.SYNOPSIS This cmdlet lets you verify if IP address is Azure datacenter IP Address or no. This information is based from publicly available document: Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges from: .DESCRIPTION Use this cmdlet for verifying if IP address is from known Azure datacenter IP address space. .PARAMETER IP IP address to check if it's part of the know Azure Datacenter IP Ranges. .PARAMETER UpdateCache Fetch updated IP address range file from internet. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo -IP .EXAMPLE Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo -IP -UpdateCache .LINK #> function Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "IP address to check if it's part of the know Azure Datacenter IP ranges.")] [string] $IP, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Update cache file.")] [switch] $UpdateCache = $false ) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $cachePath = "$PSScriptRoot" if ((Test-Path -Path $cachePath) -eq $false) { $cachePath = Get-Location } Add-Type -Path $cachePath\System.Net.IPNetwork.dll $ipAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP) $cacheFileName = "$cachePath\PublicIPs.json" $cacheSource = "$cachePath\CacheSource.txt" if ((Test-Path -Path $cacheFileName) -eq $false -or $UpdateCache) { $url = "" if ($UpdateCache) { Write-Host "Updating cache from $url..." } else { Write-Warning "Cache file not found. Downloading it from $url..." } $response = Invoke-WebRequest $url -UseBasicParsing $fileStartIndex = $response.Content.IndexOf("ServiceTags_Public_") $fileEndIndex = $response.Content.IndexOf(".json", $fileStartIndex) $file = $response.Content.Substring($fileStartIndex, $fileEndIndex - $fileStartIndex) Set-Content $cacheSource -Value $file $downloadLink = "$file.json" Invoke-WebRequest $downloadLink -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $cacheFileName } $json = Get-Content $cacheFileName | ConvertFrom-Json $source = Get-Content $cacheSource $ipAddressMatches = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($serviceTag in $json.values) { foreach ($range in $ { $ipNetwork = [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Parse($range) if ($ipNetwork.Contains($ipAddress)) { $match = new-object psobject -property @{ Region = $ SystemService = $ IpRange = $range Ip = $IP Source = $source } $ipAddressMatches.Add($match) } } } if ($ipAddressMatches.Count -gt 0) { return $ipAddressMatches } return new-object psobject -property @{ Region = "Not Public Azure IP" Ip = $IP } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo |