Function Wait-RSJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Waits until all RSJobs are in one of the following states: .DESCRIPTION Waits until all RSJobs are in one of the following states: .PARAMETER Job The job object to wait for. .PARAMETER Name The name of the jobs to wait for. .PARAMETER ID The ID of the jobs that you want to wait for. .PARAMETER InstanceID The GUID of the jobs that you want to wait for. .PARAMETER State The State of the job that you want to wait for. Accepted values are: NotStarted Running Completed Failed Stopping Stopped Disconnected .PARAMETER Batch Name of the set of jobs that you want to wait for. .PARAMETER HasMoreData Waits for jobs that have data being outputted. You can specify -HasMoreData:$False to wait for jobs that have no data to output. .PARAMETER Timeout Timeout after specified number of seconds. This is a global timeout meaning that it is not a per job timeout. .PARAMETER ShowProgress Displays a progress bar .NOTES Name: Wait-RSJob Author: Ryan Bushe/Boe Prox/Max Kozlov .EXAMPLE Get-RSJob | Wait-RSJob Description ----------- Waits for jobs which have to be completed. #> [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName='All' )] Param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName='Job', Position=0)] [Alias('InputObject')] [RSJob[]]$Job, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName='Name', Position=0)] [string[]]$Name, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName='Id', Position=0)] [int[]]$Id, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName='InstanceID')] [string[]]$InstanceID, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, ParameterSetName='Batch')] [string[]]$Batch, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Batch')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Name')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Id')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='InstanceID')] [parameter(ParameterSetName='All')] [ValidateSet('NotStarted','Running','Completed','Failed','Stopping','Stopped','Disconnected')] [string[]]$State, [int]$Timeout, [switch]$ShowProgress ) Begin { If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } $List = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } Process { Write-Debug "ParameterSet: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" $Property = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'All' -and $PSBoundParameters[$Property]) { Write-Verbose "Adding $($PSBoundParameters[$Property])" [void]$List.AddRange($PSBoundParameters[$Property]) } } End { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'All') { $PSBoundParameters[$Property] = $List } if (-not $List.Count) { return } # No jobs selected to search [void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove('Timeout') [void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove('ShowProgress') [array]$WaitJobs = Get-RSJob @PSBoundParameters $TotalJobs = $WaitJobs.Count $Completed = 0 Write-Verbose "Wait for $($TotalJobs) jobs" $Date = Get-Date while ($Waitjobs.Count -ne 0) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 #only ever check $WaitJobs State once per loop, and do all operations based on that snapshot to avoid bugs where the state of a job may have changed mid loop $JustFinishedJobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $RunningJobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList ForEach ($WaitJob in $WaitJobs) { If($WaitJob.State -match 'Completed|Failed|Stopped|Suspended|Disconnected' -and $WaitJob.Completed) { [void]$JustFinishedJobs.Add($WaitJob) } Else { [void]$RunningJobs.Add($WaitJob) } } $WaitJobs = $RunningJobs $JustFinishedJobs $Completed += $JustFinishedJobs.Count Write-Debug "Wait: $($Waitjobs.Count)" Write-Debug "Completed: ($Completed)" Write-Debug "Total: ($Totaljobs)" Write-Debug "Status: $($Completed/$TotalJobs)" If ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "RSJobs Tracker" -Status ("Remaining Jobs: {0}" -f $Waitjobs.Count) -PercentComplete (($Completed/$TotalJobs)*100) } if($Timeout -and (New-Timespan $Date).TotalSeconds -ge $Timeout){ break } } If ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "RSJobs Tracker" -Completed } } } |