.SYNOPSIS Validate your app against the app that is currently in use .DESCRIPTION Validate your app against the app that is currently in use, validates agains Current, NextMinor and NextMajor. SaSToken must be provided. .PARAMETER currentApp URL or filepath to the new version of the app .PARAMETER previousApp URL or filepath to the app that is currently installed in BC .PARAMETER sasToken Insider Token, can be found in Passwordstate .PARAMETER supportedCountries listof countries where the app will be availible in App Source (se,dk,no) .PARAMETER affixes list of mandatory affixes (BRC) .NOTES Author: Mathias Stjernfelt Website: .EXAMPLE Invoke-BCSAlValidation -currentApp "https://myUrl/" -previousApp "https://myUrl/" -sasToken "mySasToken" Invoke-BCSAlValidation -currentApp "https://myUrl/" -previousApp "c:\" -sasToken "mySasToken" Invoke-BCSAlValidation -currentApp "c:\" -previousApp "https://myUrl/" -sasToken "mySasToken" Invoke-BCSAlValidation -currentApp "c:\" -previousApp "c:\" -sasToken "mySasToken" #> function Invoke-BCSAlValidation { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$currentApp, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$previousApp, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)] [string]$sasToken, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$supportedCountries = "se,dk,no", [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $false)] [string]$affixes = "BRC" ) begin {} process { if ($currentApp -like "http://*" -or $currentApp -like "https://*") { $currentAppFile = New-TemporaryFile; $fileName = Split-Path $currentApp -Leaf Write-Host "Downloading file $fileName to $currentAppFile" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($currentApp, $currentAppFile) } else { $currentAppFile = $currentApp } if ($previousApp -like "http://*" -or $previousApp -like "https://*") { $previousAppFile = New-TemporaryFile; $fileName = Split-Path $previousApp -Leaf Write-Host "Downloading file $fileName to $previousAppFile" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($previousApp, $previousAppFile) } else { $previousAppFile = $previousApp } Run-AlValidation -previousApps $previousApp ` -apps $currentAppFile ` -validateCurrent ` -validateNextMajor ` -validateNextMinor ` -sasToken $sasToken ` -countries $supportedCountries ` -affixes $affixes ` -supportedCountries $supportedCountries } end { } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-BCSAlValidation |