
Diagram Module for Microsoft Visio
This script process and creates a Visio Diagram based on resources present in the extraction variable $Resources.
    This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI)
Version: 2.0.3
First Release Date: 19th November, 2020
Authors: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio

param($Subscriptions, $Resources, $Advisories, $DFile)

<# Function to populate the variables that are going to be used in the drawing #>
Function Variables0 

    $Global:AZVGWs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique
    $Global:AZLGWs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique
    $Global:AZVNETs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique
    $Global:AZCONs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique
    $Global:AZEXPROUTEs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique    
    $Global:PIPs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique
    $Global:AZVWAN = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq ''} | Select-Object -Property * -Unique     
    $Global:CleanPIPs = $Global:PIPs | Where-Object {$ -notin $}
    <# Looking for the stencil files in the computer #>
    $Global:Diag = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\" -Name "AZUREDIAGRAMS_M.VSTX"  -Recurse
        $Global:Diag = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\" -Name "AZUREDIAGRAMS_M.VSTX" -Recurse
        $Global:Path = ('C:\Program Files (x86)\'+$Diag.Replace("AZUREDIAGRAMS_M.VSTX",""))
        $Global:Path = ('C:\Program Files\'+$Diag.Replace("AZUREDIAGRAMS_M.VSTX",""))

    <########################## Adding Stencils #############################>

    $Global:VSFileAzNet = ($Global:Path+"AZURENETWORKING_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzGen = ($Global:Path+"AZUREGENERAL_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzCom = ($Global:Path+"AZURECOMPUTE_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzOth = ($Global:Path+"AZUREOTHER_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzApp = ($Global:Path+"AZUREAPPSERVICES_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzBrick = ($Global:Path+"AZUREBLOCKCHAIN_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileAzStorage = ($Global:Path+"AZURESTORAGE_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileSymbol = ($Global:Path+"SYMBOL_M.VSSX")
    $Global:VSFileData = ($Global:Path+"AZUREDATABASES_M.VSSX")
    $Global:AWSVSFileData = ($Global:Path+"AWSMGMTGOV_M.VSSX")


<# Function to create the Visio document and import each stencil #>
Function Visio 

            $Global:FullEnvironment = $false
            <########################## Openning Visio and Creating Page #############################>

            $Global:application = New-Object -ComObject Visio.Application

            <# Variable to hide Visio #>

            $Global:documents = $Global:application.Documents
            $Global:document = $Global:documents.Add("")
            $Global:pages = $Global:application.ActiveDocument.Pages
            $Global:page = $Global:pages.Item(1)
            $Global:page.Name = 'Network'

            <########################## Selecting Stencils and Adding to Visio #############################>

            $Global:AzVnetSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzNet)
            $Global:AzGenSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzGen)
            $Global:ComputeSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzCom)
            $Global:OtherSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzOth)
            $Global:AppSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzApp)
            $Global:BrickSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzBrick)
            $Global:StorageSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileAzStorage)
            $Global:GenericSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileSymbol)
            $Global:DataSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($VSFileData)
            $Global:AWSMGMTGOVSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($AWSVSFileData)
            #$Global:AZMGMTGOVSymbol = $application.Documents.Add($AZMGMTVSFileData)


            <########################## Azure Networking Stencils #############################>

            $Global:IconConnections = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Connections")
            $Global:IconExpressRoute = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("ExpressRoute Circuits")
            $Global:IconVGW = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Virtual Network Gateways")
            $Global:IconVNET = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Virtual Networks")
            $Global:IconTraffic = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Traffic Manager profiles")
            $Global:IconNIC = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Network Interfaces")
            $Global:IconLBs = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Load Balancers")
            $Global:IconPVTs = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Private Link")
            $Global:IconNSG = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Network Security Groups")
            $Global:IconUDR = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Route Filters")
            $Global:IconDDOS = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("DDoS Protection Plans")
            $Global:IconPIP = $Global:AzVnetSymbol.Masters.Item("Public IP Addresses")            

            <########################## Azure Generic Stencils #############################>

            $Global:SymError = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Error")
            $Global:SymInfo = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Information")
            $Global:IconSubscription = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Subscriptions")
            $Global:IconBastions = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Launch Portal")
            $Global:IconContain = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("TFS VC Repository")
            $Global:IconVWAN = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Branch")
            $Global:IconCostMGMT = $Global:AzGenSymbol.Masters.Item("Cost Analysis")

            <########################## Azure Computing Stencils #############################>

            $Global:IconVMs = $Global:ComputeSymbol.Masters.Item("Virtual Machine")
            $Global:IconAKS = $Global:ComputeSymbol.Masters.Item("Kubernetes Services")
            $Global:IconVMSS = $Global:ComputeSymbol.Masters.Item("VM Scale Sets")                                                         
            $Global:IconARO = $Global:ComputeSymbol.Masters.Item("Service Fabric Clusters")
            $Global:IconFunApps = $Global:ComputeSymbol.Masters.Item("Function Apps")

            <########################## Azure Service Stencils #############################>

            $Global:IconAPIMs = $Global:AppSymbol.Masters.Item("API Management Services")
            $Global:IconAPPs = $Global:AppSymbol.Masters.Item("App Services")                        

            <########################## Azure Storage Stencils #############################>

            $Global:IconNetApp = $Global:StorageSymbol.Masters.Item("Azure NetApp Files")

            <########################## Azure Storage Stencils #############################>

            $Global:IconDataExplorer = $Global:DataSymbol.Masters.Item("Azure Data Explorer Clusters")

            <########################## Other Stencils #############################>
            $Global:IconFWs = $Global:OtherSymbol.Masters.Item("Firewalls")
            $Global:IconDet = $Global:OtherSymbol.Masters.Item("Detonation")  
            $Global:IconAppGWs = $Global:OtherSymbol.Masters.Item("Application Gateways")
            #$Global:IconBricks = $Global:BrickSymbol.Masters.Item("Azure Blockchain Service")
            $Global:IconBricks = $Global:AWSMGMTGOVSymbol.Masters.Item("Stack")       
            $Global:IconError = $Global:GenericSymbol.Masters.Item('"NO" sign')
            #$Global:IconAdvisor = $Global:AZMGMTGOVSymbol.Masters.Item('Advisor')



<# Function to begin OnPrem environment drawing. Will begin by Local network Gateway, then Express Route.#>
Function OnPremNet {

    $Global:RoutsW = $AZVNETs | Select-Object -Property Name, @{N="Subnets";E={$}} | Sort-Object -Property Subnets -Descending

    Start-Sleep 1

    $Global:Alt = 2
    $charsize = "11"

    foreach($GTW in $AZLGWs)
            $vvnet = $page.Drop($IconTraffic, 4.5, $Global:Alt) 
            if($ -ne 'Succeeded')
                $ErrorLC = $page.Drop($IconError, 5.35, ($Global:Alt+0.6))
                $ErrorLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add([string]'This Local Network Gateway has Errors') | Out-Null
            $Con1 = $AZCONs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            OnPrem $Con1
            if(!$Con1 -and $ -eq 'Succeeded')
                $InfoLC = $page.Drop($SymInfo, 4.3, ($Global:Alt-0.02))
                $InfoLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add([string]'No Connections were found in this Local Network Gateway') | Out-Null
            $Global:Alt = $Global:Alt + 2
            $Name = $
            $IP = $
            $vvnet.Characters.Text = ([string]$Name + "`n" + [string]$IP)
            $vvnet.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            $vvnet.Comments.Add('Local Network Address Space: '+[string]$ | Out-Null        

    ##################################### ERS #############################################

    Foreach($ERs in $AZEXPROUTEs)
            $vvnet = $page.Drop($IconExpressRoute, 4.5, $Global:Alt) 
            if($ -ne 'Succeeded')
                $ErrorLC = $page.Drop($IconError, 5.35, ($Global:Alt+0.6))
                $ErrorLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add('This Express Route has Errors') | Out-Null

            $Con1 = $AZCONs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            OnPrem $Con1
            if(!$Con1 -and $ -eq 'Enabled')
                $InfoLC = $page.Drop($SymInfo, 4.3, ($Global:Alt-0.02))
                $InfoLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add('No Connections were found in this Express Route') | Out-Null
            $Global:Alt = $Global:Alt + 2
            $Name = $
            $vvnet.Characters.Text = [string]$Name
            $vvnet.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            $vvnet.Comments.Add('Provider: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Peering location: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Bandwidth: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'SKU: '+[string]$ERs.sku.tier + "`n" +
                                'Billing model: '+$ | Out-Null                   

        Foreach($VWANS in $AZVWAN)
            $vwan = $page.Drop($IconVWAN, 4.5, $Global:Alt) 
            if($ -ne 'Succeeded')
                $ErrorLC = $page.Drop($IconError, 5.35, ($Global:Alt+0.6))
                $ErrorLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add('This Virtual WAN has Errors') | Out-Null

            $Con1 = $AZCONs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            OnPrem $Con1
            if(!$Con1 -and $ -eq 'Enabled')
                $InfoLC = $page.Drop($SymInfo, 4.3, ($Global:Alt-0.02))
                $InfoLC.Characters.Text = ''
                $vvnet.Comments.Add('No Connections were found in this Express Route') | Out-Null

            $Global:Alt = $Global:Alt + 2
            $Name = $
            $vwan.Characters.Text = [string]$Name
            $vwan.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            $vwan.Comments.Add('Allow BranchToBranch Traffic: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Allow VnetToVnet Traffic: '+[string]$ | Out-Null                   

                $Background = $global:page.DrawRectangle(-15,-15, (($RoutsW.Subnets[0]*1.5) +30), (($Global:Alt)+20))

                $OnPrem = $page.DrawRectangle(-2, 1, 5, $Global:Alt)
                $OnPrem.Characters.Text = 'On-Premises Environment'
                #$OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(1) = 2
                $OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(2) = "&H1"
                $OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(7) = "60"


<# Function for drawing OnPrem Environments for each connection. if using this function, not every single VNET will be present. #>
Function OnPrem 
$charsize = "11"
foreach ($Con2 in $Con1)
            $Global:vnetLoc = 10.3
            $VGT = $AZVGWs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            $VGTPIP = $PIPs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
            $Conn = $page.Drop($IconConnections, 6, $Global:Alt)
            $Name2 = $Con2.Name
            $Conn.Characters.Text = [string]$Name2
            $Conn.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            $Conn.Comments.Add('Connection Type: '+[string]$  + "`n" +
                                'Use Azure Private IP Address: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Routing Weight: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Connection Protocol: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Connection Type: '+[string]$ | Out-Null

            $vpngt = $page.Drop($IconVGW, 8, $Global:Alt)
            $vpngt.Characters.Text = ([string]$VGT.Name + "`n" + [string]$
            $vpngt.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            $vpngt.Comments.Add('VPN Type: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Generation: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'SKU: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Gateway Type: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Active-active mode: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                'Gateway Private IPs: '+[string]$ | Out-Null

            foreach($AZVNETs2 in $AZVNETs)
                foreach($VNETTEMP in $
                    $VV4 = $VNETTEMP.Split("/")
                    $VNETTEMP1 = ($VV4[0] + '/' + $VV4[1] + '/' + $VV4[2] + '/' + $VV4[3] + '/' + $VV4[4] + '/' + $VV4[5] + '/' + $VV4[6] + '/' + $VV4[7]+ '/' + $VV4[8])
                    if($VNETTEMP1 -eq $
                        $Global:VNET2 = $AZVNETs2

                        $Global:VNETsD = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Virtual Networks*'}
                        $Global:Alt0 = $Global:Alt
                        if(($ + "`n" + $ -notin $VNETsD.text)
                                $Global:vpnnet = $page.Drop($IconVNET, 10, $Global:Alt)
                                if($ -ge 10){$AddSpace = ($ | Select-Object -First 20)+ "`n" +'...'}Else{$AddSpace = $}
                                $Global:vpnnet.Characters.Text = ([string]$VNET2.Name + "`n" + $AddSpace)
                                $Global:vpnnet.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                if($ -eq $true)
                                        $ddos = $page.Drop($IconDDOS, 9.9, $Global:Alt)
                                        $ddos.Characters.Text = ''
                                        $Global:vpnnet.Comments.Add('Custom DNS Servers: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                                            'DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                                        $Global:vpnnet.Comments.Add('DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null

                                        PeerCreator $Global:VNET2
                            VNETCreator $Global:VNET2
                                $VNETDID = $VNETsD | Where-Object {$_.Characters.Text -eq ($ + "`n" + $}
            if($Con1.count -gt 1)
               $Global:Alt ++


<# Function for Cloud Only Environments #>
Function CloudOnly 
$Global:RoutsW = $AZVNETs | Select-Object -Property Name, @{N="Subnets";E={$}} | Sort-Object -Property Subnets -Descending

$Global:vnetLoc = 10.3
$Global:Alt = 2
$charsize = "11"
    foreach($AZVNETs2 in $AZVNETs)
            $Global:VNET2 = $AZVNETs2

            $VNETsD = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Virtual Networks*'}
            $Global:Alt0 = $Global:Alt
            if(($ + "`n" + $ -notin $VNETsD.text)
                    $vpnnet = $page.Drop($IconVNET, 10, $Global:Alt)
                    if($ -ge 10){$AddSpace = ($ | Select-Object -First 20)+ "`n" +'...'}Else{$AddSpace = $}
                    $vpnnet.Characters.Text = ([string]$VNET2.Name + "`n" + $AddSpace)
                    $vpnnet.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                    if($ -eq $true)
                            $ddos = $page.Drop($IconDDOS, 9.9, $Global:Alt)
                            $ddos.Characters.Text = ''
                            $vpnnet.Comments.Add('Custom DNS Servers: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                                'DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                            $vpnnet.Comments.Add('DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                            PeerCreator $Global:VNET2
                VNETCreator $Global:VNET2
                $Global:Alt ++
                $Global:Alt ++

    $Background = $global:page.DrawRectangle(-15,-15, (($RoutsW.Subnets[0]*1.5) +30), (($Global:Alt)+20))


Function FullEnvironment 

$charsize = "11"
    foreach($AZVNETs2 in $AZVNETs)
            $Global:VNET2 = $AZVNETs2

            $VNETsD = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Virtual Networks*'}
            $Global:Alt0 = $Global:Alt
            if(($ + "`n" + $ -notin $VNETsD.text)
                    $vpnnet = $page.Drop($IconVNET, 10, $Global:Alt)
                    if($ -ge 10){$AddSpace = ($ | Select-Object -First 20)+ "`n" +'...'}Else{$AddSpace = $}
                    $vpnnet.Characters.Text = ([string]$VNET2.Name + "`n" + $AddSpace)
                    $vpnnet.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                    if($ -eq $true)
                            $ddos = $page.Drop($IconDDOS, 9.9, $Global:Alt)
                            $ddos.Characters.Text = ''
                            $vpnnet.Comments.Add('Custom DNS Servers: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                                'DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                            $vpnnet.Comments.Add('DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                            PeerCreator $Global:VNET2
                VNETCreator $Global:VNET2
                $Global:Alt ++
                $Global:Alt ++

            $Background = $global:page.DrawRectangle(-15,-15, (($RoutsW.Subnets[0]*1.5) +30), (($Global:Alt)+20))

            $OnPrem = $page.DrawRectangle(-2, 1, 5, $Global:Alt)
            $OnPrem.Characters.Text = 'On-Premises Environment'
            #$OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(1) = 2
            $OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(2) = "&H1"
            $OnPrem.Characters.CharProps(7) = "60"


<# Function for create peered VNETs #>
Function PeerCreator
    $charsize = "10"
    $PeerCount = ($ + 10.3)
    $Global:vnetLoc1 = $Global:Alt
    if($ -gt 5)
            $Global:vnetLoc1 = $Global:vnetLoc1 + 5
            $Global:vnetLoc1 = $Global:vnetLoc1 + 3

    Foreach ($Peer in $
            $VNETSUB = $AZVNETs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}                                                

            if(($ + "`n" + $ -in $VNETsD.text)
                    $VNETDID = $VNETsD | Where-Object {$_.Characters.Text -eq ($ + "`n" + $}
                    $Global:Conn2 = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Dynamic connector*'} | select-object -Last 1
                    $Global:Conn2.Characters.Text = $
                    $Global:Conn2.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                    $Global:Conn2.Characters.CharProps(17) = "50"
                $Global:sizeL =  $   
                $Global:vnetLoc = 12
                $netpeer = $page.Drop($IconVNET, $Global:vnetLoc, $Global:vnetLoc1)                                            
                $Conn1 = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Dynamic connector*'} | select-object -Last 1
                $Conn1.Characters.Text = $
                $Conn1.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                $Conn1.Characters.CharProps(17) = "50"
                $netpeer.Characters.Text = ($ + "`n" + $
                $netpeer.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize

                if($ -eq $true)
                        $ddos = $page.Drop($IconDDOS, ($Global:vnetLoc-0.1), $Global:vnetLoc1)
                        $ddos.Characters.Text = ''
                        $netpeer.Comments.Add('Custom DNS Servers: '+[string]$ + "`n" +
                                            'DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                        $netpeer.Comments.Add('DDOS Protection: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                if ($Global:sizeL -gt 5)
                        $Global:sizeL = $Global:sizeL / 2
                        $Global:sizeL = [math]::ceiling($Global:sizeL)
                        $Global:sizeC = $Global:sizeL
                        $Global:sizeL = ($Global:sizeL*1.5)+(12+0.7)
                        $vnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle((12+0.5), ($Global:vnetLoc1 - 0.5), $Global:sizeL, ($Global:vnetLoc1 + 3.3))                                                                                                                      

                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconSubscription, ($Global:sizeL), ($Global:vnetLoc1-0.6))
                        $SubName = $Subscriptions | Where-Object {$ -eq $VNETSUB.subscriptionId}
                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = $
                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                        $Global:subloc0 = (12+0.6)
                        $Global:SubC = 0
                        $Global:VNETPIP = @()
                        foreach($Sub in $
                                if ($Global:SubC -eq $Global:sizeC) 
                                        $Global:vnetLoc1 = $Global:vnetLoc1 + 1.7                                         
                                        $Global:subloc0 = (12+0.6)
                                        $Global:SubC = 0
                                $vsubnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle($Global:subloc0, ($Global:vnetLoc1 - 0.3), ($Global:subloc0 + 1.5), ($Global:vnetLoc1 + 1.3))
                                $vsubnetbox.Characters.Text = ("`n" + "`n" +"`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + [string]$sub.Name + "`n" + [string]$
                                $vsubnetbox.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                ProcType $sub $Global:subloc0 $Global:vnetLoc1
                                $Global:subloc0 = $Global:subloc0 + 1.5
                                $Global:SubC ++

                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconDet, ($subloc0+5), ($vnetLoc1-0.5))
                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Public IPs: '+([string]$Global:VNETPIP.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                        $Global:sizeL = ($Global:sizeL*1.5)+(12+0.7)
                        $vnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle((12+0.5), ($Global:vnetLoc1 - 0.5), $Global:sizeL, ($Global:vnetLoc1 + 1.6))

                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconSubscription, ($Global:sizeL), ($Global:vnetLoc1-0.6))
                        $SubName = $Subscriptions | Where-Object {$ -eq $VNETSUB.subscriptionId}
                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = $
                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize

                        $Global:subloc0 = (12+0.6)
                        $Global:VNETPIP = @()
                        foreach($sub in $
                                $vsubnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle($Global:subloc0, ($Global:vnetLoc1 - 0.3), ($Global:subloc0 + 1.5), ($Global:vnetLoc1 + 1.3))
                                $vsubnetbox.Characters.Text = ("`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" +[string]$sub.Name + "`n" + [string]$
                                $vsubnetbox.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize

                                ProcType $sub $Global:subloc0 $Global:vnetLoc1

                                $Global:subloc0 = $Global:subloc0 + 1.5

                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconDet, ($subloc0+5), ($vnetLoc1+0.7))
                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Public IPs: '+([string]$Global:VNETPIP.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null

                $Global:vnetLoc1 = $Global:vnetLoc1 + 3                                          
    $Global:Alt = $Global:vnetLoc1

<# Function for VNET creation #>
Function VNETCreator
        $charsize = "10"
        $Global:sizeL =  $
        $Global:VNETsD = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Virtual Networks*'}
        if(($ + "`n" + $ -in $VNETsD.text)
                $VNETDID = $VNETsD | Where-Object {$_.Characters.Text -eq ($ + "`n" + $}
                $ConnTemp = $page.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -like 'Dynamic connector*'} | select-object -Last 1
                $ConnTemp.Characters.Text = $
                $ConnTemp.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                $ConnTemp.Characters.CharProps(17) = "50"
                if ($Global:sizeL -gt 5)
                    $Global:sizeL = $Global:sizeL / 2
                    $Global:sizeL = [math]::ceiling($Global:sizeL)
                    $Global:sizeC = $Global:sizeL
                    $Global:sizeL = ($Global:sizeL*1.5)+($Global:vnetLoc + 0.7)
                    $vnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle(($Global:vnetLoc+0.5), ($Global:Alt0 - 0.5), $Global:sizeL, ($Global:Alt0 + 3.3))

                    $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconSubscription, ($Global:sizeL), ($Global:Alt0-0.6))
                    $SubName = $Subscriptions | Where-Object {$ -eq $VNET2.subscriptionId}
                    $SubIcon.Characters.Text = $
                    $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize

                    $ADVS = ''
                    $ADVS = $Advisories | Where-Object {$_.Properties.Category -eq 'Cost' -and $_.Properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId -eq ('/subscriptions/'+$}
                            $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconCostMGMT, ($Global:sizeL+0.5), ($Global:Alt0-0.6))
                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                            foreach ($ADV in $ADVS)
                                    $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Recommendation: '+ [string]$ADV.Properties.shortDescription.solution + "`n" + 
                                                        'Resources: '+ [string]$ADV.Properties.extendedProperties.targetResourceCount + "`n" + 
                                                        'Currency: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                        'Annual Savings: '+[string]$ | Out-Null

                    $Global:subloc = ($Global:vnetLoc+0.6)
                    $Global:SubC = 0
                    $Global:VNETPIP = @()
                    foreach($Sub in $
                        if ($Global:SubC -eq $Global:sizeC) 
                            $Global:Alt0 = $Global:Alt0 + 1.7
                            $Global:subloc = ($Global:vnetLoc+0.6)
                            $Global:SubC = 0
                        $vsubnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle($Global:subloc, ($Global:Alt0 - 0.3), ($Global:subloc + 1.5), ($Global:Alt0 + 1.3))
                        $vsubnetbox.Characters.Text = ("`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + [string]$sub.Name + "`n" + [string]$
                        $vsubnetbox.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                        ProcType $sub $Global:subloc $Global:Alt0                

                        $Global:subloc = $Global:subloc + 1.5
                        $Global:SubC ++

                            $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconDet, ($subloc+5), ($Alt0-0.5))
                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                            $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Public IPs: '+([string]$Global:VNETPIP.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null

                    $Global:sizeL = ($Global:sizeL*1.5)+($Global:vnetLoc + 0.7)
                    $vnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle(($Global:vnetLoc+0.5), ($Global:Alt0 - 0.5), $Global:sizeL, ($Global:Alt0 + 1.6))

                    $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconSubscription, ($Global:sizeL), ($Global:Alt0-0.6))
                    $SubName = $Subscriptions | Where-Object {$ -eq $VNET2.subscriptionId}
                    $SubIcon.Characters.Text = $
                    $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize

                    $ADVS = ''
                    $ADVS = $Advisories | Where-Object {$_.Properties.Category -eq 'Cost' -and $_.Properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId -eq ('/subscriptions/'+$}
                            $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconCostMGMT, ($Global:sizeL+0.5), ($Global:Alt0-0.6))
                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                            foreach ($ADV in $ADVS)
                                    $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Recommendation: '+ [string]$ADV.Properties.shortDescription.solution + "`n" + 
                                                        'Resources: '+ [string]$ADV.Properties.extendedProperties.targetResourceCount + "`n" + 
                                                        'Currency: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                        'Annual Savings: '+[string]$ | Out-Null

                    $Global:subloc = ($Global:vnetLoc+0.6)
                    $Global:VNETPIP = @()
                    foreach($Sub in $
                        $vsubnetbox = $page.DrawRectangle($Global:subloc, ($Global:Alt0 - 0.3), ($Global:subloc + 1.5), ($Global:Alt0 + 1.3))
                        $vsubnetbox.Characters.Text = ("`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" + "`n" +[string]$sub.Name + "`n" + [string]$
                        $vsubnetbox.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                        ProcType $sub $Global:subloc $Global:Alt0                

                        $Global:subloc = $Global:subloc + 1.5

                            $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconDet, ($subloc+5), ($Alt0+0.7))
                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                            $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Public IPs: '+([string]$Global:VNETPIP.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
        $Global:Alt ++

Function ProcType 
    $charsize = "9"    
    $temp = ''
    remove-variable TrueTemp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    remove-variable RESNames -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    <####################################################### FIND THE RESOURCES IN THE SUBNET ###################################################################>

    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service')
            $TrueTemp = 'APIM'
    if($ -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            if($"/")[6] -eq 'Microsoft.Web')
                    $TrueTemp = 'App Service'
    if($ -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            if($"/")[7] -eq 'applicationGateways')
                    $TrueTemp = 'applicationGateways'
    if($ -eq 1 -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            if($"/")[7] -eq 'virtualNetworkGateways')
                    $TrueTemp = 'virtualNetworkGateways'
            elseif($"/")[7] -eq 'loadBalancers')
                    $TrueTemp = 'loadBalancers'
            elseif($"/")[7] -eq 'applicationGateways')
                    $TrueTemp = 'applicationGateways'
            elseif($"/")[7] -eq 'bastionHosts')
                    $TrueTemp = 'bastionHosts'
            elseif($"/")[7] -eq 'azureFirewalls')
                    $TrueTemp = 'azureFirewalls'
    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces' -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $TrueTemp = 'DataBricks'                                                               
    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms' -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $TrueTemp = 'App Service'                                                              
    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups' -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $TrueTemp = 'Container Instance'                                                                          
    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.Netapp/volumes' -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $TrueTemp = 'NetApp'                                                                                 
    if($ -eq 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters' -and $null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $TrueTemp = 'Data Explorer Clusters'                                                                                 
    if($null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $AKS = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters'}
            if($ -in $
                    $TrueTemp = 'AKS'
    if($null -eq $TrueTemp)
            $Types = @()
            Foreach($type in $
                    if($type.Split("/")[8] -like 'aks-*')
                            $Types += 'AKS'
                    if($type.Split("/")[8] -like 'gwhost*')
                            $Types += 'APIM'
                            $Types += $type.Split("/")[7]
            $temp = $Types | Group-Object | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending
                    $TrueTemp = $temp[0].name

    <#################################################### FIND RESOURCE NAME AND DETAILS #################################################################>

    if($TrueTemp -eq 'networkInterfaces')
            $NIcNames = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq '' -and $ -eq $}

                    $PrivEndNames = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq '' -and $ -in $}
                    $TrueTemp = 'privateLinkServices'
                    $RESNames = $PrivEndNames
                    $VMNamesAro = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' -and $ -in $}
                    if($ -like 'aro*')
                            $AROs = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'microsoft.redhatopenshift/openshiftclusters'}
                            $ARONames = $AROs | Where-Object {$ -eq $ -or $ -eq $}
                            $TrueTemp = 'Open Shift'
                            $RESNames = $ARONames
                    if($TrueTemp -ne 'Open Shift')
                            $VMs = @()
                            $VMNames = ($resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'}) | Where-Object {$_ -in $}
                            foreach($NIC in $VMNames)
                                    $VMs += $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' -and $NIC -in $}
                                    $TrueTemp = 'Virtual Machine'
                                    $RESNames = $VMs
                    if($TrueTemp -eq 'networkInterfaces')
                            $TrueTemp = 'Network Interface'
                            $RESNames = $NIcNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'AKS')
            $AKSNames = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters' -and $ -eq $}
            $RESNames = $AKSNames            
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'Data Explorer Clusters')
            $KustoNames = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters' -and $ -eq $}
            $RESNames = $KustoNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'applicationGateways')
            $AppGTWNames = $resources | Where-Object {$_.type -eq '' -and $ -in $}
            $RESNames = $AppGTWNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'DataBricks')
            $DatabriksNames = @()
            $Databricks = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces'}
            Foreach($Data in $Databricks)
                    if($'/subnets/'+$ -eq $ -or $'/subnets/'+$ -eq $
                        $DatabriksNames += $Data
            $RESNames = $DatabriksNames     
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'App Service')
            $Apps = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'microsoft.web/sites' -and $ -eq $}
            if($Apps.kind -like 'functionapp*')
                    $FuntionAppNames = $Apps
                    $TrueTemp = 'Function App'
                    $RESNames = $FuntionAppNames                    
                    $ServiceAppNames = $Apps
                    $RESNames = $Apps
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'APIM')
            $APIMNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service' -and $ -eq $}
            $RESNames = $APIMNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'loadBalancers')
            $LBNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq '' -and $ -in $}
            $RESNames = $LBNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'virtualMachineScaleSets')
            $VMSSNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualMachineScaleSets' -and $ -eq $ }
            $RESNames = $VMSSNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'virtualNetworkGateways')
            $VPNGTWNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq '' -and $ -eq $ }
            $RESNames = $VPNGTWNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'bastionHosts')
            $BastionNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq '' -and $ -eq $ }
            $RESNames = $BastionNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'azureFirewalls')
            $AzFWNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq '' -and $ -eq $ }
            $RESNames = $AzFWNames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'Container Instance')
            $ContainerNames = ''
            $ContNICs = $resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq '' -and $ -eq $}
            $ContainerNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups' -and $ -in $}
            $RESNames = $ContainerNames
                    $AROs = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'microsoft.redhatopenshift/openshiftclusters'}
                    $ARONames = $AROs | Where-Object {$ -eq $ -or $ -eq $}
                    $TrueTemp = 'Open Shift'
                    $RESNames = $ARONames
    if($TrueTemp -eq 'NetApp')
            $NetAppNames = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts/capacitypools/volumes' -and $ -eq $ }
            $RESNames = $NetAppNames

    <###################################################### DROP THE ICONS ######################################################>

    switch ($TrueTemp)
            'Virtual Machine' {
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconVMs, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Count + ' VMs')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('VM Size: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'O.S: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'O.S Disk Size (GB): '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Image Publisher: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Image SKU: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
            'AKS' {                                                
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconAKS, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count + ' AKS Clusters') 
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($ | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$ 
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        foreach($Pool in $
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Node Pool Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Nodes: '+ [string]($Pool | Select-Object -Property 'count').count + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Node Size: '+[string]$Pool.vmSize + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Node Pool Version: '+[string]$Pool.orchestratorVersion + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Node Pool Mode: '+[string]$Pool.mode + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Node Pool Max Pods: '+[string]$Pool.maxPods) | Out-Null
            'virtualMachineScaleSets' {                                                    
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconVMSS, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))                                
                                if($RESNames -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+ 'Virtual Machine Scale Sets')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('VMSS Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                              'Instances: '+ [string]$temp[0].Count + "`n" + 
                                                              'VMSS SKU Tier: '+ [string]$RESNames.sku.tier + "`n" + 
                                                              'VMSS Upgrade Policy: '+ [string]$RESNames.Properties.upgradePolicy.mode) | Out-Null 
            'loadBalancers' {                                                    
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconLBs, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count + ' Load Balancers')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        foreach($LB in $RESNames)
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Load Balancer Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Load Balancer SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Backends: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Frontends: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'LB Rules: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Probes: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Load Balancer Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" +
                                                              'Load Balancer SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Backends: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Frontends: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'LB Rules: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Probes: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
            'virtualNetworkGateways' {                                                    
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconVGW, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Count + ' Virtual Network Gateways')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            'azureFirewalls' {                                                    
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconFWs, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count + ' Firewalls')
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                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Firewall Name: '+ [string]$FW.Name + "`n" + 
                                                                    'SKU Tier: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                    'Threat Intel Mode: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                    'Firewall Policy: '+ [string]$'/')[8]) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Firewall Name: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                              'SKU Tier: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Threat Intel Mode: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                              'Firewall Policy: '+ [string]$'/')[8]) | Out-Null
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                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
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                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('App Gateway Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" + 
                                                              'App Gateway SKU: '+ [string]$RESNames.Properties.sku.tier + "`n" + 
                                                              'Autoscale Min Capacity: '+ [string]$RESNames.Properties.autoscaleConfiguration.minCapacity + "`n" + 
                                                              'Autoscale Max Capacity: '+ [string]$RESNames.Properties.autoscaleConfiguration.maxCapacity) | Out-Null
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                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconBastions, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
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                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$
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                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('APIM Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                      'SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                      'VNET Type: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                      'Default Hostname: '+ [string]($ | Where-Object {$_.defaultSslBinding -eq $true}).hostname) | Out-Null
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                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
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                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('App Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Default Hostname: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Enabled: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'State: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Inbound IP Address: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Kind: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'SKU: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Workers: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Min Workers: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Site Properties: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
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                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Function App Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Default Hostname: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Enabled: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'State: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Inbound IP Address: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Kind: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'SKU: '+ [string]$ "`n" + 
                                                                      'Workers: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Min Workers: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Site Properties: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
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                                    $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconBricks, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                    if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' Databricks')
                                            $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                            $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                            $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                            $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                            $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Databrick Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" + 
                                                                  'Workspace URL: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                  'Pricing Tier: '+[string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                  'Storage Account: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                  'Storage Account SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                  'Relay Namespace: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                  'Require Infrastructure Encryption: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                  'Enable Public IP: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
            'Open Shift' {        
                                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconARO, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                        if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' OpenShift Clusters')
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('OpenShift version: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'OpenShift console: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Worker VM count: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +   
                                                                      'Workers VM Size: '+ [string]$[0]) | Out-Null
            'Container Instance'  {
                                            $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconContain, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                            if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                                    $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' Container Intances')
                                                    $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                    $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                                    $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                                    $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
            'NetApp' {          
                                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconNetApp, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                        if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' NetApp Volumes')
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]1+' NetApp Volume')
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add($RESNames.Name) | Out-Null
            'Data Explorer Clusters' {  
                                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconDataExplorer, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                        if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' Data Explorer Clusters')
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.Name)
                                                $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Data Explorer Cluster Name: '+ [string]$RESNames.Name + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Data Explorer Cluster URI: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'Data Explorer Cluster State: '+ [string]$ + "`n" + 
                                                                      'SKU Tier: '+ [string]$RESNames.sku.tier + "`n" +  
                                                                      'Computer specifications: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'AutoScale Enabled: '+ [string]$ | Out-Null
            'Network Interface' {                                                    
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconNIC, ($subloc+0.75), ($Alt0+0.8))
                                if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]$RESNames.count+' Network Interfaces')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add(($RESNames.Name | ForEach-Object {$_ + ', '})) | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ([string]1+' Network Interface')
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.CharProps(7) = $charsize
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add($RESNames.Name) | Out-Null
            '' {}
            default {}
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                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Network Security Group: '+[string]$NSG) | Out-Null
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                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Route Table: '+[string]$UDR) | Out-Null
        if($RESNames.count -gt 1)
                $ADVSS = @()
                foreach ($Res in $RESNames)
                        $ADVSS += ($Advisories | Where-Object {$_.Properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique)
                        if('Cost' -in $ADVSS.Properties.Category)
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconCostMGMT, ($subloc+0.865), ($Alt0+1.22))
                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                foreach ($ADV in $ADVSS)
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Resource Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                'Current SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                'Target SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                'Annual Savings: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                                $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconAdvisor, ($subloc+0.865), ($Alt0+1.22))
                                $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                        $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Advisories: '+ [string]$ADVSS.count) | Out-Null
                $ADVS = ''
                $ADVS = ($Advisories | Where-Object {$_.Properties.resourceMetadata.resourceId -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique)
                                if($ADVS.Properties.Category -eq 'Cost')
                                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconCostMGMT, ($subloc+0.865), ($Alt0+1.22))
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                        foreach ($ADV in $ADVS)
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Resource Name: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Current SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Target SKU: '+ [string]$ + "`n" +
                                                                      'Annual Savings: '+[string]$ | Out-Null
                                        $SubIcon = $page.Drop($IconAdvisor, ($subloc+0.865), ($Alt0+1.22))
                                        $SubIcon.Characters.Text = ''
                                                $SubIcon.Comments.Add('Advisories: '+ [string]$ADV.count) | Out-Null

                Foreach($SubIPs in $
                        $Global:VNETPIP += $Global:CleanPIPs | Where-Object {$ -eq $}



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