
Function Add-AzDoPipeline{
        Creates a work item of the type Task
        Creates a work item of the type Task
        New-AzDoPipeline -PersonalAccessToken $PAT -PipelineName "Test_Pipe" -Project "CI Team" -RepositoryName CoolRepo
    .PARAMETER PipelineName
        The name of pipeline you wish to create
    .PARAMETER ProjectName
        The name of your Azure Devops Project or Team
    .PARAMETER RepositoryId
        The ID of your Repository
    .PARAMETER FolderPath
        If you use folders to organise your Pipelines, this can be added here.
        The path to the yaml file the pipeline should use.
        Input is from command line or called from a script.
        Author: Lars Panzerbjørn
        Creation Date: 2024.11.09
        Purpose/Change: Initial script development






        Write-Verbose "Beginning $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        $Uri = $BaseUri + "$Project/_apis/pipelines?api-version=7.0"
        Write-Verbose "$Uri"

        Write-Verbose "Processing $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

        $Body = @{
            name = $pipelineName
            configuration = @{
                type = "yaml"
                path = $YAMLPath
                repository = @{
                    id = $RepositoryId
                    name = $RepositoryId
                    type = "azureReposGit"

            $Body.folder = $FolderPath

        $Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        Write-Verbose $Body
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method POST -Headers $Header -ContentType "application/json" -Body $Body

        Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        $Result #| Select-Onject -Property id, name, url