
function Get-AdsBuildRetentionHistory {
    Returns the retention history for the project collection. This includes pipelines that have custom retention rules that may prevent the retention job from cleaning them up, runs per pipeline with retention type, files associated with pipelines owned by the collection with retention type, and the number of files per pipeline.
.PARAMETER Organization
    The name of the Azure DevOps organization.
.PARAMETER DaysToLookback
    Version of the API to use. This should be set to '7.1-preview.1' to use this version of the api.
    PS C:\> Get-AdsBuildRetentionHistory -Organization $organization -ApiVersion $apiversion
    Returns the retention history for the project collection. This includes pipelines that have custom retention rules that may prevent the retention job from cleaning them up, runs per pipeline with retention type, files associated with pipelines owned by the collection with retention type, and the number of files per pipeline.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'default')]

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'default')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'default')]
    process {
        $__mapping = @{
            'DaysToLookback' = 'daysToLookback'
            'ApiVersion' = 'api-version'
        $__body = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Hashtable -Include @() -Mapping $__mapping
        $__query = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Hashtable -Include @('DaysToLookback','ApiVersion') -Mapping $__mapping
        $__header = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Hashtable -Include @() -Mapping $__mapping
        $__path = '{organization}/_apis/build/retention/history' -Replace '{organization}',$Organization

        Invoke-RestRequest -Path $__path -Method get -Body $__body -Query $__query -Header $__header