
Function Get-AzDOPipelineVariables{
        This will get a list of variables for a pipeline.
        This will get a list of variables for a pipeline.
        Get-AzDOPipelineVariables -Project "Alpha Devs" -PipelineID 157
    .PARAMETER Project
        The name of your Azure Devops project. Is also often a team name.
    .PARAMETER PipelineID
        The ID of the pipeline you want to see variables for.
        Input is from command line or called from a script.
        This will output a list of Pipeline variables.
        Author: Lars Panzerbjørn
        Creation Date: 2024.09.22



        Write-Verbose "Beginning $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        $Uri = $BaseUri + "$Project/_apis/pipelines/$PipelineId`?api-version=7.0"

        Write-Verbose "Processing $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method get -Headers $Header        #Retrieves list of Variables

        $PipelineVariables = @()
        ForEach ($Variable in $Response.configuration.variables.PSObject.Properties) { $PipelineVariables += $Variable.Name }

        Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"