilterID : The ID of the Policy
            createdDateTime : 2022-02-23T16:48:07.7797091Z
            creationSource :
            description :
            lastModifiedDateTime : 2022-02-23T16:48:07.7797091Z
            name : SettingsCatalog_Policy
            platforms : windows10
            roleScopeTagIds : {0}
            settingCount : 6
            technologies : mdm
            id : <GUID>
            templateReference : @{templateId=; templateFamily=none; templateDisplayName=; templateDisplayVersion=}

    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'FilterQuery')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            FilterQuery {
                $FAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $FilterID = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('FilterID', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('FilterID', $FilterID)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {

        try {
            $GraphParams = @{
                Method  = "GET"
                URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/configurationPolicies"
                Headers = $GraphHeader
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest = @()
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
            while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
                $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                    Headers     = $GraphHeader
                    ContentType = "application/JSON"
                $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
                $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        catch {
            Throw "The Microsoft Graph Query Failed."
        Switch ($Type) {
            Default {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            FilterQuery {
                $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Where-Object id -Match $($PSBoundParameters.FilterID)

function Get-SettingsCatalog_Settings {
        This function is used to get Settings Catalog policy settings from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function is used to get Settings Catalog policy settings from the GraphAPI Associated with your connected tenant.
        This function accepts the Object input from Get-SettingsCatalog
        PS C:\> Get-SettingsCatalog_Settings -InputObject (Get-SettingsCatalog -Type FilterQuery -FilterID <PolicyID>)
        This will return all of the policy settings for that SettingsCatalog
        -InputObject : The object output of Get-SettingsCatalog
            id settingInstance
            -- ---------------
            0 @{@odata.type=#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingInstance; settingDefinitionId=device_vendor_msft_policy_config_admx_datacollection_commercialidpolicy; settingInstanceTem...
            1 @{@odata.type=#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingInstance; settingDefinitionId=device_vendor_msft_policy_config_system_allowdevicenameindiagnosticdata; settingInstanceTem...
            2 @{@odata.type=#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationChoiceSettingInstance; settingDefinitionId=device_vendor_msft_policy_config_system_allowtelemetry; settingInstanceTemplateReference=; ...

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    Process {
        $GraphParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/configurationPolicies('$($')/settings"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphParams -ErrorAction Stop
        $All_GraphRequest = @()
        $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        while ($GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink') {
            $GraphRequest_NextLink = @{
                Method      = "GET"
                URI         = $GraphRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
                Headers     = $GraphHeader
                ContentType = "application/JSON"
            $GraphRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphRequest_NextLink -ErrorAction Stop
            $All_GraphRequest += $GraphRequest
        $All_GraphRequest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value   
Function Import-SettingsCatalog {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $File = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('File', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('File', $File)
                return $paramDictionary 
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $ImportObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                $ImportObject_Settings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject_Settings', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject', $ImportObject)
                $paramDictionary.Add('ImportObject_Settings', $ImportObject_Settings)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        #If the File Param is used, Test the Path to make sure its accessible, If not throw an error. If it does exist set the Import_File Param to the AttributeValue
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.File)) {
                Throw "Unable to locate $PSBoundParameters.File"
            else {
                $Import_File = $PSBoundParameters.File
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }

    #Process The Function
    Process {
        switch ($Type) {
            File { 
                $File_Info = Get-Item $Import_File | Select-Object -Property *
                $ImportSettingsFile = Join-Path -Path $File_Info.DirectoryName -ChildPath ($File_Info.BaseName + "_settings.json")
                if (Test-Path -Path $ImportSettingsFile) {
                    $Settings = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $ImportSettingsFile -Raw))
                $BasePolicy = Get-Content $Import_File | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CreatedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, id, settingcount, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, roleScopeTagIds, creationsource
            Object {
                $BasePolicy = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CreatedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, id, settingcount, CreatedDateTime, id, supportsScopeTags, roleScopeTagIds, creationsource
                $Settings = $PSBoundParameters.ImportObject_Settings

        $BasePolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name settings -Value @()
        $BasePolicy.settings += $Settings

        $ImportParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            URI         = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/configurationPolicies"
            BODY        = ($BasePolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)
            Headers     = $GraphHeader
            CONTENTTYPE = "application/Json"
        ($BasePolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20) | Set-Clipboard
        Invoke-RestMethod @ImportParams
function Export-SettingsCatalog {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Object', 'File')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Type) {
            File {
                $FileAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $FileAttribute.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom FileAttribute attribute
                #add our parameter specifying the attribute collection
                $ExportLocation = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ExportLocation', [string], $attributeCollection)
                $ImportObject_Settings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ImportObject_Settings', [Object], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('ExportLocation', $ExportLocation)
                return $paramDictionary
            Object {
                $ObjectAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $ObjectAttrib.Mandatory = $false
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom ObjectAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $IncludeSettings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('IncludeSettings', [bool], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('IncludeSettings', $IncludeSettings)
                return $paramDictionary 

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation) {
            $ExportLocation = $PSBoundParameters.ExportLocation
        IF ($PSBoundParameters.IncludeSettings) {
            $IncludeSettings = $PSBoundParameters.IncludeSettings
        $GraphHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $($BGUAccessToken.AccessToken)" }
    Process {

        $GraphObjectParams = @{
            METHOD  = "GET"
            URI     = "$GraphURI/deviceManagement/configurationPolicies/$($PolicyID)"
            HEADERS = $GraphHeader

        $export_obj = Invoke-RestMethod @GraphObjectParams

        if ($export_obj) {       
            switch ($Type) {
                Object {
                    Switch ($IncludeSettings) {
                        True {
                            $export_obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name settings -Value @()
                            $export_obj.settings += Get-SettingsCatalog_Settings -InputObject $export_obj
                File {
                    # Export The Base Policy
                    ConvertTo-Json $export_obj -Depth 20 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$(($" -Encoding ascii -Force
                    "Exported $($ to $ExportLocation\$(($"
                    # Export the settings from the Policy
                    ConvertTo-Json (Get-SettingsCatalog_Settings -InputObject $export_obj) -Depth 20 | Out-File "$ExportLocation\$($" -Encoding ascii -Force
                    "Exported $($ settings to $ExportLocation\$(($"
function Copy-SettingsCatalog {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Copy', 'Test', 'PreProd', 'Dev', 'Prod', 'Pilot', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphVersion = "beta",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $MsGraphHost = "",
        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $GraphURI = "https://$MSGraphHost/$MsGraphVersion"

    DynamicParam {
        #If the Import Param is used, Create the File Param
        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom {
                $CustomAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
                $CustomAttrib.Mandatory = $true
                #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
                $attributeCollection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
                #add custom CustomAttrib attribute
                #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
                $CustomPrefix = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('CustomPrefix', [string], $attributeCollection)
                #expose the name of our parameter
                $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $paramDictionary.Add('CustomPrefix', $CustomPrefix)
                return $paramDictionary

    begin {
        IF (-Not ($BGUAccessToken)) {
            Throw "You must first obtain an access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken, please obtain a token and retry this action"
        elseif ($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime -LT $(Get-Date)) {
            Throw "You're access token expired $($BGUAccessToken.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime), you must obtain a new access token by running Get-BGUAccessToken."

        switch ($Prefix) {
            Custom { 
                $PolicyPrefix = $PSBoundParameters.CustomPrefix.ToUpper()
            Default {
                $PolicyPrefix = $Prefix.ToUpper()
    process {
        Write-Output "Object iD: $($PolicyID)"
        $BaseObject = Export-SettingsCatalog -Type Object $PolicyID
        $ = "$PolicyPrefix-$($"
        $BaseObject_Settings = Get-SettingsCatalog_Settings -InputObject $BaseObject
        Import-SettingsCatalog -Type Object -ImportObject $BaseObject -ImportObject_Settings $BaseObject_Settings
#endregion Settings Catalog

Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function *