Function Get-AzDoData { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $endpoints, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Auth ) $BaseUri = $Auth.BaseUri foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { # debug switch ($ { "builds" { Write-Debug "builds" } "workitemsbatch" { Write-Debug "workitemsbatch" } "repositories" { Write-Debug "repositories" } } $requestParams = @{ Uri = Expand-String -String $endpoint.path Headers = $Auth.Headers } switch ($endpoint.method) { "post" { $requestParams.Method = "post" if ($endpoint.body) { $Body = @{ } foreach ($bodyProperty in $endpoint.body.GetEnumerator()) { $Body.($bodyProperty.Name) = (Expand-String -String $bodyProperty.Value) } $requestParams.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json } } default { # add query params if ($endpoint.queryparams) { $requestParams.Body = @{ } foreach ($queryparam in $endpoint.queryparams.GetEnumerator()) { $requestParams.Body.($queryparam.Name) = (Expand-String -String $queryparam.Value) } } } } try { Write-Verbose -Verbose ("getting '{0}' from '{1}'" -f $, $requestParams.Uri) $response = Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams } catch { throw $_ } $data = @{ } if ($endpoint.iterator) { $items = $response.$($endpoint.iterator) Write-Verbose -Verbose ("{0} contains {1} items" -f $, $items.count) $data.payload = $items # process custom fields if ($endpoint.customFields) { foreach ($customField in $endpoint.customFields.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($item in $data.payload) { $item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $customField.Name -Value (Expand-String -String $customField.Value) } } } } elseif ($endpoint.batchiterator) { #$items = Invoke-Expression "`$response.$($endpoint.batchiterator.field)" $items = $response.$($endpoint.batchiterator.field) $batches = Split-Batch -items $items -BatchSize $endpoint.batchiterator.size $data.payload = $batches } else { Write-Verbose -Verbose ("items = {0}" -f $response.count) $data.payload = $response # add custom fields if ($endpoint.customFields) { foreach ($customField in $endpoint.customFields.GetEnumerator()) { $data.payload | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $customField.Name -Value (Expand-String -String $customField.Value) } } } $data.table = $ $data.partitionKey = Expand-String -String $endpoint.partitionKey if ($endpoint.rowKey) { $data.rowKeyField = $endpoint.rowKey } # return data to caller if ($endpoint.persistToStorage -ne $false) { if ($data.payload.count -ne 0) { $data } } # process child resources if ($endpoint.resources) { foreach ($item in $data.payload) { # enable child resources to reference properties from the current object Set-Variable -Name $ -Value $item -Scope Script Get-AzDoData -Auth $Auth -endpoints $endpoint.resources } } } } |