function New-AzDoProject { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to create an Azure DevOps project .DESCRIPTION Function to create an Azure DevOps project .EXAMPLE New-AzDoProject -CollectionUri "" -PAT "***" -ProjectName "Project 1" This example creates a new private Azure DevOps project .EXAMPLE New-AzDoProject -CollectionUri "" -PAT "***" -ProjectName "Project 1" -Visibility 'public' This example creates a new public Azure DevOps project .EXAMPLE @("MyProject1","Myproject2") | New-AzDoProject -CollectionUri "" -PAT "***" This example creates two new Azure DevOps projects using the pipeline. .EXAMPLE [pscustomobject]@{ ProjectName = 'Project 1' Visibility = 'public' Description = 'This is the best project' }, [pscustomobject]@{ ProjectName = 'Project 1' Description = 'This is the best project' } | New-AzDoProject -PAT $PAT -CollectionUri $CollectionUri This example creates two new Azure DevOps projects using the pipeline. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( # Collection URI. e.g. # Azure Pipelines has a predefined variable for this. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript({ Validate-CollectionUri -CollectionUri $_ })] [string] $CollectionUri, # Name of the project. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] [ValidateScript( { # Length if (($_).Length -gt 63) { throw "The project name cannot be longer than 63 characters" } # - Must not be a system reserved name. $forbiddenNames = @( 'COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3', 'COM4', 'COM5', 'COM6', 'COM7', 'COM8', 'COM9', 'COM10', 'CON', 'DefaultCollection', 'LPT1', 'LPT2', 'LPT3', 'LPT4', 'LPT5', 'LPT6', 'LPT7', 'LPT8', 'LPT9', 'NUL', 'PRN', 'SERVER', 'SignalR', 'Web', 'WEB') if ($forbiddenNames -contains $_) { throw "The project name cannot be one of the following values: $forbiddenNames" } # - Must not be one of the hidden segments used for IIS request filtering like App_Browsers, App_code, App_Data, App_GlobalResources, App_LocalResources, App_Themes, App_WebResources, bin, or web.config. if ($_ -match "App_Browsers|App_code|App_Data|App_GlobalResources|App_LocalResources|App_Themes|App_WebResources|bin|web.config") { throw "The project name cannot be one of the following values: App_Browsers, App_code, App_Data, App_GlobalResources, App_LocalResources, App_Themes, App_WebResources, bin, or web.config" } # - Must not contain any Unicode control characters or surrogate characters. if ($_ -match "[\p{C}\p{Cs}]") { throw "The project name cannot contain any Unicode control characters or surrogate characters" } # - Must not contain the following printable characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ; # $ * { } , + = [ ]. if ($_ -match "[\\/:*?`"<>|;#$*{},+=\[\]]") { throw "The project name cannot contain the following printable characters: \ / : * ? `"< > | ; # $ * { } , + = [ ]" } # - Must not start with an underscore _. if ($_ -match "^_") { throw "The project name cannot start with an underscore _" } # - Must not start or end with a period .. if ($_ -match "^\." -or $_ -match "\.$") { throw "The project name cannot start or end with a period ." } $true } )] $ProjectName, # Description of the project [Parameter()] [string] $Description = '', # Type of source control. [Parameter()] [string] $SourceControlType = 'GIT', # Visibility of the project (private or public). [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('private', 'public')] [string] $Visibility = 'private' ) begin { Write-Verbose "Starting function: New-AzDoProject" } process { $params = @{ uri = "$CollectionUri/_apis/projects" version = "7.2-preview.4" method = 'POST' } foreach ($name in $ProjectName) { $body = @{ name = $name description = $Description visibility = $Visibility capabilities = @{ versioncontrol = @{ sourceControlType = $SourceControlType } processTemplate = @{ templateTypeId = '6b724908-ef14-45cf-84f8-768b5384da45' } } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CollectionUri, "Create project named: $($PSStyle.Bold)$name$($PSStyle.Reset)")) { try { $body | Invoke-AzDoRestMethod @params | Out-Null } catch { if ($_ -match 'TF200019') { Write-Warning "Project $name already exists, trying to get it" } else { Write-AzDoError -message $_ } } do { Start-Sleep 5 Write-Verbose "Fetching creation state of $name" $getAzDoProjectSplat = @{ CollectionUri = $CollectionUri ProjectName = $name } $response = Get-AzDoProject @getAzDoProjectSplat } while ( $response.State -ne 'wellFormed' ) $result += ($response) } else { Write-Verbose "Calling Invoke-AzDoRestMethod with $($params| ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)" } } } end { if ($result) { $result } } } |