.SYNOPSIS This script creates Excel file to Analyze Azure Resources inside a Tenant .DESCRIPTION Do you want to analyze your Azure Advisories in a table format? Document it in xlsx format. .PARAMETER TenantID Specify the tenant ID you want to create a Resource Inventory. >>> IMPORTANT: YOU NEED TO USE THIS PARAMETER FOR TENANTS WITH MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. <<< .PARAMETER SubscriptionID Use this parameter to collect a specific Subscription in a Tenant .PARAMETER ManagementGroup Use this parameter to collect all Subscriptions in a Specific Management Group in a Tenant .PARAMETER Lite Use this parameter to use only the Import-Excel module and don't create the charts (using Excel's API) .PARAMETER SecurityCenter Use this parameter to collect Security Center Advisories .PARAMETER SkipAdvisory Use this parameter to skip the capture of Azure Advisories .PARAMETER SkipPolicy Use this parameter to skip the capture of Azure Policies .PARAMETER QuotaUsage Use this parameter to include Quota information .PARAMETER IncludeTags Use this parameter to include Tags of every Azure Resources .PARAMETER Debug Output detailed debug information. .PARAMETER AzureEnvironment Specifies the Azure Cloud Environment to use. Default is 'AzureCloud'. .PARAMETER Overview Specifies the Excel overview sheet design. Each value will change the main charts in the Overview sheet. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3. Default is 1. .PARAMETER AppId Specifies the Application ID used to connect to Azure as a service principal. Requires TenantID and Secret. .PARAMETER Secret Specifies the Secret used with the Application ID to connect to Azure as a service principal. Requires TenantID and AppId. .PARAMETER CertificatePath Specifies the Certificate path used with the Application ID to connect to Azure as a service principal. Requires TenantID, AppId, and Secret. .PARAMETER ResourceGroup Specifies one or more unique Resource Groups to be inventoried. Requires SubscriptionID. .PARAMETER TagKey Specifies the tag key to be inventoried. Requires SubscriptionID. .PARAMETER TagValue Specifies the tag value to be inventoried. Requires SubscriptionID. .PARAMETER Heavy Use this parameter to enable heavy mode. This will force the job's load to be split into smaller batches. Avoiding CPU overload. .PARAMETER NoAutoUpdate Use this parameter to skip automatic module updates. .PARAMETER SkipAPIs Use this parameter to skip the capture of resources trough REST API. .PARAMETER Automation Use this parameter to run in automation mode. .PARAMETER StorageAccount Specifies the Storage Account name for storing the report. .PARAMETER StorageContainer Specifies the Storage Container name for storing the report. .PARAMETER Help Use this parameter to display the help information. .PARAMETER DeviceLogin Use this parameter to enable device login. .PARAMETER DiagramFullEnvironment Use this parameter to include the full environment in the diagram. By default the Network Topology Diagram will only include VNETs that are peered with other VNETs, this parameter will force the diagram to include all VNETs. .PARAMETER ReportName Specifies the name of the report. Default is 'AzureResourceInventory'. .PARAMETER ReportDir Specifies the directory where the report will be saved. .EXAMPLE Default utilization. Read all tenants you have privileges, select a tenant in menu and collect from all subscriptions: PS C:\> Invoke-ARI Define the Tenant ID: PS C:\> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <your-Tenant-Id> Define the Tenant ID and for a specific Subscription: PS C:\> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <your-Tenant-Id> -SubscriptionID <your-Subscription-Id> .NOTES AUTHORS: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio | Azure Infrastucture/Automation/Devops/Governance Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. .LINK Official Repository: #> Function Invoke-ARI { param ([ValidateSet('AzureCloud', 'AzureUSGovernment','AzureChinaCloud')] $AzureEnvironment = 'AzureCloud', [ValidateSet(1, 2, 3)] $Overview = 1, $TenantID, $AppId, $Secret, $CertificatePath, [String[]]$SubscriptionID, $ManagementGroup, [string[]]$ResourceGroup, $TagKey, $TagValue, [switch]$SecurityCenter, [switch]$Heavy, [switch]$SkipAdvisory, [switch]$NoAutoUpdate, [switch]$SkipPolicy, [switch]$SkipAPIs, [switch]$IncludeTags, [switch]$QuotaUsage, [switch]$SkipDiagram, [switch]$Automation, $StorageAccount, $StorageContainer, [switch]$Lite, [switch]$Debug, [switch]$Help, [switch]$DeviceLogin, [switch]$DiagramFullEnvironment, $ReportName = 'AzureResourceInventory', $ReportDir) if ($Debug.IsPresent) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' } else { $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" } Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Debbuging Mode: On. ErrorActionPreference was set to "Continue", every error will be presented.') if ($IncludeTags.IsPresent) { $InTag = $true } else { $InTag = $false } if ($Lite.IsPresent -or $Automation.IsPresent) { $RunLite = $true }else { $RunLite = $false } if ($DiagramFullEnvironment.IsPresent) {$FullEnv = $true}else{$FullEnv = $false} <######################################################### Help ######################################################################> Function Get-UsageMode() { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Parameters" Write-Host "" Write-Host " -TenantID <ID> : Specifies the Tenant to be inventoried. " Write-Host " -SubscriptionID <ID> : Specifies Subscription(s) to be inventoried. " Write-Host " -ResourceGroup <NAME> : Specifies one (or more) unique Resource Group to be inventoried, This parameter requires the -SubscriptionID to work. " Write-Host " -AppId <ID> : Specifies the ApplicationID that is used to connect to Azure as service principal. This parameter requires the -TenantID and -Secret to work. " Write-Host " -Secret <VALUE> : Specifies the Secret that is used with the Application ID to connect to Azure as service principal. This parameter requires the -TenantID and -AppId to work. If -CertificatePath is also used the Secret value should be the Certifcate password instead of the Application secret. " Write-Host " -CertificatePath <PATH> : Specifies the Certificate path that is used with the Application ID to connect to Azure as service principal. This parameter requires the -TenantID, -AppId and -Secret to work. The required certificate format is pkcs#12. " Write-Host " -TagKey <NAME> : Specifies the tag key to be inventoried, This parameter requires the -SubscriptionID to work. " Write-Host " -TagValue <NAME> : Specifies the tag value be inventoried, This parameter requires the -SubscriptionID to work. " Write-Host " -SkipAdvisory : Do not collect Azure Advisory. " Write-Host " -SkipPolicy : Do not collect Azure Policies. " Write-Host " -SecurityCenter : Include Security Center Data. " Write-Host " -IncludeTags : Include Resource Tags. " Write-Host " -Online : Use Online Modules. " Write-Host " -Debug : Run in a Debug mode. " Write-Host " -AzureEnvironment : Change the Azure Cloud Environment. " Write-Host " -ReportName : Change the Default Name of the report. " Write-Host " -ReportDir : Change the Default Path of the report. " Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Usage Mode and Examples: " Write-Host "If you do not specify Resource Inventory will be performed on all subscriptions for the selected tenant. " Write-Host "e.g. /> Invoke-ARI" Write-Host "" Write-Host "To perform the inventory in a specific Tenant and subscription use <-TenantID> and <-SubscriptionID> parameter " Write-Host "e.g. /> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <Azure Tenant ID> -SubscriptionID <Subscription ID>" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Including Tags:" Write-Host " By Default Azure Resource inventory do not include Resource Tags." Write-Host " To include Tags at the inventory use <-IncludeTags> parameter. " Write-Host "e.g. /> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <Azure Tenant ID> -IncludeTags" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Skipping Azure Advisor:" Write-Host " By Default Azure Resource inventory collects Azure Advisor Data." Write-Host " To ignore this use <-SkipAdvisory> parameter. " Write-Host "e.g. /> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <Azure Tenant ID> -SubscriptionID <Subscription ID> -SkipAdvisory" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Using the latest modules :" Write-Host " You can use the latest modules. For this use <-Online> parameter." Write-Host " It's a pre-requisite to have internet access for ARI GitHub repo" Write-Host "e.g. /> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <Azure Tenant ID> -Online" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Running in Debug Mode :" Write-Host " To run in a Debug Mode use <-Debug> parameter." Write-Host ".e.g. /> Invoke-ARI -TenantID <Azure Tenant ID> -Debug" Write-Host "" } $TotalRunTime = Measure-Command -Expression { if ($Help.IsPresent) { Get-UsageMode Break } else { if ($PlatOS -ne 'Azure CloudShell' -and !$Automation.IsPresent) { if (!$NoAutoUpdate.IsPresent) { Write-Host ('Checking for Powershell Module Updates..') Update-Module -Name AzureResourceInventory -AcceptLicense } } $PlatOS = Test-ARIPS -Debug $Debug if ($PlatOS -ne 'Azure CloudShell' -and !$Automation.IsPresent) { $TenantID = Connect-ARILoginSession -AzureEnvironment $AzureEnvironment -TenantID $TenantID -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID -DeviceLogin $DeviceLogin -AppId $AppId -Secret $Secret -CertificatePath $CertificatePath -Debug $Debug } elseif ($Automation.IsPresent) { try { $AzureConnection = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureConnection.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureConnection } catch { Write-Output "Failed to set Automation Account requirements. Aborting." exit } } if ($StorageAccount) { $StorageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccount -UseConnectedAccount } $Subscriptions = Get-ARISubscriptions -TenantID $TenantID -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID if ($PlatOS -eq 'Azure CloudShell') { $DefaultPath = if($ReportDir) {$ReportDir} else {"$HOME/AzureResourceInventory/"} $DiagramCache = if($ReportDir) {$ReportDir} else {"$HOME/AzureResourceInventory/DiagramCache/"} if($ReportDir) { try { Resolve-Path $ReportDir -ErrorAction STOP if ($ReportDir -notmatch '/$') { $ReportDir = $ReportDir + '/' } } catch { Write-Output "ReportDir Parameter must contain the full path." Exit } } } elseif ($PlatOS -eq 'PowerShell Unix') { $DefaultPath = if($ReportDir) {$ReportDir} else {"$HOME/AzureResourceInventory/"} $DiagramCache = if($ReportDir) {$ReportDir} else {"$HOME/AzureResourceInventory/DiagramCache/"} if($ReportDir) { try { Resolve-Path $ReportDir -ErrorAction STOP if ($ReportDir -notmatch '/$') { $ReportDir = $ReportDir + '/' } } catch { Write-Output "ReportDir Parameter must contain the full path." Exit } } } elseif ($PlatOS -eq 'PowerShell Desktop') { $DefaultPath = if($ReportDir) {$ReportDir} else {"C:\AzureResourceInventory\"} $DiagramCache = if($ReportDir) {($ReportDir+'DiagramCache\')} else {"C:\AzureResourceInventory\DiagramCache\"} if($ReportDir) { try { Resolve-Path $ReportDir -ErrorAction STOP if ($ReportDir -notlike '*\') { $ReportDir = $ReportDir + '\' } } catch { Write-Output "ReportDir Parameter must contain the full path." Exit } } } Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Checking report folder: ' + $DefaultPath ) if ((Test-Path -Path $DefaultPath -PathType Container) -eq $false) { New-Item -Type Directory -Force -Path $DefaultPath | Out-Null } if ((Test-Path -Path $DiagramCache -PathType Container) -eq $false) { New-Item -Type Directory -Force -Path $DiagramCache | Out-Null } Write-Host "Starting Resource Extraction.." $ExtractionData = Start-AzureResourceDataPull -ManagementGroup $ManagementGroup -Subscriptions $Subscriptions -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -SecurityCenter $SecurityCenter -SkipAdvisory $SkipAdvisory -IncludeTags $IncludeTags -QuotaUsage $QuotaUsage -TagKey $TagKey -TagValue $TagValue -Debug $Debug $ExtractionRuntime = $ExtractionData.ExtractionRunTime $Resources = $ExtractionData.Resources $ResourceContainers = $ExtractionData.ResourceContainers $Advisories = $ExtractionData.Advisories $Security = $ExtractionData.Security $Retirements = $ExtractionData.Retirements Clear-Variable -Name ExtractionData $ResourcesCount = [string]$Resources.Count $advco = [string]$Advisories.Count $Secadvco = [string]$Security.Count if(!$SkipAPIs.IsPresent) { $APIResults = Get-ARIAPIResources -Subscriptions $Subscriptions -AzureEnvironment $AzureEnvironment -SkipPolicy $SkipPolicy -Debug $Debug $Resources += $APIResults.ResourceHealth $Resources += $APIResults.SupportTickets $Resources += $APIResults.ManagedIdentities $Resources += $APIResults.AdvisorScore $Resources += $APIResults.ReservationRecomen $PolicyAssign = $APIResults.PolicyAssign $PolicyDef = $APIResults.PolicyDef $PolicySetDef = $APIResults.PolicySetDef } $polco = [string]$PolicyAssign.policyAssignments.Count #### Creating Excel file variable: if ($StorageAccount) { $Date = get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm" if($ReportName -eq 'AzureResourceInventory') { $File = ("ARI_Automation_Report_"+$Date+".xlsx") } else { $File = ($ReportName+'_'+$Date+'.xlsx') } } else { $File = ($DefaultPath + $ReportName + "_Report_" + (get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm") + ".xlsx") #$Global:DFile = ($DefaultPath + $Global:ReportName + "_Diagram_" + (get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm") + ".vsdx") $DDFile = ($DefaultPath + $ReportName + "_Diagram_" + (get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm") + ".xml") } Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Excel file: ' + $File) Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Starting Default Jobs.') Start-ARIExtraJobs -SkipDiagram $SkipDiagram -SkipAdvisory $SkipAdvisory -SkipPolicy $SkipPolicy -SecurityCenter $Security -Subscriptions $Subscriptions -Resources $Resources -Advisories $Advisories -DDFile $DDFile -DiagramCache $DiagramCache -FullEnv $FullEnv -ResourceContainers $ResourceContainers -Security $Security -PolicyAssign $PolicyAssign -PolicySetDef $PolicySetDef -PolicyDef $PolicyDef -Automation $Automation -Debug $Debug Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Starting Resources Report Function.') Build-AzureResourceReport -Subscriptions $Subscriptions -DefaultPath $DefaultPath -ExtractionRunTime $ExtractionRuntime -Resources $Resources -Retirements $Retirements -SecurityCenter $SecurityCenter -File $File -DDFile $DDFile -Heavy $Heavy -SkipDiagram $SkipDiagram -RunLite $RunLite -PlatOS $PlatOS -InTag $InTag -SkipPolicy $SkipPolicy -SkipAdvisory $SkipAdvisory -Automation $Automation -SkipAPIs $SkipAPIs, -Overview $Overview -Debug $Debug if ($StorageAccount) { Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $File -Container $StorageContainer -Context $StorageContext | Out-Null } } } $Measure = $TotalRunTime.Totalminutes.ToString('#######.##') Write-Host ('Report Complete. Total Runtime was: ') -NoNewline Write-Host $Measure -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host (' Minutes') Write-Host ('Total Resources: ') -NoNewline Write-Host $ResourcesCount -ForegroundColor Cyan if (!$SkipAdvisory.IsPresent) { Write-Host ('Total Advisories: ') -NoNewline write-host $advco -ForegroundColor Cyan } if (!$SkipPolicy.IsPresent -and !$SkipAPIs.IsPresent) { Write-Host ('Total Policies: ') -NoNewline write-host $polco -ForegroundColor Cyan } if ($SecurityCenter.IsPresent) { Write-Host ('Total Security Advisories: ' + $Secadvco) } Write-Host '' Write-Host ('Excel file saved at: ') -NoNewline write-host $File -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host '' if(!$SkipDiagram.IsPresent) { Write-Host (' Diagram file saved at: ') -NoNewline write-host $DDFile -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host '' } } |