<# .SYNOPSIS Script to manage Business Central instances .DESCRIPTION Show menu with functions and allows admin to select which function to run .PARAMETER Version Set which version of Management libraries to load. If empty, Latest is used. Example: 17.0 .EXAMPLE .\Start-BCM.ps1 -Version 17.0 #> function Start-BCM { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Version = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Function = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Instance = '' ) <# .SYNOPSIS Register new function into the menu .DESCRIPTION Add item into main menu and set which function to call when selected .PARAMETER Function Name of the function which will be called when menu item is selected (no parameters are passed) .PARAMETER Name Description to show in the menu .PARAMETER NewShell If set to $true, function will be called in new shell .EXAMPLE RegisterFunction -Function 'Exit' -Name 'Exit' #> function RegisterFunction { param($Function, $Name, [bool]$NewShell = $true) Write-Host "Registering function $Function with name $Name" -ForegroundColor Green Set-Variable -Name MenuItems -Value ($MenuItems + @{Function = $Function; Name = $Name; NewShell = $NewShell }) -scope Global } function RunFunction { param( $Function, [Switch]$NewWindow ) Write-Host "Running function $Function" -ForegroundColor Green if ($NewWindow) { if (-not $ActiveVersion) { $Version = "''" } else { $Version = $ActiveVersion } $Script = 'Start-BCM' if ($ActiveInstance) { $PSParams = @{ FilePath = "PowerShell.exe" ArgumentList = @( "-Command $Script -Version $Version -Instance $ActiveInstance -Function $Function" ) } } else { $PSParams = @{ FilePath = "PowerShell.exe" ArgumentList = @( "-Command $Script -Version $Version -Function $Function" ) } } Write-Host "Executing Start-Process with $($PSParams.ArgumentList)" Start-Process @PSParams -Wait } else { &$Function } } function GetModules { param( $Version = '' ) $Modules = @() $Path = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central' Write-Verbose "Looking into $Path for $Version" $Files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll' -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion -like "$Version*" } | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1) Write-Verbose "Found $Files" $Modules += $Files $Files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Apps.Management.dll' -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion -like "$Version*" } | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1) Write-Verbose "Found $Files" $Modules += $Files Return $Modules } function LoadModules { param( $Version = '' ) $ModulesFiles = GetModules -Version $Version Write-Host "Loading modules for version $Version" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "$ModulesFiles" -ForegroundColor Green $Modules = $ModulesFiles Import-Module $Modules } Set-Variable -Name MenuItems -Value @() -Scope Global Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.ps1 -Exclude Start-BCM.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Executing $($_.Name)"; . "$($_.FullName)" } Set-Variable -Name ActiveInstance -Value '' -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name ActiveVersion -Value '' -Scope Global Write-Host "Version: $Version" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Instance: $Instance" -ForegroundColor Green if ($Instance) { Write-Host "Setting ActiveInstance to $Instance" $ActiveInstance = $Instance Set-Variable -Name ActiveInstance -Value $Instance -Scope Global } if ($Version -eq "''") { $Version = '' } if ($Version) { Write-Host "Setting ActiveVersion to $Version" $ActiveVersion = $Version Set-Variable -Name ActiveVersion -Value $Version -Scope Global } $Choice = '' #Load modules for latest version to be able to e.g. list instances RegisterFunction -Function 'Exit' -Name 'Exit' Write-Host "Function: $Function" -ForegroundColor Green if ($Function) { try { RunFunction -Function $Function } catch { Read-Host "$_" } } else { do { Write-Host "Displaying menu" $Choice = $MenuItems | Select-Object -property @{Label = "Function"; Expression = { ($_.Function) } }, @{Label = "Description"; Expression = { ($_.Name) } }, @{Label = "InNewShell"; Expression = { ($_.NewShell) } } | Out-GridView -Title "Choice (Active instance: '$ActiveInstance')" -OutputMode Single if ($Choice -and ($Choice.Function -ne 'Exit')) { $FunctionName = $Choice.Function RunFunction -Function $FunctionName -NewWindow:$Choice.InNewShell } } until ((-not $Choice) -or ($Choice.Function -eq 'Exit')) } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-BCM |