
    Creates a new Service Connection to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) in Azure DevOps.
    This function creates a new Service Connection to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) in Azure DevOps
    using the Service Endpoints API.
.PARAMETER organization
    The Azure DevOps organization name.
    The Azure DevOps Personal Access Token.
.PARAMETER serviceConnectionName
    The desired name for the Azure DevOps Service Connection.
.PARAMETER subscriptionId
    The Azure subscription ID.
    The Azure Active Directory (AD) tenant ID.
.PARAMETER servicePrincipalId
    The Azure AD Application (Service Principal) ID.
.PARAMETER servicePrincipalKey
    The secret key associated with the service principal.
    New-BCSARMServiceConnection -organization "YourOrganization" -devOpsPAT "YourAzureDevOpsPAT" `
        -serviceConnectionName "YourARMServiceConnection" -subscriptionId "YourSubscriptionId" `
        -tenantId "YourTenantId" -servicePrincipalId "YourServicePrincipalId" `
        -servicePrincipalKey "YourServicePrincipalKey"

function New-BCSDevOpsARMServiceConnection {
    param (
        [string]$organization = "BrightComSolutions",
        [string]$serviceConnectionName = "BCS-Swe-Dev",

    $url = "$organization/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints?api-version=6.0-preview.4"

    $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes((":$devOpsPAT")))

    $projectId = (Get-BCSDevOpsProject -projectName $projectName -sourcePat (Get-BCSSecureString -InputString $devOpsPAT)).id

    $hashtable = @{
        data = @{
            subscriptionId = $subscriptionId
            subscriptionName = $subscriptionName
            environment = "AzureCloud"
            scopeLevel = "Subscription"
            creationMode = "Manual"
        name = $serviceConnectionName
        type = "AzureRM"
        url = ""
        authorization = @{
            parameters = @{
                tenantid = $tenantId
                serviceprincipalid = $servicePrincipalId
                authenticationType = "spnKey"
                serviceprincipalkey = $servicePrincipalKey
            scheme = "ServicePrincipal"
        isShared = $false
        isReady = $true
        serviceEndpointProjectReferences = @(
                projectReference = @{
                    id = $projectId
                    name = $projectName
                name = $serviceConnectionName

    # To convert to JSON if needed
    $body = $hashtable | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
        Write-Host "Service Connection created successfully. Connection Id: $($"
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Error creating Service Connection: $($_.Exception)"

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-BCSDevOpsARMServiceConnection