.Synopsis Advisory Module .DESCRIPTION This script process and creates the Advisory sheet based on advisorresources. .Link .COMPONENT This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI) .NOTES Version: 4.0.1 First Release Date: 15th Oct, 2024 Authors: Claudio Merola #> function Invoke-ARIAdvisoryProcessing { param($Advisories) $obj = '' $tmp = @() foreach ($1 in $Advisories) { if($1) { $data = $1.PROPERTIES if($null -eq $data.extendedProperties.annualSavingsAmount){$Savings = 0}Else{$Savings = $data.extendedProperties.annualSavingsAmount} if($null -eq $data.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency){$SavingsCurrency = 'USD'}Else{$SavingsCurrency = $data.extendedProperties.savingsCurrency} $obj = @{ 'ResourceGroup' = $1.RESOURCEGROUP; 'Affected Resource Type' = $data.impactedField; 'Name' = $data.impactedValue; 'Category' = $data.category; 'Impact' = $data.impact; #'Score' = $data.extendedproperties.score; 'Problem' = $data.shortDescription.problem; 'Savings Currency' = $SavingsCurrency; 'Annual Savings' = "=$Savings"; 'Savings Region' = $data.extendedProperties.location; 'Current SKU' = $data.extendedProperties.currentSku; 'Target SKU' = $data.extendedProperties.targetSku } $tmp += $obj } } $tmp } function Build-ARIAdvisoryReport { param($File, $Adv, $TableStyle) $condtxtadv = $(New-ConditionalText High -Range E:E New-ConditionalText Security -Range D:D -BackgroundColor Wheat) $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize -NumberFormat '#,##0.00' -Range H:H $Adv | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Select-Object 'ResourceGroup', 'Affected Resource Type', 'Name', 'Category', 'Impact', #'Score', 'Problem', 'Savings Currency', 'Annual Savings', 'Savings Region', 'Current SKU', 'Target SKU' | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'Advisory' -AutoSize -MaxAutoSizeRows 100 -TableName 'AzureAdvisory' -MoveToStart -TableStyle $tableStyle -Style $Style -ConditionalText $condtxtadv -KillExcel } |