<# .Synopsis Inventory for Azure VMWare Solution .DESCRIPTION This script consolidates information for all Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds resource provider in $Resources variable. Excel Sheet Name: VMWare .Link .COMPONENT This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI) .NOTES Version: 2.0.0 First Release Date: 19th November, 2020 Authors: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio #> <######## Default Parameters. Don't modify this ########> param($SCPath, $Sub, $Intag, $Resources, $Task , $File, $SmaResources, $TableStyle) If ($Task -eq 'Processing') { <######### Insert the resource extraction here ########> $VMWare = $Resources | Where-Object { $_.TYPE -eq 'Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds' } if($VMWare) { $tmp = @() foreach ($1 in $VMWare) { $ResUCount = 1 $sub1 = $SUB | Where-Object { $ -eq $1.subscriptionId } $data = $1.PROPERTIES $ER = $data.circuit.expressRouteID.split('/')[8] $externalCloud = $data.externalCloudLinks.count $identitySources = $data.identitySources.count $Tags = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'} foreach ($Tag in $Tags) { $obj = @{ 'ID' = $; 'Subscription' = $sub1.Name; 'Resource Group' = $1.RESOURCEGROUP; 'Name' = $1.NAME; 'Location' = $1.LOCATION; 'SKU' = $; 'Availability Strategy' = $data.availability.strategy; 'Zone' = $; 'Express Route Circuit' = $ER; 'Encryption' = $data.encryption.status; 'External Cloud Links' = [string]$externalCloud; 'Identity Sources' = [string]$identitySources; 'Internet' = $data.internet; 'Cluster Size' = $data.managementCluster.clusterSize; 'Management Network' = $data.managementNetwork; 'Network Block' = $data.networkBlock; 'Provisioning Network' = $data.provisioningNetwork; 'vMotion Network' = $data.vmotionNetwork; 'HCX Cloud Manager' = $data.endpoints.hcxCloudManager; 'NSXT Manager' = $data.endpoints.nsxtManager; 'VCSA' = $data.endpoints.vcsa; 'Tag Name' = [string]$Tag.Name; 'Tag Value' = [string]$Tag.Value } $tmp += $obj if ($ResUCount -eq 1) { $ResUCount = 0 } } } $tmp } } <######## Resource Excel Reporting Begins Here ########> Else { <######## $SmaResources.VMWare ##########> if ($SmaResources.VMWare) { $TableName = ('VMWareTable_'+($ | Select-Object -Unique).count) $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize -NumberFormat 0 $Exc = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] $Exc.Add('Subscription') $Exc.Add('Resource Group') $Exc.Add('Name') $Exc.Add('Location') $Exc.Add('SKU') $Exc.Add('Availability Strategy') $Exc.Add('Zone') $Exc.Add('Express Route Circuit') $Exc.Add('Encryption') $Exc.Add('External Cloud Links') $Exc.Add('Identity Sources') $Exc.Add('Internet') $Exc.Add('Cluster Size') $Exc.Add('Management Network') $Exc.Add('Network Block') $Exc.Add('Provisioning Network') $Exc.Add('vMotion Network') $Exc.Add('HCX Cloud Manager') $Exc.Add('NSXT Manager') $Exc.Add('VCSA') if($InTag) { $Exc.Add('Tag Name') $Exc.Add('Tag Value') } $ExcelVar = $SmaResources.VMWare $ExcelVar | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Select-Object -Unique $Exc | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'VMWare' -AutoSize -MaxAutoSizeRows 100 -TableName $TableName -TableStyle $tableStyle -Style $Style } } |