function Get-AzVmAsgAssociation { <# .SYNOPSIS This command shows the association between the Azure VMs and any ASG they may be associated with .DESCRIPTION Because it is difficult to see which VMs are associated with ASGs in the Azure Portal, This command retrieves the inforation about which VMS are associated with which ASG and displays the information regarding ASG name, Network Interface Name, NIC Id and VM Name .PARAMETER AsgName You can specify which ASGs to match, if you do not select any, all ASGs will be assumed .NOTES Created By: Brent Denny Created On: 26-Jun-2024 .EXAMPLE Get-AzVmAsgAssociation -AsgName ASG1 This will display all Azure VMs that are associated with ASG1 .EXAMPLE Get-AzVmAsgAssociation This will display all Azure VMs that are associated all ASGs #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ([string]$AsgName = '') try { if ($AsgName -eq '') {$AllAzAsgs = Get-AzApplicationSecurityGroup} else {$AllAzAsgs = Get-AzApplicationSecurityGroup -Name $AsgName -ErrorAction Stop} } catch { Write-Warning "No ASG with the name of $AsgName can be found" break } $AllAzNics = Get-AzNetworkInterface $AllAzVms = Get-AzVm $Results = @() foreach ($Asg in $AllAzAsgs) { foreach ($Interface in $AllAzNics) { $InterfaceAssociatedAsgs = $Interface.IpConfigurations.ApplicationSecurityGroupstext | ConvertFrom-Json if ($Asg.Id -in $InterfaceAssociatedAsgs.Id) { $Results += [PSCustomObject]@{ AsgName = $Asg.Name NicName = $Interface.Name NicId = $Interface.Id VMName = ($AllAzVms | Where-Object { $ -contains $Interface.Id }).Name } } } } return $Results } |