
function Convert-StackTraceToAiStackFrames
        Converts a strack trace string into an Application Insights formatted stack frame collection.
        Converts a strack trace string into an Application Insights formatted stack frame collection.
    .PARAMETER Assembly
        Provide the name and version of the assembly.
    .PARAMETER StackTrace
        Specify the stack trace as a string.
        C:\> Convert-StackTraceToAiStackFrames -Assembly $Error[0].Exception.TargetSite.Module.Assembly.ToString() -StackTrace $Error[0].Exception.StackTrace
        Converts the stack trace into a stack frame collection.

            HelpMessage="Provide the name and version of the assembly.")]

        $frames = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]'

        if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($StackTrace))
            $splitStack = $StackTrace.Split([System.Environment]::NewLine)
            $currentLevel = 0

            foreach ($line in $splitStack)
                if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line))
                    $trimmedLine = $line.Trim()

                    if ($trimmedLine.StartsWith("at "))
                        $frame = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            'level' = $currentLevel
                            'method' = $trimmedLine.Substring(3)
                            'assembly' = $Assembly
                            'line' = 0


        Write-Output -InputObject $frames